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单词 谴责
释义 〔censure〕An expression of strong disapproval or harsh criticism.谴责:表现为强烈反对或严厉批评〔punish〕The judge castigated the attorney for badgering the witness.法官因为辩护律师纠缠目击证人而谴责了他。〔deplore〕To feel or express strong disapproval of; condemn:谴责:感到或表达强烈的不满意;指责:〔accusation〕An act of accusing or the state of being accused.责备,谴责:指责的行为或被指责的状态〔pharisaic〕Hypocritically self-righteous and condemnatory.伪善的:虚伪地自以为是和谴责〔convict〕To show or delcare to be blameworthy; condemn:谴责:表示或宣布有过错;谴责〔now〕Used to introduce a command, reproof, or request:用来引出命令、谴责或要求:〔patience〕Forbearance denotes restraint, as in retaliating, demanding what is due, or voicing disapproval or condemnation: Forbearance 指抑制、忍耐,如在复仇、争取正确事物或表示反对或谴责中: 〔Jansenism〕The theological principles of Cornelis Jansen, which emphasize predestination, deny free will, and maintain that human nature is incapable of good and were condemned as heretical by the Roman Catholic Church.詹森主义:利尼利斯·詹森倡导的理论规则,强调宿命论、否认自由意志且认为人性本恶,被罗马天主教作为异端所谴责〔scold〕 Berate suggests scolding or rebuking angrily and at length: Berate 指长时间愤怒地责备或谴责〔damn〕a cleric who damned gambling and strong drink.谴责赌博和酗酒行为的牧师〔disallow〕from Old French desalouer [to reprimand] 源自 古法语 desalouer [责备,谴责] 〔invective〕Of, relating to, or characterized by denunciatory or abusive language.辱骂的:属于、关于或以谴责的或谩骂的言语为特征的〔Juvenal〕Roman satirist whose works denounced the corruption and extravagance of the privileged classes in Rome.尤维纳利斯:古罗马讽刺作家,其作品谴责了古罗马特权阶级的腐化和奢侈〔provoke〕"Men blame you that you have stirred a quarrel up" (William Butler Yeats).See also Synonyms at annoy “男人们谴责你,因为你挑起了一场争端” (威廉·布特勒·叶芝) 参见同义词 annoy〔Montesquieu〕French philosopher and jurist. An outstanding figure of the early French Enlightenment, he wrote the influentialParisian Letters (1721), a veiled attack on the monarchy and the ancien régime, and The Spirit of the Laws (1748), a discourse on government. 孟德斯鸠:法国哲学家和法学家。他是早期法国启蒙运动的杰出人物。著有隐含攻击君主制和古代政体的有影响力的作品如《波斯人信札》 (1721年)和谴责政府的 《论法的精神》 (1748年) 〔of〕Grammarians have sometimes condemned categorically the so-called double genitive construction,as ina friend of my father's; a book of mine. The construction is well supported by literary precedent,however, and serves a useful purpose.Thus there is no substitute for the double genitive in a sentence such asThat's the only friend of yours that I've ever met, since sentences such asThat's your only friend that I've ever met and That's your only friend, whom I've ever met are obviously impossible. 语法学家有时谴责这种范畴上的双重所有格形式,如我父亲的朋友;我的一本书 。 这种结构为许多文学先进所支持,认为它们是很有用的。在一个如那是我曾经遇到的你唯一的朋友 的句子中双重所有格是没有替代式的, 因为句子如那是我曾遇到的你唯一的朋友 和 那是唯一一个我曾遇到的你的朋友 显然是完全不一样的 〔McCarthy〕American politician. A U.S. senator from Wisconsin (1947-1957), he presided over the permanent subcommittee on investigations and held public hearings in which he accused army officials, members of the media, and public figures of being Communists. His charges were never proved, and he was censured by the Senate in 1954.麦卡锡,约瑟夫·雷芒德:(1908-1957) 美国政治家,来自威斯康星州的美国参议员(1947-1957年)。他指责许多军队官员、新闻媒介内部工作人员和公众人物为共产党,并指挥一个永久委员会分会对他们进行调查和公开审判。他的指控从未成立,1954年他受到议会的谴责〔ban〕Censure, condemnation, or disapproval expressed especially by public opinion.谴责:尤指舆论所表达的指责、谴责或非难〔dishonest〕Lying conveys a blunt accusation of untruth: Lying 表达了对不真实性直言不讳的谴责〔bawl〕To reprimand loudly or harshly.大声训斥:高声或严厉的谴责〔dispraise〕To express disapproval of; censure.表示反对;谴责〔Mumford〕American social critic and writer whose works, such asThe Culture of Cities (1938) and The Conduct of Life (1951), decry dehumanizing technology and call for a return to humanitarian and moral values. 蒙福德,刘易斯:(1895-1990) 美国社会评论家和作家,他的著作谴责使人性丧失的技术并要求人道主义和道德价值观的回归,如《城市文化》 (1938年)和 《生活指南》 (1951年) 〔reprimand〕from réprimande [a reprimand] 源自 réprimande [谴责] 〔tirade〕A long angry or violent speech, usually of a censorious or denunciatory nature; a diatribe.长篇抨击激烈演说:一种愤怒的或激烈的长篇言辞,通常为挑剔或谴责性质;抨击〔admonition〕Mild, kind, yet earnest reproof.告诫,劝谏:温和的,和善的,但诚挚的谴责〔report〕To complain about or denounce:抱怨,指责:抱怨或谴责〔condemnation〕The act of condemning.谴责谴责的行为〔Belo〕East Timorese Roman Catholic bishop. An outspoken critic of Indonesia's invasion and colonization of East Timor, he shared the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize with José Ramos-Horta.贝罗,卡罗斯·菲力普·西门尼:东帝汶天主教主教。他直言不讳地谴责印度尼西亚入侵和殖民地化东帝汶,与若斯·拉默斯-荷塔共获1996年诺贝尔和平奖〔rebuff〕from ribuffo [reprimand] 源自 ribuffo [谴责] 〔bugger〕To damn.谴责,批评,诅咒,定罪〔indict〕To accuse of wrongdoing; charge:控告,谴责:指责…的过错;控告:〔execration〕The act of cursing.咒骂,谴责:咒骂或谴责的行为〔stigma〕A mark or token of infamy, disgrace, or reproach:耻辱:恶名声、不名誉或谴责的标志:〔arraign〕"Johnson arraigned the modern politics of this country as entirely devoid of all principle"(James Boswell)“约翰逊谴责本国近代的政治完全缺乏任何原则”(詹姆斯·博斯韦尔)〔invective〕Denunciatory or abusive expression or discourse.咒语:谴责的或谩骂的措词或言语〔invective〕Denunciatory or abusive language; vituperation.辱骂:谴责的或谩骂的语言;责骂〔animadversion〕Strong criticism.谴责:严厉的批评〔criticize〕"No man can justly censure or condemn another,because indeed no man truly knows another" (Thomas Browne).“没有人能够公正地苛评或谴责他人,因为事实上没有人能够真正地了解他人” (托马斯·布朗)。〔rebuke〕To criticize or reprove sharply; reprimand.See Synonyms at admonish 指责:严厉地批评或训斥;谴责 参见 admonish




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