单词 | 起源于 |
释义 | 〔snicker〕[Perhaps imitative] [可能起源于象声词] 〔bumpkin〕The termbumpkin may at one time have been directed at an entire people rather than that segment of the population living in a rural area. The first recorded appearance of the word in 1570 is glossed by the Latin wordBatavus, "Dutchman,” thus making plausible the suggestion thatbumpkin may come from either the Middle Dutch word bommekijn, "little barrel,” or the Flemish word boomken, "shrub.” The connection would be between a squat object and the short, rotund figure of the Dutchman in the popular imagination.Any bumpkin would surely prefer this etymology to another suggestion thatbumpkin is a derivative of bum, "the rear end.” 单词bumpkin 有一个时期意指住在乡下的所有人而不是其中的一部分, 这个词于1570年第一次出现是用拉丁词Batavus “荷兰人”注解的。 使得下面这个解释似乎是说得通的,即bumpkin 有可能起源于中古荷兰词语 bommekijn “小圆桶”的意思,或起源于法兰德斯语 boomken “灌木”的意思。 这两者之间的联系在一般的想象中就如同一个矮胖的物体同圆胖的荷兰人间的关系。而任何一个乡下人都确信无疑这个词源有另一个解释,即bumphin 是从 bum 演变而来的,该词的意思是“尾部末梢” 〔toss〕[possibly of Scandinavian origin] [可能起源于斯堪的纳维亚语] 〔rococo〕Also Rococo A style of art, especially architecture and decorative art, that originated in France in the early 18th century and is marked by elaborate ornamentation, as with a profusion of scrolls, foliage, and animal forms. 也作 Rococo 洛可可式:一种18世纪初起源于法国的有精心刻意用大量的涡卷形字体、树叶及动物形体点缀装饰的艺术风格,尤指建筑和装饰艺术〔Palladian〕Of or characteristic of an architectural style of the mid 18th century derived from that of Palladio, especially in Britain.帕拉迪奥式建筑的:18世纪中期的一种建筑风格的或有其特点的,起源于帕拉第奥的建筑风格,尤其是在英国〔verismo〕An artistic movement of the late 19th century, originating in Italy and influential especially in grand opera, marked by the use of common, everyday themes often treated in a melodramatic manner.真实主义运动:19世纪晚期的一次艺术运动,起源于意大利并在大歌剧中尤具影响力,以采用按情节剧方式处理的日常生活的主题为特征〔Santeria〕An African-based religion similar to voodoo, originating in Cuba and Brazil, which combines the worship of traditional Yoruban deities with the worship of Roman Catholic saints.桑泰里厄教:非洲人信奉的类似巫毒教的宗教,起源于古巴和巴西,结合了对传统约鲁巴神的膜拜以及对罗马天主教圣徒的膜拜〔comrade〕A comrade can be socially or politically close,a closeness that is found at the etymological heart of the wordcomrade. In Spanish the Latin wordcamara, with its Late Latin meaning "chamber, room,” was retained, and the derivativecamarada, with the sense "roommates, especially barrack mates,” was formed. Camarada then came to have the general sense "companion.” English borrowed the word from Spanish and French,Englishcomrade being first recorded in the 16th century. The political sense ofcomrade, now associated with Communism, had its origin in the late-19th-century use of the word as a title by socialists and communists in order to avoid such forms of address asmister. This usage, which originated during the French Revolution,is first recorded in English in 1884.同志在社会或政治关系上是亲密的,这种亲密的意思可以从comrade 的词源中找到。 在西班牙语中,拉丁词camara 仍保留有它的拉丁语意思“小房间,房间”, 同时出现了它的派生词camarada 意思是“室友,尤指同营房的战友”。 接着Camarada 具有了一般“同伴”的意思。 英语从西班牙语和法语中借用了这个词,英语中comrade 第一次出现是在16世纪。 comrade 的政治意义现在是与共产主义相联的, 最初在19世纪末,它是作为社会主义者或共产主义者的前称以区别于mister(先生) 一词的。 这种用法起源于法国大革命时期,第一次在英语中出现则是在1884年。〔refer〕To assign or attribute to; regard as originated by.归因于…:指派或归因于……;认为起源于……〔myogenic〕Of muscular origin; arising from the muscles.起源于肌肉的,源自肌肉的〔tennis〕Surprisingly, the origin of the wordtennis is not precisely known, even though much is known about the history of this sport. The word in the formtenetz is first recorded in a work written around 1400. The game referred to is what is now calledcourt tennis, or real tennis, which is played on a large indoor court with a specially marked-out floorand high cement walls off which the ball may be played.It seems likely that the Middle English formtenetz is from tenetz, an Anglo-Norman variant of the Old French word tenez, the imperative oftenir, "to hold,” and meaning "receive,” said by the server to his opponent.As this evidence indicates, tennis originated in medieval France,but the French called the game, then as now,la paume. Bytennis we do not mean what tenetz or la paume meant but rather lawn tennis, a term first recorded around 1874, shortly after an early form of lawn tennis, descended from court tennis, was introduced. Unlike court tennis, which is traditionally associated with the rich and the royal, tennis is open to players from a wide spectrum of society,although it certainly is not unconnected with the rich and the royal.令人惊讶的是,尽管人们对这项运动的历史知之甚多,但tennis 一词的起源却不被人所详细了解。 在约1400年,此词以tenetz 的形式第一次出现在书面上。 其所指的运动就是现在所谓的court tennis 或 real tennis , 这是一种在有标记的地板的室内场地上进行的运动,场地四周有很高的泥灰墙。而中古英语的tenetz 有可能是从 tenetz 这个古法语中的盎格鲁-诺曼变体 tenez 得来的。 而该古法语词又是tenir 一词的祈使式, 意为“抓住,握住”,而发球人对其对手说时意义为“接住”。这一例子似乎说明网球运动起源于中世纪的法国,但是在法语中,这项运动从古至今一直被称为la paume 。 我们用tennis 这一词其实指代的不是 tenetz 或者 la paume 指代的事物,而是 lawn tennis 这一在1874年前后第一次被记录的词语所指代的事物,此时由庭院网球演变而来的草地网球的一种早期形式正在被介绍开来。 不象传统上与富人和贵族联系紧密的庭院网球,网球运动适合社会各阶层的人,当然这并不是说这一运动就与富人和贵族没有联系〔bunt〕[both of Low German origin] [两者都起源于低地德语] 〔gallimaufry〕mafrer [to gorge oneself] from Middle Dutch moffelen [to open one's mouth wide] [of imitative origin] mafrer [使快乐] 源自 中古荷兰语 moffelen [张大嘴] [起源于拟声词] 〔Tejano〕A style of conjunto music originating in southern Texas and combining influences from country music, rhythm and blues, and popular Latin styles.德州综合音乐:起源于德州南部的综合音乐,结合了乡村音乐、节奏蓝调和流行的拉丁曲风〔camerlingo〕[of Germanic origin] [起源于日耳曼语] 〔mesothelium〕The layer of flat cells of mesodermal origin that lines the embryonic body cavity and gives rise to the squamous cells of the peritoneum, pericardium, and pleura.间皮:起源于中胚层的扁平细胞层,衬于胚胎的原始体腔中,最终发育成腹膜、心包及胸膜的上皮细胞〔camel〕[of Semitic origin] [起源于闪族语] 〔cachinnate〕[probably of imitative origin] [可能起源于模仿] 〔videodisk〕[Originally a German trademark] [起源于德国商标] 〔stampede〕[of Germanic origin] [起源于德语] 〔bun〕[of Celtic origin] [起源于凯尔特语] 〔mousse〕[partly of Germanic origin] [部分起源于日尔曼语] 〔Shelta〕A secret jargon used by Gypsies in Great Britain and Ireland, based on systematic inversion or alteration of the initial consonants of Gaelic words.舍尔塔语:大不列颠及爱尔兰的吉普赛人使用的一种秘密用语,起源于盖尔单词初始辅音的系统化倒置或改变〔whir〕[probably of Scandinavian origin] [有可能是起源于斯堪的纳维亚] 〔myelogenous〕Originating in or produced by the bone marrow.骨髓的:起源于骨髓的或由骨髓产生的〔fair〕American folk speech puts Standard English to shame in its wealth of words for describing weather conditions.When the weather goes from fair to cloudy,New Englanders say that it's "breedin' up a storm" (Maine informant in theLinguistic Atlas of New England ). If the weather is clear, however,a New Englander might call itopen. Southernfair off and fair up, meaning "to become clear,” were originally Northeastern terms and were brought to the South as settlement expanded southward and westward.They are now "regionalized to the South,” according to Craig M. Carver, author ofAmerican Regional Dialects. These phrases may be the origin of modern and less regional coinings,such asmild up, used on a television weather forecast: "The Southwest is beginning to mild up just a tad.”美国方言对天气状况的描写因其应有尽有的单词使标准英语黯然失色。当天气由晴转多云时,新英格兰人会说“孕育着一场暴风雨”(新英格兰语言学图册 的缅因消息提供者)。 但如果天气是无云的,新英格兰人也许会说open。 南部的fair off 和 fair up 所表示的放晴, 起源于东北部词语,后被带到南部成为固定用法并向南向西流传。根据克雷格M·卡弗尔,美国地区方言 的作者所说,它们如今已“被南方地区化了”。 这些词组或许正是现代不再具地区性的词句的起源,例如mild up, 用于电视天气预报: “西南将变得暖和一点”〔taboo〕Among the many discoveries of Capt. James Cook was a linguistic one, the termtaboo. Cook used this word in his journal of 1777while he was in the Friendly Islands (now Tonga).Hence, even though similar words occur in other Polynesian languages,the formtaboo from Tongan tabu is the form we have borrowed. The Tongans usedtabu as an adjective; they spoke of persons or things that weretabu, that is, "under prohibition, forbidden, or set apart. ”Cook, besides borrowing the word into English,also made it into a noun referring to the prohibition itselfand a verb meaning "to make someone or something taboo.”From its origins in Polynesian society the wordtaboo has spread throughout the English-speaking world and has been applied in ways that never occurred to the people from whom Cook originally borrowed it.詹姆士·库克船长的许多发现中有一个是语言上的,即taboo 这个词。 库克在他1777年的航海日志中使用了这个词,当时他在弗兰德里群岛(现在的汤加)。因此,虽然相似的词也曾出现在其它的波利尼亚语言中,但是从汤加语的tabu 发展而来的 taboo 这一形式就成了我们所借用的形式。 汤加人将tabu 用作一个形容词; 他们谈论某人或某事是tabu 的, 即意味着它们是“处于禁令下的、被禁止的或和别人分开对待的”。库克除了把这个词借用到英语中,还把它变成了一名词,表示禁止,也把它用作一个动词,意为“使其人或某事成为禁忌”。起源于波利尼西亚社会的taboo 这一词已在说英语的世界中被广为使用, 而它的一些用法是库克当年向其借用该词的人们所从未想到的〔scour〕[probably of Scandinavian origin] ; akin to Old Norse skūr [shower] [有可能起源于斯堪的纳维亚语的] ;类似于 古斯堪的纳维亚语 skūr [阵雨] 〔diatribe〕Listening to a lengthy diatribe may seem like a waste of time,an attitude for which there is some etymological justification.The Greek worddiatribē, the ultimate source of our word, is derived from the verb diatribein, made up of the prefixdia-, "completely,” and tribein, "to rub,” "to wear away, spend, or waste time,” "to be busy.” The verbdiatribein meant "to rub hard,” "to spend or waste time,” and the noundiatribē meant "wearing away of time, amusement, serious occupation, study,” as well as "discourse, short ethical treatise or lecture, debate, argument.”It is the serious occupation of time in discourse, lecture, and debate that gave us the first use ofdiatribe recorded in English (1581), in the now archaic sense "discourse, critical dissertation.”The critical element of this kind of diatribe must often have been uppermost,explaining the origin of the current sense ofdiatribe, "a bitter criticism.” 听唠唠叨叨的絮语也许好象是浪费时间,这是一种态度,一些词源对此有所表明。该词的终源希腊单词diatribe 起源于由动词 diatribein ; 而后者是由前缀dia- “完全地”和 tribein (“消磨、消逝、花费或浪费时间”,“忙于”)所构成的。 动词diartibein 意思是“难熬”、“花费或浪费时间”, 而名词diatribe 意思是“时间消逝、消遣、热衷消遣,研究”, 还有“论文、伦理学论文,伦理学论文或讲演,争辩,论据”。在(1581年)英语中记载的第一次使用diatribe 是热衷于把时间消磨在论文、讲演和争辩中, 现在古体文含义是“论文,批评式的学术演讲”。这种论文所含批评因素必须常常占最主要的,它解释了diatribe 现代含义“尖刻批评”的词源 〔smolt〕[probably of Old English origin] [可能起源于古英语的] 〔tinnitus〕[of imitative origin] [起源于象声词] 〔northwest〕Originating in or coming from the northwest:起源于或来自西北的:〔interlude〕A 16th-century genre of comedy derived from this.幕间喜剧:一种起源于此的16世纪喜剧类型〔camlet〕A rich cloth of Asian origin, supposed originally to have been made of camel's hair and silk and later made of goat's hair and silk or other combinations.驼毛呢:起源于亚洲的一种华美的布料,据猜测,最初是用骆驼的毛和绒制成,而后来则由山羊的毛和绒或其它结合物制成〔agama〕[of Cariban origin] [起源于加勒比语源的] 〔folk〕Of, occurring in, or originating among the common people:民间的:具有、出现在或起源于民间的:〔caltrop〕trappa [trap] [of Germanic origin] trappa [陷阱] [起源于日耳曼语] 〔Dniester〕A river of southwest European U.S.S.R. rising in the Carpathian Mountains and flowing about 1,368 km (850 mi) generally southeast to the Black Sea near Odessa. It formed the Soviet-Romanian border from 1918 to 1940.德涅斯特河:起源于喀尔巴阡山脉的苏联西南部河流,流程1,368公里(850英里)。大体按东南方向在敖德萨市附近流入北海,1918至1940年间成为苏联和罗马尼亚的边界〔muffuletta〕[probably of Germanic origin] [可能起源于日尔曼语] 〔nip〕[of Dutch or Low German origin] [起源于荷兰语或低地德语] |
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