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单词 讽刺
释义 〔scrofulous〕"a scrofulous, grim, darkly funny burlesque on art, celebrity, and love"(Stephen Schiff)“关于艺术、名誉和爱情的一种堕落的、可怕的、黑暗可笑的讽刺剧”(斯蒂芬·希夫)〔cardboard〕a movie with only cardboard caricatures of its historical subjects.一部仅仅只对历史主题作肤浅讽刺的电影〔Roth〕American writer whose witty and ironic fiction, including the comic novelPortnoy's Complaint (1969), concerns middle-class Jewish life. 罗斯,菲利普·米尔顿:(生于 1933) 美国作家,他诙谐讽刺的小说描写有关中产阶级犹太人的生活,如喜剧长篇小说《波特诺伊的抱怨》 (1969年)等 〔ska〕Popular music originating in Jamaica in the 1960s, having elements of rhythm and blues, jazz, and calypso and marked by a fast tempo and a strongly accented offbeat.斯卡音乐:于1960年代源于牙买加的流行音乐,结合节奏蓝调、爵士乐及即兴讽刺歌的特点,并以快节奏和强音弱拍为特征〔Lewis〕American novelist who satirized middle-class America in his 22 works, includingBabbitt (1922) and Elmer Gantry (1927). He was the first American to receive (1930) a Nobel Prize for literature. 刘易斯,(哈里)辛克莱:(1885-1951) 美国小说家,在他的二十二部作品中讽刺了美国中产阶级。著作包括《巴比特》 (1922年)和 《艾尔玛·甘特利》 (1927年)。他是美国第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的人(1930年) 〔gerrymander〕"An official statement of the returns of voters for senators give[s] twenty nine friends of peace, and eleven gerrymanders.”So reported the May 12, 1813, edition of theMassachusetts Spy. A gerrymander sounds like a strange political beast,which in fact it is, considered from a historical perspective.This beast was named by combining the wordsalamander, "a small lizardlike amphibian,” with the last name of Elbridge Gerry, a former governor of Massachusetts— a state noted for its varied, often colorful political fauna.Gerry (whose name, incidentally, was pronounced with a hardg, though gerrymander is now commonly pronounced with a soft g ) was immortalized in this way because an election district created by members of his party in 1812 looked like a salamander.According to one version of howgerrymander was coined, the shape of the district attracted the eye of the painter Gilbert Stuart,who noticed it on a map hanging in a newspaper editor's office.Stuart decorated the map with a head, wings, and clawsand then said to the editor, "That will do for a salamander!”"Gerrymander!” came the reply.A new political beast was created then and there.The word is first recorded in April 1812 with respect to the creature or its caricature,but it soon came to mean not only "the action of shaping a district to gain political advantage"but also "any representative elected from such a district by that method.”Within the same yeargerrymander was also recorded as a verb. “一份答复参议员选举人的官方声明宣布了二十九个和平伙伴和十一个不公正划分的选区。”在1813年3月12日的一期马萨诸塞州观察报 上有如上报导。 一个不公正划分选区听起来象是一个奇怪的政治怪兽,事实上它是来自历史上的观点。这个怪兽是由两个词合并而命名的,即salamander “一种蜥蜴状的两栖动物,”及马萨诸塞州州长埃尔布里奇·格里的姓。 而马萨诸萨州以其多变的、通常多姿多彩的政治动物群而闻名。格里(他的名字碰巧发重音g, 尽管 gerrymander 现在普遍发轻音 g, )以此种方式而垂名史册, 因为1812年由他所在党成员组建的选举区就象一只蝾螈。根据一种gerrymander 如何被创造的观点, 该区的形状吸引了一位画家基尔伯特·斯图亚特,他在一家报纸的主编办公室里挂在墙上的地图中发现了它。斯图尔特又画上头、翅膀和爪子,然后对主编说,“那就象只蝾螈了!”"Gerrymander!”主编回答道。此时此地一个新的政治怪兽产生了。这个词于1812年4月首次被记录是在谈到这种牲畜或讽刺的画中,但很快,它就不仅意味“为赢得政治优势的改变区划的行动”,而且有“用此种方法选出的任何代表”的意思。同年gerrymander 也被作为一个动词而记载下来 〔lash〕A caustic verbal attack.讽刺:刻薄的口头上的攻击〔Chrysostom〕Antioch-born Greek prelate. Made patriarch of Constantinople (398), he elegantly criticized the wealthy and powerful, earning himself the nameChrysostom, "golden-mouthed.” 克里索斯托,约翰:() 安提阿裔希腊教父。被任命为君士坦丁堡主教(398年),其巧妙地讽刺财富和权利,博得了克里索斯托 “金口”之名 〔pastiche〕A dramatic, literary, or musical piece openly imitating the previous works of other artists, often with satirical intent.模仿作品:公开地模仿其它艺术家以前的作品且常带有讽刺意图的戏剧、文学或音乐作品〔Musset〕French writer. A leading poet of the French romantic movement, he also wrote comedies of manners, such asLorenzaccio (1834). 缪塞,(路易斯·查尔斯)艾尔弗雷德:(1810-1857) 法国作家,是法国浪漫主义运动的领导诗人,他也写讽刺喜剧,比如《罗朗札齐奥》 1834年 〔Moore〕American poet whose descriptive works, published inPoems (1921), Complete Poems (1967), and other collections, are characterized by wit, irony, and unconventional meter. 穆尔,马里安·克雷格:(1887-1972) 美国诗人,其描述性作品,发表于《诗歌》 (1921年)、 《诗歌全集》 (1967年)和其它一些集子中,以机智、讽刺和不因袭格律为特点 〔satirical〕Of, relating to, or characterized by satire.See Synonyms at sarcastic 讽刺的:讽刺的、与讽刺有关或以讽刺为特征的 参见 sarcastic〔lampoon〕To ridicule or satirize in or as if in a lampoon.嘲讽:用讽刺作品或好象用讽刺作品嘲弄或讽刺〔chorus〕A body of vocalists and dancers who support the soloists and leading performers in operas, musical comedies, and revues.领唱:在戏剧、音乐喜剧、时事讽刺剧中配合独唱、主角的歌唱家和舞蹈演员的团体〔doodle〕One might wonder what, if any, connection exists amongYankee Doodle, a doodlebug, and the doodle that one draws when one is bored or abstracted. The worddoodle in the latter two uses may come from a Low German word meaning "fool.”"Fool,” the first (and now probably obsolete) sense of the worddoodle to be recorded in English (1628),would seem naturally to have been used inYankee Doodle, the name of a tune composed in 1755 to mock the American colonists. However, the origin ofDoodle in this expression is unknown; it may be fromtootle, because the piece was apparently composed originally for flute or fife.In the case ofdoodlebug, it is thought that doodle, meaning "simpleton,” is the first part of the insect name.The sense "absent-minded scrawl" may come directly from the sense "fool"or from a British dialectal verb, meaning "to cheat, fritter time away,”that was derived from the noun sense "fool.”人们也许会问YonkeeDoodle, doodlebug, 和意思为心不在焉地乱涂的 doodle 之间有无联系。 单词doodle 在后两种用法中大概来自低地德语中, 意思为“傻瓜”的一个单词。“傻瓜”,doodle 的第一含义(现在可能已不再用), 英文记载是在1628年,被用在1755年谱成的用来讽刺美国殖民者的曲子YankeeDoodle 中。 然而,在该表达中Doodle 的词源尚不清楚; 也许来自tootle, 因为该曲原本很明显是用笛子或横笛演奏的。在doodlebug 中, doodle 被认为意思为“傻瓜”, 是昆虫名的第一部分。“心不在焉地乱涂”可能直接来自“傻瓜”,或者来自英国方言动词,意为“欺骗,打发时间”的,这个动词来源于名词“傻瓜”〔ridicule〕"My father discouraged me by ridiculing my performances" (Benjamin Franklin).Tomock is to poke fun at someone, often by mimicking and caricaturing his or her speech or actions: “我的父亲贬损嘲笑我的表演而使我灰心丧气” (本杰明·弗兰克林)。Mock 指开某人的玩笑, 经常通过模仿或滑稽地讽刺他的或她的讲话或动作: 〔Rabelais〕French humanist and writer of satirical attacks on medieval scholasticism and superstition, most notablyPantagruel (1532) and Gargantua (1534). 拉伯雷,弗朗索瓦:(1494?-1553) 法国人文主义者,作品对中世纪经院哲学和迷信进行讽刺,最著名的作品为《庞大固埃》 (1532年)和 《卡冈都亚》 (1534年) 〔ironize〕The actor ironized his performance of the speech.这个演员讽刺他在演讲中的表现〔picaresque〕Of or relating to a genre of prose fiction that originated in Spain and depicts in realistic detail the adventures of a roguish hero, often with satiric or humorous effects.流浪汉体裁小说的:流浪汉体裁小说的,这种叙述性小说体源于西班牙,以现实主义的细节描写了一个流浪汉式主人公的历险,通常具有讽刺或幽默的效果;或关于这种小说的〔Gotham〕New York City. The nickname was popularized by Washington Irving and others inSalmagundi, a series of satirical sketches (1807-1808). 纽约:纽约市。华盛顿·欧文和其他人在《杂拌》 (1807-1808年),一本连载的讽刺杂文中,给纽约起了个绰号,并从此流传开来 〔offend〕"His letters . . . boil with sarcastic gibes and insulting remarks on the subject of universal suffrage" (Mario Vargas Llosa).Toaffront is to insult openly, usually intentionally: “在普选权这个问题上,他的信中…充斥着讽刺的嘲笑和冒犯性的语言” (马里奥·瓦尔加斯·劳埃莎)。Affront 是公开地冒犯,通常为有意地: 〔flea〕An annoying hint or a stinging rebuke.讽刺:令人恼怒的暗示或尖刻的指责〔fuck〕The obscenityfuck is a very old word, first recorded in English in the 15th century.Age has not dimmed its shock value,even though it is seen in print much more often now than in the past.Its first known occurrence, in a poem entitled "Flen flyys" written sometime before 1500, is in code,illustrating the unacceptability of the word even then.The poem, composed in a mixture of Latin and English,satirizes the Carmelite friars of Cambridge, England,with the title taken from the first words of the poem, "Flen, flyys, and freris,” that is, "fleas, flies, and friars.”The line that containsfuck reads "Non sunt in coeli, quia gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk.” The Latin words "Non sunt in coeli, quia" mean "they [the friars] are not in heaven, since.”The code"gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk" is easily broken by simply writing the preceding letter in the alphabet. As we decode,we must watch for differences in the alphabet and in spelling between then and now.Forg write f ; for x, v (used for u and v ); d, c ; b, a ; o, n ; v, t ; xx, vv (which equals w ); k, i ; x, v ; z, y ; t, s ; p, o ; g, f ; i, h ; f, e ; m, l ; and for k, i. This yields "fvccant [a fake Latin form] vvivys of heli.”The whole thus reads in translation: "They are not in heaven because they fuck wives of Ely [a town near Cambridge].”猥亵语fuck 是个很古老的词, 最早见于15世纪的英语。年代并未削弱其令人震惊的价值,甚至在书面语中比以前出现的更频繁。最早出现于写于1500年前的诗“跳蚤和苍蝇”,并且是以代号出现的,可见当时此词即有不被接受性。此诗由拉丁语和英语混合写成,讽刺了英国剑桥的卡尔梅修道士,其诗题取自第一句"Flen,flyys,and freris"即,“跳蚤,苍蝇和修道士。”有fuck 一词的一行是"Non sunt in coeli,quia gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk。” 拉丁文"Non sunt in coeli,quia"意为“自那以来他们(修道士们)不在天堂。”代号"gxddbov xxkxzt pg ifmk" 只要写下前述词即可被很容易破译。 破译代码时,必须注意以前和现在单词拼法的不同。因为g 写做 f ; x,v (用作 u 和 v ); d,c ; b,a ; o,n ; v,t : xx,vv (等同于 w ); k,i ; x,v ; z,y ; t,s ; p,o ; g,f ; i,h ; f,e ; m,l ; k,i 。 这形成句子"fvccant(假拉丁语)vvivys of heli。”全句译为“他们不再能上天堂因为他们与伊利的妇人性交”〔Steinberg〕Romanian-born American graphic artist and cartoonist whose witty, satirical works have appeared in theNew Yorker. 斯泰因贝格,扫罗:(生于 1914) 罗马尼亚裔美国画家和漫画家,其机智、讽刺的作品风格尤表现在《纽约人》 中 〔goliard〕A wandering student in medieval Europe disposed to conviviality, license, and the making of ribald and satirical Latin songs.放纵派吟游诗人:在中世纪的欧洲追崇享受和不受拘束的生活,作一些通俗或讽刺的拉丁歌谣的流浪学者〔satire〕Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.讽刺:攻击或揭露愚蠢、恶习或糊涂的讽刺、挖苦或刻薄的机智的措辞〔Waugh〕British writer whose satirical novels, such asDecline and Fall (1928) and Vile Bodies (1930), lampoon high society. His later works, notably Brideshead Revisited (1945), reflect his interest in Roman Catholicism. 沃,伊弗琳(阿瑟·圣约翰):(1903-1966) 英国作家,其讽刺小说,如《衰落与瓦解》 (1928年)和 《邪恶的肉体》 (1930年)讽刺了上层社会。他的晚期作品,著名的 《旧地重游》 (1945年)反映了他对罗马天主教的兴趣 〔Lardner〕American humorist and writer whose satirical short stories were published in collections, includingYou Know Me, Al (1916) and How to Write Short Stories (with Samples) (1924). 拉德纳,林戈德·威尔默:(1885-1933) 美国幽默大师和作家,他的讽刺短篇小说以文集形式出版,包括《阿尔,你了解我》 (1916年)和 《怎样写短篇小说(范例)》 (1924年) 〔satire〕A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.讽刺诗:文学作品,其中以讽刺、嘲笑或巧妙主题鞭鞑人们的恶习或愚蠢〔squib〕A brief satirical or witty writing or speech, such as a lampoon.讽刺(或幽默)短文(或讲话):简短的讽刺性或幽默性短文或讲演,如讽刺〔sarcastic〕 Sardonic is associated with scorn, derision, mockery,and often cynicism: Sardonic 是与蔑视、嘲笑和讽刺相连的,也经常与愤世嫉俗相连: 〔Butler〕British writer best known forThe Way of All Flesh (1903), a semiautobiographical novel satirizing family life in mid-Victorian England. 巴特勒,塞缪尔:(1835-1902) 英国作家。以讽刺维多利亚时代英格兰家庭生活的半自传体小说《众生之路》 (1903年)最为著名 〔burlesque〕To use the methods or techniques of burlesque.讽刺,嘲弄:运用滑稽可笑的方法或技巧〔novella〕A short prose tale often characterized by moral teaching or satire.中篇小说:较短的故事,通常带有道德教育或讽刺的特点〔sketch〕A short, often satirical scene or play in a revue or variety show; a skit.短剧:时事讽刺剧或其他剧种中的一个短小常含讽剌意味的幕或剧;讽刺短剧〔Aristophanes〕Athenian playwright considered to be the greatest ancient writer of satirical comedy. Among his surviving plays areThe Clouds (423) and Lysistrata (411). 阿里斯托芬:雅典剧作家,被认为是最伟大的古典讽刺喜剧作家。现存的剧本有《云》 (公元前423年)和 《吕西斯特拉特》 (公元前411年) 〔sarcastic〕"He was proud, sardonic, harsh to inferiority of every description" (Charlotte Brontë).“他对各种描写的低劣性都抱以傲慢、讽刺和毫不保留爱憎分明的态度” (夏洛特·勃朗蒂)〔sarcastic〕 Sarcastic suggests sharp taunting and ridicule that wounds: Sarcastic 表示苟刻伤人的讽刺和嘲笑: 〔Byron〕British poet acclaimed as one of the leading figures of the romantic movement. The "Byronic hero"—lonely, rebellious, and brooding—first appeared inManfred (1817). Among his other works are Childe Harold (1812-1818), The Prisoner of Chillon (1816), and the epic satire Don Juan (1819-1824). Byron was notorious for his love affairs and unconventional lifestyle. He died while working to secure Greek independence from the Turks. 拜伦,乔治·戈登:(1788-1824) 英国诗人,被公认为是浪漫主义运动的先驱。那象征着孤独、反抗和沉思的“拜伦式英雄”的形象最早出现在《曼弗雷德》 (1817年)里。他的其它著作有 《查尔德·哈洛尔德游记》 (1812至1818年)、 《希永的囚徒》 (1816年)以及讽刺长诗 《唐璜》 (1819至1824年)。由于他的恋爱经历和反传统的生活方式,拜伦在当时是名誉扫地的。他在从事希腊脱离土耳其而独立的工作去世 〔satirize〕To ridicule or attack by means of satire.讽刺:以讽刺来挖苦或攻击




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