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单词 诉讼
释义 〔arcanum〕"knows the arcana of police procedure and the intricacies of litigation"(George F. Will)“了解警方程序及诉讼复杂性的专门知识”(乔治F.威尔)〔Wickersham〕American lawyer who as U.S. attorney general (1909-1913) brought antitrust suits against Standard Oil and other corporations.威克沙姆,乔治·伍德沃德:(1858-1936) 美国律师,曾任联邦司法部长(1909—1913年),对标准石油公司和其它企业提出反托拉斯诉讼〔interlocutory〕Pronounced or decided during the course of an action or a suit and merely temporary or provisional in nature:在诉讼程序进行中宣布的:在合议诉讼或起诉过程中宣布或决定的,只是临时的或暂定的一种形式:〔countersue〕To bring proceedings against (a plaintiff) in direct opposition to a suit brought against onself.反诉:在自己受到控诉后对(原告)所进行的直接对抗性诉讼〔mail〕from Old Norse māl [lawsuit] 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 māl [诉讼] 〔assumpsit〕A legal action to enforce or recover damages for a breach of such an agreement.要求赔偿损失的诉讼:对违背这种协议而提出的强制实施或赔偿损失的法律行为〔process〕To institute legal proceedings against; prosecute.起诉:依法对…提起诉讼诉讼〔trespass〕A suit brought for trespassing.侵权诉讼:对侵害行为进行的诉讼〔proceeding〕Legal action; litigation.法律行动;诉讼〔recriminate〕To counter one accusation with another.反诉:用另一个诉论来对抗某个诉讼罪行〔price〕Litigation often entails enormous expense. 诉讼需要大量花费 〔case〕The facts or evidence offered in support of a claim.证据:所提供的支持一项诉讼的事实或者证据〔nonsuit〕To render a judgment of nonsuit against (a plaintiff).驳回…之诉讼:驳回(原告)诉讼〔nonappearance〕Failure of a defendant to appear in an action.未到庭:被告未在诉讼过程中出现〔libel〕Middle English [litigant's written complaint] 中古英语 [诉讼当事人的书面控告] 〔paternity〕Of or relating to a lawsuit brought by a woman attempting to establish that a particular man is the father of her child and so must provide the child with financial support:父系血缘之诉讼的:起诉的,与诉讼有关的,女人借以试图确认某一男子是她的孩子的父亲并从而要求男方向小孩提供经济支持:〔repleviable〕Recoverable by replevin:追回原物之诉:通过发还扣押财物的通知书(或诉讼)追回的:〔counterclaim〕A claim filed in opposition to another claim, especially in a legal action.反索赔,反诉:对另一诉讼进行的诉讼,尤指法律程序中的〔litigious〕Of, relating to, or characterized by litigation.诉讼的:诉讼的,与诉讼有关的,或以诉讼为特点的〔lawsuit〕An action or a suit brought before a court, as to recover a right or redress a grievance.诉讼:被诉诸法庭的诉讼或案例,如为恢复某种权力或赔偿而申诉〔plea〕Middle English plai [lawsuit] 中古英语 plai [诉讼] 〔interpleader〕A procedure to determine which of two parties making the same claim against a third party is the rightful claimant.确定权利诉讼:一种决定在对第三方提出相同要求的双方中谁为合法请求者的法律程序〔joinder〕Formal acceptance of an issue offered.对诉讼争点的正式承认〔belligerent〕A retired litigator misses the challenge to her pugnacious intellect.一位退休的诉讼人怀念对其好斗才智的挑战。〔finalize〕"They have jointly agreed . . . to drop all litigation when the merger is finalized"(Springfield MA Union-News)“他们一致同意…合并之后所有诉讼一并撤回”(斯普林菲尔德MA联报—新闻)〔actionable〕Giving cause for legal action:会引起诉讼的,可控诉的:为合法的行为提供诉因的:〔joinder〕A joining of causes of action or defense in a suit.合并:一件诉讼诉讼原因或辩护原因的合并〔undetermined〕Our lawsuit is still undetermined.我们的诉讼仍未确定〔accusation〕A charge of wrongdoing that is made against a person or other party.控告,指控:指控某人或其他诉讼当事人的过失〔trover〕A common-law action to recover damages for property illegally withheld or wrongfully converted to use by another.侵占物赔偿的诉讼:要求赔偿因他人非法滞留或不正当强占而造成的财产损坏的民法诉讼〔law〕Legal action or proceedings; litigation:起诉:诉讼诉讼程序;诉讼〔chancery〕The proceedings and practice of a court of chancery; equity.衡平法院诉讼事务:衡平法院的诉讼程序和程序法;衡平法〔actionable〕an actionable statement.可以引起诉讼的供词〔fine〕An amicable settlement of a suit over land ownership.调和:在土地所有权方面诉讼的友好解决方式〔case〕An action or a suit or just grounds for an action.诉讼,讼案:诉讼诉讼的正当理由〔put〕put in a plea of guilty.正式提出犯罪诉讼〔complainant〕A party that makes a complaint or files a formal charge, as in a court of law; a plaintiff.原告:在法律诉讼中正式把请求或文件提交诉讼的一方当事人;原告〔immediately〕met with the parties immediately involved in the suit.直接去见诉讼的当事人〔nonjoinder〕Omission of a party, plaintiff, defendant, or cause of action that should have been included as a part of an action or a suit.应参加诉讼的当事人的不参预:应该被包括在内作为一宗诉论或诉案的一部分的一方。原告、被告或诉讼的案件不履行法律责任〔accuse〕causa [lawsuit] causa [诉讼]




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