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单词 误解
释义 〔misconceive〕To interpret incorrectly; misunderstand.误解:错误地解释,误解〔rather〕This use ofhad was once widely criticized as a mistake, the result of a misanalysis of the contraction in sentences such asI'd rather stay. But it is in fact a survival of the subjunctive formhad that appears in constructions like had better and had best, as in 这种对had 的使用曾经招致广泛的批评, 人们认为这是由于对I'd rather stay 这句话简略形式的误解所致。 但实际上这是对例如在had better 或 had best 中 had 虚拟用法的延用,我们能说: 〔misconception〕had many misconceptions about the new tax program.对新税制有许多误解〔unmistakable〕Impossible to mistake or misinterpret; obvious:不会弄错的:不可能在上面犯错误或误解的;明显的:〔popular〕a popular misunderstanding of the issue.对这件事普遍的误解〔misunderstand〕To understand incorrectly; misinterpret.误解:错误理解;误解〔curmudgeon〕The etymology of the wordcurmudgeon has eluded us for at least two centuries, although some lexicographers have thought the solution was at hand, one to his embarrassment.When Samuel Johnson stated in his famous dictionary of 1755 thatcurmugeon "is a vicious manner of pronouncing c÷ur méchant, Fr. an unknown correspondent,” he was giving credit to an anonymous writer for the statement thatcurmudgeon came from French c÷ur, "heart,” and méchant, "evil.” Another lexicographer, John Ash, following in Johnson's tracks though none too carefully,gave the etymology a bit differently in his dictionary of 1775:"from the Frenchc÷ur unknown, and mechant a correspondent"; thus misinterpreting Johnson's attribution as a gloss for the French.Although its origin is unknown,curmudgeon has been around for some time, being first recorded in a work published in 1577. 单词curmudgeon 的词源已经使我们困惑了至少有两个世纪, 虽然有些词典的编辑者已经认为快找到解决方式了,但仍使某些人局促不安。当塞缪尔·约翰逊在他的举世闻名的1755年词典中指出Curmugeon “是对 cour mechant 这一法语词语的错误发音方式(它意指不知名的通讯记者)”时, 他认同一位不署名作家认为curmudgeon 一词来自法语 cour “心”和 mechant “罪恶”的陈述是正确的。 另一个名叫约翰·艾什的词典编辑者承袭了约翰逊的思路,但他也并非很严格地遵循,在他的1775年词典中对该词源作了稍有差别的解释: “从法语cour (不知名的)和 mechant (一名通讯记者)而来”; 由此他误解了约翰逊对于法语的译注。虽然该词词源未知,curmudgeon 已有了一定的历史,它首次被记录于1577年出版的一部作品中 〔mistake〕From Middle English mistaken [to misunderstand] 源自 中古英语 mistaken [误解] 〔labor〕labored under the misconception that others were cooperating.因受到合伙者的误解而苦恼〔misconstrue〕To mistake the meaning of; misinterpret.误解:错误地领会了…的意思;误解〔misapprehend〕To apprehend incorrectly; misunderstand.误解:不正确地理解;误解〔incisive〕The wording of the lease is so clear-cut that no one could possibly misinterpret its meaning. 契约上的措辞如此清楚明了因而没人可能误解它的意思 〔crayfish〕The crayfish, also known as the crawfish, owes its name to a misunderstanding.The actual source of the word may be the Old High German wordkrebiz, "edible crustacean,” or a word related to it.From this Germanic source came Old Frenchcrevice, which when taken into English becamecrevise (first recorded in a document written in 1311-1312). In Old French and Middle English these words designated the crayfish.People began to pronounce and spell the last part of this word as if it werefish, the firstfish spelling (actually fysshes ) being recorded in 1555. Because of a variation in Anglo-Norman pronunciation,two forms of the word have come down to Modern English:crayfish and crawfish. 螯虾又名crawfish,正是出于误解才有现在这个名字。该词的真正来源可能是古高地德语中krebiz 一词, 意为“可食用的甲壳类动物”,或与之相关的一词。从这个日耳曼语词源中出现了古法语crevice 一词, 该词被借用入英语中变成了crevise (初次记录在1311-1312年间所写的一个文件中)。 在古法语和中世纪英语中这一词被称为crayfish。人们开始用fish 来发音和拼写这个词的后半部分, 而第一个fish 拼写法(实际上是 fysshes )被记录于1555年。 由于英国法语发音的差异,这个词的两种变体,即crayfish 和 crawfish 就共同延续到了现代英语中 〔protagonist〕Theprotagonist of a Greek drama was its leading actor, of whom there could be but one in any play.This is an etymological nicety that many modern writers continue to observe when using the word to refer to the main character of a drama or other fiction.Thus when the members of the Usage Panel were asked "How many protagonists are there inOthello ?” the great majority answered "One"and offered substitutes such asantagonist, villain, principal, and deuteragonist to describe Desdemona and Iago. But there is reputable precedent from the 17th century on for usingprotagonist to mean simply "important actor" or "principal party,”with no implication of uniqueness,as inThere are three protagonists in this sluggish novel. Smith and Jones were the protagonists in the struggle over the future of the computer company. Thus, while some writers may prefer to confine the word to a singular sense in their own usage,it is pedantic to insist that the looser use is incorrect. ·The use ofprotagonist to refer to a proponent has become common only in the 20th century and may have been influenced by a misconception that the first syllable of the word represents the prefixpro-, "favoring.” In sentences such asHe was an early protagonist of nuclear power, this use is likely to strike many readers as an errorand can usually be replaced byadvocate or proponent with no loss of sense.希腊戏剧的protagnist 是主角, 且在任何戏剧中仅有一个主角。许多现代作家在用这个词时都注意使它指代戏剧或其他小说的主要人物,因此当用法专题小组成员被问及“在奥赛罗 里有几个主要人物?”时, 大部分人回答“一个”,而且用如antagonist、villain、principal 和 deuteragonist 等词来描述苔丝德蒙娜和雅各。 但是从十七进纪开始,有一个使用protagonist 的规范惯例, 仅表示“重要的演员”或“首要的政党”,而丝毫没有独一无二的暗示,象在句子在这部文风拖沓的小说中有三个人物。 史密斯和琼斯是为计算公司的未来而奋斗的主角中一样。 因此,当某些作家可能在他们自己的用法中偏于把这个词限制在一个简单的含义中时,仍强调自由用法不正确就是卖弄学问的了。用protagonist 来指代建议者或支持者仅在20世纪开始变得常见, 而且被对于代表意为“支持的”前缀pro- 的该词第一个音节的误解所影响。 在句子他是核武力的早期支持者 中, 这种用法可能会使读者认为是个错误,而且常被advocate 或 proponent 所替代, 同时也不会有任何意思的遗漏〔misperceive〕To perceive incorrectly; misunderstand.误解:不正确的理解;误解〔mistake〕A misconception or misunderstanding.See Synonyms at error 误解:错觉或误解 参见 error〔misconstruction〕An inaccurate explanation, interpretation, or report; a misunderstanding.误解:不精确的解释、阐释或报告;误解〔liable〕Liable, apt, and likely are often used interchangeably in constructions with following infinitives, as inJohn is liable to lose, John is apt to lose, and John is likely to lose. The three words are distinct in meaning.A widely repeated rule holdsthatliable should only be used if the subject would be adversely affected by the outcome expressed by the infinitive. The rule therefore permitsJohn is liable to fall out of his chair if he doesn't sit up straight but notThe chair is liable to be slippery, though constructions of the latter type have long been common in reputable writing.Apt usually suggests that the subject has a natural tendency enhancing the probability of an outcome, and that the speaker is in some way apprehensive about the outcome.Thusapt is more naturally used in a sentence like The fuel pump is apt to give out at any minute than in Even the clearest instructions are apt to be misinterpreted by those idiots (since the instructions are not at fault)or inThe fuel pump is apt to give you no problems for the life of the car (since there is no reason that the speaker should regard such an outcome as unfortunate).Likely is more general than either liable or apt. It ascribes no particular property to the subject that enhances the probability of the outcome:whileJohn is apt to lose the election may suggest that the loss will result from something John does or fails to do, John is likely to lose the election does not. Nor does it suggest anything about the desirability of the outcome from the point of view of either the speaker or the subject.A football coach who saysWe are apt to win may be suspected of sarcasm,and one who saysWe are liable to win may be suspected of having bet on the opposition;onlyWe are likely to win is consistent with the expression of an unambivalent expectation of victory. See Usage Note at likely Liable,apt 和 likely 在如下不定式结构中经常可以互换, 例如 John is liable to lose,John is apt to lose 和 John is likely to lose 。 这三个词的意思是有区别的。一条公认的语法规则认为,只有当主语受不定式所表示的动作或结果的不利影响时,才使用liable 。 因此这条规则允许说如果约翰不坐直身子的话,他很容易从椅子上掉下来的 , 但不允许说椅子可能很滑 , 尽管在规范的写作中,后一种类型的句型已经很普遍了。Apt 通常表示主语有增加某种结果的可能性的自然倾向, 而且说话者对此结果多少有些忧虑。因此,apt 用在句子 燃料泵可能随时停止运转 中,比用在 即使是最明了的指令也有可能被那些白痴误解 中更自然 (因为错的不是指令),也比用在燃料可能不会对你的车的使用寿命带来什么问题 中更合适 (因为说话者没有理由认为这样一个结果很不幸)。Likely 比 liable 或 apt 更具概括性。 它并不说明增加了一个结果的可能性的主语是否具有何特性:句子约翰在选举中可能会失败 可能暗示失败归因于约翰所做的或没能做的某件事, 而句子约翰在选举中有可能失败 则没有这种暗示。 另外,它也没有关于说话者或主语是否喜欢某一结果的暗示。如果一位足球教练说We are apt to win , 他可能带有讽刺意味,但如果他说We are liable to win , 他的意思是他认为他们可能会输;只有说We are likely to win ,才明确表示有希望获胜 参见 likely〔mistaken〕Wrong or incorrect in opinion, understanding, or perception.误解的:意见,理解或了解错误或不正确的〔malentendu〕from mal entendu [misunderstood] 源自 mal entendu [误解] 〔father〕The verbfather has come to be used widely to mean specifically to "perform the child-rearing functions of a father,”particularly in the gerundfathering, as inFathering a step-child takes considerable tact and understanding. This usage reflects the same social changes that have led to the analogous use of the verbparent and has met with the same kinds of critical resistance.In the most recent surveythe example cited was rejected by 64 percent of the Usage Panel.A problem particular to this use offather is that it may occasion opportunities for humorous misconstruction,since it is in direct competition with the older sense of "beget.” ·It is notablethat the analogous use ofmother as a verb meaning specifically "to perform the child-rearing functions of a mother" is encountered only rarely.It is likely that the discrepancy in the frequency of these new uses ofmother and father reflects the fact that recent writers on family life have tended to place more emphasis on a reconceptualization of the traditional paternal role in child-rearing.See Usage Note at parent 动词father 被广泛应用, 尤指“履行一个父亲养育孩子的职责”,特别是动名词fathering, 如在抚育养子得花费巨大的心智和理解 。 这种用法反应了引起动词parent 相似用法的同样社会变化, 并遭到了同样的批评反对。在最近的调查中,引用的例子被用法专题使用小组64%的成员反对。特别对于father 这种用法的一个问题是, 它可能会引起幽默的误解,因为它直接与旧观念的“生育”冲突。值得注意的是,mother 作为动词的相似用法意思特指“履行一个母亲生养孩子的职责”, 这种用法很少见。看起来mother 和 father 这些新用法出现频率的不一致反映了一个事实, 那就是近期家庭生活题材的作者们倾向于将更多的重点放在重新定义父母在抚养孩子上所充任的传统角色 参见 parent〔late〕It is technically correct to use a phrase such asour late treasurer to refer to a person who is still alive but who no longer holds the relevant post, but the use offormer in this context will ensure that no embarrassing misunderstanding is created. 使用象我们的前任会计 这样的词组来指仍然健在不过不掌管相关的职位的人,在字义上是正确的, 但是在这样的情况下,former 一词能够避免尴尬的误解发生 〔arise〕mistakes that arise from a basic misunderstanding.See Synonyms at stem 1出自于基本上是误解的错误 参见 stem1〔unequivocal〕Admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; clear and unambiguous:毫不含糊的;明确的:不容许疑问或误解的;明确和不含糊的:〔misread〕To misinterpret or misunderstand:误解,曲解:解释错误或理解错误:〔confuse〕To mistake (one thing for another):误解(一个当成另一个):〔misunderstanding〕A failure to understand or interpret correctly.误解:不能正确理解或领会〔misconception〕A mistaken thought, idea, or notion; a misunderstanding:误解,错误想法:一个错误的思想、想法或观点;误解〔nonstandard〕The termnonstandard was introduced by linguists and lexicographers to describe usages and language varieties that had previously been labeled with terms such as vulgar and illiterate. Nonstandardis not simply a euphemism but reflects the empirical discoverythat the varieties used by low-prestige groups have rich and systematic grammatical structuresand that their stigmatization more often reflects a judgment about their speakersrather than any inherent deficiencies in logic or expressive power.Note, however, that the use of nonstandard forms is not necessarily restricted to the communities with which they are associated in the public mind.Many educated speakers freely use forms such ascan't hardly or ain't I to set a popular or informal tone. · Some dictionaries use the termsubstandard to describe forms, such asain't, associated with uneducated speech, while reservingnonstandard for forms such as irregardless, which are common in writingbut are still regarded by many as uneducated.Butsubstandard is itself susceptible of disparaging interpretation, and most linguists and lexicographers now use onlynonstandard, the practice followed in this Dictionary.词条nonstandard 被语言学家和词典编辑人引进用来描述以前已被词条,例如 vulgar 和 illiterate归类的用法和语言种类。 Nonstandand不只是委婉的说法, 而且反映了凭经验得到的发现:被具有权威的群体所用的语种有丰富而且系统的语法结构,而且这些误解被轻蔑描绘更经常地反映了对其说话者的判断,而不是对任何天生的逻辑和表达力的缺乏。然而,要注意,非标准语形式的运用并不必要限制于在公众心目中与其所联系的团体。许多受过教育的说话者自由地用这些形式如can't hardly 或者 ain't I 说流行或非正式的句子。 有些字典用substandard 来描述此类形式, 如ain't, 并与未受教育的言语相联系, 而同时保留nonstandard 用来形容 irregardless 这一类形式, 这些形式普遍用于写作中,但仍被许多人认为是未受教育的用法。但是substandard 本身很容易引起贬低含义的翻译, 大多数语言学家和词典编辑现在只用nonstandard, 在此词典后边有练习〔widespread〕a widespread misunderstanding.一种普遍的误解〔mistakable〕Capable of being mistaken or misunderstood:易弄错的:容易被弄错或误解的:〔misknow〕To misunderstand.误解:错误地理解〔popcorn〕Popcorn is very much an American institution.Particularly enjoyed by people in the United States,it is grown as a native product and denoted by a word that is an Americanism,a word or expression that was first used in English in the United States.Popcorn, from the verb pop and the noun corn, fits these criteriabecause the first recorded use of the word is found inMemorable Days in America, an account written by the British traveler William Faux and published in London in 1823: "I crossed the Big Wabash . . . at La Valette's ferry,where is beautiful land . . . and two lonely families of naked-legged French settlersfrom whom I received two curious ears of poss corn.”Notice that either Faux misunderstood the termor the French settlers mispronounced it.This type of corn, introduced to the settlers by Native Americans,was long grown by them,little knowing that their benefaction would one day be consumed by countless moviegoers while watching Westerns.爆玉米是美洲人非常熟知的事物。尤其为美国人喜欢,这种作物被他们作为本地作物而大量种植并以一个美国单词来命名,这个词首先在美国被用于英语中。Popcorn 源于动词 pop 和名词 corn, 并且它适应这些标准,因为有关这个词的最早记录见于由英国旅行者威廉·福克斯所著的、1823年在伦敦出版的游记在美国的难忘日子 中,福克斯在其中写道: “我在瓦莱特码头渡过大沃巴什河,那儿有美丽的田地…及两个孤零零的法国家庭,他们都是赤脚的法国拓荒者,从他们那儿我得到了两根奇怪的玉米棒。”请注意,要么也许是福克斯误解了该词,要么也许是法国拓荒者发错了音。这种类型的玉米是美洲印第安人介绍给这些拓荒者的,且已被这些印第安人种植很久了,但他们几乎无法料到他们的施惠有一天会被无数电影观众一边嚼着一边看西部片。〔perverted〕Marked by misinterpretation or distortion:误解的,曲解的:以误解或曲解为特征的:〔misleading〕a misleading similarity. Somethingdeceptive causes one to believe what is not true or fail to believe what is true; the term may or may not imply intentional misrepresentation: 使人产生误解的相似之处。 Deceptive 引起人们相信某事不是真实的和不能相信某事是真实的; 这个词既可隐含故意的错误陈述也可以没有这层意思: 〔error〕 Mistake often implies misunderstanding or misinterpretation and is usually weaker thanerror in imputing blame or censure: Mistake 经常指误解、曲解,在责难或责备意义中语气比error 弱: 〔gloss〕A purposefully misleading interpretation or explanation.曲解:故意误解、曲解〔deceptively〕There appears to be a great deal of confusion about the sense ofdeceptively when it is used to modify an adjective. Does the sentenceThe proof is deceptively simple mean that the proof is simpler or more difficult than it appears?The Usage Panel was asked to choose among paraphrases for the sentenceThe pool is deceptively shallow: 50 percent said that it means "The pool is shallower than it appears";32 percent said that it means "The pool is deeper than it appears";and 18 percent found it ambiguous.Thus the writer who used such a sentence in a warning notice could expect that at least half the public would either misinterpret the messageor would be uncertain as to which sense was intended.Where the context does not make the meaning clear,a substitute should be used,asThe pool is shallower than it looks or The proof is simple, despite appearances. 当用deceptively 修饰一形容词时,该词的意思似乎大有令人困惑之处。 The proof is deceptively simple 一句中,是比它看起来更容易的意思呢, 还是比它看起来更难的意思呢?有人曾要求用法专题使用小组的成员对The pool is deceptively shallow 一句的释义进行选择, 百分之五十的成员认为该句意为:“池塘看起来很浅”;百分之三十二的成员认为该句意为:“池塘看起很深”;而百分之十八的成员则认为该句意义含混模糊。因此,把这句话写在警告牌上的作者可能会发现至少有一半的公众不是误解这则信息,就是不能确定这句话的意图究竟是什么。在上下文不能使意义明了的地方,应该换一种表达方式,如这个池塘比它看起来要浅 或 证明很简单,尽管看起来有些难 〔misread〕misread our friendly concern as prying.将我们友善的关怀误解成间谍行为〔pervert〕To interpret incorrectly; misconstrue or distort:误解,误会,歪曲:




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