单词 | 达尔文 |
释义 | 〔Wallace〕British naturalist who developed a concept of evolution that paralleled the work of Charles Darwin. His works includeThe Geographical Distribution of Animals (1876). 华莱士,阿尔弗烈德·拉塞尔:(1823-1913) 英国博物学家,发展了进化论,其贡献可与查尔斯·达尔文相媲美。他的作品包括《动物的地理分布》 (1876年) 〔Gray〕American botanist who greatly enlarged and improved the description of North American flora and was the chief American advocate of Charles Darwin's theories.格雷,阿萨:(1810-1888) 美国植物学家,其极大扩展和改善了对北美植物区系的记录,是美国查尔斯·达尔文理论的主要倡导者〔origin〕"Man with all his noble qualities . . . still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin" (Charles Darwin).Whenorigin refers to people, it means parentage or ancestry: “人尽管有着他所有的高贵品质…但仍在其身上有出身低微的抹不掉的烙印” (查尔斯·达尔文)。当origin 指人时,它的意思是父母双亲或出身: 〔Owen〕British anatomist and paleontologist who was superintendent of the natural history department at the British Museum (1856-1884) and an early opponent of Darwin's theories of evolution.欧文,理查德:(1804-1892) 英国解剖学家和古生物学家,他是大英博物馆(1856-1884年)自然历史部的负责人,也是早期的达尔文的进化论的反对者〔Lamarck〕French naturalist whose ideas about evolution influenced Darwin's theory.拉马克,简·巴蒂斯特·皮尔·安东尼·德·莫奈:(1744-1829) 法国博物学家,他关于进化论的观点对达尔文的理论产生过影响〔fatal〕"Such doctrines, if true, would be absolutely fatal to my theory"(Charles Darwin)“这些教条如果是真的,将对我的理论有着绝对的毁灭性”(查尔斯·达尔文)〔pangenesis〕A theory of heredity proposed by Charles Darwin in which gemmules containing hereditary information from every part of the body coalesce in the gonads and are incorporated into the reproductive cells.泛生论:查理斯·达尔文提出的遗传理论,阐述了含有来自身体每部分的遗传信息的胚芽在卵巢中的结合并组成生殖细胞〔Huxley〕British biologist who championed Darwin's theory of evolution. His works includeZoological Evidences as to Man's Place in Nature (1863) and Science and Culture (1881). 赫胥黎,托马斯·亨利:(1825-1895) 英国生物学家,达尔文进化论的支持者。他的著作包括《动物学中人类在自然中地位的证明》 (1863年)和 《科学与文化》 (1881年) 〔Darwin〕A city of northern Australia onPort Darwin, an inlet of the Timor Sea. It was founded as Palmerston in 1869 and renamed in 1911. Population, 65,200. 达尔文:澳大利亚北部一城市,位于达尔文港 沿岸,帝汶海的一入口处,1869年建成时为帕默斯顿,于1911年重新命名。人口65,200 〔Haeckel〕German philosopher and naturalist who supported Darwin's theory, mapped a genealogical tree relating all animal life, and developed the maxim "Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.”海克尔,厄恩斯特·亨利希:(1834-1919) 德国哲学家和博物学家,达尔文理论的支持者,他绘制了有关所有动物的系谱图,并提出了“个体生命不完全地重演其系统发生”的格言〔persuade〕"In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs" (Francis Darwin).“在科学界,信誉属于以理说服世界的人,而不属于第一个提出观点的人” (弗朗西斯·达尔文)〔Rafinesque〕French-American naturalist whose thoughts on the origin of plant species presaged Darwin's theory of evolution.拉菲内斯克,康斯坦丁·萨谬尔:(1783-1840) 法裔美国自然学家,他对物种起源的想法预示了达尔文进化论(的出现)〔Darwin〕British physician, scientist, reformer, and poet whoseZoonomia (1794-1796) anticipated the evolutionary theories of his grandson Charles. 达尔文,伊拉斯谟:(1731-1802) 英国医生、科学家、改革家和诗人,其《动物生物学》 (1794-1796年)是他的孙子查理进化论的先驱 〔Jensen〕Danish writer of modernistic novels, poetry, and essays, often infused with Darwinian theories. His works includeHimmerland Tales (1898-1910) and the epic poem The Long Journey (1908-1922). He won the 1944 Nobel Prize for literature. 詹森,约翰内斯·维尔赫尔姆:(1873-1950) 丹麦现代小说、诗歌和散文作家,受达尔文理论的影响。著作有《希默兰半岛故事》 (1898-1910年)和史诗 《漫长的旅程》 (1908-1922年)。他获得了1944年诺贝尔文学奖 〔Barzun〕French-born American educator, author, and historian whose works includeDarwin, Marx, Wagner (1941), The American University (1968), and The Use and Abuse of Art (1974). 巴曾,雅克·马丁:(生于 1907) 法裔美国教育家、作家和历史学家,著作有《达尔文,马克思,瓦格纳》 (1941年) 《美国的大学》 (1968年)和 《艺术的使用和误用》 (1974年) 〔Patagonia〕A tableland region of South America in southern Argentina and Chile extending from the Río Colorado to the Straits of Magellan and from the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean. The study of its original inhabitants, the Tehuelche ("the Patagonian giants"), and its unusual wildlife have attracted many scientific expeditions, including that of Charles Darwin (1831-1836).巴塔哥尼亚高原:南美洲阿根廷南部和智利间的一高原,从里奥科罗拉多一直延伸到麦哲伦海峡,从安第斯山脉一直延伸到大西洋。因对当地土著居民特维尔彻人(巴塔哥尼亚高原巨人)和奇异的野生动物的研究,吸引了不少科学探险队,其中包括查尔斯·达尔文(1831-1836年)〔evolutionism〕A theory of biological evolution, especially that formulated by Charles Darwin.进化论:生物进化理论,尤指查尔斯·达尔文系统陈述的理论〔diversity〕"Charles Darwin saw in the diversity of species the principles of evolution that operated to generate the species: variation, competition and selection"(Scientific American)“查尔斯·达尔文在物种的多样性中发现了致使物种产生的原则:变异、竞争、选择”(科学美国人)〔Darwinism〕A theory of biological evolution developed by Charles Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. Also called Darwinian theory 达尔文学说:由达尔文和其他人改进的生物进化理论,指出所有物种生物体的起源和发展都是通过小的、遗传变异的自然选择来增加个体的能力,来竞争、生存和再生 也作 Darwinian theory〔quality〕"Natural Selection, entailing Divergence of Character and the Extinction of less-improved forms" (Charles Darwin).Atrait is a single, clearly delineated characteristic, as of a person or group of people: “自然选择,特性的遗传变异和进化较慢的形式的退化” (查尔斯·达尔文)。trait 是一种单一的、清晰地描绘出的特点,如一个人或一群人的: 〔Darwin〕British naturalist who revolutionized the study of biology with his theory of evolution based on natural selection. His most famous works includeOrigin of Species (1859) and The Descent of Man (1871). 达尔文,查尔斯·罗伯特:(1809-1882) 英国自然学家,以自然选择为基础的进化论学说彻底改革了生物学的研究。他最著名的著作包括《物种起源》 (1859年)和 《人类的遗传》 (1871年) 〔wonderful〕"The . . . whale is one of the most wonderful animals in the world"(Charles Darwin)“鲸…是世界上最奇妙的动物之一”(查尔斯·达尔文)〔see〕"It is interesting to contemplate an entangled bank, clothed with many plants of many kinds, with birds singing on the bushes" (Charles Darwin).“观赏长满各种植物,鸟儿在灌木丛中唱歌的杂乱河堤极为有趣 (查尔斯·达尔文)。 |
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