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单词 详尽
释义 〔take〕To look at thoroughly; view:详尽地看;注视:〔length〕For a considerable time; fully:详尽地:相当长的一段时间;彻底地:〔complete〕His book is the most complete treatment of the subject. See Usage Note at perfect 他的书里对这个问题作了最详尽的论述 参见 perfect〔subtilize〕To argue or discuss with subtlety; make fine distinctions.细究:详尽地争论或讨论;精细地划分〔talk〕talked the matter over.详尽地探讨这一问题〔Sacco〕Italian-born American anarchist who with Bartolomeo Vanzetti was convicted of a double murder and sentenced to death (1921). Despite the circumstantial nature of the evidence against them and worldwide protest at the political overtones of the proceedings, the two were executed in 1927.萨柯,尼古拉:(1891-1927) 意大利裔美国无政府主义者,与巴托洛梅奥·万泽蒂一起因被控双重谋杀而判死刑(1921年)。尽管详尽的证据利于他们并且世界广泛抗议出于政府偏见的判决,两人还是在1927年被处死〔swell〕The governor's full public disclosure only swelled the chorus of protests.州长对公众的详尽透露反而激起一片更强烈的抗议〔talk〕To discuss (a matter) exhaustively:详尽地讨论(某事):〔Flinders〕British explorer who sailed to New South Wales (1795) and subsequently made a thorough study of the Australian coast.弗林德斯,马修:(1774-1814) 英国探险家,曾航行到新南威尔士州(1795年),随后对澳大利亚的海岸作了详尽的研究〔blueprint〕A photographic reproduction, as of architectural plans or technical drawings, rendered as white lines on a blue background. Also called cyanotype 蓝图:建筑规划或技术图纸等的详尽绘制,用白线在蓝纸上描成 也作 cyanotype〔ponder〕These verbs mean to consider something carefully and at length. Toponder is to weigh in the mind with painstaking thoroughness and care: 这些动词表示仔细而详尽地考虑某件事情。Ponder 是指用煞费苦心的详尽和仔细在头脑中权衡: 〔talk〕I talked out the problem with a therapist.我和一位药剂师详尽地谈了这一问题〔detailed〕an exact and minute report;精确而详尽的报告;〔circumstantial〕a circumstantial report about the debate.See Synonyms at detailed 关于讨论的详尽报告 参见 detailed〔instruction〕instructions Detailed directions on procedure: instructions 操作指南:关于步骤的详尽的指导:〔over〕Completely through; from beginning to end:详尽地,从头至尾地:〔circumstantiality〕The quality of being fully or minutely detailed.详尽:细节上全面或细微的性质〔peruse〕Peruse has long meant "to read thoroughly" and is often used loosely when one could use the wordread instead. The worst that can be said about the latter use is that it is excessively literary or precious.However, common misuse of the word in the sense "to glance over, skim,” as inI only had a moment to peruse the manual quickly, was unacceptable to 66 percent of the Usage Panel. Peruse 很久一直意指“详尽地阅读”, 经常在能用read 这个词时不严谨地用来取代它。 能够提及的后一种用法中最差的一种便是极端文学或过分矫揉造作的。然而,对于百分之六十六的惯用法研究小组成员来说,意为“浏览或略读”的该词的通常错误用法是不能接受的,如在句我只有一会儿时间来迅速浏览这本手册 中 〔exhaustive〕Treating all parts or aspects without omission; thorough:详尽的:无一点遗漏的处理每一部分和每一方面;彻底的:〔canvass〕To make a thorough examination or conduct a detailed discussion.详细讨论:进行详尽的检查或举行详细的讨论〔detailed〕a faithful and particular description. 忠实而详尽的描述 〔over〕Think the problem over. Let's read the memo over.全面地思考这个问题。让我们把备忘录再详尽地读一遍〔saga〕A long, detailed report:长且详尽的报告:〔panorama〕A comprehensive presentation; a survey:详尽的描述;综合评述:〔Hurston〕American writer. In her several books and novels, includingTheir Eyes Were Watching God (1937), she gives detailed and sensitive accounts of Black life in the South. 赫斯顿,佐拉·尼尔:(1901?-1960) 美国作家。她的书和小说中对美国南方黑人的生活进行了详尽、感人的描绘,包括《他们在观望上帝》 (1937年) 〔canvass〕To examine carefully or discuss thoroughly; scrutinize:仔细检查:仔细检查或详尽地讨论;审查:〔toreutics〕The art of working metal or other materials by the use of embossing and chasing to form minute detailed reliefs.浮雕工艺:在金属或其它材料上进行雕塑,形成逼真详尽的型体的艺术〔circumstantiality〕A particular detail or circumstance.详情:详尽的细节或情形〔continuity〕A detailed script or scenario consulted to avoid discrepancies from shot to shot in a film.分镜头剧本:一种为避免电影中镜头间的不相符而查阅详尽的电影剧本或分镜头剧本〔particular〕gave a particular description of the room.对这间房子进行详尽的描述




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