单词 | 诺曼人 |
释义 | 〔York〕A borough of northern England on the Ouse River east-northeast of Leeds. Originally a Celtic settlement, it was later held by Romans, Angles, Danes, and Normans. During the Middle Ages the city was a prosperous wool market and an educational center. Its archbishopric is second only to Canterbury in importance. Population, 101,600.约克:英格兰北部一自治市,位于乌斯河河畔、利兹东北偏东。起初为盖尔人的定居点,后为罗马人、盎格鲁人、丹麦人和诺曼人占领。中世纪该城是繁荣的羊毛市场和教育中心。其大主教地位仅次于坎特伯雷大主教。人口101,600〔Bari〕A city of southeast Italy on the Adriatic Sea. Controlled successively by the Greeks, Romans, Goths, Lombards, Byzantines, Normans, and Venetians, it became part of the kingdom of Naples in 1557. Population, 370,781.巴里:意大利东南部、亚得里亚海沿岸的城市。相继被希腊人、罗马人、哥特人、伦巴第人、拜占庭人、诺曼人和威尼斯人统治,1557年成为那不勒斯王国的一部分。人口370,781〔Shrewsbury〕A municipal borough of western England on the Severn River west-northwest of Birmingham. An ancient Saxon and Norman stronghold, it is now a transportation hub with varied industries. Population, 60,400.什鲁斯伯里:英格兰西部一自治城市,位于伯明翰西北偏西的塞文河畔。古代萨克森人及诺曼人的要塞,现在为一交通中枢,具有多种工业。人口60,400〔Norman〕A member of a Scandinavian people who settled in northern France in the tenth century.诺曼人:斯堪的纳维亚人的一员,10世纪时居住于法国北部〔Gaeta〕A city of west-central Italy northwest of Naples on theGulf of Gaeta, an inlet of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Gaeta was a favorite resort of the ancient Romans and a prosperous duchy from the 9th to the 12th century, when it was conquered by the Normans. Population, 22,605. 加埃塔:意大利中西部那不勒斯西北的一座濒埃塔湾 的城市,在第勒尼安海海湾处。在9世纪至12世纪期间,即诺曼人统治时期,加埃塔是最受罗马人喜爱的旅游胜地。人口22,605 〔bombast〕"He sometimes . . . in his rants, talked with Norman haughtiness of the Celtic barbarians" (Macaulay). “他有时夸夸其谈,象诺曼人那样目空一切地大讲凯尔特人的未开化” (马可勒)。〔Sicily〕An island of southern Italy in the Mediterranean Sea west of the southern end of the Italian peninsula. It was colonized from the 8th centuryb.c. by Greeks, who displaced the earlier Phoenician settlers. The next conquerors were Carthaginians, who in turn were conquered by Romans in the 3rd century b.c. After a succession of other rulers the island came under the control of the Normans in the 11th century a.d. and formed the nucleus of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, consisting of Sicily and southern Italy. The island continued to change hands until a later kingdom was conquered by Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1860 and became part of unified Italy. 西西里:意大利南部一岛屿,位于意大利半岛南端以西的地中海。从公元前 8世纪起成为希腊殖民地,希腊人赶走了早期定居在此的腓尼基人。迦太基人成为下一个征服者,他们在 公元前 3世纪又被罗马人所征服。在经过其他人相继统治之后, 公元 11世纪该岛被置于诺曼人管辖之下,并形成了两西西里王国的核心部分,由西西里和意大利南部组成。该岛继续多次易手,直到1860年朱森珀·加里波第征服了最后一个王国为止,它成为统一后的意大利的一部分 〔culprit〕According to British legal tradition,the wordculprit comes from cul. prit, an abbreviation of the Anglo-Norman legal phraseCulpable: prit d'averrer nostre bille. These words, said by the clerk of the crown in response to a not-guilty plea,meant, "Guilty: I am ready to aver our indictment.”After law French went out of official use in the courts,the shortened formcul. prit was misinterpreted as a term of address used by the clerk to a prisoner indicted for high treason or felony and pleading "not guilty.” Culprit is first recorded in such a use in 1678. The term was thereafter taken to mean "the accused,”and then, by association with Latinculpa, "guilt,” it came to mean "a guilty party.”根据英国法律的传统,culprit 一词源于 cul. prit , 这是英国法语的法律短语Culpable: prit d'averrer nostre bille 的缩略语。 这些词语是王国政府的书记员在回答对于被指控罪名不服的申诉时所说的,意思是:“证明有罪的:我将要证实我们的控告属实。”在诺曼人的法律法语不限于在法庭中使用后,其缩略形式cul.prit 被错误地理解为一种称呼,书记员用它来称呼被控犯有判国罪或重罪但又申辩“无罪”的犯人。 Culprit 一词最早在1678年以这种用法被记录下来。 这个词语自那以后被用来指“被控告的人”,然后它与拉丁语culpa “有罪的”一词相联系, 用来表示“被证明有罪的一方”〔Edward〕King of the English (1042-1066) whose reign was marked by political conflict between Norman and English groups.爱德华:英格兰国王(1042-1066年),他的统治期间以诺曼人与英格兰人之间的政治冲突为特征〔Norman〕A descendant of this people, especially one ruling or inhabiting England from the time of the Norman Conquest.诺曼人后裔:这些人的后裔,尤指诺曼征服后统治或居住在英国的人〔Norman〕Of or relating to Normandy, the Normans, their culture, or their language.诺曼的:有或与诺曼底人,诺曼人,他们的文化或语言的有关的〔Normandy〕A historical region and former province of northwest France on the English Channel. Part of ancient Gaul, the region was successively conquered by the Romans, Franks, and Norse; passed to England after the Norman Conquest (1066) and during the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453); and was restored to France in 1450. Its beaches were the focal point of Allied landings on D-day (June 6, 1944) in World War II.诺曼底:英吉利海峡的历史地区,以前为法国西北一个省。古代高卢的一部分,这一地区相继被罗马人,弗兰克人和诺斯人征服,诺曼人征服(1066年)后和英法百年战争期间(1337-1453年)归属英格兰,于1450年归还法国。二战中联军登陆(1944年6月6日)地点即为诺曼底海滩 |
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