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释义 〔pretzel〕It is probably well known or widely assumed thatpretzel is a German word, since the food seems traditionally German, but the word ultimately has a Latin origin.The German wordBrezel or Pretzel, which was borrowed into English (first being recorded in American English in a newspaper of March 1856) goes back to the assumed Medieval Latin word brāchitellum. This would accord with the storythat a monk living in France or northern Italy first created the knotted shape of a pretzel,even though this type of biscuit had been enjoyed by the Romans.The monk wanted to symbolize arms folded in a prayer,hence the name derived from Latinbracchiātus, "having branches,” itself frombracchium, "branch, arm.” 可能象大家所熟知的或认定的那样,因为这种食品好象是德国的传统食品,所以大家认为pretzel 是个德语词, 但实际上这个词源于拉丁语。德语词Brezel 或 Pretzel 被借入英语(首次以美式英语记录于1856年3月的新闻报刊)可追溯到中世纪的拉丁词 brachitellum 。 这可能是与这个故事是一致的:一位住在法国或意大利北部的修士首创了这种节状的椒盐饼,尽管这种饼干很受罗马人的欢迎。那位修士想要象征祈祷者交叠的手臂,因此这个名字来源于拉丁语bracchiatus, 意为“有枝干的,” 该词本身又是由bracchium “枝干,手臂”演变而来的 〔prison〕A place where persons convicted or accused of crimes are confined; a penitentiary or a jail.监狱,拘留所:监禁被指控或认定有罪的人的地方;拘留所或监狱〔prejudicial〕Reporters were expelled from the courtroom after it was decided that their coverage had resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant.在他们的报道被认定已造成了对被告的不利宣传之后记者们被驱逐出法庭〔Natick〕The variety of Massachusett presumed to have been spoken in the mission town of Natick, Massachusetts, and used in the Massachusett Bible.内蒂克语:马萨诸塞语的分支,认定为曾在内蒂克,马萨诸塞传教镇说过,在马萨诸塞圣经上用过〔preapprove〕To approve or qualify before the usual procedures or formalities have taken place:预审批准,预审认可:在未进行正常程序或形式之前先行核准或认定〔take〕To consider to be equal to; reckon:认定:认为…等同于;计算:〔Atahualpa〕Last Incan emperor of Peru (1525-1533). He was captured by the Spaniards, convicted of plotting against Pizarro, and executed by garrote despite his agreement to a vast ransom.阿塔瓦尔帕:秘鲁印加帝国末代皇帝(1525-1533年),他被西班牙人囚禁,认定他密谋反对皮萨罗,即使他同意支付大笔赎金仍被绞刑处死〔pithecanthropus〕An extinct primate postulated from bones found in Java in 1891 and originally designatedPithecanthropus erectus because it was thought to represent a species evolutionarily between apes and human beings. Pithecanthropus is now classified as Homo erectus. 爪哇猿人:一绝种的猿人,据1891年爪哇发现的骨头推测出,因为认为它可能属于一种介于猿与人之间的物种,所以早先将其认定为爪哇直立猿人 。现在这种猿人被归为 直立人 〔presume〕To give reasonable evidence for assuming; appear to prove.认定:为假设而给出合理的证据;似乎能证明〔presume〕To take for granted that something is true or factual; suppose:设想,相信:理所当然地认定某事是真的或确凿的;猜想:〔assumption〕assumption of a false theory.认定一个错误的理论〔drug〕Such a substance as recognized or defined by the U.S. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.被美国食品、药物与化妆品法案认定或定义的此类物质〔axiom〕A self-evident or universally recognized truth; a maxim:公理,自明之理:不言而喻的或普遍被认定的真理;格言,规则:〔Columbus〕Italian explorer in the service of Spain who determined that the earth was round and attempted to reach Asia by sailing west from Europe, thereby discovering America (1492). He made three subsequent voyages to the Caribbean in his quest for a sea route to China.哥伦布,克里斯托夫:(1451-1506) 意大利探险家,效力西班牙,他认定地球是圆的,试图从欧洲向西航海至亚洲,因而发现了美洲(1492年)。在他寻找通往中国的海路时又接连三次航海至加勒比海〔Herzl〕Hungarian-born Austrian founder of Zionism. As a correspondent during the Alfred Dreyfus affair, he determined that the solution to anti-Semitism was the establishment of a Jewish national state. He founded the Zionist World Congress in 1897.赫茨尔,狄奥多尔:(1860-1904) 犹太复国主义的匈牙利裔奥地利创始人。在艾尔弗雷德·德雷福斯事件中作为记者时,他认定解决对抗反犹太主义的途径是建立犹太国家。他于1897年创立了世界犹太复国主义代表大会〔Calhoun〕Vice President of the United States (1825-1832) under John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. In his political philosophy he maintained that the states had the right to nullify federal legislation that they deemed unconstitutional.卡尔霍恩,约翰·德威尔:(1782-1850) 在约翰·昆西·亚当斯和安德鲁·杰克逊手下任职的美国副总统(1825到1832年)。在他的政治原则中,他主张国家有权废止那些被认定违宪的联邦立法〔Huggins〕British astronomer who made the first observations of stellar spectra and determined that stars were similar in composition to the sun (1863).哈金斯,威廉:(1824-1910) 英国天文学家,最早进行星的光谱观察。他在1863年认定星与太阳的构成相似(1863年)〔Moon〕Korean-born American religious leader and founder of the Unification Church (1954). He was found guilty in 1982 of conspiracy to evade taxes in the United States.文鲜明:朝鲜裔美籍宗教领袖,统一教(1954年)创始人。他于1982年在美国被认定犯共谋逃税罪〔throw〕The convicted judge was thrown out of office. The headwaiter threw the disorderly guest out.被认定有罪的那位法官被逐出了办公室。服务生领班把乱嘈嘈的客人赶了出去〔Mithras〕The ancient Persian god of light and guardian against evil, often identified with the sun.太阳神:古波斯的光明之神,是反邪恶之神,经常被认定为太阳之神〔Cohn〕German botanist who is considered the founder of bacteriology. He was the first to recognize bacteria as plants.可因,费迪南德·尤利乌斯:(1828-1898) 德国植物学家,是细菌学的奠基人。首次认定细菌为植物〔place〕To identify or classify in a particular context:认定,认清:在一特定的背景下鉴别或分类:〔presumption〕The act of presuming or accepting as true.推测;假定:推测或认定某事是真实的行为〔Hiss〕American public official. Accused of espionage at the height of the Communist scare, he was convicted of perjury (1950) in a controversial case.希斯,阿杰尔:(生于 1904) 美国政府官员。在共产主义恐慌达到高峰时被指控为间谍,后来在一个有争议的案件中被认定犯有伪证罪(1950年)〔expound〕pōnere [to place] * see apo- pōnere [完全认定] * 参见 apo- 〔presume〕These verbs signify to take something for granted or as being a fact.Topresume is to suppose that something is reasonable, justifiable, sound, or possible in the absence of proof to the contrary: 这些动词都表示认为某事是理所当然的或认定某事是事实。Presume 是指在没有证据表明结果是相反的情况下认定某事是合理的,无可非议的,完美的或者是可能的: 〔disqualify〕To declare unqualified or ineligible.宣布不合格,认定不合适〔take〕We take their number at 1,000.我们认定他们的号码是一千




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