单词 | 进行 |
释义 | 〔phase〕To set or regulate so as to be synchronized.调整相位:为使同步进行而调整或控制〔moonwalk〕A walk on the surface of the moon by an astronaut.月面漫步:由宇航员进行的在月球表面上的行走〔commemoration〕Something that honors or preserves the memory of another.纪念:对另一事进行纪念或保存记忆的某事〔cholangiography〕X-ray examination of the bile ducts following administration of a radiopaque contrast medium.胆管造影术:使用一种辐射不透明的对照物质进行处理的对胆管的X光检查〔countercheck〕Something that confirms or denies the correctness of a previous check.复查,复核:对前面检查的正确性进行确定或否认的东西〔chlorinate〕To treat or combine with chlorine or a chlorine compound.用氯或氯化物进行处理或化合〔ozonize〕To treat or impregnate with ozone.用臭氧处理,使充满臭氧:进行臭氧处理或注入臭氧〔pour〕To pass or proceed in large numbers or quantity:泛滥,涌出:大量地经过或进行:〔mission〕A series of special Christian services for purposes of proselytizing.布道会:出于改变宗教信仰的目的而进行的一系列特定的基督教服务〔sight〕An aim or observation taken with such a device.瞄准:用这样一种装置进行瞄准或观测〔deliberative〕Assembled or organized for deliberation or debate:审议的:被聚集起来或组织起来进行商议的或辩论的:〔subirrigate〕To irrigate from beneath, as by underground pipes.地下灌溉:从地下进行灌溉,例如用地下水管进行灌溉〔transact〕To do, carry on, or conduct:进行:做、执行或行动:〔tool〕These nouns refer to devices used in the performance of work.这些名词都指用于进行工作的器具。〔skank〕A rhythmic dance performed to reggae or ska music, characterized by bending forward, raising the knees, and extending the hands.摇滚乐舞蹈:跟着雷鬼或斯卡音乐进行的韵律操,其特点是向前弯腰、抬膝和伸手〔wholesale〕Of, relating to, or engaged in the sale of goods in large quantities for resale:批发的,整批卖的:关于或参与大批量为转卖而进行的货物买卖的:〔escort〕The state of being accompanied by a person or protective guard.在…的陪同下:被一个人或者进行防护的警卫陪同的状态〔total〕Abbr. tot.An amount obtained by addition; a sum.缩写 tot.总数;合计:进行加法计算后得出的总和;总额〔Gladstone〕British political leader who served as Liberal prime minister four times (1868-1874, 1880-1885, 1886, and 1892-1894). He enacted educational and parliamentary reforms and supported Irish home rule.格莱斯顿,威廉·尤尔特:(1809-1898) 英国政治领导人,曾作为自由党人四次担任首相(1868-1874、1880-1885、1886和1892-1894年)。他进行了教育和议会的改革并支持爱尔兰的自治〔cost〕The accountants costed out our expenses.付帐人对我们的花费进行了估价〔epistolary〕Carried on by or composed of letters:用书信进行的,书信体的:〔tracheoscopy〕Examination of the interior of the trachea, as with a laryngoscope.气管检查:气管内部的检查,如用喉镜进行的〔garbology〕The study of a society or culture by examining or analyzing its refuse.废弃物社会学:通过观察和分析废弃物对一个社会及文化进行的研究〔malaprop〕"She's as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile" and "He is the very pineapple of politeness" are two of the statements from the mouth of Mrs. Malapropthat helped her name become synonymous with ludicrous misuse of language.Mrs. Malaprop, a character in Richard Brinsley Sheridan's playThe Rivals, produced in 1775, consistently uses language malapropos,that is, inappropriately.The wordmalapropos comes from the French phrase mal à propos, made up ofmal, "badly,” à, "to,” and propos, "purpose, subject,” and literally means "badly to the purpose,” or "inappropriate.” The Rivals was a popular play, and Mrs. Malaprop became enshrined in a common noun,first in the formmalaprop and later inmalapropism, which is first recorded in 1849.Perhaps that is what Mrs. Malaprop fearedwhen she said "An aspersion upon my parts of speech" and "If I reprehend any thing in this world,it is the use of my oracular tongue,and a nice derangement of epitaphs!”“她与尼罗河堤岸上的寓言一样顽固”和“他正是礼貌的菠萝”是从马勒普罗太太嘴里说出的两句话。她的这张嘴使她的名字成为荒唐地错用语言的代名词。1775 年,理查德·布林斯利·夏里丹写成了剧本情敌 ,马勒普罗太太就是这剧中的一个人物。 她不断地误用词语,即遣词造句不当。单词malapropos 来源于法语短语 mal _ propos, 构成是mal, “坏地”, _ “对于”和 propos, “目的,目标”结合起来,意指“对于目标不适当地”或“不恰当的”。 情敌 是一部很受欢迎的戏剧, 马勒普罗太太逐渐演变成一个大家都接受的名词。这个名词一开始的形式是malaprop , 后来变成malapropism, 最早的记载是在1849年。可能使马勒普罗太太最为担心的,是当她说“对我部分言语所进行的诽谤”和“如果我还对这个世界上的任何事物能理解的话,那就是我玄妙的言语运用,以及墓志铭上那美妙的错乱!”〔cruise〕To sail or travel about, as for pleasure or reconnaissance.巡游,航行,航游:为娱乐或侦察而进行航行或巡航〔explanation〕A mutual clarification of misunderstandings; a reconciliation.和解:为消除误解而进行的相互说明;和解〔Davis〕American geologist and geographer who systematized the study of geography and revolutionized its teaching in the United States.戴维斯,威廉·莫里斯:(1850-1934) 美国地质学家和地理学家,他对地理研究进行了系统化并改革了美国的地理教学〔malign〕The judge ruled that the plaintiff had been defamed and had legitimate grounds for a lawsuit.法官判定:原告的名誉受损,他进行法律诉讼具有合法前提。〔trek〕Fans ofStar Trek and others may be interested to know that the wordtrek originally had to do with a slow journey by a very different mode of transportation, a wagon drawn by oxen. Trek was borrowed into English in South Africa, where the word was used by speakers of Afrikaans for a journey by ox wagon.The British, who at the turn of the century were to seize control of South Africa from the descendants of the original Dutch settlers,borrowed the wordtrek during the 19th century. Trek is recorded earliest in 1822 in the compound trektow, "a rope joining the wagon pole and the yoke to which oxen were fastened.”Trek in this compound is either the noun or the stem of the corresponding verb in Afrikaans, trekken. The earliest recorded use of the noun by itself is found in 1849,where it means "a stage in a journey by ox wagon.”The word has long since migrated from South African into general English—and into space travel.电影星际旅行 的影迷们和其他人可能很有趣知道: trek 这个词原来与一种非常与众不同的运输方式,即用牛拉马车所进行的一种很慢的旅行有关。 Trek 这个词在南非被借入英语, 在南非讲南非荷兰语的人用来指用牛车所进行的旅行。英国人在19世纪和20世纪之交从荷兰拓居者的后裔那里夺取了对南非的控制权,他们在19世纪借用了trek 这个词。 Trek 的最早记录在1822年出现于复合词 trektow 中, 其意指“连接车辕和系牛车轭的绳子”。Trek 在这个复合词中既作名词又作为其在南非荷兰语的对应动词 trekken 的词干。 这个词最早作为名词使用的记载是在1849年,那时这个词的意思是“一段用牛车进行的旅程”。这个词很早就从南非迁移到了一般的英语中,并且进入了星际旅行之中〔Cooley〕American surgeon and educator who in 1969 performed the first artificial heart transplant on a human being.库利,登顿·阿瑟:(生于 1920) 美国外科医师和教育家,于1969年首次在人体上进行人造心脏移植手术〔resort〕To have recourse:诉诸,依靠:进行求助:〔digress〕gradī [to go] * see ghredh- gradī [进行] * 参见 ghredh- 〔guard〕Something that gives protection; a safeguard:防卫物:进行保护的东西;保护物:〔potash〕translated from obsolete Dutch potaschen [from the fact that this substance was originally obtained by leaching wood ashes and evaporating the leach in a pot] 由 已废荷兰语 potaschen翻译而来 [其得名原因是因为这种物质最初是通过过滤木灰然后将木灰放在锅中进行蒸发而得的] 〔toast〕To heat and brown (bread, for example) by placing in a toaster or an oven or close to a fire.烤:通过把(比如面包)放入烤箱或炉子或接近火焰进行加热,使之变成棕黄色〔appeal〕The transfer of a case from a lower to a higher court for a new hearing.上诉:把案件从低一级法院向高一级法院移交以进行重新审理〔tennis〕A game played with rackets and a light ball by two players or two pairs of players on a rectangular court, as of grass, clay, or asphalt, divided by a net. Also called lawn tennis 网球:由两个或两对人用球拍和一个较轻的球在一块由一个网分隔开的长方形草地、粘土地或沥青地上进行的一项运动 也作 lawn tennis〔voodoo〕A religion practiced chiefly in Caribbean countries, especially Haiti, syncretized from Roman Catholic ritual elements and the animism and magic of Dahomean slaves, in which a supreme God rules a large pantheon of local and tutelary deities, deified ancestors, and saints, who communicate with believers in dreams, trances, and ritual possessions. Also called vodoun 伏都教:一种主要在加勒比海国家尤其是海地流行的宗教,由罗马天主教仪式原理和达荷美奴隶的泛灵论和魔法结合而成,其中一个至高的上帝统治着包括地方神、监护神、神化的祖先及圣者的万神殿,他们与信徒在梦境中、梦幻之境和宗教仪式的领地进行交流 也作 vodoun〔degrade〕To cause (an organic compound) to undergo degradation.使退化:使(有机化合物)进行降解〔burke〕burked the investigation by failing to reappoint the commission.再次提出组成调查团的失败压制了调查的进行 |
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