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单词 逃离
释义 〔Duvalier〕Haitian dictator. Elected president in 1957, he declared himself president for life in 1964 and ruled in an authoritarian manner until his death. His sonJean-Claude (born 1951), known as "Baby Doc,” succeeded him in 1971 but fled the country in 1986 after widespread civil unrest. 杜瓦利埃,弗朗索瓦:(1907-1971) 海地独裁者。1957年当选总统,1964年他宣布自己任终身总统并实行独裁统治直到去世。他的儿子杰·克劳德 (生于1951年),人称“多克宝贝”,1971年继承父位,在大规模的民众动乱之后,1986年逃离海地 〔jump〕jumped town a step ahead of the police.比警察先一步逃离城镇〔Kun〕Hungarian politician who founded the Hungarian Communist Party (1918) and organized the revolution in Budapest (1919). He briefly served as premier but fled the country during a counterrevolution (1919).库恩,贝洛:(1886-1939?) 匈牙利政治家,他创建了匈牙利共产党(1918年),并于1919年在布达佩斯组织了革命。他作了很短一段时间的总理,在1919年的反革命运动中逃离了该国〔shelter〕Refuge suggests a place of escape from pursuit or from difficulties that beset one: Refuge 暗指逃离追踪或摆脱重重困难的场所: 〔Law〕Scottish financier active in France, where he engaged in highly profitable speculation on the development of Louisiana. The investment scheme ultimately collapsed, and he fled the country in ruin (1720).劳,约翰:(1671-1729) 活跃于法国的苏格兰财政金融家,他在开发路易斯安那州时进行过高利润投机。但投资计划最终失败,破产后他便逃离法国(1720年)〔escape〕Traditionally,escape is used with from when it means "break loose" and with a direct object when it means "avoid.”Thus we might sayThe forger escaped from prison by hiding in a laundry truck, butThe forger escaped prison when he turned in his accomplices in order to get a suspended sentence. In recent years, however,escape has been used with a direct object in the sense "break free of": 按传统的惯例,escape 与 from 连用意指“脱逃、自由”, 当加直接宾语时意思为“逃避”。因此我们可以说那个伪造者通过藏在厨房的运货车中逃离了监狱, 但却不能说那个伪造者为了得到缓刑供出了他的同伙,因此他没有进监狱。 然而近些年来,escape 与直接宾语连用, 意为“逃脱自由”: 〔Douglass〕American abolitionist and journalist who escaped from slavery (1838) and became an influential lecturer in the North and abroad. He wroteNarrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1845) and cofounded and edited the North Star (1847-1860), an abolitionist newspaper. 道格拉斯,弗雷德里克:(1817-1895) 美国废奴运动者和记者,他逃离了奴隶束缚(1838年),在北方和国外成为有影响力的演讲者。他著有《弗雷德里克·道格拉斯的生平》 (1845年),与人合作创办并编辑了一种支持废奴的报纸 《北方星辰》 (184-1860年) 〔stampede〕To flee in a headlong rush.逃窜:猛冲地逃离〔Greenhow〕American Confederate spy. A prominent Washington, D.C., socialite, she obtained and disseminated information on Union troop movements (1861-1862). Exiled to the South, she continued her activities and ultimately drowned while attempting to evade the Union blockade of Wilmington, North Carolina.葛琳皓,罗斯·奥尼尔:(1815?-1864) 美南北战争时期南方著名的间谍,华盛顿特区的社交界名人。她获取并传递了关于北方军队行动的情报(1861-1862年)。被驱逐回南方后她继续从事谍报活动。 在企图逃离被北方围困的北卡罗来纳州的威明顿时被抓获并淹死〔hightail〕hightailed out of town.快速逃离了市镇〔Philomela〕A princess of Athens who, after being raped by her brother-in-law, Tereus, was avenged by her sister, Procne, and was later turned into a swallow or nightingale while fleeing Tereus.菲洛梅拉:雅典公主,被她姐夫忒瑞俄斯强奸后,又遭姐姐浦洛思的报复,后在逃离忒瑞俄斯途中,被变成一只燕子或夜莺〔Medina〕A city of western Saudi Arabia north of Mecca. Mohammed lived here after fleeing from Mecca in 622. The Mosque of the Prophet, containing Mohammed's tomb, is a holy site for Moslem pilgrims. Population, 290,000.麦地那:沙特阿拉伯西部一城市,位于麦加以北。穆罕默德自622年逃离麦加后就住在这儿。建有穆罕默德陵墓。穆罕默德清真寺是穆斯林教徒朝寺的圣地。人口290,000〔see〕"He [man] viewed the crocodile as a thing sometimes to worship, but always to run away from" (Thomas De Quincey).“他[人类] 把鳄鱼看成可以崇拜的东西,但又经常从鳄鱼那儿逃离” (托玛斯·德·昆西)。〔marvel〕We marveled that they walked away unhurt from the car accident.我们感到惊异的是他们竟安然无恙地逃离车祸〔hegira〕A flight to escape danger.逃亡,离开:逃避危险的逃离〔Becket〕English Roman Catholic martyr. Chancellor to Henry II after 1154, he was appointed archbishop of Canterbury (1162) and fell into disfavor with the king. Charged with misappropriating crown funds (1164), Becket fled the country. Upon his return (1170) he was embroiled in the controversy surrounding Henry's appointment of his son as archbishop of York and was murdered by four knights in Canterbury Cathedral. He was canonized in 1173.贝克特,托马斯:(1118?-1170) 英国的罗马天主教殉教者。1154年后任亨利二世的主教管区秘书室教士,他被指派为坎特伯雷大主教(1162年)并失宠于国王。由于侵占国王基金被起诉(1164年),贝克特逃离这个国家。他刚一回来(1170年)就被卷入亨利指定他的儿子为约克大主教的争论中,并在坎特伯雷大教堂里被四个爵士谋杀。1173年他被认可为圣徒〔confine〕wanted to escape the confines of corporate politics and bureaucracy.想要逃离团体策略与官僚制度的约束〔Lot〕In the Old Testament, Abraham's nephew, whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back as they fled Sodom.罗德:旧约中的人物,亚伯拉罕的侄子,当他们逃离罪恶之地所多玛时,他的妻子因回头看而被化作盐柱〔Fromm〕German-born American psychoanalyst who emphasized the role of social conditioning in human behavior. His books includeEscape from Freedom (1941) and The Art of Loving (1956). 弗罗姆,埃利切:(1900-1980) 生于德国的美国心理分析学家,强调在人的行为当中社会条件的作用。他的著作包括《逃离自由》 (1941年)和 《爱的艺术》 (1956年) 〔Bernadotte〕Swedish diplomat who as a leader of the Swedish Red Cross (1943-1948) helped save thousands of people from Nazi concentration camps. As United Nations mediator in Palestine (1948) he attempted to end Israeli-Arab hostilities but was assassinated by Israeli terrorists.贝纳多特,福尔克:(1895-1948) 瑞典外交家,做为瑞典红十字会的领导人(1943-1948年)曾帮助营救了成千上万的人逃离纳粹集中营。做为联合国驻巴勒斯坦的调停者(1948年),他努力争取结束以色列和阿拉伯人之间的敌对,但被犹太复国主义者暗杀〔flagrant〕 Flagrant applies to what is so offensive that it cannot escape notice: Flagrant 隐含太使人讨厌而不能逃离人们的注意: 〔Marcos〕Philippine president (1965-1986) who maintained close ties with the United States and exercised dictatorial control over his country. After a fraudulent presidential election against Corazon Aquino (1986) he fled the Philippines with his wife,Imelda (born 1930). 马科斯,费迪南德·爱达林:(1917-1989) 菲律宾总统(1965-1986年),他与美国建立了密切的联系,并对他的国家采取独裁式的统治。在一次针对科拉松·阿基诺的欺骗性选举(1986年)之后,他和他的妻子伊梅尔达 (生于1930年)逃离菲律宾 〔Helle〕The daughter of a Greek king who, while fleeing with her brother from their stepmother, drowned in the Hellespont, thereafter named for her.赫勒:希腊国王的女儿,与其弟一起逃离其后母,淹死于后来以其名字命名的称赫勒斯彭特海〔trashed〕Expressions for intoxication are among those that best showcase the creativity of slang. The boundless inventiveness in expressing the ordinary in not-so-ordinary ways led Walt Whitman to describe slang as"an attempt of common humanity to escape from bald literalism, and express itself illimitably.” Colloquial and slang expressions meaning "intoxicated" can fill several pages in slang thesauruses. Most fall into a few general groups. Common are expressions that originally meant "damaged, badly affected by something,” such as trashed, smashed, crocked, blitzed, hammered, wasted, messed up, and blasted. Cooking terms are also common, such as baked, fried, and boiled (said to have been coined at Princeton University in the 1920s). Terms relating to liquids or being filled are a natural source of metaphors for filling oneself up with drink or drugs: sloshed, oiled, tanked, and loaded are but a few. Some terms are not easily classified or have origins that are not fully clear, such as tight (first appearing in the 1830s), plastered (first appearing around 1912), blotto (perhaps from blot, first appearing in 1917), and stoned (apparently taken from such expressions as stone-drunk, stone-cold, and first appearing as stone in 1945). Most current terms for "intoxicated" are not very old, as one expects of slang terms generally; of those in the lists above, blotto, crocked, fried, loaded, plastered, tanked, tight, and oiled are recorded in the first half of the 20th century, and of these only tight and oiled are known to have existed before then. 表示喝醉的词语充分体现了俚语的创造性。用非同寻常的方式创造极为寻常的俚语,其间蕴藏了无限创造空间,华尔特·惠特曼将俚语描述为“让平常心从文字束缚中逃离,并随性表达出来” 。表示“喝醉的,酒醉的”的口语以及俚语的表达方式,可以填满俚语同义词的数页空间。大多数俚语可归入几个分类。许多常见俚语的原意为“被破坏的,受某物负面影响”,如 trashed、smashed、crocked、blitzed、hammered、wasted、messed up 以及 blasted 。烹饪词汇也很普遍,如 baked、fried 和 boiled (据说由普林斯顿大学于20世纪20年代创造)。与液体或注入有关的词语是隐喻表示过多饮酒或吸毒而形成的自然来源: sloshed、oiled、tanked 和 loaded 只是其中少数例子。有些词语不易界定其类别或其原意较不清楚,如 tight (首次出现于19世纪30年代)、 plastered (首次出现于1912年)、 blotto (可能源自 blot ,首次出现于1917年)以及 stoned (显然来自词语 stone-drunk和stone-cold ,并于1945年首次以 stone 的形式出现)。正如大家对俚语的普遍看法,大多数表示“喝醉的,酒醉的”的现行词语都较新;在如上所列词汇中, blotto、crocked、fried、loaded、plastered、tanked、tight 和 oiled 首次见载于19世纪中叶,只有 tight 和 oiled 是所知早于那个时期 〔escape〕 Avoid always involves an effort to keep away from what is considered to be a source of danger or difficulty: Avoid 经常与逃离被认为是困难和危险的根源而做出的努力有关: 〔shake〕To escape from or get rid of:从…逃离或摆脱…:〔escape〕 Escape can mean to get free, as from confinement, or to remain untouched or unaffected by something unwanted: Escape 可以指得到自由、像逃离监禁或者指保持不被不想要的东西接触或影响: 〔outlaw〕A fugitive from the law.逃犯:逃离法律的亡命之徒〔break〕To force one's way out of; escape from:挣脱,脱逃:强行越出;从…逃离〔hooky〕Perhaps from hook it [to make off] 可能源自 hook it [走开,逃离] 〔escape〕To break loose from; get free of.逃避,逃过:逃离;得到自由〔skip〕The fugitive skipped town.逃亡者匆匆逃离了小镇〔Venice〕A city of northeast Italy on islets within a lagoon in theGulf of Venice, a wide inlet of the northern Adriatic Sea. Founded in the 5th century a.d. by refugees fleeing the Lombard invaders who had gained control of the mainland, it became a major maritime power by the 13th century and spread its influence over northern Italy by the 15th century. Its territories were gradually lost to the Turks, and in 1797 it passed to Austria. Venice was ceded to Italy in 1866. Population, 332,775. 威尼斯:意大利东北部的一个城市,位于亚得里亚海北部的一个宽阔的海湾威尼斯湾 里的一个泻湖内的众多小岛上。它在 公元 5世纪由逃离伦巴族侵略者的难民创建,这些侵略者已获得对大陆的控制权,到13世纪它已成为一个主要的海上强国并于15世纪把其影响扩及意大利的北部。它的领土后来逐渐为土耳其人所攻陷,并于1797年转让给了奥地利。威尼斯在1866年并入了意大利。人口332,775




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