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单词 诺贝尔
释义 〔Wilkins〕British biophysicist. He shared the 1962 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for advances in the study of DNA.威尔金斯,莫里斯·休·弗雷德里克:(生于 1916) 英国生物物理学家。他因推进了脱氧核糖核酸的研究而获1962年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖〔Forssmann〕German physician. He shared a 1956 Nobel Prize for developing new techniques for treating heart disease.福斯曼,维尔纳·狄奥多·奥托:(1904-1979) 德国医师,因在心脏病手术中采用新技术而获得1956年诺贝尔医学奖〔Hewish〕British astronomer. He shared a 1974 Nobel Prize in physics for his discovery of pulsars.休伊什,安东尼:(生于 1924) 英国天文学家。 他因发现脉冲星而获1974年诺贝尔物理奖〔Marconi〕Italian engineer and inventor who in 1901 transmitted long-wave radio signals across the Atlantic Ocean. He shared the 1909 Nobel Prize in physics.马可尼,古列尔默:(1874-1937) 意大利工程师和发明家,他在1901年把长波无线电信号传送过大西洋。1909年获得诺贝尔物理奖〔conceptualize〕"Efforts to conceptualize the history and structure of the universe were already running into trouble because . . . the universe was not as uniform as had been assumed"(John Noble Wilford)“试图把宇宙的历史与结构概念化的努力已陷入困境…因为宇宙并非如人们所设想的那样一成不变”(约翰·诺贝尔·威尔福特)〔Schawlow〕American physicist. He shared a 1981 Nobel Prize for developing technologies to study complex forms of matter.肖洛,阿瑟·伦纳德:(生于 1921) 美国物理学家,他因发展对物质复杂形式的研究技术获得1981年诺贝尔物理奖〔Neher〕German physicist who shared a 1991 Nobel Prize in medicine for the development of a technique for detecting the exchange of ions across cellular membranes.奈尔,尔温:德国物理学家,因开发用于检测细胞膜上离子交换的技术,与人分享1991年的诺贝尔医学奖〔Nobel〕Swedish chemist and engineer who invented dynamite (1866) and bequeathed his fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes.诺贝尔,阿尔弗烈德·伯恩哈德:(1833-1896) 瑞典化学家、工程师,他发明了炸药(1866年)并将他的财产遗赠建立了诺贝尔〔Enders〕American bacteriologist. He shared a 1954 Nobel Prize for work on the cultivation of the polio virus.安德斯,约翰·富兰克林:(1897-1985) 美国细菌学家,以其关于脊髓灰质炎(即小儿麻痹)病毒培植的工作而获1954年诺贝尔医学奖〔dynamite〕The same man who gave us dynamite gave us the Nobel Peace Prize,an irony that was surely not lost on the pacifistic Alfred Nobel himself.It is perhaps less well known that Nobel also contributed the worddynamite. Coined in Swedish in the formdynamit, the word was taken from Greekdunamis, "power,” and the Swedish suffix-it, which corresponds to our suffix-ite used in various scientific fields. Greekdunamis also gave us words such as dynamic and dynamo and itself probably goes back to the verbdunasthai, "to be able,” from which comesdynasty. 正是那个为我们制造炸药的人建立了诺贝尔和平奖,这种反语在阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔,这个和平主义者身上反映出来。而鲜为人知的是诺贝尔还创造了dunamite 这个词。 该词以瑞典语dynamit 形式创造, 取自希腊文dunamis ,意为“力量”, 再加上瑞典语的后缀-it, 相当于英文用于各种科学领域的后缀-ite。 希腊词dunamis 还向我们提供了其他词,如 dynamic 和 dynamo , 而后者本身可能追源到动词dunasthai , 由此又产生了dynasty 〔Whipple〕American pathologist. He shared a 1934 Nobel Prize for discovering that a diet of liver relieves anemia.惠普尔,乔治·霍伊特:(1878-1976) 美国病理学家,因其发现食用动物肝脏可以治疗贫血而与人分享1934年诺贝尔医学奖〔Stockholm〕The capital and largest city of Sweden, in the eastern part of the country on the Baltic Sea. Founded in the mid-13th century, it grew as a trade center allied with the Hanseatic League. Stockholm was the leading city of the kingdom of Sweden after 1523 but did not become the official capital until 1634. The Nobel Institute is here. Population, 653,455.斯德哥尔摩:瑞典首都及最大城市,位于该国东部,邻波罗的海,建于13世纪中期,后发展成与汉撒同盟结盟的贸易中心斯德哥尔摩于1523年后成为瑞典王国的首席城市,但直到1634年才成为正式的首都诺贝尔学院座落于此。人口653,455〔come〕"A further problem . . . came to light last summer as a result of post-flight inspections"(John Noble Wilford)“作为飞行后检查的结果,进一步的问题…出现在去年夏季”(约翰·诺贝尔·威尔福特)〔Sakmann〕German neurobiologist who shared a 1991 Nobel Prize in medicine for the development of a technique for detecting the exchange of ions across cellular membranes.萨克曼,贝特:德国神经生物学,因开发用于检测细胞膜上离子交换的技术,与人分享1991年的诺贝尔医学奖〔Gabor〕Hungarian-born British physicist. He won a 1971 Nobel Prize for his work on holography.伽柏,丹尼斯:(1900-1979) 英裔匈牙利物理学家,因在全息摄影术方面的成就而获1971年诺贝尔物理奖〔Ryle〕British astronomer. He shared a 1974 Nobel Prize for physics for using radio telescopes to probe outer space with great precision.赖尔,马丁:(1918-1984) 英国天文学家。因用无线电波望远镜极清晰地观察外太空,而获1974年诺贝尔物理奖〔Walton〕Irish physicist who with Sir John Cockcroft succeeded in splitting the atom (1931). They shared a 1951 Nobel Prize for their contributions to nuclear physics.瓦尔顿,欧内斯特·托马斯·辛顿:(生于 1903) 爱尔兰物理学家,和约翰·考克饶夫一起成功分裂了原子(1931年)。他们以其对核物理的贡献而同获1951年的诺贝尔物理奖〔Jerne〕Danish immunologist. He shared a 1984 Nobel Prize for pioneering immunology research.杰尼,尼尔斯K.:(生于 1911) 丹麦免疫学家。因对免疫学的开拓性研究而获1984年诺贝尔医学奖〔Wieschaus〕German-born biologist. His research on fruit flies resulted in the identification of the genes that are essential for embryonic development of the body segments. He shared a 1995 Nobel Prize in medicine.魏区豪斯,艾力克:德裔生物学家。他通过对果蝇的研究从而确定基因是身体部分最初发育必不可少的因素。他与人共获1995年诺贝尔医学奖〔honor〕the honor shown to a Nobel laureate.对诺贝尔桂冠诗人的尊敬〔Wald〕American biologist. He shared a 1967 Nobel Prize for research on the human eye.沃尔德,乔治:(生于 1906) 美国生物学家。因其对人眼的研究而和他人共获1967年诺贝尔医学奖




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