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单词 进化
释义 〔primitive〕Being little evolved from an early ancestral type.初民的:不从早期的遗传类型进化〔development〕the evolution of a plant from a seed;从种子开始的植物的进化〔Chambers〕Scottish publisher and writer known for hisVestiges of the Natural History of Creation (published anonymously in 1844), a controversial exposition of the theory of evolutionary development. 钱伯斯,罗伯特:(1802-1871) 苏格兰出版商和作家,以其作品《创造物博物学的遗迹》 (1844年匿名出版)闻名,对进化发展理论作了一番有争议的阐述 〔biogenesis〕The supposed recurrence of the evolutionary stages of a species during the embryonic development and differentiation of a member of that species. Also called In this sense, also called recapitulation 生物进化史:在一物种胚胎个体发育和分化期间,该物种的进化阶段有假定的重演现象 也作 在此意义上也可称作 recapitulation〔virgin〕Existing in native or raw form; not processed or refined.原始的:以自然的或原始的形式存在的;未进化或精炼的〔phytogenesis〕The origin and evolutionary development of plants.植物发生,植物进化:植物的起源和进化发展〔selectionist〕Of or relating to the view that evolution or genetic variation occurs chiefly as a result of natural selection.自然选择论的:认为进化和遗传变异的发生是自然选择的结果的观点的或与之相关的〔cladistics〕A system of classification based on the phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of groups of organisms.生物分类学,进化枝学:一种分类体系,其基于种系发生的关系和有机体群体的进化历史〔speciation〕The evolutionary formation of new biological species, usually by the division of a single species into two or more genetically distinct ones.物种形成:通过进化形成的新的生物物种进化形式,通常是由某一物种分成两个或多个基因的不同物种〔paradise〕Perhaps the supreme example of the semantic process known as melioration is the wordparadise. In tracing this word from its origins to its present status,we see an elevation, or melioration, of meaning that raises the word to new heights.The history begins with the Avestan (the eastern dialect of Old Iranian) wordpairi-daēza-, "enclosure,” made up ofpairi, "around,” and daēza-, "wall.” The Greek military leader and historian Xenophon, who served with Greek mercenaries in Persia,first used the Greek wordparadeisos adopted from the Avestan wordto refer to the Persian kings' and nobles' parks or pleasure grounds.This Greek word extended to mean "garden" or "orchard" was an obvious choice for translators of the Bible into Greekto use both for the Garden of Eden and the Abode of the Blessed, or heaven.The Greek word was adopted into Late Latin and was used much as we might expect in its biblical senses in ecclesiastical Latin (Late Latinparadīsus ). The Old English wordparadis taken from Latin is found, but our word probably really established itself in Middle English (first recorded before 1200),derived both from Latin and from Old French, which had adopted the word from Latin.paradise. 这个词也许能作为词义进化最典型的例子, 从它的起源到现在的地位,我们可以看到词义的进化或改进把这个词带到了一个新的高度。这个历史过程从意为“领地,圈地”的阿维斯陀语(古伊朗人西部方言)pairi-daeza-, 开始, 由意为“环形的”pairi, 和意为“墙”的 daeza-, 组成。 曾随希腊雇佣军到波斯服役的希腊军事将领和历史学家色诺芬,首先使用了希腊语词paradeisos, , 该词采用了阿维斯陀词,指波斯国王和贵族们的花园或游乐场,这个希腊词衍生到表示“花园”或“果园”,显然是译者在把《圣经》翻译成希腊文时所做出的选择,以用来表明伊甸园和天国或天堂,有这两种含义的希腊词被引入后期的拉丁语中且当它们在教会拉丁文(后期拉丁语paradisus )中意为《圣经》方面的意义时被更广泛地使用, 古英语paradis 一词来自拉丁文, 但我们用的这个词可能在中古英语(首次记录在1200年前)中真正确立了起来,人们发现它源于拉丁文和从拉丁文中采纳了这个词的古法语〔biology〕The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It includes botany and zoology and all their subdivisions.生物学:生命或生物的科学,包括其结构、机能、生长、起源、进化及分布。包含植物学和动物学及所有的分支〔biosystematics〕The use of data obtained from cytogenetic, biochemical, and other experimental studies to assess the taxonomic relationships of organisms or populations, especially within an evolutionary framework.生物系统学:利用从细胞生成、生化的和其他实验研究中所得数据而研究有机体或人口的分类关系,尤指在一进化结构范围内〔Spencerism〕The system of logical positivism developed by Herbert Spencer, setting forth the idea that evolution is the passage from the simple, indefinite, and incoherent to the complex, definite, and coherent.斯宾塞哲学体系:由赫伯特·斯宾塞创建的逻辑实证哲学体系,提出了有关进化即是从简单性、不确定性及不连贯性发展成复杂性、确定性及连贯性的过程的观念〔Leakey〕British anthropologist and archaeologist. He influenced evolutionary theory with his account and analysis of the discovery, by his wife,Mary Leakey (born 1913), of the 1.75-million-year-old Zinjanthropus skull in Tanzania. Mary Leakey and their son Richard Leakey (born 1944) have continued his research. 利基,路易斯·西摩·巴泽特:(1903-1972) 英国人类学家和考古学家。他对其妻子玛丽·利基 (生于1913年)在坦桑尼亚发现的175万年前的东非人头盖骨的叙述和分析影响过进化理论。玛丽·利基和他们的儿子 理查德·利基 (生于1944年)继承了他的研究工作 〔develop〕To progress from earlier to later or from simpler to more complex stages of evolution.进化:从进化阶段的早期到末期或从简单到复杂的发展过程〔subhuman〕Below the human race in evolutionary development.低于人类的:在进化发展程度上低于人类的〔homoplasy〕Correspondence between parts or organs arising from evolutionary convergence.异体同功:由进化趋同而产生的部分或器官之间的对应现象〔superman〕An ideal superior man who, according to Nietzsche, forgoes transient pleasure, exercises creative power, lives at a level of experience beyond standards of good and evil, and is the goal of human evolution. Also called In this sense, also called overman 完人:哲学家尼采哲学中之放弃短暂享乐、具有创造力、生活于是非标准之上的理想超级人物,尼采认为这种人是人类进化的目标 也作 在此意义上也可称作 overman〔anagenesis〕A pattern of evolution that results in linear descent with no branching or splitting of the population.前进演化,进化:只有直系后代而无旁系后代的演化模式〔coevolution〕The evolution of two or more interdependent species, each adapting to changes in the other. It occurs, for example, between predators and prey and between insects and the flowers that they pollinate.共同进化:两个或以上相互依赖的种的进化,每一种适应其它种的变化。例如,在食肉动物和被捕食的动物之间,昆虫与它们能播花粉的花之间出现的〔Lamarckism〕A theory of biological evolution holding that species evolve by the inheritance of traits acquired or modified through the use or disuse of body parts.拉马克主义:一种生物进化理论,它认为物种的进化是通过因为使用或弃用某些身体部位而获得或改变了的特点的遗传来完成的〔microevolution〕Evolution resulting from a succession of relatively small genetic variations that often cause the formation of new subspecies.微进化:由一系列相对较小通常能产生新的亚科的基因变异引起的进化〔phyletic〕Of or relating to the evolutionary descent and development of a species or group of organisms; phylogenetic.系统发育的;线系的,种族的:一个物种或一群有机物的进化和发展的;或与之有关的;系统发育的〔primate〕[prīʹmāt'] A mammal of the order Primates, which includes the anthropoids and prosimians, characterized by refined development of the hands and feet, a shortened snout, and a large brain.[prīʹmāt'] 灵长目:属于灵长目的哺乳动物,包括类人猿和原猴亚目的猴,主要特征是手足进一步进化,口鼻缩短,大脑增大〔Cretaceous〕Of, belonging to, or designating the geologic time, system of rocks, and sedimentary deposits of the third and last period of the Mesozoic Era, characterized by the development of flowering plants and the disappearance of dinosaurs. See table at geologic time 白垩纪的:属于或表明地质时期岩石体系以及中生代的第三和最后一个纪的沉积物的,此纪以有花植物的进化和恐龙的灭绝为特征 参见 geologic time〔develop〕To progress from earlier to later stages of a life cycle:进化:从生命周期的早期阶段发展到后期阶段:〔cladogenesis〕The evolutionary change and diversification resulting from the branching off of new taxa from common ancestral lineages.系枝进化:从共同远祖世系分支出的新类别而形成的进化和多样化〔quality〕"Natural Selection, entailing Divergence of Character and the Extinction of less-improved forms" (Charles Darwin).Atrait is a single, clearly delineated characteristic, as of a person or group of people: “自然选择,特性的遗传变异和进化较慢的形式的退化” (查尔斯·达尔文)。trait 是一种单一的、清晰地描绘出的特点,如一个人或一群人的: 〔Russell〕American astronomer who developed a theory of stellar evolution and devised the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.罗素,亨利·诺里斯:(1877-1957) 美国天文学家,创立了一种星球进化理论并设计了赫罗图〔growth〕Development from a lower or simpler to a higher or more complex form; evolution.发展,进化:由低级或简单的形态向较高级或复杂的形态发展;进化〔cladogram〕A branching, treelike diagram in which the endpoints of the branches represent specific species of organisms. It is used to illustrate phylogenetic relationships and show points at which various species have diverged from common ancestral forms.进化分枝图:一种分叉的树状图,其分枝的终点代表生物的特定品种。其被用来说明种系发展的关系,并显示在何处不同的物种从同一远祖形式分化〔cephalization〕An evolutionary trend in the animal kingdom toward centralization of neural and sensory organs in the head or anterior region of the body.头部形成,头向集中:动物界神经和感觉器官向头部或身体前部集中的一种进化趋势〔phenetic〕Of, relating to, or designating a system of classification of organisms based on overall or observable similarities rather than on phylogenetic or evolutionary relationships.表现型分类法的:基于全部或可观察到的相似性,而不是基于系统发生或进化联系,而对有机物进行分类的体系的;与之有关的;或应用表现型分类法的〔masked〕Having the anatomy of the next developmental form outlined beneath the integument, as in certain insect pupae.有覆盖物的:具有在外皮下成形的下一进化形式的骨骼的,如某些昆虫的蛹〔develop〕Caterpillars develop into butterflies.毛虫进化成蝴蝶〔chiropteran〕A mammal, such as the bat, that is a member of the order Chiroptera and has forelimbs modified as wings.翼手目动物:如蝙蝠等属于翼手目的哺乳动物,其前翼进化成翅膀〔macroevolution〕Large-scale evolution occurring over geologic time that results in the formation of new taxonomic groups.宏观进化:产生新的分类群体形的跨越地质时代的大规模进化〔Fowler〕American nuclear physicist. He shared a 1983 Nobel Prize for research on the evolution of stars.福勒,威廉·艾尔弗雷德:(生于 1911) 美国核物理学家。因为对恒星进化的理论研究与获得1983年诺贝尔奖〔evolution〕A movement that is part of a set of ordered movements.进化:一套有顺序的动作中的一部分




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