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单词 词素
释义 〔interloper〕The wordinterloper comes to us from the days when England was embarking on the course that would lead to the British Empire. Interloper, first recorded in connection with the Muscovy Company, which was the earliest major English trading company (chartered in 1555),was soon being used as well in regard to the East India Company (chartered in 1600).Since these companies were monopolies,independent traders calledinterlopers were not wanted. The term is probably partly derived from Dutch,the language of one of the great trade rivals of the English at that time.Theinter- is simply a use of the prefix inter-, which English has borrowed from Latin,meaning "between, among.”The element-loper is probably related to the same element in landloper, "vagabond,” a word adopted from Dutchlandlooper, with the same sense and composed ofland, "land,” and lōper, from lōpen, "to run, leap.” The wordinterloper, first recorded around 1590, was too useful in a world of busybodies to be restricted to its original specialized senseand came to be used in the extended sense "busybody" in the 17th century.单词interloper 起源于英格兰向大英帝国演化的年代。 有关interloper 的记载最早与曼斯可维公司有联系。 这家公司是英国早期的主要贸易公司(设立于1555年)。随后这词又用于与东印度公司(设立于1600年)有关的方面。因为这两家公司都是垄断企业,因而不需要称interlopers 为独立经营者。 这一词条可能部分来源于荷兰语,当时英国主要贸易对手之一的语言。inter- 只是简单地作为前缀 inter- 使用, 这前缀是英语以拉丁语借用过来的,意为“在…之间,在…当中。”词素-loper 可能与“流浪汉” landloper 中的相同词素有关, 这个词从荷兰语landlooper 吸收过来, 意义不变,由“土地”land 和来自 lopen 意为“跑,跳”的 loper 组成。 interloper 一词最早约记载于1590年, 在充满多事者的世界里极为有用以致于不能局限于其原来的专有意思,在17世纪逐渐使用其引申义“爱管闲事的人”〔lexical〕Of or relating to the vocabulary, words, or morphemes of a language.词汇的:属于或关于某一语言的词汇、词或词素〔bimorphemic〕Consisting of two morphemes.由两个词素组成的〔primary〕Having a word root or other linguistic element as a basis that cannot be further analyzed or broken down. Used of the derivation of a word or word element.具有不可分的语根的:具有不能再分析或分解的词根或其他语素的用于词或词素的派生〔sandhi〕Modification of the sound of a morpheme in certain phonetic contexts, as the difference between the pronunciation ofdon't in don't you and in don't we. 词素变音:据上下文产生的一个词素发音变异,如don't 在 don't you 和 don't we 中发音的差异 〔etymology〕The origin and historical development of a linguistic form as shown by determining its basic elements, earliest known use, and changes in form and meaning, tracing its transmission from one language to another, identifying its cognates in other languages, and reconstructing its ancestral form where possible.词源:一种语言形式的起源及其历史发展可通过确定该词或词素的基本组成部分,已知最早的用法及其形式和含义的转变,追溯它从一种语言转变为另一种语言的过程,鉴定它在其它语言中的同源词和重现它的祖传形式来展现和说明〔Filipino〕Used as the name for the Austronesian language that is based on Tagalog, draws its lexicon from other Philippine languages, and is the official language of the Philippines.菲律宾语:用作基于塔加拉语的奥特罗尼西亚语的名称,从其它菲律宾语言中提取词素,并且做为菲律宾的官方语言〔morphemics〕The study, description, and classification of morphemes.词素学:词素的研究、描述或分类〔classifier〕A word or morpheme used in some languages in certain contexts, such as counting, that indicates the semantic class to which an item belongs. For example,hon is used in Japanese in counting long, slender objects such as sticks or pencils. 量词:在特定的上下文中用于某些语言的词汇或词素,如在计数时,指明一个物品所属的语义类别。例如,hon 在日语中用来计数细长物体(如木棍或铅笔) 〔sememe〕The meaning expressed by a morpheme.义素,义位:词素所表达的意义〔smart〕Smart is a word that has digressed considerably from its original meaning of "stinging, sharp,”as in a smart blow. The standard meaning of "clever, intelligent,”probably picks up on the original semantic element of vigor or quick movement.Smart has taken on other senses as a regionalism. In New England and in the Southsmart can mean "accomplished, talented.” The phraseright smart can even be used as a noun meaning "a considerable number or amount": "We have read right smart of that book" (Catherine C. Hopley).smart 这个词的原意是 “刺痛的,剧烈的”,就象在词组 一次强烈的打击中一样,后来这个词的意思有了很大的转变。 它的标准意思“聪明的,智慧的”,也许是从原来的词素“活力或快速运动”中来的。Smart 有地区性的其它意思。 在新英格兰和南方,smart 可以译为“有才能的,有天赋的”。 词组right smart 还可以用作一个名词, 意为“数量大的”: “我们读过了那本书的大半部分” (凯瑟琳·C·霍普雷)〔morph〕A phoneme or sequence of phonemes that is assumed to be an allomorph though its assignment to a particular morpheme has not been established.一个音素或一列连续音素,尽管它对于某一特定词素的搭配还未确立,但仍被认为是一语素变体〔morpheme〕A meaningful linguistic unit consisting of a word, such asman, or a word element, such as -ed in walked, that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts. 语素:一种含有一个单词的有意义的语言单位,如人 或一词素,如 -ed 在单词 walked 中,不能被划分为更小的有意义单位 〔hyphenate〕To divide or connect (syllables, word elements, or names) with a hyphen.以连字号连接:用连字号分离或连接(音节、词素或名字)〔morphophonemics〕(used with a pl. verb)The changes in pronunciation undergone by allomorphs of morphemes as they are modified by neighboring sounds, as the plural allomorphs incat-s, dog-s, box-es, or as they are modified for grammatical reasons in the course of inflection or derivation, as house versus to house and housing. (与复数动词连用)语态音位学:读音变化,由词素邻近的词音修饰带来的词素变体而产生,比如cat-s,dog-s,box-es 中的复数变体,或者当它们由于语法原因中的词尾变化或派生而受到限制,如 house 不同于 to house 和 housing 〔postpositive〕An appended or suffixed word or word element; a postposition.附加词(素),后缀词(素):附加的或后缀的词或词素;后置词〔highfalutin〕H.L. Mencken, in his famous bookThe American Language, mentions highfalutin as an example of the many native U.S. words coined during the 19th-century period of vigorous growth. Althoughhighfalutin is characteristic of American folk speech, it is not a true regionalismbecause it has always occurred in all regions of the country,with its use and popularity spurred by its appearance in print.The origin ofhighfalutin, like that of many folk expressions, is obscure. It has been suggested that the second element,-falutin, comes from the verbflute —hence high-fluting, a comical indictment of one who thinks too highly of oneself. H.L.曼肯,在其名著美国的语言 一书中指出, highfalutin 一词是众多的创造于19世纪迅速成长时期的美国本土的词汇的一个例子。 尽管highfalutin 一词是典型的美国民间用语, 但它不是方言土语,因为它总是出现在国家的各个地区。出现在印刷品上更促进了它的使用。highfalutin 一词的起源,象许多民间表达方式一样不为人所知, 曾有人说该词的第二词素-falutin, 来源于动词flute ——由此 high-fluting, 特指太自高自大的人 〔word〕A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a single morpheme or of a combination of morphemes.词,文字:一种声音或声音的结合,或以书写或印刷为代表,它象征或传达一个意思,也许包含一个词素或几个词素的组合




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