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单词 较小
释义 〔variety〕A taxonomic subdivision of a species consisting of naturally occurring or selectively bred populations or individuals that differ from the remainder of the species in certain minor characters.变种:一个种类的细小分支,由自然发生或选择繁殖的群体或个体而组成,在一定的较小的特点上不同于此类的剩余者〔marmoset〕Any of various small, clawed monkeys of the generaCallithrix and Cebuella, found in tropical forests of the Americas and having soft, dense fur, tufted ears, and long tails. 狨:任一种产于美洲热带雨林的狨属 和 悬猴属 体形较小、有尖爪的猴子,皮毛柔软而浓密,耳有丝毛且长有长尾 〔reparation〕 Amends, less forceful thanredress, usually implies the giving of satisfaction for a minor grievance or lesser injury: Amends, 语义比redress 稍弱, 通常指的是对较小的冤屈或伤害作出满意的补偿: 〔trivial〕 Petty can refer to what is of minor or secondary significance or size;the term can suggest meanness of spirit: Petty 可以指那些重要性或大小是较小或第二位的东西;这个词也会令人想起精神上的偏狭或小气: 〔Hinayana〕Sanskrit hīnayānam [lesser vehicle] 梵文 hīnayānam [较小的交通工具] 〔polyoma〕A small form of the papovavirus that contains DNA and is associated with the formation of various tumors in rodents. Also called polyoma virus 名瘤病毒:一种乳头多瘤空泡病毒的较小形态,含有脱氧核糖核酸,和啮齿目动物的各种肿瘤的形成有关 也作 polyoma virus〔mackerel〕Any of the smaller fishes of the suborder Scombroidea, such as the Spanish mackerel.马鲛:鲭亚目的体积较小的鱼的任一种,如马鲛〔Brahma〕A large domestic fowl of a breed originating in Asia and having feathered legs and small wings and tail.婆罗摩鸡:一种原产于亚洲的大型家禽,腿上长有羽毛、翅和尾较小〔low〕Having little relative height; not high or tall.低的:相对有较小高度的;不高的〔width〕A piece of material measured along its smaller dimension, especially a piece of fabric measured from selvage to selvage in sewing.一块料子:沿较小的部分测量的一块材料,尤指缝纫时从一个布边到另一个布边测量的一块织物〔poblano〕A cultivar of the tropical pepper(Capsicum annum) having a mild or fairly pungent dark green, thick-skinned fruit used in cooking. 普韦布洛辣椒:辣味温和或刺激性较小的热带胡椒转育种(辣椒) ,有深绿色的厚皮果实,当作食物食用 〔allosaur〕Any of various carnivorous dinosaurs of the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous Periods, similar to but smaller than the tyrannosaur.跃龙,异龙:侏罗纪晚期和白垩纪早期任一种食肉恐龙,形似霸王龙但体型较小〔trypsin〕An enzyme of pancreatic juice that hydrolyzes proteins to form smaller polypeptide units.胰蛋白酶:水解蛋白质以形成较小多肽单位的胰液酶〔lessen〕from lesse [less] * see less 源自 lesse [较少的,较小的] * 参见 less〔triceratops〕A herbivorous dinosaur of the genusTriceratops, of the Cretaceous Period, having a bony plate covering the neck, a large horn above either eye, and a smaller horn on the nose. 三角龙:一种白垩纪的 属的食草性恐龙,有一骨质兜生在颈上,头骨上有两支大角生在眼上,中部一只较小的角生在鼻上 〔lemur〕Any of several small arboreal, mostly nocturnal primates chiefly of the family Lemuridae of Madagascar and adjacent islands, having large eyes, a long slim muzzle, and a long tail.狐猴:一种体形较小、栖于树木的灵长目动物,常在夜间出来活动,主要是产于马达加斯加及其毗连岛屿的狐猴科动物,长有大眼睛、细长的鼻口和长尾巴〔Read〕American Revolutionary leader, politician, and jurist. Delaware's delegate to the Constitutional Convention (1787), he championed the rights of small states and later served as a U.S. senator (1789-1793).理德,乔治:(1733-1798) 美国政治家,革命领袖和律师。1787年作为特拉华代表参加制宪会议,他立志以为强调较小州争取更多的权利上,1789-1793年成为参议员〔micronucleus〕The smaller of two nuclei in ciliate protozoans that contains genetic material and functions in reproduction.小核,微核:原生动物纤毛虫类体内两个细胞核中较小的一个,其中含有基因材料和繁殖功能〔tripwire〕A relatively small frontline military force whose involvement in hostilities will trigger the use of a larger force:导火线:能引起较大的军事力量的行动的相对较小的前线的军事力量:〔lesser〕Of a smaller size than other, similar forms:较小的:比其他相似的形式尺寸上更小的:〔pellitory〕A small Mediterranean plant(Anacyclus pyrethrum) containing a volatile oil once used for the relief of toothache and facial neuralgia. 欧蓍草:一种地中海地区的外形较小的(紫菀科 南欧派利吞草) 植物,含有一种曾用于减缓牙痛或面部神经痛的易挥发的油 〔transit〕The passage of a smaller celestial body or its shadow across the disk of a larger celestial body.掩星:一个较小的星体或它的阴影通过一个较大天体的圆平面〔dialysis〕The separation of smaller molecules from larger molecules or of dissolved substances from colloidal particles in a solution by selective diffusion through a semipermeable membrane.渗析:借助半透膜通过有选择的扩散把较小分子从大分子中的分离,或者把溶解的物质从溶液胶态颗粒中的分离〔brushfire〕A relatively minor crisis.相对较小的危机〔casual〕Showing little interest or concern; nonchalant:不关心的,无动于衷的:表现出较小兴趣或关心的;不关心的:〔cherrystone〕The quahog clam when half-grown and of comparatively small size.小帘蛤:未长大的、相对体积较小的帘蛤〔face〕On the face of it, the problem seems minor.单从表面上判断,这个问题似乎较小〔saccule〕The smaller of two membranous sacs in the vestibule of the inner ear.球囊:内耳的膜的迷路的两个隔膜小室中较小的一个〔tangerine〕The small, loose-skinned fruit of this tree. Also called mandarin orange 柑橘:这种树所结的个体较小、果皮松软的果实 也作 mandarin orange〔microevolution〕Evolution resulting from a succession of relatively small genetic variations that often cause the formation of new subspecies.微进化:由一系列相对较小通常能产生新的亚科的基因变异引起的进化〔microgamete〕The smaller of a pair of conjugating gametes, usually the male, in an organism that reproduces by heterogamy.小配子:一对并合配子中较小的一个,通常是由异配产生的有机物中的雄性〔pacifarin〕Any of various bacterial products that, introduced in small amounts, protect an organism from an infection or a disease without killing the infectious agent.抑菌剂:任一种细菌产物,数量较小,在不杀死传染作用物的情况下保护微生物不受传染或疾病侵扰〔cue〕An extract from the music for another part printed, usually in smaller notes, within a performer's part as a signal to enter after a long rest.提示小节:在乐谱中为另一声部作准备的选段,通常用较小的字体印刷,在演奏部分之内,作为在长时间休息后另一声部进入的信号〔pintsize〕Of small dimensions; diminutive.小型的;较小〔pension〕"A pension had somewhat less to offer than a hotel; it was always smaller, and never elegant; it sometimes offered breakfast, and sometimes not"(John Irving)“膳宿公寓提供的服务不如旅馆那么完善;一般来说较小且不豪华;有时提供早餐而有时不提供”(约翰·欧文)〔peewee〕One, such as a child, that is relatively or unusually small.小矮人,小东西:一个如孩子等较小或特别小的人〔minor〕One that is lesser in comparison with others of the same class.较小者:与其同类相比较少、较小、次要的人〔Polynesia〕A division of Oceania including scattered islands of the central and southern Pacific Ocean roughly between New Zealand, Hawaii, and Easter Island. The larger islands are volcanic, the smaller ones generally coral formations.波利尼西亚:大洋洲的一个分支,包括中部和南部太平洋上分散的岛屿,大致位于新西兰、夏威夷和复活节岛之间,较大的岛都是火山岛,较小的岛一般为珊蝴礁〔redpoll〕Any of several small finches of the genusCarduelis of northern North America and Eurasia, especially C. flammea, having a red crown and black chin. 朱顶雀,金翅:生活于北美和欧亚大陆的几种身体较小的金翅属 中任一种,尤其是头顶为红色、下颚为黑色的 焰红金翅 〔yawl〕A two-masted fore-and-aft-rigged sailing vessel similar to the ketch but having a smaller jigger mast stepped abaft the rudder. Also called dandy 双桅帆船:一种有纵帆装置的双桅航船,类似于双桅纵帆船,但在船尾的船舵放置有一种较小的补助帆桅 也作 dandy




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