单词 | 超级英雄 |
释义 | 〔superman〕Overman and Beyondman hardly seem likely names for a superhero, but perhapsOverman might be "leaping tall buildings at a single bound" had the German word Übermensch been translated differently than it was. However, Nietzsche's term for the ideal superior man was translated into English assuperman, first recorded in a work by George Bernard Shaw published in 1903. Such a term comes to us through a process called loan translation, or calque formation,whereby the semantic components of a word or phrase in one language are literally translated into their equivalents in another language,GermanÜbermensch, made up of über, "super-,” and Mensch, "man,” thus becoming superman. Becauseüber- can also be translated "beyond" and "over,” we also findoverman and beyondman as calques for the word Übermensch, but they did not take root.Shaw, in a letter written before 1917, noted that"some of our most felicitous writers . . . had been using such desperate and unspeakable forms as Beyondman, when the glib Superman was staring them in the face all the time.”Hence, when it came to naming a new comic strip hero,Superman was the logical choice, a name first recorded in 1938. Overman 和 Beyondman 看上去几乎不象超级英雄的名称, 但是,如果将德语中 Übermensch 这个单词译作不同于原有的译法时,那么,也许 Overman 可能是“纵身一跃就能跃过高楼大厦”。 然而,尼采给予理想超人的名称译成英语为Superman , 这个词最早见于乔治·萧伯纳的出版于1903年的一部作品中。这个词是通过借译而来的,或者说是通过仿造而来的,在以上这样的过程中,一个词或词组的语义成分被直译成另一语言中的与之相对应的成分。德语单词 Übermensch 是由 uber (即英语中"super-”之意)和 Mensch (即英语中"man"之意)组成的,这样的话,此词在英语中就成了 Superman 。 因为 über 也可译为"beyond"和"over", 所以我们发现 躡ermensch 也被借译为 overman 和 beyondman 。 但是,这两个词并没有在英语中确立下来。萧伯纳在写于1917年之前的一封信中说道:“一些措辞最巧妙的英语作家,竟一直使用象Beyondman这种令人绝望而又无法形容的词,却对一直面对面盯着他们的‘Superman’视而不见”。这样,当要命名一个新的连环漫画中的英雄时,Superman 一词就成了理所当然的选择,这个名称首次记录于1938年 〔superhero〕A figure, especially in a comic strip or cartoon, endowed with superhuman powers and usually portrayed as fighting evil or crime.超级英雄:在连环画或卡通片中,具有超人力量,通常被描写为与罪恶或犯罪作斗争的人物 |
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