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单词 西斯
释义 〔forsythia〕after William Forsyth (1737-1804), Scottish horticulturist 源自威廉 福西斯 命名(1737-1804年),苏格兰园艺学家 〔distort〕"The human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays irregularly, distorts and discolors the nature of things by mingling its own nature with it" (Francis Bacon). “人的理解如同一面假镜子,无规律地接收光线,将自己的本质和事物的本质混合起来,从而歪曲和玷污了事物的本质” (富兰西斯·培根)。〔obsidian〕after Obsius , a Roman who supposedly discovered it or a similar mineral 源自 奥伯西斯 ,一个罗马人,他被认为发现这种东西或与之相似的矿物 〔Resistencia〕A city of northeast Argentina on the Paraná River opposite Corrientes. It is a major trade and shipping center. Population, 220,104.雷西斯滕西亚:阿根廷北部一城市,临巴拉那河与科里恩特斯隔河相望。它是主要的商贸和船运中心。人口220,104〔Salmacis〕A nymph who fell in love with Hermaphroditus and became united with him in one body.萨尔马西斯:与赫马佛洛狄忒斯相爱并与他结成一体的仙女〔Cleanthes〕Greek philosopher who succeeded Zeno as head of the Stoic school.克里安西斯:希腊哲学家,在季诺之后继任斯多葛学院的院长〔Winnipegosis〕A lake of southwest Manitoba, Canada, west of Lake Winnipeg. It drains southward into Lake Manitoba and has important fisheries.温尼伯戈西斯湖:加拿大马尼托巴省西南部一湖泊,在温尼伯湖以西。此湖的水向北流到马尼托巴湖,这个湖里有许多重要鱼类〔Hermaphroditus〕The son of Hermes and Aphrodite, who became united in one body with the nymph Salmacis.赫马佛洛狄忒斯:赫尔墨斯与阿佛洛狄忒之子,与仙女萨耳玛西斯结为一体〔Perse〕See Alexis Saint-Léger Léger 参见 亚历克西斯·圣雷格 Léger〔Orphism〕An ancient Greek mystery religion arising in the sixth centuryb.c. from a synthesis of pre-Hellenic beliefs with the Thracian cult of Zagreus and soon becoming mingled with the Eleusinian mysteries and the doctrines of Pythagoras. 俄耳甫斯教:起源于公元前 6世纪的古希腊神秘宗教,它综合了前希腊信仰和扎格列欧斯的色雷斯教并且很快与衣洛西斯奥义和毕达哥拉斯教义相混合 〔Horus〕The ancient Egyptian god of the sun, son of Osiris and Isis, represented as having the head of a hawk.霍鲁斯:古代埃及的太阳神,欧塞利斯和艾西斯(司丰饶的女神)之子,被描绘成长着鹰的头〔Watson〕American biologist who with Francis Crick proposed a spiral model, the double helix, for the molecular structure of DNA. He shared a 1962 Nobel Prize for advances in the study of genetics.沃森,詹姆斯·杜威:(生于 1928) 美国生物学家,与法朗西斯·克里克共同提出了脱氧核糖核酸分子结构的双螺旋模型。由于其在基因研究上的进展于1962年与人分享诺贝尔奖〔Wenceslaus〕Holy Roman emperor and king of Germany (1378-1400) and Bohemia (1378-1419). He was deposed as emperor and king by the German electors.文西斯劳斯:神圣罗马帝国皇帝、德意志国王(1378-1400年)和波希米亚国王(1398-1419年)。他被德意志选民们赶下了皇帝与国王的宝座〔Laodicea〕An ancient city of western Asia Minor in present-day western Turkey. Built by the Seleucids in the third centuryb.c. , it was a prosperous Roman market town on the trade route from the East and an early center of Christianity. 老底嘉城:小亚细亚半岛西部一古城市,现在位于土耳其西部。由塞留西斯于公元前 3世纪兴建,是从东方通往早期基督教中心的商路中的繁荣的罗马集市 〔Tocqueville〕French politician, traveler, and historian. After touring the United States (1831-1832), he wroteDemocracy in America (1835), a widely influential study of American institutions. 托克维尔,亚历克西斯·查尔斯·亨利·克雷尔·德:(1805-1859) 法国政治家,旅行家和历史学家,在周游了美国(1831-1832年)之后写了《美国的民主》 一书(1835年),它是一本影响极广的研究美国体制的专著 〔Carrel〕French-born American surgeon and biologist. He won a 1912 Nobel Prize for his work on vascular ligature and grafting of blood vessels and organs.卡雷尔,亚历克西斯:(1873-1944) 法裔美国外科医生和生物学家。他因在血管扎线和血管及器官移植方面的贡献而获1912年诺贝尔奖〔Oceanid〕Any of the ocean nymphs believed to be the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys.大洋的女神:任何一个被认为是奥西娜斯和黛西斯的女儿的大洋女神




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