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单词 说英语
释义 〔debunk〕One can readily see thatdebunk is constructed from the prefix de-, meaning "to remove,” and the wordbunk. But what is the origin of the wordbunk, denoting the nonsense that is to be removed? Bunk came from a place where much bunk has originated, the United States Congress.During the 16th Congress (1819-1821) Felix Walker, a representative from western North Carolina whose district included Buncombe County, continued on with a dull speech in the face of protests by his colleagues.Walker replied he had felt obligated "to make a speech for Buncombe.”Such a masterful symbol for empty talk could not be ignored by the speakers of the language,andBuncombe, actually spelled Bunkum in its first recorded appearance in 1828 and later shortened tobunk, became synonymous with claptrap. The response to all this bunk seems to have been delayed,fordebunk is not recorded until 1923. 可以很容易地看出debunk 是由前缀 de-, 表“去掉”和单词bunk 构成的。 可是单词bunk 表示“要除去的无稽之谈”的含意的起源是什么呢? Bunk 来自美国国会,一个产生大量空话、假话的地方。在第16届国会期间(1819-1821年),一个来自北卡罗来纳州西部(其区域包括邦克姆县)的代表费列克斯·沃尔克面对其同僚们的抗议,而进行持续冗长枯燥的演讲,沃尔克说他有责任“为邦克姆发表演说”。这种说空话的杰作是不会被说英语的人忽视的。Buncombe 实际上在1828年第一次被记载时拼作 Bunkum , 后来缩写成Bunk 并成为 claptrap 的同义词。 对这空话的反应似乎被耽搁了,因为debunk 直到1923年才被记录下来 〔redundancy〕The usages that critics have condemned as redundancies fall into several classes.In some cases,such asconsensus of opinion, close proximity, hollow tube, and refer back, the use of what is regarded as an unnecessary modifier or qualifier can sometimes be justified on the grounds that it in fact makes a semantic contribution.Thus ahollow tube can be distinguished from one that has been blocked up with deposits, and aconsensus of opinion can be distinguished from a consensus of judgments or practice. In other cases the use of the qualifier is harder to defend.Thus there is no way torevert without reverting back and noconsensus that is not general. · Sometimes recognition of redundancy may require familiarity with a foreign language.The expressionsSierra Mountains and Rio Grande River are indeed redundant for those who know Spanish, but the use of the wordsmountains and river may still serve some purpose when one is addressing an English-speaking audience. Occasionally, what originates as a redundant element may, through long use,become part of the established name of a thing.Thus a reference to the site of a famous World War II battle as "the El Alamein"incorporates three versions of the definite article, in English, Spanish, and Arabic.See Usage Note at close ,consensus ,cross section ,mental telepathy ,rarely ,refer 被评论家指责为冗长和重复的使用方法可分为几类。在某些情况下,如consensus of opinion,、close proximity、 hollow tube 和 refer back , 这种不必要修饰或限定语的使用有时也不能完全否定,因为它们从语义上说还是有意义的。因此,一个空管子 可以与被装填物堵满的管子相区别, 观点的一致 可以与判断力或惯例的一致相区别。 在其它情况下类似修饰语的使用就不那么容易自圆其说了。因此,没有 reverting back 就没有办法 revert , 没有 consensus 不是 general。 · 有时辨认出冗余需要对外语很熟悉。对于懂西班牙语的人来说 Sierra Mountains 和 Rio Grande River 这类说法是重复的, 但当对说英语的人讲话时,使用 mountains 和 river 还是有用的。 有时,一个刚产生时是多余的成份经过长时间使用后,可成为一个物体固定的一部分。因此当提到二战时叫做“阿拉曼战役”的著名战役时,在英语、西班牙语和阿拉伯语中的定冠词的三种形式取得了一致 参见 close,consensus,cross section,mental telepathy,rarely,refer〔he〕Traditionally, English speakers have used the pronounshe, him, and his generically in contexts in which the grammatical form of the antecedent requires a singular pronoun, as inEvery member of Congress is answerable to his constituents; 传统上,说英语的人一般把代词he,him 和 his 用在先行词的语法形式要求跟一个单数代词的语境中, 如国会中每一位成员都应对 其 选民负责; 〔taboo〕Among the many discoveries of Capt. James Cook was a linguistic one, the termtaboo. Cook used this word in his journal of 1777while he was in the Friendly Islands (now Tonga).Hence, even though similar words occur in other Polynesian languages,the formtaboo from Tongan tabu is the form we have borrowed. The Tongans usedtabu as an adjective; they spoke of persons or things that weretabu, that is, "under prohibition, forbidden, or set apart. ”Cook, besides borrowing the word into English,also made it into a noun referring to the prohibition itselfand a verb meaning "to make someone or something taboo.”From its origins in Polynesian society the wordtaboo has spread throughout the English-speaking world and has been applied in ways that never occurred to the people from whom Cook originally borrowed it.詹姆士·库克船长的许多发现中有一个是语言上的,即taboo 这个词。 库克在他1777年的航海日志中使用了这个词,当时他在弗兰德里群岛(现在的汤加)。因此,虽然相似的词也曾出现在其它的波利尼亚语言中,但是从汤加语的tabu 发展而来的 taboo 这一形式就成了我们所借用的形式。 汤加人将tabu 用作一个形容词; 他们谈论某人或某事是tabu 的, 即意味着它们是“处于禁令下的、被禁止的或和别人分开对待的”。库克除了把这个词借用到英语中,还把它变成了一名词,表示禁止,也把它用作一个动词,意为“使其人或某事成为禁忌”。起源于波利尼西亚社会的taboo 这一词已在说英语的世界中被广为使用, 而它的一些用法是库克当年向其借用该词的人们所从未想到的〔coffee〕Would one be as ready to drinkchaoua, kauhi, or coffa as coffee ? Most of these exotic early forms of our word reflect the factthat coffee, though a normal accompaniment to the life of many English speakers, was originally an exotic substance.Coffee came to Europe from the Middle East, where its name wasqahveh, an Ottoman Turkish pronunciation of Arabicqahwah, the Turks having borrowed the word and the drink from the Arabs.The first three forms cited above show the influence of the Middle Eastern words for coffee.Our formcoffee results from combining caffè, the Italian version of the Middle Eastern word, and the vowel of the Middle Eastern word, represented by o. Coffee is first recorded in English in 1601 with the spelling coffe. 人们愿意喝chaoua, kauhi 或 coffa ,就如 coffee 一样吗? 我们言语的这些早期外来形式大多反映这一事实:咖啡虽然常伴随着许多说英语的人的生活,但它是来源于国外的东西。咖啡从中东传到欧洲,在中东它的名称是qahveh , 阿拉伯的奥斯曼土耳其人发音为qahwah 。 土耳其人自阿拉伯借用该单词和饮料。上面引用的前三个形式表明中东话对咖啡这个单词的影响。我们的形式coffee ,得自结合中东单词的意大利的 caffe 和中东单词中用 o字母表示的元音字母。 Coffee在英国于1601年首次被记载,拼作 coffe. 〔Anglo〕An English-speaking person, especially a white North American who is not of Hispanic or French descent.北美白人:祖籍非西班牙或法国的说英语的人,通常是北美白人〔vaquero〕Used chiefly in southwest and central Texas to mean a ranch hand or cowboy,the wordvaquero is a direct loan from Spanish; that is, it is spelled and pronounced, even by English speakers, much as it would be in Spanish.In California, however, the same word was Anglicized tobuckaroo. Craig M. Carver, author ofAmerican Regional Dialects, points out that the two words also reflect cultural differences between cattlemen in Texas and California.The Texas vaquero was typically a bachelor who hired on with different outfits,while the California buckaroo usually stayed on the same ranch where he was born or had grown up and raised his own family there.主要用于得克萨斯西南部和中部,指经营牧场的人或牧童,vaquero 这个词是直接从西班牙语引借过来的; 就是说,即使是说英语的人,拼写和发音这个词也按照西班牙语的方式。然而在加利福尼亚同一个单词被英化成buckaroo。 克雷格·M·卡弗尔,美国区域性方言 的作者, 指出这两个词反应出得克萨斯和加利福尼亚两地牧民之间文化上的差异。得克萨斯的牧童特指在不同牧场上雇佣的单身汉,但是加利福尼亚的牧人通常指呆在他出生或长大并建立自己家园的同一牧场上




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