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单词 西南部
释义 〔Galloway〕A region of southwest Scotland. TheMull of Galloway, a promontory on a peninsula on its southwest coast, is the southernmost point in Scotland. 加洛韦:苏格兰西南部一地区。其西南海岸一半岛上的海角加洛韦角 是苏格兰的最南角 〔caliche〕A crude sodium nitrate occurring naturally in Chile, Peru, and the southwest United States, used as fertilizer.生硝:一种粗糙的硝酸纳,存在于智利、秘鲁和美国西南部,用作肥料〔Ahvaz〕A city of southwest Iran north-northeast of Basra, Iraq. Modern Ahvaz was built on extensive ruins of an ancient Persian city. Population, 471,000.阿瓦士:伊朗西南部城市,位于伊拉克巴斯拉市的东北部偏北。现代的阿瓦士是在一座古代波斯城的大片废墟上建立起来的。人口471,000〔brittlebush〕A shrub(Encelia farinosa) in the composite family, native to Mexico and the southwest United States and having grayish foliage and showy flower heads with yellow rays. 扁果菊:一种菊科(扁果菊属 黄眼草目) 灌木,原产于墨西哥和美国西南部,有灰色的叶子和艳丽的花头以及黄色的伞形花序 〔Elam〕An ancient country of southwest Asia in present-day southwest Iran. It was established east of the Tigris River before 3000b.c. and was known for its warlike people, traditionally thought to be descended from Noah's son Shem. 埃兰:亚洲西南部的古老国家,在今天的伊朗西南部。公元前 3000年以前在底格里斯河东岸建国。以善战的人民著称,传统上被认为是诺亚儿子舍姆的后代 〔Morelia〕A city of southwest Mexico west-northwest of Mexico City. Founded in 1541 as Valladolid, it was renamed in 1828 after the revolutionary hero José María Morelos y Pavón (1765-1815). Population, 297,544.莫雷利亚:墨西哥西南部的一座城市,位于墨西哥城西北偏西方,1541年设立时名为巴利亚多利德,1828年又以革命英雄乔斯·玛丽亚·莫雷洛斯·帕翁(1765-1815年)的名字重新命名。人口297,544〔Adrian〕A city of southeast Michigan southwest of Detroit. It is a trade center in a fertile farming region. Population, 22,097.阿德里安:美国密歇根州东南部一城市,位于底特律西南部。为肥沃农垦区中的商业中心。人口22,097〔Craiova〕A city of southwest Romania west of Bucharest. Built on the site of a Roman settlement, it was destroyed by an earthquake in 1790 and burned by the Turks in 1802. Population, 260,422.克拉约瓦:罗马尼亚西南部的一个城市,位于布加勒斯特以西。建于古罗马人的一个聚居点上,它在1790年遭到地震的破坏,1802年被土耳其人烧毁。人口260,422〔Namaqualand〕A mostly arid region of southwest Africa divided by the Orange River intoGreat Namaqualand in Namibia and Little Namaqualand in South Africa. 纳马夸兰:非洲西南部的一块不毛之地,由奥兰治河分割成右纳米比亚的大纳马夸兰 和南非的 小纳马夸兰 〔Lhasa〕A city of southwest China, the capital of Xizang (Tibet). It is the center of Tibetan Buddhism. Population, 105,897.拉萨:中国西南部的一个城市,是西藏的首府。是藏传佛教的中心,人口105,897〔Curitiba〕A city of southeast Brazil southwest of São Paulo. It was founded in 1654 but did not grow rapidly until the late l9th and early 20th centuries when German, Italian, and Slavic immigrants began to develop the surrounding area. Population, 1,024,975.古里提巴:巴西东南部的一个城市,位于圣保罗西南部。该城建于1654年,但直至19世纪晚期和20世纪早期才开始快速发展,当时德国、意大利和斯拉夫的移民们开始开发了周围地区。人口1,024,975〔Sarajevo〕A city of central Yugoslavia southwest of Belgrade. The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife on June 28, 1914, triggered the outbreak of World War I. Population, 374,500.萨拉热窝:南斯拉夫中部一城市,位于贝尔格莱德西南部。1914年6月28日的刺杀弗兰西斯·斐迪南大公及其妻子事件引发了第一次世界大战。人口374,500〔Messene〕An ancient Greek city in the southwest Peloponnesus. It was founded c. 369b.c. under Theban auspices as a new capital for the region of Messenia. 麦西尼:古希腊一城市,位于伯罗奔尼撒半岛的西南部。该城是在底比斯人的资助下于公元前 369年建立起来并作为麦西尼亚地区的新首都 〔Adour〕A river of southwest France rising in the Pyrenees and flowing about 338 km (210 mi) north then west to the Bay of Biscay near Biarritz.阿杜尔河:法国西南部的一条河流,源于比利牛斯山脉,全长338公里(210英里),先向北后折向西注入比亚里茨附近的比斯开湾〔southwest〕Southwest A region of the southwest United States generally including New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, California, and Nevada and sometimes Utah and Colorado. Southwest 西南地区:美国西南部地区,通常包括新墨西哥州、亚利桑那州、得克萨斯州、加利福尼亚州和内华达州;有时也包括犹他州和科罗拉多州〔Bent〕American pioneer and fur trader who with his brotherWilliam (1809-1869) established Bent's Fort (1832), a principal trading post in the early Southwest. 本特,查尔斯:(1799-1847) 美国拓荒者及毛皮商人,与其兄弟威廉姆 (1809-1869年)共同建立本特堡垒(1832年),是早期西南部主要贸易站 〔David〕Patron saint of Wales. His shrine at St. David's in southwest Wales was an important place of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages.圣戴维:威尔士的守护神,他在威尔士西南部的圣戴维圣地是中世纪时期朝圣的重要地点〔Huelva〕A city of southwest Spain near the Gulf of Cádiz and the Portuguese border. Founded by Carthaginians, it was colonized by the Romans, who built a still-used aqueduct to supply water to the settlement. Population, 137,453.韦尔瓦:西班牙西南部一城市,靠近加的斯湾,临近葡萄牙边境。它由迦太基人初建,后处于罗马殖民统治下,罗马人建了一条用于住宅供水的高架渠,至今仍在使用。人口137,453〔Sindelfingen〕A city of southwest Germany, an industrial suburb of Stuttgart. Population, 55,362.辛德尔芬根:德国西南部一城市,是斯图加特的一个工业郊区。人口55,362〔Androscoggin〕A river of northeast New Hampshire and southwest Maine flowing about 253 km (157 mi) to the Kennebec River near the Maine coast.安德罗斯科金河:美国新罕布什尔州东北缅因州西南部一河流,流程约253公里(157英里)注入缅因州海岸附近的肯纳贝克河〔Deseret〕An area proposed by the Mormons in 1849 as an independent state or a state of the Union. Deseret would have included much of the southwest United States, with a capital at Salt Lake City. Congress refused to recognize the provisional state and created the Utah Territory in 1850.德塞莱特:摩门教徒于1849年提出的作为一个独立州或联邦的一个州。原计划将该包括美国西南部的大部分区域,首都设在盐湖城。但议会拒绝承认这样一个临时州,并于1850年设立了犹他领地〔Tyumen〕A city of southwest Siberian U.S.S.R. east of Sverdlovsk. Founded in 1585, it is the oldest Russian settlement east of the Ural Mountains. Population, 425,000.秋明:苏联西伯利亚西南部的一个城市,位于斯维尔注洛夫斯克以东。建于1585年,是最古老的俄罗斯人在乌拉尔山脉以东的定居点。人口425,000〔Wilson〕A mountain, 1,741.6 m (5,710 ft) high, in the San Gabriel Mountains of southwest California northeast of Pasadena. Its observatory was established in 1904.威尔逊山:美国加利福尼亚西南部布尔埃尔山脉中、帕萨迪纳东北的一座山,海拔1,741.6米(5,710英尺)。1904年在这里建了一个天文台〔Oberammergau〕A town of southern Germany in the Bavarian Alps south-southwest of Munich. It is famed for its Passion plays, held every ten years since 1634 in thanksgiving for deliverance from the Black Death in 1633.上阿默高:德国南部的一座城镇,位于巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山区。慕尼黑西南部偏南,因耶稣受难复活剧而闻名,因1633年摆脱黑死病,从1634年复活节开始每十年上演一次〔Farmington〕A city of northwest New Mexico south-southwest of Durango, Colorado. It is the trade center of an irrigated farming area. Population, 33,997.法明顿:新墨西哥西北的一个城市,位于科罗拉多州杜兰哥西南部偏南。是灌溉农业区的商业中心。人口33,997〔ocelot〕A nocturnal wildcat(Felis pardalis or Leopardus pardalis) of the brush and forests of the southwest United States and Central and South America, having a grayish or yellow coat with black spots. (中南美产的)豹猫:夜间活动的野猫(虎猫 猫科 或 小豹猫 猫科) ,生长在美国西南部和美洲中部及部南部的灌木丛和森林中,有带黑斑的灰色或黄色外表 〔Judea〕An ancient region of southern Palestine comprising present-day southern Israel and southwest Jordan. In the time of Jesus it was a kingdom ruled by the Herods and part of the Roman province of Syria.朱迪亚:古代巴勒斯坦南部地区,包括今以色列南部及约旦西南部。耶稣在世时,它是由希律王室所统治的王国,也是罗马帝国叙利亚行省的一部分〔Belleville〕A city of southwest Illinois southeast of East St. Louis. It is in a coal-mining region and has diverse industries. Population, 42,785.贝勒维尔:美国伊利诺斯州西南部一城市,位于东圣·路易斯东南部。为煤矿区并有多种工业。人口42,785〔Bayonne〕A town of southwest France near the Bay of Biscay and the Spanish border. French, Spanish, and Basque are all spoken here. Population, 41,381.巴约讷:法国西南部一城镇,位于比斯开湾和西班牙边界附近。法语、西班牙语和巴斯克语在当地通用。人口41,381〔Soweto〕A city of northeast South Africa southwest of Johannesburg. Comprised of a number of townships inhabited by Black South Africans, it has been a center of racial strife since the late 1970's. Population, 868,580.索赤托:南非东北部一城市,位于约翰内斯堡的西南部。该市由若干南非黑人居住的城镇组成,20世纪70年代末以来,一直是种族冲突的中心。人口868,580〔luminaria〕In recent yearsit has become commonplace to see entire American neighborhoods decorated during holiday seasons withluminarias lining driveways, sidewalks, or rooftops. A luminaria is a votive candle set inside a small decorative paper bag weighted with sand.The bags are usually colored and often perforated with designsthrough which the candle inside shows as bright pinpricks of light.The custom of luminarias comes from Mexicoand is associated especially with the southwest United States.The same word is used for a similar holiday custom of the Pueblo peoples in New Mexico.On Christmas Evethey build a bonfire, called aluminaria, outside each house in the pueblo. 近年来,整个美国的住宅区在节日期间沿车道、人行道或屋顶装饰luminarias 变得很平常。 传统圣诞灯是放在放了沙子的装饰性小纸袋中的还愿蜡烛。这些纸袋通常五颜六色而且上面有孔,里面的蜡烛通过小孔发出细细的亮光。传统圣诞灯来源于墨西哥,尤与美国西南部联系在一起。同样的词也用于新墨西哥普艾布洛人类似的节日风俗。在圣诞前夜,他们在每座房屋前燃烧起一堆叫luminaria 的营火 〔Palatinate〕Either of two historical districts and former states of southern Germany. TheLower Palatinate is in southwest Germany between Luxembourg and the Rhine River; the Upper Palatinate is to the east in eastern Bavaria. They were once under the jurisdiction of the counts palatine, who became electors of the Holy Roman Empire in 1356 and were then known as electors palatine. 帕拉廷:两个历史古迹之一,原来是德国南部的州。低帕拉廷 在德国西南部的卢森堡和莱茵河之间; 高帕拉廷 在巴伐利亚东部地区的东部,他们曾经是在大法官的管辖权限之下,他们在1356年成为神圣罗马帝国的候选帝宫并且以作为候选宫而闻名 〔Baden〕A historical region of southwest Germany. In the 1840's it was a center of the German liberal movement.巴登:德国西南部的一个历史行政区。在19世纪40年代它曾是德国自由主义的运动中心〔Altus〕A city of southwest Oklahoma near the Texas border southwest of Oklahoma City. It is a trade center in a farming region. Population, 21,910.阿尔特斯:美国俄克拉荷马州西南部的城市,靠近俄克拉荷马市西南部的得克萨斯边界,是耕作区的贸易中心。人口21,910〔Zapopan〕A city of southwest Mexico west of Guadalajara. It is the center of a cattle-raising region. Population, 345,390.萨波潘:墨西哥西南部一城市,它是一个养牛业中心,人口345,390〔Coventry〕A town of west-central Rhode Island southwest of Providence. It was settled in 1643 and was formerly a noted lacemaking center. Population, 31,083.考文垂镇:罗得岛州中西部一镇,在普罗维登斯西南部。1643年有移民到这里,在此之前是著名饰带制造中心。人口31,083〔Bislama〕A lingua franca that combines Malay and English, spoken in the southwest Pacific, especially in the Papua New Guinea area. Also called Beach-la-Mar ,Bêche-de-Mer 比斯克:将马来语和英语的混合形成的混合语,在太平洋西南部,尤在巴布亚-新几内亚地区所使用 也作 Beach-la-Mar,Bêche-de-Mer〔Scutari〕A lake of southeast Europe on the border between southwest Yugoslavia and northwest Albania. It was once an inlet of the Adriatic but is now separated from the sea by an alluvial isthmus.斯库台湖:欧洲东南部的一个湖,位于南斯拉夫西南部和阿尔巴尼亚西北部边境上。它曾经是进入亚得里亚海的通道,但现在被一个冲积海峡把它与大海隔开了〔Esslingen〕A city of southwest Germany on the Neckar River southeast of Stuttgart. Founded in the 8th century, it was a free imperial city from the 13th century until 1802. Population, 86,996.埃塞克斯:位于德国斯图加特东南,在内喀尔河河边(德国的西南部)的一座城市,建于8世纪,从13世纪至1802年一直是一个自由的帝国城市。人口86,996〔Roseburg〕A city of southwest Oregon south-southwest of Eugene. Lumbering is its chief industry. Population, 17,032.罗斯堡:美国俄勒冈州西南部一城市,位于尤金西南以南。主要工业是伐木业。人口17,032




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