单词 | 该城 |
释义 | 〔Antalya〕A city of southwest Turkey on theGulf of Antalya, an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea. The city is situated on a steep cliff and surrounded by an old wall. Population, 173,501. 安塔利亚:土耳其西南部一城市,位于地中海入口处的安塔利亚湾 岸边。该城市位于悬崖之上被旧城墙围绕。人口173,501 〔Tarsus〕A city of southern Turkey near the Mediterranean Sea west of Adana. Settled in the Neolithic Period, it was one of the most important cities of Asia Minor under Roman rule (after 67b.c. ). Saint Paul was born in Tarsus. Population, 121,074. 塔尔色斯:土耳其南部一城市,位于地中海沿岸,安达纳西部。在新石器时代该城即已建立,它是罗马统治下的小亚细亚最重要城市之一(在公元前 67年以后)。圣·保罗就生于塔尔色斯。人口121,074 〔Yinchuan〕A city of north-central China west-southwest of Beijing. In the 13th century Marco Polo visited the city, which is now the capital of Ningxia Hiuzu province. Population, 200,000.银川:中国中北部一城市,位于北京西南偏西。13世纪马可·波罗曾访问该城,现为宁夏回族自治区首府。人口200,000〔Warsaw〕The capital of Poland, in the east-central part of the country on the Vistula River. Founded in the 13th century, it replaced Cracow as Poland's capital in 1596. Warsaw was ruled by Russia as an independent kingdom (1815-1917) and became capital of Poland again in 1918. Most of the city's Jewish residents were executed during the German occupation in World War II. Warsaw was rebuilt after 1945 and is today a major cultural, commercial, and industrial center. Population, 1,649,000.华沙:波兰首都,位于该国中西部,维斯杜拉河畔。建于13世纪,1596年该城取代克拉科夫而成为波兰首都。作为一个独立王国,华沙于1815-1917年处于俄国统治之下,1918年又成为波兰首都。该城大部分犹太居民都于二战中德军占领期间被处死。1945年之后,华沙得到重建,现在为一主要文化、商业和工业中心。人口1,649,000〔Shreveport〕A city of northwest Louisiana on the Red River near the Texas border. Founded in the 1830's, it grew rapidly after the discovery of oil in the region (1906). Population, 198,525.什里夫波特:美国路易斯安那州西北部的一个城市,位于得克萨斯边境附近的红河河畔。建立于19世纪30年代,1906年这里发现石油后该城迅速发展起来。人口198,525〔Lockport〕A city of western New York north-northeast of Buffalo. An industrial center, the city was built around a series of locks on the Erie Canal. Population, 24,426.洛克港:纽约西部一城市,位于布法罗东北偏北部,为工业中心。该城建造在伊利运河的一系列船闸周围。人口24,426〔Aksum〕A town of northern Ethiopia. From the first to the eighth centurya.d. it was the capital of an empire that controlled much of northern Ethiopia. According to tradition, the Ark of the Covenant was brought here from Jerusalem and placed in the Church of Saint Mary of Zion, where the rulers of Ethiopia were crowned. 阿克苏姆:埃塞俄比亚北部一城镇。公元 1世纪到8世纪,该城是控制埃塞俄比亚北部大部地区的帝国首都。据传说,约柜被从耶路撒冷带到此地后放到锡安山的圣玛丽教堂,在那里埃塞俄比亚的统治者被加冕 〔Santiago〕Also Santiago de Com.pos.te.la [də kŏm'pə-stĕlʹə, Yĕ kôm'pôs-tĕʹlä] A city of northwest Spain south-southwest of La Coruña. The city grew around a shrine housing the reputed tomb of Saint James the Great (discovered in the ninth century) and has long been a pilgrimage center. Population, 62,300. 也作 Santiago de Com.pos.te.la [də kŏm'pə-stĕlʹə, Yĕ kôm'pôs-tĕʹlä] 圣地亚哥:西班牙西北部一城市,位于拉科鲁尼亚西南偏南部。该城在大圣詹姆士著名的墓冢的神龛(发现于9世纪)附近发展起来,是一个古老的朝圣中心。人口62,300〔Alamogordo〕A city of south-central New Mexico northeast of Las Cruces. The first atomic bomb was exploded in a test on July 16, 1945, at the White Sands Missile Range northwest of the city. Population, 24,024.阿拉莫戈多:美国新墨西哥州中部偏南的城市,位于斯克鲁塞斯东北部。第一枚原子弹于1945年7月16日在该城西北部的怀特桑德导弹试验场爆炸。人口24,024〔Shizuoka〕A city of east-central Honshu, Japan, on Suruga Bay southwest of Yokohama. It is a port and processing center. Population, 468,362.静冈:日本本州岛中东部一城市,临骏河湾,在横滨西南部。该城市是一个港口和加工业中心。人口468,362〔Salinas〕A city of western California east-northeast of Monterey on theSalinas River, about 241 km (150 mi) long, near its outlet on Monterey Bay. The city is a processing center and the birthplace of John Steinbeck, who based many of his stories on the migratory farm workers of the Salinas Valley. Population, 108,777. 萨利纳斯:美国加利福尼亚州西部一城市,位于蒙特雷东北偏东萨利纳斯河 畔,该河长约241公里(150英里),该城位于蒙特雷湾出海口附近,是加工业中心,是约翰·斯坦贝克的出生地,他的许多小说以萨利纳斯山谷中的迁徙农场工人为背景。人口108,777 〔Capitoline〕The highest of the seven hills of ancient Rome. It was the historic and religious center of the city.卡比托奈山丘:古罗马七座山峰中最高的一座。是该城的历史和宗教中心〔Stralsund〕A city of northeast Germany on an inlet of the Baltic Sea opposite Rügen Island. Chartered in 1234, it was a leading member of the Hanseatic League and changed hands many times before it passed to Prussia in 1815. Population, 75,335.施特拉尔松德:德国东北部一城市,临波罗的海一港湾与吕根岛对峙该城于1234年或特许自治,为汉萨同盟的领导成员之一,并几度易手,直至1815年归于普鲁士统治之下。人口75,335〔Erlangen〕A city of south-central Germany north-northeast of Nuremberg. Chartered in 1398, it passed to Bavaria in 1810. Population, 100,523.埃尔兰根:德国中部偏南一座城市,位于纽伦堡东北偏北,1398年经特许建立,该城于1810年并入巴伐利亚。人口100,523〔Versailles〕A city of north-central France west-southwest of Paris. It is best known for its magnificent palace, built by Louis XIV in the mid-17th century, where the treaty ending World War I was signed in 1919. Population, 91,494.凡尔赛:法国中北部的一个城市,位于巴黎西南以西。该城以其由路易十四世于17世纪中期建造的宏伟宫殿而闻名,终结第一次世界大战的条约于1919年签订于此。人口91,494〔Belfast〕The capital and largest city of Northern Ireland, in the eastern part of the country onBelfast Lough, an inlet of the North Channel of the Irish Sea. Conflict between Protestants and Catholics has divided the city since the 19th century. Population, 318,600. 贝尔法斯特:北爱尔兰首府及最大城市,位于该国东部贝尔法斯特 -爱尔兰海北海峡的一个海湾。自19世纪以来,该城因新教徒与天主教徒的冲突而分裂。人口318,600 〔Seville〕A city of southwest Spain on the Guadalquivir River north-northeast of Cádiz. Settled in ancient times, it was an important settlement under the Romans, Vandals, and Visigoths and later under Ferdinand III of Castile, who made it his royal residence in 1248. The city especially prospered after the discovery of the New World and served as the chief port of colonial trade until the early 18th century. Population, 672,435.塞维利亚:西班牙西南城市,位于卡地兹东北偏北,瓜达维尔河畔。建于古代,是罗马、汪达尔和西哥德人的主要殖民地,后来成为卡斯提尔的斐迪南德三世的殖民地,1248年,他使该城成为皇家居住地。该城在发现新大陆后尤其繁荣,且直到18世纪早期一直是殖民贸易主要港口。人口672,435〔Charleston〕The capital and largest city of West Virginia, in the west-central part of the state. The city grew around the site of Fort Lee in the late 1780's. Population, 57,287.查尔斯顿:美国西弗吉尼亚的首府和最大城市,位于该州中西部。在18世纪80 年代末该城市在李要塞附近发展起来。人口57,287〔Berlin〕[bûr-lĭnʹ] The capital and largest city of Germany, in the northeast part of the country. Divided between 1945 and 1990 intoEast Berlin and West Berlin, it was the center of the Prussian state and after 1871 was the capital of the German Empire. The division of the city grew out of the zones of occupation established at the end of World War II. The Berlin Wall, a wire and concrete barrier, was erected by the East German government in August 1961 and dismantled in November 1989. Population, 3,034,118. [bûr-lĭnʹ] 柏林:德国首都和最大城市,在德国的东北部。从1945年到1990年被划分为东柏林 和 西柏林, 它曾是普鲁士国的中心和1871年之后日耳曼帝国的首都。二次大战结束时形成的战领区导致了该城的分裂。 柏林围墙, 一道电缆和水泥屏障,于1961年8月由东德政府竖起,于1989年十一月被推倒。人口3,034,118 〔Herculaneum〕An ancient city of south-central Italy on the Bay of Naples. A popular resort during Roman times, it was completely destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius (a.d. 79). Important ruins have been unearthed since the early 1700's. 赫库兰尼姆:意大利中南部的一座古城,位于那不勒斯湾畔。罗马时代为颇受欢迎的旅游胜地,公元 79年被维苏威火山喷发完全摧毁。从18世纪早期以来,该城重要遗迹被挖掘出来 〔Stockton〕A city of central California on the San Joaquin River south of Sacramento. Settled in 1848 just prior to the gold rush, it is an inland port and a trade and processing center. Population, 210,943.斯托克顿:美国加利福尼亚中部城市,位于萨克拉门托以南的圣华金河畔。该城市于1848年淘金潮前夕始有人居住,是内陆港口及贸易与加工业中心。人口210,943〔Piraeus〕A city of east-central Greece on the Saronic Gulf southwest of Athens. Its port was built in the 5th centuryb.c. and after extensive development in the mid-19th century became the principal seaport of the country. In ancient times it was connected with Athens by the Long Walls, two parallel walls some 183 m (600 ft) apart. Population, 196,389. 比雷埃夫斯:希腊中东部的一座城市,位于雅典西南的萨罗尼克湾上。其港口在公元前 5世纪建成,后来经过扩充发展,到19世纪中叶已成为国家的主要海港。在古代,该城与雅典城以一条长墙相连,长墙由两道平行的相距约183米(600英尺)的墙壁组成。人口196,389 〔Gwalior〕A city of north-central India south of Agra. The city has many fine architectural remains from the Mogul era. Population, 539,015.瓜利尔:印度中北部一城市,在阿格拉南部,该城市保留了许多蒙兀儿时期精美建筑的遗迹。人口539,015〔Richland〕A city of southeast Washington on the Columbia River west-northwest of Walla Walla. It was developed in 1943-1945 to house employees of the nearby Hanford Atomic Works. Federal management of the city was relinquished in 1958. Population, 32,315.里奇兰德:华盛顿东南部一城市,位于哥伦比亚河畔沃勒尔的西北偏西。它发展于1943-1945年,为附近的汉福德原子工事的雇员提供房屋。该城的联邦管理被放弃于1958年。人口32,315〔Dieppe〕A city of northeast France on the English Channel north of Rouen. It is a port for channel steamers and a beach resort. Allied forces led a disastrous commando attack on the city (August 19, 1942) to test the strength of German defenses. Population, 35,957.迪拜:位于英吉利海峡上法国东北部里昂以北的一个港口城市和海滨旅游地。二战时期(1942年8月19日)为侦察德国的防御实力,盟军突击队对该城发动袭击,盟军损失惨重。人口35,957〔Lvov〕A city of western European U.S.S.R. in the western Ukraine near the Polish border. Founded in 1256, it was captured by Poland in 1340, passed to Austria in 1772, and was retaken by Poland in 1918. The city was formally ceded to the U.S.S.R. in 1945. Population, 742,000.利沃夫:原苏联西部欧洲部分一城市,在乌克兰西部接近波兰边界。该城于1256年建立,1340年为波兰所占,1772年转手至奥地利,1918年再次回归波兰,1945年该城正式割让给苏联。人口742,000〔Paris〕The capital and largest city of France, in the north-central part of the country on the Seine River. Founded as a fishing village on the Île de la Cité, Paris (then called Lutetia) was captured and fortified by the Romans in 52b.c. Clovis I made it the capital of his kingdom after a.d. 486, and Hugh Capet established it as the capital of France after his accession to the throne in 987. Through the succeeding centuries, Paris grew rapidly as a commercial, cultural, and industrial center. The city was occupied by the Germans in World War II from June 14, 1940, to August 25, 1944. Population, 2,149,900. 巴黎:法国首都和最大城市,位于该国中北部的塞纳河上,作为一个钓鱼村庄建于斯德岛,巴黎(那时叫作鲁提提亚)被罗马人于公元前 52年侵占并加强城防,克维一世于 公元 486年把它订为自己王国的首都,休·卡佩于987年继王位后把它修建为法兰西的首都,在接下来的几个世纪里,作为商业、文化和工业中心,巴黎发展得很迅猛,二战中,该城在1940年6月14日到1944年8月25日期间被德国占领。人口2,149,900 〔Baku〕A city of southwest Central Asian U.S.S.R. on the western shore of the Caspian Sea. Frequently under Persian rule, the city was incorporated into Russia in 1806. It has been a center of oil production since the 1870's. Population, 1,104,000.巴库:苏联中亚部分西南部的一座城市,位于里海西海岸。曾一度为波斯人统治,这座该城于1806年并入俄国。从19世纪70年代开始它已成为石油生产的中心。人口1,104,000〔Sevastopol〕A city of southern European U.S.S.R. in the Crimea on the Black Sea west of Yalta. Founded on the site of an ancient Greek colony, it became Russia's principal Black Sea naval base after the late 18th century. The city resisted lengthy sieges during the Crimean War and World War II. Population, 341,000.塞瓦斯托布尔,塞巴斯托布尔:苏联南欧部分城市,位于亚尔港西部、黑海之滨的克里米亚。建于古希腊领地位置,它在18世纪末成为俄国主要的黑海海军基地。该城在克里米亚战争和第二次世界大战中抵御了长时间的围攻。人口341,000〔Messene〕An ancient Greek city in the southwest Peloponnesus. It was founded c. 369b.c. under Theban auspices as a new capital for the region of Messenia. 麦西尼:古希腊一城市,位于伯罗奔尼撒半岛的西南部。该城是在底比斯人的资助下于公元前 369年建立起来并作为麦西尼亚地区的新首都 〔Timgad〕An ancient Roman city in northeast Algeria. Founded by Trajan ina.d. 100, it is sometimes called "the Pompeii of North Africa" because of its extensive, well-preserved ruins. 提姆加德:位于阿尔及利亚东北部的一座古罗马城市,由图拉真在公元 100年建立,因为该城有大量保存完好的遗址,它有时被称为“北非的庞贝” 〔parameter〕In recent yearsparameter has become the archetype for the borrowing of scientific terms into general usage and as such has occasioned a good deal of skeptical comment.Some of its new uses can be justified as useful extensions of the technical senses of the word.For example, the provisions of a zoning ordinance that limit the height or density of new construction can be reasonably likened to mathematical parameters that establish the limits of other variables.Therefore one can properly sayThe zoning commission announced new planning parameters for the historic Lamping district of the city. But other uses suggest that the writer has not understood the technical senseand has chosen it primarily as a way of injecting an aura of scientific precision into what would otherwise be a pedestrian communication.Thus there is no semantic justification for usingparameter as a general substitute for characteristic, as inThe Judeo-Christian ethic is one of the important parameters of Western culture, an example found unacceptable by 80 percent of the Usage Panel. ·Some of the difficulties with nontechnical use ofparameter appear to arise from its resemblance to the word perimeter, with which it shares the sense "limit,” though the two words differ in their precise meaning.This confusion doubtless explains the use ofparameter in a sentence such as U.S. forces report that the parameters of the mine area in the Gulf are fairly well established, where the wordperimeter would have expressed the intended sense more exactly. This example of a use ofparameter was unacceptable to 61 percent of the Usage Panel. 近些年来,parameter 已成为一个从科技术语借用到普通用法的原形, 同时也引起了大量的怀疑批评。它的某些新用法可被看作是该词科技含义的有益扩展。例如,某一区域性法规中关于新建筑高度或密度的条文能被合理地与制定其它变量限度的数学参量进行比较。因而,人们当然可以说地区委员会公布了历史上该城有名的灯区新计划方案 。 但其它的一些用法说明说话人还没有理解它的科技含义,并且选用了这个词主要作为给将是普通交流的东西注入一些精确的科学气息的途径。因此,用parameter 作为 characteristic 的一般等价词毫无语义上的合理性, 如在犹太教与基督教的道德规范是西方文化中重要的限制因素 , 是80%的用法小组成员不接受的例子。Parameter 的非科技运用中的一些难点是由于它与 perimeter 都有“限制”的含义造成的, 尽管两个词的确切含义是不相同的。这种混淆无疑解释了parameter 在例如 美军报告说,海湾地雷区的环形防线设置得相当不错 的句子中的运用, 这里perimeter 可能会更确切地表达这种引申含义。 61%的用法小组成员不接受这个运用parameter 的例子 〔Ernakulum〕A city of southwest India on the Malabar Coast west of Madurai. It has a Jewish sector that may date to the second or third centurya.d. Population, 213,811. 埃纳库拉姆:印度西南部城市,位于马拉巴尔海岸,马杜拉以西,该城内有一犹太区,其历史上溯至公元 2至3世纪。人口213,811 〔ratables〕netted the city over $30 million in new ratables.新征收所得税后,该城还净剩三千万美元〔Cassino〕A town of central Italy in the Apennines northwest of Naples. In World War II the town and nearby Benedictine monastery of Monte Cassino were reduced to rubble during fierce German-Allied fighting (February-May 1944). Population, 26,300.卡西诺:意大利中部亚平宁山脉腹地的一座城镇,位于那不勒斯西北部。在第二次世界大战中,该城和附近的蒙特卡罗·卡西诺本尼迪克特修道院在激烈的德国联盟战斗中(1944年2月-5月)沦为瓦砾。人口26,300〔Erfurt〕A city of central Germany southwest of Leipzig. Site of an episcopal see founded by Saint Boniface in the eighth century, it was later a free imperial city and a member of the Hanseatic League. Population, 214,231.爱尔福特:德国中部城市,位于莱比锡西南部。作为主教教廷的所在地,该城于公元8世纪由圣博尼费斯建立,后来成为自由的国王属城并为中世纪自由日耳曼城市商人联盟的成员。人口214,231〔Faneuil〕American merchant who built Faneuil Hall in Boston (1742) and donated it to the city. The building was a meeting place for patriots during the Revolutionary period.法纳尔,彼得:(1700-1743) 美国商人,在波士顿建造了法纳尔大厅(1742年)并捐给该城。这座建筑物是革命年代爱国者们聚会的地方〔Truro〕A town of central Nova Scotia, Canada, north-northeast of Halifax. A major Acadian settlement, it was destroyed in 1755 when the Acadians were expelled by the British but was resettled by New Englanders a few years later. Population, 12,552.特鲁若:加拿大新斯科舍省中部一镇,位于哈利法克斯东北偏北。它是阿卡迪亚人主要居住地,1755年英国人驱逐阿卡迪亚人时被毁,但几年后新英格人重建该城。人口12,552〔Decatur〕A city of northern Alabama on the Tennessee River north of Birmingham. Most of the original city was destroyed during the Civil War. Population, 48,761.迪凯特:阿拉巴马州北部一城市,位于伯明翰以北的田纳西河上。该城最初的大部分建筑,在内战中被摧毁。人口48,761〔Philadelphia〕The largest city of Pennsylvania, in the southeast part of the state on the Delaware River. It was founded as a Quaker colony by William Penn in 1681 on the site of an earlier Swedish settlement. The First and Second Continental Congresses (1774 and 1775-1776) and the Constitutional Convention (1787) met in the city, which served as the capital of the United States from 1790 to 1800. Population, 1,585,577.费城:美国宾夕法尼亚州最大的城市,位于该州东南部、特拉华河上沿岸。它由威廉·彭于1681年在原瑞典领地上建立起来。第一和第二次大陆会议(1774和1775-1776年)和制宪会议(1787年)均在该城市召开,从1790年到1800年曾作为美国的首都。人口1,585,577 |
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