单词 | 财富 |
释义 | 〔marry〕marry money.靠结婚得到的财富〔roll〕rolled up quite a fortune.积累了一大笔财富〔plutography〕Greek ploutos [wealth] * see pleu- 希腊语 ploutos [财富] * 参见 pleu- 〔capitalist〕A person of great wealth.一个拥有大量财富的人〔owe〕owed their riches to oil; owes her good health to diet and exercise.有了石油才有他们的财富;她的健康归功于饮食和锻炼〔avaricious〕Immoderately desirous of wealth or gain; greedy.贪婪的:不正常的渴求财富或利益的;贪婪的〔production〕The creation of value or wealth by producing goods and services.产生,发生:通过生产产品或提供财富创造价值或财富〔Hades〕The god of the netherworld and dispenser of earthly riches.哈德斯:冥界之神,人间财富的分发者〔publican〕from pūblicum [public revenue] [from neuter of] pūblicus [public] * see public 源自 pūblicum [公共财富] 源自pūblicus的中性词 [公共的] * 参见 public〔zaikai〕zai [wealth] zai [财富] 〔impecunious〕pecunious [rich] from Middle English from Old French pecunios from Latin pecūniōsus from pecūnia [money, wealth] * see peku- pecunious [富的] 源自 中古英语 源自 古法语 pecunios 源自 拉丁语 pecūniōsus 源自 pecūnia [钱,财富] * 参见 peku- 〔fortune〕Extensive amounts of material possessions or money; wealth.庞大的财产:大量财产、金钱或财宝;财富〔avarice〕Immoderate desire for wealth; cupidity.贪婪:对财富的不正常的渴求;贪婪〔moneymaking〕Acquisition of money or other wealth.赚钱:获取钱财或其他财富〔possession〕possessions Wealth or property. possessions 财富,财产〔London〕The capital and largest city of the United Kingdom, on the Thames River in southeast England. Greater London consists of 32 boroughs surrounding the City of London, built on the site of a Roman outpost named Londinium. Its growth as an important trade center dates from 886, under the rule of Alfred the Great. During the Elizabethan period (1558-1603) London achieved new heights of wealth, power, and influence and has continued to dominate its country's political, economic, and cultural life. The old city was devastated by the plague in 1665 and by the Great Fire of 1666; the modern city was damaged severely by bombs during World War II. Population, 6,851,400.伦敦:英邦联合王国的首都和最大城市,位于英格兰东南部泰晤士河沿岸。大伦敦由环绕伦敦市的三十二个自治城市组成,它建在一个名为伦迪尼厄姆的罗马前哨站上。自886年开始发展成为一个重要的贸易中心,当时由阿尔弗雷德一世执政。在伊丽莎白统治时期(1558-1603年),伦敦在财富、权力和影响力上达到新的高峰,并一直主宰着本国的政治、经济和文化生活。老城遭1665年瘟疫和1666年大火后摧毁;新城在第二次世界大战中被炸弹严重毁坏。人口6,851,400〔incalculable〕incalculable wealth.数不胜数的财富〔Rockefeller〕American family, includingJohn Davison (1839-1937), an oil magnate who amassed great wealth through the Standard Oil Company and spent about half of his fortune on philanthropic works. His son John Davison, Jr. (1874-1960), continued his father's work and had five sons, including Nelson Aldrich (1908-1979), who was governor of New York (1959-1973) and Vice President of the United States (1974-1977) under Gerald Ford. 洛克菲勒:美国的一个家族,包括石油大王约翰·戴维森 (1839-1937年),他通过标准石油公司聚积了大笔财富,并把其财富的一半用于慈善事业。其子 小约翰·戴维森 (1874-1960年)继承了父业并生有五子,其中包括曾任纽约州州长(1959-1973年)和杰拉德·福特任总统时的美国副总统(1974-1977年) 的内尔森·艾尔德利奇 (1908-1979年) 〔plethoric〕"this successful industry of England, with its plethoric wealth"(Thomas Carlyle)“这个成功的英国工业,具有过多财富”(托马斯·卡莱尔)〔opulent〕Possessing or exhibiting great wealth; affluent.富裕的:占有或具有大量财富的;丰富的〔treasure〕Accumulated or stored wealth in the form of money, jewels, or other valuables.财富:以金钱、珠宝或其它有价值的物品形式积聚或贮藏的财富〔Dives〕A man of great wealth.富豪:拥有大量财富的人〔Clark〕American economist known for his theory of marginal productivity. He wroteThe Philosophy of Wealth (1885) and The Distribution of Wealth (1899). 克拉克,约翰·贝茨:(1847-1938) 美国经济学家,以边际生产理论而闻名。著有《财富哲学》 (1885年)和 《财富分配》 (1899年) 〔stingy〕Miserly implies greed and the hoarding of wealth for its own sake: Miserly 意味着贪婪并仅仅为了自己的利益囤积财富: 〔Solon〕Athenian lawgiver and poet. His reforms preserved a class system based on wealth but ended privilege by birth.棱伦:古雅典的立法者及诗人。他的改革保留了建立在财富基础之上的阶级系统,但却以出生特权而告终〔set〕"He is dead set against rushing abroad to build a plant"(Fortune)“他坚决反对出国开工厂”(财富)〔hylozoism〕The philosophical doctrine holding that all matter has life, which is a property or derivative of matter.物活论:认为所有的物质都有生命,生命是物质的财富或属性的哲学思想〔schematize〕a diagram that schematizes the creation and consumption of wealth.把财富的创造和消费图式化的图解〔Genoa〕A city of northwest Italy on theGulf of Genoa, an arm of the Ligurian Sea. An ancient settlement, Genoa flourished under the Romans and also enjoyed great prosperity during the Crusades. Today, it is Italy's chief port and a major commercial and industrial center. Population, 760,300. 热那亚:意大利西北的一座城市,濒临利古里亚海的一个港湾热那亚湾 。作为一个古老的聚居地,热那亚在罗马人统治下繁盛起来,并在十字军东征期间聚敛了大量财富。今天,它是意大利的主要港口和重要的商业、工业中心。人口760,300 〔possessed〕He is possessed of great wealth.他拥有巨大的财富〔wealth〕An abundance of valuable material possessions or resources; riches.财富:有价值物质拥有物或资源的丰富;财富〔influence〕Power to sway or affect based on prestige, wealth, ability, or position:势力,权利:基于名望、财富、能力或地位的影响和支配的能力:〔gather〕families who amassed great fortunes in the days before income tax. See also Synonyms at reap 那些在征集所得税之前聚敛了大量财富的家庭 参见同义词 reap〔Crete〕An island of southeast Greece in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Its Minoan civilization was one of the earliest in the world and reached the height of its wealth and power c. 1600b.c. Crete subsequently fell to the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Venetians, and Ottoman Turks. The islanders proclaimed their union with modern Greece in 1908. 克里特岛:希腊东南沿海的一个岛屿,位于地中海东部。它的迈诺斯文明是世界是最早的文明之一,并在公元前 17世纪纪达到其财富和权势的顶峰。克里特岛先后被希腊人、罗马人、拜占廷人、阿拉伯人、威尼斯人和奥托曼土耳其人攻陷。岛上居民在1908年宣布与现代的希腊结成联盟 〔goddess〕Something, such as fame or wealth, that is worshiped or idealized.被崇拜的东西:受崇拜或被美化的东西如名誉或财富〔pelf〕Wealth or riches, especially when dishonestly acquired.金钱财物:尤指以欺诈行为而得到的金钱和财富〔spill〕One is not supposed to cry over spilled milk,but at one time the wordspill was associated with many tears. Old Englishspillan, the ancestor of Modern Englishspill, had meanings such as "to destroy, mutilate, kill.”The hints of its future life in connection with substances falling out of containers, often wastefully, were contained in the senses "to waste" and "to shed blood.”But many people, castles, and fortunes were "spilled" before people started spilling milk,at least judging from the recorded evidence.Spill is first recorded in the sense "to cause a substance to fall out of a container" in a work composed in the 14th century.Since then, much water, milk, and gravy have been spilled,while most of the senses having to do with destruction and bloodshed have become obsolete or archaic.对着打翻的牛奶哭是无济于事的,但spill 这个词曾经和眼泪有联系。 古英语单词spillan , 即现代英语单词spill 的祖先, 具有例如“毁灭,破坏,杀死”等意思。而其“浪费”及“使血流出”的含意则暗示着这个古词将来会与通常是浪费性质的从容器中溢出之物发生联系。但在人们开始洒牛奶之前就已“杀死”了许多人命,“毁坏”了许多城堡,“浪费”了许多财富,这一点至少可以从记载下来的证据判断出来。Spill 最初记录下来的意思是“使一物质溢出一容器”, 这一含意出现于14世纪的一本著作中。从那时起,这个词表达人们泼洒了大量的水、牛奶及肉汁,而这个词与毁灭及流血有联系的有关意思则都成了过时用法或古代用法〔hammerlock〕"has preserved its hammerlock on the business largely because of its reputation for quality"(Fortune)“主要是因为它在质量上的声誉使其在这个行业占据了绝对主导地位”(财富)〔megalomania〕A psychopathological condition in which delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence predominate.妄想自大狂:一种精神病的心理状态,主要表现为对财富、权力或全能的妄想〔Pluto〕from ploutos [wealth] * see pleu- 源自 ploutos [财富] * 参见 pleu- |
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