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单词 赞成
释义 〔yes〕It is so; as you say or ask. Used to express affirmation, agreement, positive confirmation, or consent.是:是这样;如你所说或你所问。用来表达确信、同意、明确的证实或赞成〔nod〕An indication of approval or assent:同意:表示同意或赞成的信号:〔approval〕Favorable regard; commendation.赞成:令人满意的对待;赞成〔amen〕Used at the end of a prayer or a statement to express assent or approval.阿们:用在祈祷或陈述的结尾表示承认、赞成〔suppress〕"There is the world of ideas and the world of practice;the French are often for suppressing the one and the English the other;but neither is to be suppressed" (Matthew Arnold).Tostifle is to keep back something, such as an impulse or an emotion, as if by smothering it: “存在着一个思想的世界和一个行动的世界;法国人通常赞成压制前一个世界,而英国人则赞成压制后一个;但是两者都不会被压制住的” (马修·阿诺德)。Stifle 就是好像闷熄般抑制住某物,如冲动或情感: 〔Lawrence〕A city of northeast Kansas on the Kansas River east-southeast of Topeka. It was founded in 1854 by the New England Emigrant Aid Society and was the scene of a proslavery raid (1856) that sparked retaliatory killings by the abolitionist John Brown. Population, 65,608.劳伦斯:美国堪萨斯州东北一城市,位于托皮卡东南偏东部的堪萨斯河畔。1854年由新英格兰移民救助社团建立,1856年在此发生赞成奴隶制者的袭击事件(1856年)从而激起了废奴主义者约翰·布朗领导的报复性杀戳。人口65,608〔inclinable〕Favorably disposed; amenable:赞成的;顺从的:〔second〕To endorse (a motion or nomination) as a required preliminary to discussion or vote.赞成:在讨论或选举前所要求作的赞成(一项动议或提名)的开场白〔err〕The pronunciation (ûr) for the worderr is traditional, but the pronunciation (ĕr) has gained ground in recent years, perhaps owing to influence fromerrant and error, and must now be regarded as an acceptable variant.The Usage Panel was split on the matter:56 percent preferred (ûr),34 percent preferred (ĕr),and 10 percent accepted both pronunciations.err 的一种读音(ur)是较传统的, 近年来, 也许由于errant 和 error 两个词的影响,另一种发音(er)普及起来, err一词现在一定也被认为是errant和error的变异体用法。用法使用小组在该词发音上也有分歧:56%的人赞成(ur),34%的人更喜欢(er),剩下10%的人对两种发音都接受〔divide〕To cause (members of a parliament) to vote by separating into groups, as pro and con.表决:使(国会成员)分成赞成与反对的两组进行投票〔crusade〕A vigorous concerted movement for a cause or against an abuse.See Synonyms at campaign 圣战:赞成某一事业或反对某一弊病而进行的有力的统一运动 参见 campaign〔authoritarian〕Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom:独裁主义的:与个人自由相反的,以赞成或以绝对服从权威为特征的:〔agnostic〕"I favored European unity, but I was agnostic about the form it should take"(Henry A. Kissinger)“我赞成欧洲的统一,但对其所应采取的形式我不发表看法”(亨利..基辛格)〔aye〕"between the Scylla and Charybdis of Aye and No"(John Henry Newman)“在赞成和反对的之间进退两难”(约翰·亨利·纽曼)〔approve〕To consider right or good; think or speak favorably of.赞成:认为是正确的或好的;表扬地想起或说起〔subscribe〕I subscribe to your opinion.See Synonyms at assent 我赞成你的意见 参见 assent〔favor〕To treat or regard with friendship, approval, or support.关照,赞成:友好、赞同、支持地对待〔straddle〕To appear to favor both sides of (an issue).对…骑墙,观望:看起来对(一件事的)两方面都持赞成态度〔pro〕from Latin prō [for] * see per 1源自 拉丁语 prō [赞成] * 参见 per 1〔statehooder〕One who is in favor of granting statehood to a particular territory or region.拥护州地位者:赞成予一特定地域或地区享有州地位者〔clericalism〕A policy of supporting the power and influence of the clergy in political or secular matters.教权主义:一项赞成神职人员在政治或非教会事务中的权力及影响的政策〔dealignment〕A movement among voters toward nonpartisanship, resulting in a weakening of party structure.解散联盟:在选举人中赞成无党派的运动,导致党组织的削弱〔acquiescence〕Passive assent or agreement without protest.默认,默许:未持异议的被动赞成或同意〔esteem〕Favorable regard.See Synonyms at regard 崇敬:赞成的尊敬 参见 regard〔affirmative〕A word or statement of agreement or assent, such as the wordyes. 肯定词:表示同意或赞成的词或陈述,如词汇是 〔Ciano〕Italian fascist politician. Married (1930) to the daughter of Benito Mussolini, he urged Italy to join the Axis powers in World War II but later favored a separate peace with the Allies. Among those who called for Mussolini's resignation, he was tried for treason and executed on Mussolini's orders.齐亚诺,加利佐:(1903-1944) 意大利法西斯党的政治家。1930年同贝内托·墨索里尼的女儿结婚,在第二次世界大战中他极力主张意大利加入轴心国组织,但后来又赞成与同盟国单独讲和。 在那些呼吁墨索里尼退位的人中,他被判叛国罪由墨索里尼下令处决〔string〕To go along with something; agree.赞成某事;同意〔revolutionist〕One who favors or is engaged in a revolution.革命者:赞成或参加革命的人〔restrictionism〕A viewpoint or policy approving the imposing of restrictions, as on immigration or trade.限制主义:赞成施加限制的观点或政策,如在移民或贸易上〔proslavery〕Advocating the practice of slavery.赞成奴隶制的:提倡实行奴隶制的〔adhesion〕Assent or agreement to join.同意:赞成或同意参加〔fair〕an unprejudiced evaluation of the arguments for and against the proposal.公正地评价赞成和反对计划的论据。〔acclamation〕An oral vote, especially an enthusiastic vote of approval taken without formal ballot:拥护,赞成:口头表决而不经正式投票,常是热情地支持:〔favor〕To be or tend to be in support of.赞成:支持,趋向于支持〔judge〕The members of the jury are the sole judges of what the truth is in this case. Anarbitrator works to settle controversies and is either appointedor derives authority from the consent of the disputants, who choose him or her or approve the selection: 陪审团的成员们是这个案件真相的唯一审判员。 Arbitrator 致力于解决争端, 他可以是指定任命的,也可以是由推举他(或她)或赞成此推举的争议人同意而产生的: 〔well〕In a favorable or approving manner:喜欢地,赞成地:〔give〕You gave me to imagine you approved of my report.你使我认为你赞成我的报告〔contingent〕arms sales contingent on the approval of Congress.See Synonyms at dependent 取决于议会是否赞成的武器销售 参见 dependent〔courtesy〕Consent or agreement in spite of fact; indulgence:好意,纵容:不顾事实地表示同意或赞成;纵容:〔argue〕To put forth reasons for or against something:争辩:提出理由以表示(赞成)或反对某事:




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