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单词 轻拍
释义 〔caress〕A gentle touch or gesture of fondness, tenderness, or love.爱抚,轻拍:表示喜爱,温柔或爱慕的轻柔接触或手势〔dab〕A quick, light pat.轻拍,轻打:轻快的拍击〔chuck〕To pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin.轻拍抚弄:天真或顽皮地轻拍或压挤,特指拍下巴〔tap〕To strike gently with a light blow or blows:轻拍:落手很轻的柔和地击打:〔tip〕From Middle English tippe [a tap] 源自 中古英语 tippe [轻拍] 〔dabble〕Possibly from Dutch dabbelen [frequentative of] dabben [to strike, tap] 可能源自 荷兰语 dabbelen dabben的重复动词 [打,轻拍] 〔tap〕I tapped you on the shoulder to get your attention.我轻拍你的肩膀以引起你的注意〔pat〕To tap gently with the open hand or with something flat.轻拍,轻打:用掌或扁平物轻拍〔tap〕A gentle blow.轻拍:落手很轻的敲击〔pat〕A small mass shaped by or as if by patting:小块:用或好象用轻拍而做成形的小块:〔lick〕The waves licked the sides of the boat.浪花轻拍着小舟的船舷〔flick〕A light, quick blow, jerk, or touch:轻打,轻拍,轻弹:轻而快的击、打或碰:〔burp〕To cause (a baby) to expel gas from the stomach, as by patting the back after feeding.使打嗝:在喂完婴儿以后轻拍其背,使它排出胃中的气体〔lick〕To lap or flicker at like a tongue:轻拍,轻打:象舌头一样轻拍或摆动:〔tick〕Middle English tek [light tap] 中古英语 tek [轻拍] 〔flick〕To touch or hit with a light, quick blow:轻拍,轻击:以轻而快的动作碰或打:〔dub〕To tap lightly on the shoulder by way of conferring knighthood.封…为爵士:封爵时用剑轻拍其肩〔dribble〕To move a ball or puck with repeated light bounces or kicks.运球:不断地轻拍或踢从而使球或球状物移动〔flip〕To strike quickly or lightly; flick.轻拍:轻而快地击;轻弹〔dribble〕To move (a ball or puck) by repeated light bounces or kicks, as in basketball or soccer.运球,盘球:不断轻拍或踢以移动球或冰球,如对篮球或足球那样〔spat〕To strike with a light spattering sound; slap.轻轻地拍打;轻拍〔clap〕and from Old Norse klappa [to clap, pat] 并源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 klappa [拍击,轻拍] 〔tip〕To strike gently; tap.轻击:轻轻地击打;轻拍〔bob〕To hit lightly and quickly; tap.轻拍:轻快地拍;轻叩〔clap〕To strike lightly but firmly with the open hand, as in greeting:轻拍:用张开的手轻轻地但坚定地拍击,如在问候中:〔dab〕To apply with short, poking strokes:轻拍,轻触:很快地涂抹,轻触:〔dab〕dabbed some paint on the worn spots.在磨掉的地方轻拍上一些颜料〔pet〕To stroke or caress gently; pat.See Synonyms at caress 爱抚,亲抚:温柔地拍打或抚摸;轻拍 参见 caress




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