单词 | 装入 |
释义 | 〔toggle〕A pin, rod, or crosspiece fitted or inserted into a loop in a rope, chain, or strap to prevent slipping, to tighten, or to hold an attached object.连接:一种装入或插入绳子,链子或带子,在上面绕成一个环的钉子、杆或横档用于防止滑动或固定一个连接的物体〔charge〕To load (a gun or other firearm) with a quantity of explosive:装弹药:为(枪炮或其他火器)装入一定的弹药:〔bag〕To put into or as if into a bag.装入:放入或似乎放入包中〔woodruff〕A fragrant perennial herb(Galium odoratum) native to Eurasia and North Africa and widely cultivated as a shade ground cover, having small white flowers and narrow leaves used for flavoring wine and in sachets. Also called sweet woodruff 香车叶草:一种原产于欧亚大陆和北非的芳香多年生草本植物(香猪殃殃 猪殃殃属) ,做为一种地面覆盖物广泛种植,有白色小花和用于调酒和装入香袋的窄叶子 也作 sweet woodruff〔load〕To put or place a load into or onto a structure, device, or conveyance.将某物装入:把装载物装入一个结构、装置或传送器〔load〕To put (something) into or onto a structure, device, or conveyance:装载(货物):把…装入或装上一个结构、装置或传送器:〔inurn〕inurned the ashes of the deceased.把死者的骨灰装入瓮内〔minicomputer〕A small computer, usually fitting within a single cabinet, that has more memory and a higher execution speed than a microcomputer.小型计算机:一种比微型计算机内存容量大且运行速度高的小型计算机,通常可装入一个机柜〔recharge〕To charge again, especially to reenergize a storage battery.再装载,再充电:再装入物质,尤指给贮能电池再充电〔load〕loaded the tanker with crude oil.把原油装入坦克〔cartridge〕A lightproof case with photographic film that can be loaded directly into a camera.暗盒:可直接装入照相机中,内放照相胶卷的防止光线进入的小盒子〔aerogram〕An air-mail letter in the form of a lightweight sheet of stationery that folds into its own envelope for mailing at a relatively low postage rate. Also called air letter 航空邮件:写于轻薄纸张之上,装入专用信封之中以较低邮费投递的航空信件 也作 air letter〔glass〕To put into a glass container.把…装入玻璃器内〔load〕The amount of material that can be inserted into a device or machine at one time:装填量:可以一次装入某种装置或机器的物质量:〔inurn〕To put in an urn:把…装入瓮内:〔tube〕A small, flexible cylindrical container sealed at one end and having a screw cap at the other, for pigments, toothpaste, or other pastelike substances.小软管:可弯曲的圆柱形小容器,一头密封,另一头带螺旋盖,用于装入颜料、牙膏等膏状物质〔charge〕charged the musket with powder.往枪里装入火药〔load〕To transfer (data) from a storage device into a computer's memory.装入:把(数据)从储存装置调入计算机存储器〔lantern〕An often portable case with transparent or translucent sides for holding and protecting a light.提灯:一种可经常携带的装置,带有透明或半透明的侧面以装入和保护灯〔load〕To mount (a diskette) onto a floppy disk drive.装磁碟:把(磁碟)装入磁碟机〔fill〕To put into as much as can be held:填满:按可容纳量尽可能多的装入:〔thread〕To pass a tape or film into or through (a device):装入:给(设备)上胶卷或底片:〔cog〕A tenon projecting from a wooden beam designed to fit into an opening in another beam to form a joint.雄榫:从一木杆伸出的榫,用以装入另一杆的开口以形成连接〔bypass〕To channel (piped liquid, for example) through a bypass.管道运输:通过迂回管道输送(如装入管内的液体)〔spike〕To render (a muzzleloading gun) useless by driving a spike into the vent.在枪膛中装入一长钉使(一前装式的枪)不能射击〔load〕To put something into or onto (a structure, device, or conveyance):装上去:把…装入或装上(一个结构、装置或传送器):〔microencapsulate〕To enclose in microcapsules.把…装入微胶囊〔steeve〕To stow or pack (cargo) in the hold of a ship.用起重桅装货:将货物堆装入船舱〔load〕To insert a necessary material into:装入,装载:把所需物质填入:〔haft〕To fit into or equip with a hilt or handle.给…装上把手:把…装入一个把手或柄中或给…装上把手或柄〔enclose〕To insert into the same envelope or package:把…封,附带:装入同一个信封或包裹:〔sardine〕Any of various small or half-grown edible herrings or related fishes of the family Clupeidae, frequently canned in oil or water, especially the pilchard of European waters.沙丁鱼:任一种小的或半成熟的可食用的鲱鱼或与鲱科鱼家族有关的鱼类,经常装入盛有油或水的罐中,尤指欧洲水域中的沙脑鱼〔enclose〕To contain, especially so as to envelop or shelter:包含,封住:装入,尤其是封闭包藏或遮蔽:〔stem〕The tubular glass structure mounting the filament or electrodes in an incandescent bulb or vacuum tube.晶体管管座:将灯丝或电极装入白炽灯泡或真空管的管状玻璃结构〔cog〕To load or manipulate (dice) fraudulently.诈骗:欺骗性地装入或操纵(骰子)〔load〕To mount (a magnetic tape) onto a tape drive.装磁带:把(磁带)装入录音机〔seat〕The O-rings had not seated correctly in their grooves.这O形圈无法装入他们的车辙内 |
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