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单词 逐渐
释义 〔attrition〕A gradual, natural reduction in membership or personnel, as through retirement, resignation, or death.人员耗损,减缩人员:指逐渐的、正常的成员或人员的减少,如退休、辞职或死亡〔individuation〕In Jungian psychology, the gradual integration and unification of the self through the resolution of successive layers of psychological conflict.个性形成:荣格精神分析法的一个概念,即经过多层次的心理冲突后,自我意识逐渐趋于统一和融合〔weak〕 Debilitated suggests a gradual impairment of energy or strength: Debilitated 表明能量或力量的逐渐损失: 〔interloper〕The wordinterloper comes to us from the days when England was embarking on the course that would lead to the British Empire. Interloper, first recorded in connection with the Muscovy Company, which was the earliest major English trading company (chartered in 1555),was soon being used as well in regard to the East India Company (chartered in 1600).Since these companies were monopolies,independent traders calledinterlopers were not wanted. The term is probably partly derived from Dutch,the language of one of the great trade rivals of the English at that time.Theinter- is simply a use of the prefix inter-, which English has borrowed from Latin,meaning "between, among.”The element-loper is probably related to the same element in landloper, "vagabond,” a word adopted from Dutchlandlooper, with the same sense and composed ofland, "land,” and lōper, from lōpen, "to run, leap.” The wordinterloper, first recorded around 1590, was too useful in a world of busybodies to be restricted to its original specialized senseand came to be used in the extended sense "busybody" in the 17th century.单词interloper 起源于英格兰向大英帝国演化的年代。 有关interloper 的记载最早与曼斯可维公司有联系。 这家公司是英国早期的主要贸易公司(设立于1555年)。随后这词又用于与东印度公司(设立于1600年)有关的方面。因为这两家公司都是垄断企业,因而不需要称interlopers 为独立经营者。 这一词条可能部分来源于荷兰语,当时英国主要贸易对手之一的语言。inter- 只是简单地作为前缀 inter- 使用, 这前缀是英语以拉丁语借用过来的,意为“在…之间,在…当中。”词素-loper 可能与“流浪汉” landloper 中的相同词素有关, 这个词从荷兰语landlooper 吸收过来, 意义不变,由“土地”land 和来自 lopen 意为“跑,跳”的 loper 组成。 interloper 一词最早约记载于1590年, 在充满多事者的世界里极为有用以致于不能局限于其原来的专有意思,在17世纪逐渐使用其引申义“爱管闲事的人”〔filter〕The audience filtered back into the hall.观众逐渐从后部进入大厅〔dwindle〕To become gradually less until little remains.逐渐减少:逐渐地减少直到所剩无几〔save〕"The foundations of the capital were gradually reclaimed from the watery element" (William Hickling Prescott).Toredeem is to free someone from captivity or the consequences of sin or error or to save something from pawn or from deterioration or destruction;the term can imply the expenditure of money or effort: “首都的地基逐渐从含水物质中露出来” (威廉·希克林·普雷斯科特)。Redeem 是将某人从关押、犯罪恶果或谬误中解放出来, 或将某物从当铺或变坏的状况和毁灭状态中赎回或挽救回来;该词也暗指花费金钱和努力: 〔sometime〕Sometime as an adjective has been employed to mean "former" since the 15th century.It has come to be used in the 20th century with the meaning "occasional": Sometime 作为形容词, 自从15世纪开始就用来表示“以前的”之意。20世纪它逐渐被用于表示“偶尔的”之意: 〔inchmeal〕Little by little; gradually.一点点;逐渐〔decompress〕To bring (a person exposed to conditions of increased pressure) gradually back to normal atmospheric pressure.使卸压:使(处于增强气压作用下的人)逐渐回到正常的大气压下〔dismantle〕To put an end to in a gradual systematic way:终止,废除:以逐渐有系统的方式结束:〔occultation〕The progressive blocking of light, radio waves, or other radiation from a celestial source during such a passage.星掩:在上述运行中,从一天体源发出的光,无线电波或其它射线被逐渐掩蔽〔acuminate〕Tapering gradually to a sharp point, as the tips of certain leaves.尖的:逐渐尖细至一尖点,如某些树叶的尖端〔sink〕To fall or drop to a lower level, especially to go down slowly or in stages:下落:掉或落到低水平,尤指缓缓或逐渐下落:〔chokebore〕A gun with a narrowed bore near the muzzle.绞筒枪:一种有向枪口逐渐变窄的枪膛的枪〔wane〕The act or process of gradually declining or diminishing.衰退:逐渐没落或减小的行为或过程〔wear〕To pass gradually or tediously:逐渐或枯燥地通过:〔creeping〕creeping insanity.逐渐的精神错乱〔amphitheater〕An oval or a round structure having tiers of seats rising gradually outward from an open space or arena at the center.圆形露天剧场:蛋形或圆形建筑,在露天的中央场地周围有逐渐向外斜上升的阶梯式座位〔host〕Host was used as a verb in Shakespeare's time, but this usage was long obsoletewhen the verb was reintroduced (or perhaps reinvented) in recent yearsto mean "perform the role of a host.”The usage occurs particularly in contexts relating to institutional gatherings or television and radio shows,where the person performing the role of host has not personally invited the guests to his or her own establishment (thus it would be odd to sayThis evening we are hosting a dinner party at our house for my husband's cousins from New York ). Perhaps because the verb involves a suspect extension of the traditional conception of hospitality,it initially met with critical resistance.In a 1968 surveyonly 18 percent of the Usage Panel accepted the usage in the sentenceThe Cleveland chapter will host this year's convention. Over time, however,the usage has become increasingly well establishedand appears to serve a useful purpose in describing the activities of one who performs the ceremonial or practical role of a host (in arranging a conference or entertainment, welcoming guests, and so forth).In our most recent survey53 percent of the Panelists accepted the usage in the phrasea reception hosted by the Secretary of State. The verb is less well accepted when used to describe the role of a performer who acts as a master of ceremonies for a broadcast or film,where the relation of the word to the notion of "hospitality" is stretched still further.Only 31 percent of the Panel accepted the use of the verb in the sentenceStudents have watched Sex, Drugs and AIDS, a graphic film hosted by actress Rae Dawn Chong. · The verbcohost has likewise become well established in its use to refer to those who collaborate in assuming responsibility for an occasion. Fifty-eight percent of the Usage Panel accepted this use in the sentenceThe Department of Architecture and the Department of History will be cohosting a reception for conference participants. Host 一词在莎士比亚时代用作动词, 但自那时起这一用法很长时间不用了,直到近年来又被重新起用(或者可能重新创造),用来表示“担当主人的角色”。这一用法尤其在学术聚会或电视、电台节目的情况下使用,在这些情况下,身为主人的人并没有以私人身份邀请客人去到他或她自己的家中,(这样的话,如果我们说今天晚上我们将在家中为我丈夫来自纽约的表兄妹‘主办’一个晚餐会 就会觉得有点别扭)。 也许是因为有人认为这一动词用法会扩大传统的“好客”概念,所以一开始它就遭到了批评性抑制。在1968年的一次调查中,用法专题使用小组中18%的成员在如下句子中的用法,即克利夫兰分会将主办本年度的大会。 但是,随着时间的推移,这一用法已逐渐被接受,并在描绘一个担当司仪或具体的主人任务(例如安排会议或娱乐活动,欢迎客人等等)时起到了很好的作用。在我们最近一次的调查中,用法专题使用小组中的53%的成员接受了短语由国务卿出面举办的招待会 中"host"一词的用法。 但当这一动词用法用来描绘作为广播节目或电影节目的主持人的主持工作时,人们就不太接受其用法,因为这样用,这个词与“好客”这一概念的关系就更松了。只有31%的用法专题使用小组成员接受host在句子学生们观摩了 由 演员雷·唐·宗主持解说的纪录片 ‘性、毒品与艾滋病’”中的动词用法。 同样,用来表示分工合作共同举办某一活动的动词cohost 也已被普遍接受。 58%的用法专题使用小组成员接受这一动词在如下句子中的用法:建筑系和历史系将共同为与会者举办一次招待会 〔cocoon〕"a congressionally mandated process that will gradually strip these institutions of a cocoon of regulations"(Edward Meadows)“国会委任程序将逐渐层层剥去这些机关规章的外壳”(爱德华·梅多斯)〔fritter〕To reduce or squander little by little:消耗:逐渐地减少或浪费:〔build〕money building interest in a savings account; build support for a political candidate.储蓄中逐渐增多的利息;加强一个政党候选人的支持〔lapse〕To come to an end, especially gradually or temporarily:终止:到达终点,尤指逐渐地或暂时地:〔gentle〕Not steep or sudden; gradual:不陡峭的或不突然的;逐渐的:〔outgrow〕To lose or discard in the course of maturation:失去:在成熟过程中(逐渐)失去或舍弃:〔work〕worked up to 30 sit-ups a day; worked up to store manager.逐渐进步到每天做到30个仰卧起坐;逐渐做到商店经理的职位〔instill〕To introduce by gradual, persistent efforts; implant:逐渐、持续地引入;灌输:〔Marc〕German painter whose early expressionist works, such asBlue Horses (1911), featured intensely colored, mystical depictions of animals. His later works were increasingly abstract. 马克,法兰兹:德国画家,其早期的表现主义作品,如《蓝色的马》 (1911年),特征为色彩绚丽、氛围神秘的动物描绘。他的后期作品逐渐显露抽象派风格 〔chokebore〕A shotgun bore that narrows toward the muzzle to prevent wide scattering of the shot.绞筒:一种向枪口逐渐变窄以防止射出子弹分散过开的猎枪枪膛〔wasting〕the wasting process of erosion.侵蚀作用的逐渐腐朽过程〔connivent〕Converging and touching but not fused, as stamens or an insect's wings.逐渐集中的:聚合并接触但未融合的,例如雄蕊或昆虫翅膀的逐渐靠合〔lentando〕Slowing gradually. Used chiefly as a direction.渐慢地:逐渐缓慢地。主要用作演奏演唱指示〔exude〕To discharge or emit (a liquid or gas, for example) gradually.使流出:使(液体或物体)逐渐地放出或流出〔website〕The transition fromWorld Wide Web site to Web site to website seems to have progressed as rapidly as the technology itself. The development of website as a single uncapitalized word mirrors the development of other technological expressions which have tended to evolve into unhyphenated forms as they become more familiar. Thus email has recently been gaining ground over the forms E-mail and e-mail, especially in texts that are more technologically oriented. Similarly, there has been an increasing preference for closed forms like homepage, online, and printout. 从使用World Wide Web(万维网) 一词到 Web site(网络网站) 一词,再到 website(网站) 一词,其渐进过程,似乎就像网络科技本身那样进步快速。当 website 发展成为一个小写单词时,也正反映出其它科技字眼的发展也趋向于成为一般无连字符号单词,而且越来越为人所熟知。所以, email 一字近来已逐渐普遍取代 E-mail 及 e-mail ,尤其是在比较科技类范围的文章中。同样的,也有越来越喜欢采用封闭形态字型的趋势,例如 homepage(首页)、online(在线) 和 printout(印出) 〔taper〕Gradually decreasing in size toward a point.逐渐变小的:在尺寸上逐渐减小以至于成为一点的〔erudite〕One might like to beerudite but hesitate to berude. This preference is supported by the etymological relationship betweenerudite and rude. Erudite comes from the Latin adjectiveērudītus, "well-instructed, learned,” from the past participle of the verbērudīre, "to educate, train.” The verb is in turn formed from the prefixex-, "out, out of,” and the adjective rudis, "untaught, untrained,” the source of our word rude. The English worderudite is first recorded in a work possibly written before 1425 with the senses "instructed, learned.”Erudite meaning "learned" is supposed to have become rare except in sarcastic use, at least during the latter part of the 19th century, but the word now seems to have been restored to favor.一个人想成为erudite (博学的), 但却犹豫会成为rude (粗鲁的)。 这个优先选择可以由erudite 和 rede这两个词在语源学上的关系得出。 Erudite 源于拉丁语的形容词eruditus ,指“受过良好教育的、博学的,” 来源于动词erudire 的过去分词,指“教育、训练”。 这个动词反过来由前缀ex- ,(表示“出、离开”)和形容词 rudis 意为“没受教育的,没受训练的”组成,它又是现代词 rude 的来源。 英语单词erudite 最早记录于大约写在1425年以前的一本著作中, 那时意思是“受教育的、博学的”。至少在19世纪后半期,Erudite 意思为“博学的”,除了讽刺的用法外已经很少被人所用, 但是现在这个单词好象又逐渐被人们使用起来〔Platonic〕Plato did not invent the term or the concept that bears his name,but he did see sexual desire as the germ for higher loves.Marsilio Ficino, a Renaissance follower of Plato,used the termsamor socraticus and amor platonicus interchangeably for a love between two human beings that was preparatory for the love of God. From Ficino's usagePlatonic (already present in English as an adjective to describe what related to Platoand first recorded in 1533) came to be used for a spiritual love between persons of opposite sexes.In our own centuryPlatonic has been used of relationships between members of the same sex. Though the concept is an elevated one,the term has perhaps more often been applied in waysthat led Samuel Richardson to have one of his characters inPamela say, "I am convinced, and always was, that Platonic love is Platonic nonsense.”柏拉图并没有发明带有他名字的术语或概念,但他的确将性欲看作更高层次爱的根源。文艺复兴时期柏拉图的信徒马尔西利奥·菲奇诺,交替地使用术语amor socraticus 和 amor platonicus 表示为上帝之爱准备的两个人之间的爱。 按照菲奇诺的用法Platonic (已作为一个形容词在英语中出现, 描述与柏拉图有关的事物,首次记录于1533年)逐渐被用来指异性之间的精神恋爱。在我们这个世纪,Platonic 已用于指同性伙伴之间的关系。 尽管这个词的概念是高尚的,但这个术语可能被更多地应用于一些方式,其导致塞缪尔·理查森让他的小说帕美勒 中的人物说: “我确信,而且一直确信,柏拉图式的恋爱是柏拉图的胡言乱语”〔evolve〕To undergo gradual change; develop:发展:经历逐渐的变化过程;发展:〔wane〕To decrease gradually in size, amount, intensity, or degree; decline.衰落:体积、数量、密度或程度的逐渐减小;衰退




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