单词 | 课堂 |
释义 | 〔skipper〕a student who was a notorious skipper of Friday classes.星期五课堂的臭名昭著的捣乱学生〔can〕Only 21 percent of the Usage Panel acceptscan in the latter sentence. Butcan has a long history of use by educated speakers to express permission, particularly in British English.What is more, the blurring of the line betweencan and may is socially and historically inevitable, since politeness often makes the use ofcan preferable in the "permission" sense. For example, the sentenceYou can borrow my car if you like is a more gracious offer than You may borrow my car; the first presumes the granting of permission,while the second makes a point of it.Still, it is understandable that insistence on the use ofmay should become a traditional schoolroom ritual, particularly in first-person requests such as 用法专题使用小组中只有21%的成员接纳can 用于后面一句中。 但can 被受过教育的说话者用于表示许可已有很长的历史, 尤其是在大不列颠英语中。而且,can 和 may 之间不明显的界限从社会和历史渊源上说也是不可避免的, 因为礼貌常使can 的使用比较适宜“允许”这个意义。 例如,句子如你想要的话,你可以借用我的车 是比 你可以借用我的车; 亲切得多的提议, 第一句假定表示许可,而第二句却限定于这一点。然而,主张may 的用法应成为课堂内的惯例也是可以理解的, 尤其是在第一人称中,如 〔classroom〕Often used to modify another noun:课堂:常用于修饰另一名词:〔spearhead〕"spearheaded the effort to offer classes in settlement houses[and] provide lecturers to women's clubs" (Catherine Clinton)“带头在定居区提供课堂[并且] 为妇女俱乐部配备演讲者” (凯瑟琳·克林顿)〔hour〕A single session of a school day or class.一学时:学校或课堂的课时〔classroom〕classroom teachers; classroom instruction.课堂教师;课堂指导 |
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