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单词 趋于
释义 〔protrusive〕Tending to protrude; protruding.突出的:趋于伸出的;伸出的〔excitative〕Causing or tending to cause excitation.刺激性的:引起或趋于引起激动的〔individuation〕In Jungian psychology, the gradual integration and unification of the self through the resolution of successive layers of psychological conflict.个性形成:荣格精神分析法的一个概念,即经过多层次的心理冲突后,自我意识逐渐趋于统一和融合〔mutinous〕Of, relating to, engaged in, disposed to, or constituting mutiny.See Synonyms at insubordinate 反叛的:与叛乱有关的、参与、策划、趋于或构成叛乱的 参见 insubordinate〔extinctive〕Tending to extinguish or make extinct.使灭绝,使消亡:趋于灭绝或使灭绝的〔down〕To or in a quiescent or subdued state:和缓:趋于或处于平静或顺从的状态:〔comedogenic〕Tending to produce or aggravate acne.趋于使痤疮产生或恶化〔conservatize〕"He has prepared himself by . . . conservatizing his politics"(Peter Goldman)“他通过使自己的政治主张趋于保守来作好心理准备”(彼得·戈德曼)〔converge〕To tend toward or achieve union or a common conclusion or result:达成一致:趋于或达成联合、共同结论或者结果:〔blatant〕 on the other hand, tends to emphasize a serious wrongdoing in the offense itself: 则趋于强调过错本身的严重不道德行为: 〔prejudicial〕Causing or tending to preconceived judgment or convictions:引起偏见的,不利的:造成或趋于预想的判断或信念的:〔diathesis〕A hereditary predisposition of the body to a disease, a group of diseases, an allergy, or another disorder.体质:趋于患某种变异或疾病的身体倾向或体质的倾向〔intellectual〕Given to exercise of the intellect; inclined toward abstract thinking about aesthetic or philosophical subjects.活跃思维的:用来锻炼理解力的;趋于对美学和哲学问题进行抽象思维的〔centripetal〕Tending or directed toward centralization:倾向集中的:趋于或指向中心的:〔affected〕Disposed or inclined.趋于,倾向:趋于…的或倾向于…的〔peak〕Sales tend to peak just before the holidays.节日前销售量趋于最高潮〔blip〕"The decline in the share of GNP going to health . . . appears to be a one-time blip in the historic trend rather than the start of a new trend"(Atlantic)“国民生产总值的下降趋于缓和…看起来只是历史潮流中一个暂时现象,而不是一个新潮流的开始”(大西洋)




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