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单词 认为可以
释义 〔correct〕Remedy involves removing or counteracting something considered a cause of harm or damage: Remedy 包括去掉或抵消某种被认为可以导致伤害或破坏的东西: 〔base〕The side or face of a geometric figure to which an altitude is or is thought to be drawn.底面,底边:几何图形的边或面,在上面可以画出或被认为可以画出其高度〔nefazodone〕An oral antidepressant with a chemical structure unrelated to SSRIs, tricyclics, or monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thought to inhibit neuronal uptake of serotonin and norepinephrine in the central nervous system.三氮吡啶酮苯,奈弗唑酮:口服抗忧郁剂,化学结构与选择性5-羟色胺再吸收抑制剂、三环抗忧郁剂或单胺氧化酶都不同,被认为可以抑制中枢神经系统内神经元对5-羟色胺和去甲肾上腺素的吸收〔legend〕The wordslegend and legendary have come to be used in recent years to refer to any person or achievement whose fame promises to be particularly enduring, even if its renown is created more by the media than by oral tradition.Strictly speaking,there is nothinglegendary about the accomplishments of a major-league baseball star or the voice of a famous opera singer, since their accomplishments are documented in an extensive public record.But this new usage is common journalistic hyperboleand in such contexts is acceptable to 55 percent of the Usage Panel.近些年来,legend 和 legendary 这两个词已逐渐被用来指有希望成为享有持久名声的人物或成就, 即使它的名声是通过大众传媒炒作而不是人们口碑而取得的。从严格意义上说,对于棒球联合总会的棒球明星所取得的成绩或者一位著名的歌剧歌唱家的声音来说,根本就没有什么事情可以说是“传奇的” , 因为他们的成就广为人知。但是,这种新用法是一种很常见的新闻夸张手法。用法委员会中55%的人认为可以在这种上下文中使用〔elixir〕A substance believed to maintain life indefinitely. Also called elixir of life 长生不老药:被认为可以使生命无限的物质 也作 elixir of life〔mesmerism〕When the members of an audience sit mesmerized by a speaker,their reactions do not take the form of dancing, sleeping, or falling into convulsions.But if Franz Anton Mesmer were addressing the audience,such behavior could be expected.Mesmer, a visionary 18th-century physician,believed cures could be effected by having patients do thingssuch as sit with their feet in a fountain of magnetized waterwhile holding cables attached to magnetized trees.Mesmer then came to believe that magnetic powers resided in himself,and during highly fashionable curative sessions in Parishe caused his patients to have reactions ranging from sleeping or dancing to convulsions.These reactions were actually brought about by hypnotic powers that Mesmer was unaware he possessed.One of his pupils, named Puységur, then used the termmesmerism (first recorded in English in 1802) for Mesmer's practices. The related wordmesmerize (first recorded in English in 1829), having shed its reference to the hypnotic doctor, lives on in the sense "to enthrall.”当一群观众被一位演讲者深深吸引时,他们的反应方式不会是舞蹈、睡眠或哄堂大笑。但是如果换了弗兰茨·奥顿·梅斯梅尔来给这群听众作演讲的话,那么这些行为是有可能发生的。梅斯梅尔,这位18世纪眼光远大的医师,认为可以通过诸如以下方法来治疗疾病,即让病人把脚放在有磁性的水中,同时手执与磁力场相连接的电线。此后,梅斯梅尔又认为他自己体内就存在着磁力,并且他在巴黎推行他的治疗方法的过程中,他又使他的病人们作出了睡眠、舞蹈直至抽搐等各种反应。这些反应实际上是他所拥有的催眠力导致的,但他自己却不知道自己拥有这样的力量。后来,梅斯梅尔的一个叫做皮勒塞格尔的学生采用了mesmerism (在英语中始见于1802年)这一字眼来给梅斯梅尔的治疗方法命名。 另一相关词汇mesmerize (在英语中始见于1829年)则摒弃了与这位催眠医师的关系, 现在这个词意是“迷惑住”




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