单词 | 试验 |
释义 | 〔turn〕To be found to be, as after experience or trial:证实:发觉是,如经历或试验之后:〔Wolfe〕American writer. A leading exponent of New Journalism, he has written extensively on popular culture. His works includeThe Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1968) and The Right Stuff (1979). 沃尔夫,托马斯(肯尼尔):(生于 1931) 美国作家,新时代新闻学的代表人物,他写了很多关于流行文化的作品。他的著作包括《电子冷却酸度试验》 (1968年)和 《合金的材料》 (1979年) 〔trial〕Made or done in the course of a trial or test.试用的,试验的:在试验或测试过程中完成或形成的〔Stein〕American writer of experimental novels, essays, and plays. In Paris during the 1920's she was a central member of a group of American expatriates, including Ernest Hemingway. Her works includeThree Lives (1908) and The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (1933). 斯坦因,格特鲁德:(1874-1946) 美国试验小说、散文和戏剧作家。20年代的巴黎她是一群美国移居国外者的核心成员,这些人包括欧内斯特·海明威。她的著作包括《三个生命》 (1908年)和 《艾丽斯·B·托克拉斯自传》 (1933年) 〔locate〕To find by searching, examining, or experimenting:找出:通过寻找、检查或试验而找出:〔ASTM〕American Society for Testing and Materials.美国试验与材料学会〔urinalysis〕Laboratory analysis of urine, used to aid in the diagnosis of disease or to detect the presence of a specific substance, such as an illegal drug.尿分析:尿液的试验分析,用于诊断病情或发现特定物质的存在,如非法毒品〔preproduction〕The preliminary arrangements, as concerning financing or personnel, that are made upon the inception of a project:试验:方案初期进行的初步安排,如在财务上或人事方面:〔empirical〕Relying on or derived from observation or experiment:经验的:依据观察或实验或由观察或试验得出的:〔Eniwetok〕An atoll in the Ralik Chain of the Marshall Islands in the west-central Pacific Ocean. It was the site of U.S. atomic tests from 1948 to 1954.艾尼威多克:美国在太平洋中西部马歇尔群岛的拉里克环岛中的一个环礁小岛,是美国1948-1954年间原子弹试验基地〔unbelted〕tests of unbelted dummies at various impact speeds.在各种冲击速度下用不系座位安全带的人体模型所做的试验〔prove〕from Latin probāre [to test] 源自 拉丁语 probāre [试验,测验] 〔try〕To taste, sample, or otherwise test in order to determine strength, effect, worth, or desirability:试验,尝试:尝试,取样或侧试以决定力度,效果,价值或受欢迎程度:〔centrifuge〕An apparatus in which human beings or animals are enclosed and which is revolved to simulate the effects of acceleration in a spacecraft.航天试验离心机:人和动物在其里面并旋转以模仿宇宙飞行器的加速作用的一种仪器〔bias〕A statistical sampling or testing error caused by systematically favoring some outcomes over others.偏差:由于系统上的结果偏差而导致的统计抽样或试验的错误〔breadboard〕An experimental model, especially of an electric circuit; a prototype.试验(电路)板:一种实验模型,尤指电路的;原形〔bioassay〕Determination of the strength or biological activity of a substance, such as a drug or hormone, by comparing its effects with those of a standard preparation on a test organism.生物鉴定:通过将其结果与对试验生物所做标准制剂的比较,来鉴定一种物质的强度或生物活性,如药或激素〔endostatin〕A potent, naturally occurring antiangiogenic protein that inhibits the formation of the blood vessels that feed tumors. It is under investigation as a potential cancer therapy.新生血管阻断剂,阻断新生血管抗癌药:有效且自然取得新生血管阻断蛋白,抑制供应肿瘤养份的血管生成。正在进行潜力抗癌药物试验〔ascertain〕To discover with certainty, as through examination or experimentation.See Synonyms at discover 查明,弄清:由事实查明,如通过检查或试验 参见 discover〔experiment〕The process of conducting such a test; experimentation.实验过程:做这种试验的过程;实验〔elbowroom〕elbowroom to experiment.See Synonyms at room 可供试验的宽敞的地方 参见 room〔experiment〕A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, examine the validity of a hypothesis, or determine the efficacy of something previously untried.实验,试验:在受控条件下为演示一项已知真理、检验假说的正确性或确定以前未试用过的某物的效能而做的试验〔pilot〕Serving as a tentative model for future experiment or development:试验性的:为将来的试验或发展做尝试性范例的:〔essay〕A testing or trial of the value or nature of a thing:试验:对事物价值或真伪的试验和判断:〔trial〕An instance of such testing, especially as part of a series of tests or experiments.检验,验证:如此检验的一个事例,尤指一系列试验或测试的一个环节或部分〔experiment〕experiment with new methods of teaching.试验新的教学方法〔trial〕from trier [to sort, try] 源自 trier [分类,试验] 〔trial〕Attempted or advanced on a provisional or experimental basis:试验的,临时的:临时性或试验性地进行的或尝试的:〔arsenal〕A governmental establishment for the storing, development, manufacturing, testing, or repairing of arms, ammunition, and other war materiel.军火库:政府管辖的负责储存,发展,生产,试验或修理武器,弹药以及其他战备物资的机构〔proof〕A trial impression of a plate, stone, or block taken at any of various stages in engraving.毛胚:盘子、石头或岩石在雕刻的各个阶段时的试验印迹〔scuba〕To goscuba diving sounds much more desirable than to go self-contained underwater breathing apparatus diving. In talking about such an apparatus, first successfully tested in 1943, it must have seemed much simpler to sayscuba, taking the first letter of each word in the phrase and putting them together to form one word.Scuba, like other acronyms, as such words are called, has a vowel at a point that allows it to be pronounced like an English word.The word, first recorded in 1952, has been accepted to the extent that people probably rarely think of it as a collection of initials and furthermore have used it in forming other words, such asscuba-dive. In fact, a verbscuba was first recorded in 1973 and is still in use. 用scuba diving 要比用 self-contained underwater breathing apparatus diving 听起来更能令有接受。 当谈及这种首次在1943年试验成功的装置时,能不费力地说scruba , 把词组中每个单字的第一个字母都集合在一起形成一个单词。Scuba 与其它同样叫法的首字缩略词一样, 在某一点有一元音,这样使它在发音时听起来象一个英语单词。自从这个单词首次在1952年出现后,已经被人们广为使用,大概人们很少会把它看作是首字母的集合体,甚至人们把它还用于其它单词中,例如scuba-dive 。 事实上,动词scuba 是在1973年首次被记录,并一直延用至今 〔placebo〕An inactive substance or preparation used as a control in an experiment or test to determine the effectiveness of a medicinal drug.无效对照剂:一种无影响的物质或制剂,用来控制试验或确定药物的有效程度〔admonish〕"A committee at [the university] asked its president to reprimand a scientist who tested gene-altered bacteria on trees" (New York Times). “校委会 要求校长申斥在树上做细胞基因变化试验的科学家” (纽约时代杂志)。〔mockup〕A usually full-sized scale model of a structure, used for demonstration, study, or testing.实体模型:一种通常是建筑物的全尺寸模型,用作陈列,研究或试验〔underground〕Of or relating to an avant-garde movement or its films, publications, and art, usually privately produced and of special appeal and often concerned with social or artistic experiment.先锋派的,前卫的:(有关) 前卫派运动及其电影、出版物和艺术的,它们通常是私人制作,具有特殊魅力并经常与社会或艺术试验相联系〔Dick〕American medical researcher who teamed with his wife,Gladys Henry Dick (1881-1963), to isolate the germ that causes scarlet fever. They developed a serum for the disease (1923) and the Dick test for susceptibility (1924). 狄克,乔治·弗雷德里克:(1881-1967) 美国医学专家,他同他的妻子格拉迪思·亨利·迪克 (1881-1963年)合伙分离出猩红热的细菌。他们(1923年)发现一种用于该病的血清和迪克试验(1924年)用来检验猩红热易感染性 〔test〕A procedure for critical evaluation; a means of determining the presence, quality, or truth of something; a trial:测试:决定性评价的过程;为决定某种事物的存在、特性或真实性而采取的手段;试验:〔breadboard〕To construct an experimental model of (an electric circuit, for example).制作(如电路)试验模型〔Brattle〕American merchant known primarily for his strong denunciation of the Salem witch trials (1692) and his opposition to the rigid Puritanism of Cotton and Increase Mather.布拉托,托马斯:(1658-1713) 美国商人,因谴责塞勒姆的巫术试验和反对科顿和英克里斯·马太(1692年)的严酷的清教主义而闻名〔flagpole〕To test (a plan, a suggestion, a draft, or an idea) and then measure the response to it.试验,检验:检验(一项计划、建议、草案或想法)并估量对它的反应 |
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