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单词 要求
释义 〔rebuff〕A blunt or abrupt repulse or refusal, as to an offer.断然拒绝:对某个要求严峻或断然的反应或拒绝〔load〕The demand for services or performance made on a machine or system.负荷:一台机器或系统的服务或运作所作的要求〔cry〕A public or general demand or complaint.抱怨:公众的或普遍的要求或抱怨〔request〕To ask (a person) to do something.要求要求(某人)做某事〔intimidate〕The strikers were bullied into dropping their demands.罢工者被迫放弃他们的要求〔defy〕challenged the opposition to produce proof;要求反对派拿出证据;〔there〕Nonetheless, it is common in speech for the contractionthere's to be used when technically a plural verb is called for, as inThere's a couple of good reasons for going. There is also a tendency to use a singular verb when the phrase with which the verb must agree is a conjunction in which the subject closest to the verb is singular: 然而,当技术上要求用复数动词时,口语中常用缩写there's , 如在有两个要去的好理由 中。 当作为连接词的短语中最接近动词的主语为单数时,且短语必须与动词保持一致,也有用单数动词的趋势: 〔consumerism〕The movement seeking to protect and inform consumers by requiring such practices as honest packaging and advertising, product guarantees, and improved safety standards.保护消费者利益运动:一种通过要求在包装及广告上诚实无欺 、产品保证以及更好的安全标准等商业行为从而设法保护消费者并为他们提供信息的运动〔waybill〕A document giving details and instructions relating to a shipment of goods.运货单:给出有关船运细节和要求的文件〔obedient〕These adjectives mean carrying or willing to carry out the orders, requests, or wishes of another.这些形容词的含义是执行或愿意执行别人的命令、要求或希望。〔sunshine〕Requiring governmental bodies to hold open meetings and sometimes to permit public access to records:公开的:要求政府机构召开公开会议,有时允许公众查阅会议纪录的:〔minor〕A secondary area of specialized academic study, requiring fewer courses or credits than a major.辅修专业:学术研究的第二个特定领域,其要求的课程和学分比主修课要少〔arrogate〕rogāre [to ask] * see reg- rogāre [要求] * 参见 reg- 〔backpropagation〕A common method of training a neural net in which the initial system output is compared to the desired output, and the system is adjusted until the difference between the two is minimized.反向传播,逆传送:训练神经系统网络的普遍方式,将初始系统输出同要求系统输出相比较,然后将系统调整到两输出间差距最小的状态〔blatant〕a blatant appeal to vanity;无耻的虚荣心的要求〔how〕What. Usually used in requesting that something be said again:什么。通常用来要求再说一遍某事:〔demand〕The desire to possess a commodity or make use of a service, combined with the ability to purchase it.需求,请求,要求:拥有一种商品或使用一种服务的要求,与购买力密切相关〔petition〕from petītus [past participle of] petere [to request] * see pet- 源自 petītus petere的过去分词 [要求] * 参见 pet- 〔can〕since it requires the pupil to distinguish explicitly between what is possible and what is allowed,a difference not always apparent to younger children.And even in later life,observance of the distinction is often advisable in the interests of clarity.Thus, the sentenceStudents can take no more than three courses allows the possibility that a student who is unusually capable may take more, whereasStudents may take no more than three courses does not. · The use ofcan to express permission is better tolerated in negative questions, as inCan't I have the car tonight? probably because the alternative contractionmayn't is felt to be awkward. 由于这要求学生清楚地区分可能的和得到许可的两者之间的差异,而这对小孩子们常常是不太明显的。并且在其今后的生活中,为明确起见,体会这种差异常常是很可取的。因此,句子学生们可以选修不超过三门的课程 给能力超常的学生学更多的课程提供了可能性, 然而学生们只能选修不超过三门的课程 则不能提供这种可能性。 can 的用法更可用于否定疑问句中表示许可, 如 我今晚不能使用这车吗? , 或许是由于可替代的缩写mayn't 感觉起来有些笨拙的缘故 〔regulate〕To adjust to a particular specification or requirement:调节:调整到特定的规格或要求〔expostulate〕postulāre [to demand] * see prek- postulāre [要求] * 参见 prek- 〔unity〕"Religion . . . calls for the integration of lands and peoples in harmonious unity" (Vine Deloria, Jr.).“宗教…要求在协调一致中土地和人民的统合” (小凡·得罗拉)。〔disoblige〕To refuse or neglect to act in accord with the wishes of.不满足…的愿望,不答应…的要求:拒绝或忽略按…的意愿行事〔book〕To demand an explanation from; call to account.要求作出解释;要求作出说明〔perform〕Even the antibiotics the doctor prescribed didn't effect a complete cure. Tofulfill is to live up to expectations or satisfy demands, wishes, or requirements: 即使是这个医生开的抗生素都不能完完全全地将其治愈。 Fulfill 指达到某期望或满足某要求、愿望或需求: 〔decrease〕The workers reduced their wage demands.工人们降低了他们在工资方面的要求〔taskmaster〕The profession of medicine is a stern taskmaster.医生这个职业总要求其从事者承担繁重的任务〔necessitate〕To require or compel.迫使:要求或强迫〔come〕To do what is required or anticipated:作要求的或预期的事:〔voluntary〕"The first requisite of a good citizen . . . is that he shall be able and willing to pull his weight" (Theodore Roosevelt). “成为一个好公民的第一个要求…是他能够并且乐意努力做好其份内工作” (西奥多·罗斯福)〔clear〕To comply with customs and harbor requirements in discharging a cargo or in leaving or entering a port.结关手续:在卸货或进出港口时遵照海关和港口的要求〔demand〕and from Medieval Latin dēmandāre [to demand] 并源自 中世纪拉丁语 dēmandāre [要求] 〔species〕"No species of performing artist is as self-critical as a dancer"(Susan Sontag)“所有艺术家的类型中,没有象舞蹈家那样严格地自我要求了”(苏珊·桑塔格)〔voluntary〕Willing suggests ready or cheerful acquiescence in the proposals or requirements of another: Willing 指对于别人的建议或要求迅速并高兴的同意: 〔sanitary〕sanitary conditions for the preparation of food.制作食品所要求的卫生条件〔severe〕Marked by or requiring strict adherence to rigorous standards or high principles.严格的:要求严格遵守精确标准或高度原则的或以之为特征的〔martinet〕One who demands absolute adherence to forms and rules.要求严格执行规章制度的人〔importune〕To beset with insistent or repeated requests; entreat pressingly.胡搅蛮缠;对…强求:用迫切的或重复的要求使烦恼;急切地恳求〔carpet〕Several important matters will be on the carpet at today's meeting.几个重要的问题要求在今天的会议上讨论〔stove〕A device that produces heat for specialized, especially industrial, purposes.加热器:能够产生热量以供特殊要求,尤其是工业要求的装置




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