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单词 运动
释义 〔Mandela〕South African Black political leader imprisoned for nearly 30 years for his anti-apartheid activities. He was released in February 1990. His wife,Winnie (born c. 1936), maintained strong leadership of the movement during Mandela's imprisonment. 曼德拉,纳尔逊·罗利哈拉:(生于 1918) 南非黑人政治领袖,他由于从事反种族隔离活动而被监禁了近30年。在1990年2月被释放。他的妻子温妮 (生于1936年)在曼德拉被监禁期间仍掌握着运动的强有力的领导权 〔locomotor〕Of or relating to locomotion; locomotive.运动的:运动的或与运动有关的;能自己移动的〔Joffrey〕American dancer and choreographer who founded the Robert Joffrey Ballet (1956), a company noted for its athletic style and diverse repertoire.乔佛瑞,罗伯特:美国舞者和编舞者,1956年创建以运动技巧和多种舞码闻名的罗伯特·乔佛瑞芭蕾舞公司〔Retz〕French politician, prelate, and writer who was active in the Fronde, a French civil war (1648-1653) that ultimately strengthened the monarchy.雷斯枢机主教:法国政治家、高级教士、作家,是投石党运动的活跃分子。投石党运动是一场最终巩固了君主制的法国内战(1648-1653年)〔retrograde〕Of or relating to the brief, regularly occurring, apparently backward movement of a planetary body in its orbit as viewed against the fixed stars, caused by the differing orbital velocities of Earth and the body observed.后退的:行星所做的短暂有规律的运动的,以静止星体为参照物进行观察时,这种运动显然是后退的,这是由地球和所观察天体具有不同的轨道速度引起的〔neoimpressionism〕A movement in late 19th-century painting led by Georges Seurat that was stricter and more formal than impressionism in composition and employed pointillism as a technique.点描派:19世纪晚期由乔治·秀拉领导的绘画运动,在构成上比描绘表述更严格、更正式,并使用点彩画法〔Zagreb〕A city on the Sava River north-northwest of Belgrade. Long the chief city of Croatia, it was a center of the Yugoslavian nationalist movement in the 19th century. Population, 768,700.萨格勒布:萨瓦河畔一城市,位于贝尔格莱德西北偏北,原来一直是克罗地亚的重要城市,19世纪时,它是南斯拉夫民族主义运动的一个中心。人口768,700〔whirl〕To move circularly and rapidly in varied, random directions:回旋:打旋;在各种任意方向上迅速且呈圆周性的运动〔visual〕an ad campaign with striking visuals; trying to capture a poem in a cinematic visual.有醒目画面的一场广告运动;试着用电影说明来传达一首诗〔methylphenidate〕A drug, C14H 19NO 2, chemically related to amphetamine, that acts as a mild stimulant of the central nervous system and is used especially in the form of its hydrochloride for the treatment of narcolepsy in adults and hyperkinetic disorders in children. 哌醋甲酯:一种药,C14H 19NO 2,与苯丙胺有化学上的联系,用作中枢神经系统弱兴奋剂,尤其以其氢氯化物形式来治疗成人的发作性睡眠病和儿童的运动功能亢进失调 〔disciple〕An active adherent, as of a movement or philosophy.拥护者,追随者:积极的拥护者或追随者,如一场运动或一种哲学〔flirt〕An abrupt, jerking movement.迅速而急促地运动〔heresiarch〕One who originates or is the chief proponent of a heresy or heretical movement.异端创始或领导人:异端邪说或运动的发起者或主要倡导者〔gasdynamics〕The branch of dynamics that deals with the motion of gases and the thermal effects of this motion.气体动力学:研究气体的运动以及这种运动的热效应的动力学的一个分支〔mover〕One that moves:运动者:运动的人或物:〔shake〕To cause to move to and fro with jerky movements.摇晃:使伴着不平稳的运动来回移动〔cation〕An ion or group of ions having a positive charge and characteristically moving toward the negative electrode in electrolysis.阳离子:带有正电荷的一个或一群离子,特点为在电解中向阴极运动〔Shorter〕American jazz saxophonist who was a leading figure in the hard bop and jazz rock movements.梭特,伟恩:美国爵士乐萨克斯风管演奏家,改良咆哮乐和爵士摇滚运动的主要人物〔Empedocles〕Greek philosopher who believed that all matter is composed of elemental particles of fire, water, earth, and air and that all change is caused by motion.恩培多克勒:希腊哲学家,他认为所有物质都是由元素微粒组成,即火、水、土和空气,所有的变化都是运动所引起的〔interglacial〕A comparatively short period of warmth during an overall period of glaciation.间冰期:完整冰川运动期间一个相对较短的温暖期〔rocket〕To move swiftly and powerfully, as a rocket.像火箭般迅速而有力地运动〔brachiate〕To move by swinging with the arms from one hold to another, as certain apes do.悬挂攀缘:用双臂交互抓握以悬挂方式运动,如某些猿类所做的〔swing〕To move laterally or in a curve:侧转,转弯:呈横向或弧形运动〔Parker〕American musician and composer. A leader of the bop movement in jazz, Parker is best remembered for his smooth, moody improvisations.帕克,夏利埃:(1920-1955) 美国音乐家和作曲家,爵士博普运动的领导人,以其流畅感人的即兴演奏而受人们怀念〔antismoking〕an antismoking campaign; an antismoking ordinance.禁烟运动;禁烟法令〔sweeping〕Moving in or as if in a wide curve:大弧度的:大幅度弧线形运动或象此运动的:〔Adam〕British architect who led the neoclassical movement in England and is noted for his elegant interior designs and for collaborations with his brotherJames (1730-1794). 亚当,罗伯特:(1728-1792) 英国建筑师,领导英国的新古典主义运动,以其优雅的室内设计和同他兄弟詹姆斯 的合作而出名(1730-1794年) 〔windsurf〕To engage in windsurfing.风帆冲浪:参加风帆冲浪运动〔scamper〕A quick light run or movement.奔跑:轻快的跑或运动〔tonguing〕Interruption of the wind stream through an instrument by movement of the tongue in order to articulate notes.运舌法:通过运动舌头阻断空气在乐器中的运行,从而发出声音〔greening〕the greening of the mayor's platform; the greening of the cities.市长演讲中的绿色和平主义色彩;这些城市的绿色和平运动〔REM〕The rapid, periodic, jerky movement of the eyes during certain stages of the sleep cycle when dreaming takes place.眼球速动期:快速的,周期性的,在睡眠周期的某个时期做梦时发生的痉挛性的眼睛的运动〔bearing〕A device that supports, guides, and reduces the friction of motion between fixed and moving machine parts.轴承:在机器两个固定运动部分之间起支撑、引导或减少运动摩擦的装置〔bowl〕To move quickly and smoothly, especially by rolling:稳而快地行驶:迅速而平稳地运动,尤指以滚动的方式:〔lash〕To move swiftly or violently; thrash:迅速甩动:迅速地或剧烈地运动;猛烈摆动:〔athlete〕A person possessing the natural or acquired traits, such as strength, agility, and endurance, that are necessary for physical exercise or sports, especially those performed in competitive contexts.运动员:具有某种先天或后天才能,如体育锻炼和运动所必须需的体力、灵活和耐力,尤指在竞技中表示现出来的〔buy〕To believe in a person or movement or subscribe to an idea or theory:信任:相信某人或某运动或赞同某一观点或理论:〔inert〕Sluggish in action or motion; lethargic.See Synonyms at inactive 迟缓的:行动或运动时呆滞的;无生气的 参见 inactive〔hurry〕To cause to move or act with undue haste; rush:使匆促,使草率:使过分仓促地移动或运动;使仓促行动:〔sportsman〕A person whose conduct and attitude exhibit sportsmanship.具有运动特长或运动家品格之人




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