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单词 被赋予
释义 〔incarnate〕Invested with bodily nature and form:具人形的:被赋予肉体特征或形体的:〔buccaneer〕The Errol Flynn-like figure of the buccaneer pillaging the Spanish Main may seem less dashing if we realize that the termbuccaneer corresponds to the word barbecuer. The first recorded use of the French wordboucanier, which was borrowed into English, referred to a person on the islands of Hispaniola and Tortuga who hunted wild oxen and boars and smoked the meat in a barbecue frame known in French as aboucan. This French word came from an Arawakan or Tupinamba word meaning "a rack, sometimes used for roasting or for storing things, or a racklike platform supporting an Indian house.”The original barbecuers seem to have subsequently adapted a more remunerative way of life, piracy,which accounts for the new meaning given to the word.Buccaneer is recorded first in 1661 in its earlier sense in English; the sense we are familiar with is recorded in 1690.如果我们认识到buccaneer 一词与 barbecuer 一词词意相当,那么象艾洛尔·弗里恩这样掠夺西班牙船只的海盗也许看起来不算是勇敢了。 法语词boucanier 借用到英语中最早记录下来的意义, 是指生活在伊斯帕尼奥拉岛和托丢伽岛上的人,他们猎野牛和野猪,在boucan 这种烧烤架上烤肉。 这个法语词来自阿拉瓦克语或图皮南巴语,意为“一种架子,有时用来炙烤或贮藏食物,或指架状平台,用来支撑印第安人的房子”。专事炙烤的土著后来适应了海上掠夺这一更有利可图的生活方式。这就是boucan一词为什么被赋予了新的意义。Buccaneer 的早些时候的意义于1661年最早用英语记录下来, 而我们所熟悉的该词的含义是于1690年记录下来的〔mantis〕The female mantis has the habit of eating the male after mating.In spite of such behaviorthe mantis is graced with a religious name.Mantis is from the Greek word mantis, meaning "prophet, seer.”The Greeks, who made the connection between the upraised front legs of a mantis waiting for its prey and the hands of a prophet in prayer,used the namemantis to mean "the praying mantis.” This word and sense were picked up in Modern Latin and from there came into English,being first recorded in 1658.Once we know the origin of the termmantis, we realize that the species namespraying mantis and Mantis religiosa are a bit redundant. Two other names of this sort that have been used for mantises arepraying locust and orator mantis. To understand the latter,we must keep in mind the obsolete sense oforator, "one who makes a prayer or petition.” 雌性螳螂习惯于在交配后吃掉雄性螳螂。尽管存在着这种行为,螳螂还是被赋予了一个具有宗教色彩的名字。Mantis 来源于希腊语 mantis 一词, 意为“先知,预言家”。希腊人把螳螂捕食前高举的前肢与预言家祷告时的双手联系起来,用mantis 一词来表示“祈祷的预言家”。 新拉丁语吸收了这个词及其意义,英语又从拉丁语中吸取了该词,最早记载见于1658年。我们既然知道了mantis 的来源, 就会发现其属种名praying mantis 和 Mantis religiosa 略有重复。 用来表示螳螂的其它类似名称还有praying locust 和 orator mantis。 要想弄清楚后者,我们必须想到orator 一词的过时的意思“做祷告或祈求的人” 〔rhinestone〕Although rhinestones are inseparably associated with the costumes of country and western singers and Las Vegas showgirls,the word originally had European associations.The Rhine inrhinestone is the Rhine River, andrhinestone is a translation into English of the French phrase caillou du Rhin. Originally a rhinestone was a kind of rock crystal that was found in or near the Rhine and given a fancy name, as have other types of rock crystal such as Cornish diamond.Such stones could be made to imitate diamonds;hence the namerhinestone was applied to artificial gems made from paste, glass, or gem quartz. Rhinestones have spread far beyond the Rhine,becoming a central ingredient of certain aspects of Americana.Cornish diamonds have not shared the same fate.虽然莱茵石与乡村服装,西部歌手及拉斯维加斯的歌舞女郎联系紧密,但这个单词最初与欧洲有联系。单词rhinestong(莱茵石) 中的Rhine指莱茵河, 而rhinestone 是由法语短语 caillou du Rhin 翻译成英语的。 莱茵石最初是一种在莱茵河中或附近发现的天然透明石英石,并如同其它类型天然透明石英石,例如康沃尔钻石那样被赋予了一个新奇的名字。这样的石头能被用来仿造钻石;因而名称rhinestone(莱茵石) 便用于由含铅玻璃、玻璃或宝石石英制成的人造宝石。 莱茵石已遍及莱茵河以外,成为美国某些外观的重要组成部分。而康沃尔钻石则没有同样的命运〔deification〕One that embodies the qualities of a god.神的化身:被赋予神的特征的人或物〔Wallonia〕A French-speaking region of southern Belgium. It was granted limited autonomy in 1980.瓦龙:比利时南部的一个法语区。1980年被赋予有限的自治权




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