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释义 〔another〕This shirt is too big; I'll try another.这件衬衫太大了;我试试件别的〔artichoke〕Those who have been warned to watch out for the sharp-tipped bracts toward the innermost part of an artichoke may have wondered whether the name of this vegetable has anything to do with choking.Originally it did not.Our word goes back to an Arabic word for the same plant,al-Caršūf. The Arabic word passed into Spanish,a not uncommon occurrence given the fact that Moslems ruled much of Spain for several centuries during the Middle Ages.The Old Spanish wordalcarchofa was variously modified as it passed through Italian, a Northern dialect form beingarticiocco, which looks more like artichoke than al-Caršūf. In English, where the word is first recorded in the early 16th century, a potpourri of spellings and explanations of it are found.For example, people who did not know the long history of the word explained it by the notion that the flower had a "choke,”that is, something that chokes, in its "heart.”那些被告知要当心这种朝鲜蓟的最内层部分的尖苞片的人,可能会猜想这种蔬菜与窒息有一些联系。最初并没有。这个词可以追溯到阿拉伯语言关于这种植物的名称,al-harsuf。 这个阿拉伯名称又传入了西班牙,这件极普通的事情指出,在中世纪时期穆斯林曾统治西班牙大部地区,长达几个世纪的事实。旧的西班牙词alcarchofa 又经历了不同的变化,如传入意大利, 北方方言的形式形成articicco, 这看起来更象 artichoke 而非 al-harsuf。 在英语中,这个词在16世纪初被记录下来时,有许多不同的拼法和解释。例如,不知道这个词的悠久历史的人解释这个词时依据的看法是花会令人“窒息”,也就是说,是一种在它“心中”窒息的东西。〔good〕Is this a good dress for the party?穿这件裙子去跳舞合适吗?〔glancing〕made glancing allusions to the scandal.不直接地提及了这件丑事〔run〕The police ran down all possible leads in the missing-person case.警察查遍了这件失踪案的所有可能的线索〔mystery〕How he got in is a mystery. Even after all the testimonies, the murder remained a mystery.他是怎样进去的是一个谜。即使听完了所有的证词,这件谋杀案仍然是一个谜〔commentary〕a scandal that is a sad commentary on national politics.这件丑闻为国内的政客下了悲哀的注脚〔button〕The blouse buttons up the back.这件衣服从背后扣钮扣〔sleazy〕The coat has a sleazy lining.这件外衣的衬里薄而松〔right〕The jacket doesn't fit right.这件夹克衫不合适〔confection〕The gown was a confection of satin and appliqué.这件上衣是用缎子和花边精心缝制的〔bear〕This case bears investigation.这件案子需要调查〔lining〕The jacket had a patterned lining.这件夹克衬有一层有图案的衬里〔detachment〕strove to maintain her professional detachment in the case.在这件官司中,她努力保持职业的公正〔nearly〕The coat nearly fits.这件上衣差不多合适〔sit〕The jacket sits perfectly on you.这件夹克非常适合你〔fix〕fixed the date of the ancient artifacts.确定这件古代文化遗物的时间〔occurrence〕"What schoolboy of fourteen is ignorant of this remarkable circumstance?” (Macaulay).“十四岁的学生在这件值得注意的事件中会忽略掉什么呢?” (麦考莉)〔artful〕"The furniture is an artful blend of antiques and reproductions"(Michael W. Robbins)“这件家具是古代风格和仿制品的巧妙结合”(迈克尔W.罗宾斯)〔Rudolf〕Austrian crown prince. The controversially liberal heir to Francis Joseph I, he was found dead with his mistress in Mayerling, his hunting lodge near Vienna. Officially deemed a double suicide, the suspicious event was never fully investigated.鲁道夫:奥地利王储。弗朗西斯·约瑟夫一世有争议的自由主义继承人,在其维也纳附近的狩猎住所梅耶林被人发现和其情人的尸体。官方认为是两人同时自杀,这件可疑案件并未彻底调查过〔orderly〕The pattern supplies methodical instructions for cutting and assembling the parts of the garment.此方案提供了对裁剪和缝制这件衣服的几个部分的有条理的说明。〔Watergate〕After Watergate , a building complex in Washington, D.C., the site of illegal activities (1972) that gave rise to such a scandal 源自 水门 ,华盛顿的一建筑群,是导致这件丑闻的非法活动(1972年)的场所 〔just〕This job is just about done.这件工作差不多做完了〔wind〕Trouble will ensue if wind of this scandal gets out.这件丑事一露出风声便会招来麻烦〔scream〕The outlandish costume screamed with clashing colors.这件异国风味的服装由于颜色不协调而显得刺眼〔please〕May it please the court to admit this firearm as evidence.但愿法庭会容许让这件火器作为证据〔dirty〕Laying off workers is the dirty part of this job.解雇工人是这件工作中令人讨厌的地方




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