单词 | 褐色 |
释义 | 〔widgeon〕Either of two wild, freshwater ducks (Anas americana of North America or A. penelope of Europe) having a grayish or brownish back and a white belly and wing coverts. The European widgeon has a reddish-brown head and creamy crown, and the American widgeon has a shiny white crown. 野鸭,赤颈鸭:两种淡水野鸭(北美的葡萄胸鸭 或欧洲的 赤颈鸭 ),背部呈灰色或褐色,腹部和覆羽的羽毛为白色。欧洲的野鸭头部为红褐色,奶油色冠,美洲的野鸭顶部亮白色 〔staurolite〕A brownish to black mineral, chiefly (FeMg)2Al 9Si 4O 23(OH), often having crossed intergrown crystals and sometimes used as a gem. 十字石:一种由褐色到黑色的矿物,主要成分(FeMg)2Al 9Si 4O 23(OH),常有交叉状内生结晶,有时用作宝石 〔flicker〕Any of various large North American woodpeckers of the genusColaptes, especially C. auratus, the common flicker, having a brown back, spotted breast, and white rump. 扑动鴷:北美洲多种大的扑动鴷 属啄木鸟中的一种,尤指 扑动鴷, 通常长着褐色的背部、带斑点的胸部和白色的尾部 〔hornblende〕Blende [blende] * see blende Blende [闪锌矿,褐色闪光矿物] * 参见 blende〔beagle〕One of a breed of small hounds having short legs, drooping ears, and a smooth coat with white, black, and tan markings.毕尔格猎犬:一种小型猎犬,短腿、耳朵下垂且平滑的皮毛上带有白色、黑色和褐色斑纹〔kelp〕Any of various brown, often very large seaweeds of the order Laminariales.巨藻:昆布目植物,有深浅各种褐色,通常是大型海草中的一种〔whippoorwill〕An insect-eating nocturnal North American bird(Caprimulgus vociferus) of the goatsucker family, having spotted brown feathers that blend with its woodland habitat. 三声夜鹰:一种北美产的食昆虫夜间活动的鸟(三声夜鹰) 属,羽毛有斑点,褐色,可与其林间栖息地点的颜色相混 〔noctule〕A large, reddish-brown insectivorous bat of the genusNyctalus, found in Eurasia, Indonesia, and the Philippines and typically dwelling in the hollows of trees. 褐色大蝙蝠:一种巨大的、红棕色的食虫种蝙蝠,蝙蝠 属,生长于欧洲大陆、印度尼西亚和菲律宾群岛,通常栖息于树洞中 〔tan〕To become brown or tawny from exposure to sun.晒黑:在太阳的照射下成为褐色或黄褐色的〔fritillary〕Any of various butterflies of the family Nymphalidae, especially of the generaSpeyeria and Boloria, having brownish wings marked with black or silvery spots on the underside. 豹纹蝶:蛱蝶科的各种蝴蝶,尤指史培蝶属 和 Boloria, 褐色翅膀背侧有黑或银色斑点 〔acriflavine〕A brown or orange powder, C14H 14N 3Cl, derived from acridine and used as a topical antiseptic. 吖啶黄:一种褐色或橙色的粉末,C14H 14N 3Cl,由吖啶中制得并可用作局部杀菌剂 〔asafetida〕A brownish, bitter, foul-smelling resinous material obtained from the roots of several plants of the genusFerula in the parsley family and formerly used in medicine. 阿魏胶:一种褐色、味苦、气味难闻的树脂物质,取自伞形科阿魏 属的几种植物的根,从前用以入药 〔liquid〕the liquid brown eyes of a spaniel.猎獚清澄的褐色眼睛〔rust〕A plant disease caused by a rust fungus, characterized by reddish or brownish spots on leaves, stems, and other parts.锈病:由锈菌引起的一种植物病,特点是叶子、茎和其它部分上有红色或褐色的斑点〔camouflage〕Fabric or a garment dyed in splotches of green, brown, tan, and black so as to make the wearer indistinguishable from the surrounding environment.迷彩服:将织物或衣物染成有绿色、棕色、褐色和黑色的斑纹,从而使穿戴者不易被从周围环境中区分开来〔brunette〕A girl or woman with dark or brown hair.黑发女孩,黑发女人,褐发女孩,褐发女人:具黑色或褐色头发的女孩或女人〔brambling〕A finch(Fringilla montifringilla) of northern Eurasia, having black, white, and rust-brown plumage. 燕雀:欧亚大陆北部的一种雀(燕雀 燕雀属), 具有黑色、白色和锈褐色的羽毛 〔brunet〕from Old French [diminutive of] brun [brown] 源自 古法语 brun的小后缀 [褐色的] 〔bittern〕Any of several wading birds of the generaBotaurus and Ixobrychus, having mottled, brownish plumage and a deep, booming cry in the male. 麻鳽:一种麻鳽属 和 Ixobrychus属 的涉水禽鸟,有斑驳的褐色羽毛,雄鸟叫声悠长而嘹亮 〔tortoiseshell〕A domestic cat having fur with brown, black, and yellowish markings.花斑家猫:一种皮毛上带有褐色,黑色或黄色斑点的家猫〔tortoiseshell〕Any of several butterflies, chiefly of the genusNymphalis, having wings with orange, black, and brown markings. 蛱蝶:一种蝴蝶,主要是蛱蝶属 ,翅膀上有桔黄色,黑色和褐色斑点 〔limpkin〕A large brownish wading bird(Aramus guarauna) of warm, swampy regions of the New World, having long legs, a drooping bill, and a distinctive wailing call. Also called courlan 秧鹤:一种褐色水禽(秧鹤) ,生活在西半球温暖的沼泽地带,腿较长、嘴弯曲、叫声悲哀 也作 courlan〔beaver〕A large aquatic rodent of the genusCastor, having thick brown fur, webbed hind feet, a broad flat tail, and sharp incisors adapted for gnawing bark, felling trees, and constructing dams and underwater lodges. 海狸,河狸:一种大的海狸属 水栖啮齿目动物,有着厚密的褐色毛皮、长蹼的后脚、宽平的尾巴和适合于咬树皮、弄倒树、建水坝及水下巢穴的尖锐前齿 〔ilmenite〕A lustrous black to brownish titanium ore, essentially FeTiO3. 钛铁矿:一种发亮的黑色或褐色钛矿石,主要成分为FeTiO3 〔scorch〕Brown spotting on plant leaves caused by fungi, heat, or lack of water.植物褐色斑点:由于真菌、热或者缺水引起在植物叶子上生长的褐色点〔roadrunner〕A swift-running, crested bird(Geococcyx californianus) of southwest North America, having streaked brownish plumage and a long tail. Also called chaparral bird ,chaparral cock 走鹃:一种生长在北美洲西南部能迅捷奔跑的(走鹃) 鸟,长有冠和有褐色条纹的羽毛及长尾 也作 chaparral bird,chaparral cock〔russet〕Moderate to strong brown.黄褐色的:介于褐色与深褐色之间的〔saker〕A Eurasian falcon(Falco cherrug) having brown plumage and often trained for falconry. 猎隼:一种欧洲猎鹰(隼属 猎鹰) ,有褐色羽毛,常训练作狩猎用 〔weka〕A flightless bird(Gallirallus australis) of New Zealand, having mottled brown plumage and short legs. 秧鸡:新西兰一种不能飞的鸟(新西兰秧鸡) ,有褐色带斑纹的羽毛和短腿 〔susceptor〕A metallic patch attached to microwaveable packages of food in which radiant energy produced in the patch by microwaves helps cook the food, often by browning its surface.电磁磁化物:可微波食物包装上的金属片,微波加热时此金属片产生辐射能,有助于烹煮食物,通常食物表面会烤至褐色〔auburn〕A moderate reddish brown to brown.金棕色,茶褐色,赤褐色:一种淡棕色与褐色的中间色彩〔tan〕The brown color that sun rays impart to the skin.古铜色:光照射后使皮肤具有的褐色〔griseous〕Mottled with gray, especially bluish gray; grizzled.珍珠灰的,浅灰色的:呈灰色斑驳的,尤其是蓝灰色斑驳的;褐色带灰点的〔chloasma〕A patchy brown or dark brown skin discoloration that usually occurs on a woman's face and may result from hormonal changes, as in pregnancy.褐黄斑:通常出现在妇女的脸上的一种褐色或深褐色有染斑的皮肤变色,可能由怀孕等引起的激素变化所导致〔bulbul〕Any of various passerine, chiefly tropical Old World songbirds of the family Pycnonotidae, having grayish or brownish plumage.鹎:一种雀形目鸟类,主要指东半球热带的鹎科的鸣鸟,有灰色的或褐色的羽衣〔chrysoberyl〕A gray, green to yellow, or brown vitreous mineral, BeAl2O 4, relatively rare and used as a gemstone. 金绿宝石:一种灰色、绿色到黄色或褐色的玻璃质矿物,BeAl2O 4,相对稀缺且用作宝石 〔pratincole〕Any of several Old World shore birds of the genusGlareola, having brown and black plumage, long pointed wings, a forked tail, and a tapered bill. 林鹬:一种东半球燕行鸟 属欧洲水鸟,有褐色和黑色羽毛、长而尖的翅膀、分叉的尾巴和渐细的喙 〔sabadilla〕A Mexican and Central American plant(Schoenocaulon officinale) of the lily family, having very long, densely flowered spikelike racemes, straplike perianth segments, and brown seeds that are rich in veratrine. 沙巴藜芦:产于墨西哥和中美洲的百合科的一种植物(种子藜芦) ,具有长而浓密的穗形总状花序、皮带状的花被和富含藜芦硷的褐色种子 〔Guernsey〕Any of a breed of brown and white dairy cattle originally developed on the island of Guernsey and noted for producing a rich, golden milk.格恩西奶牛:原产于格恩西岛的一种白色和褐色相间的奶牛,以生产富于营养的黄色牛奶而闻名〔dachshund〕A small dog of a breed developed in Germany for hunting badgers and having a long body, a usually short-haired brown or black and brown coat, drooping ears, and very short legs.达克斯猎狗:德国培育的一种追猎獾的小狗,身子长,通常有褐色或黑褐色的短毛,耳朵下垂,腿很短 |
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