单词 | 被视为 |
释义 | 〔taint〕A moral defect considered as a stain or spot.See Synonyms at stain 污点:被视为道德上污点的一个缺陷 参见 stain〔Derzhavin〕Russian lyric poet regarded as the greatest national poet before Pushkin. He served as poet laureate and minister of justice to Catherine II.德扎文,迦弗瑞利·罗曼诺维希:(1743-1816) 俄国抒情诗人,被视为该国在普希金之前最伟大的诗人。他担任过叶卡捷琳娜二世的桂冠诗人和法庭大臣〔infield〕The defensive positions of first base, second base, third base, and shortstop considered as a unit.内场,内野:第一垒、第二垒、第三垒和被视为一个单位的游击手的防守位置〔unchurched〕(used with a pl. verb)People who do not belong to or participate in a church considered as a group. Used withthe. (与复数动词连用)不去教堂者:被视为一个群体的不属于或不参加教会的人。常与the 连用 〔Donoso〕Chilean writer of novels and short stories noted for his dark surrealism and satirical edge. His novelsThe Obscene Bird of Night (1970) and A House in the Country (1978) are considered among the greatest works of Chilean fiction. 多诺索,何西:智利长短篇小说作家,以其忧郁的超现实主义和尖锐犀利的作品闻名。其作品《暗夜中的淫秽之鸟》 (1970年)和 《乡村之屋》 (1978年)都被视为智利小说的上上之作 〔ordeal〕A method of trial in which the accused was subjected to physically painful or dangerous tests, the result being regarded as a divine judgment of guilt or innocence.神判法:让被控诉的人接受痛苦或危险的考验的一种审判方法,结果被视为神对其是否有罪或清白的审定〔university〕The universe in the worduniversity is not the universe as we know it, thoughuniversity is derived from the ancestor of our word universe. This ancestor, Latinūniversus, was made up of ūnus, "one,” and versus, "in a specified direction.” Universus thus literally meant "in one specified direction" but actually meant "the whole of, entire,” and "regarded as a whole, regarded as a group.”Universum, the neuter singular of ūniversus, used as a noun, meant "the universe,”as did the derivativeūniversitās, which also meant "a corporate body of persons, community.” During the Middle Ages, when Latin continued to be used in areas such as government, religion, and education,the wordūniversitās was applied to the new corporate bodies of teachers and students, as at Salerno, Paris, and Oxford, that were the ancestors of our universities of today.Our worduniversity, going back to the Latin word, is first recorded around 1300, with reference to this corporate body.University 一词中的"universe"并不是我们所知道的宇宙这个词, 虽然university 是由我们的 universe 这个词的前身派生而来的。 这一前身,即拉丁文中的universus 是由表示“一”的 unus 和表示“沿着某一特定的方向”的 versus 构成的。 Universus 字面上的意思因此就是“沿着一个特定的方向”, 但它实际的意思却是“整个、全部”和“被视为一个整体的,被视为一个群体的”。Universum ,是 universus 的中性单数形式, 用作名词时指“宇宙”,同样派生词universitas 也指“一群个人的联合体,社团”。 在中世纪,拉丁文继续在诸如政府、宗教和教育等领域得到使用,universitas 这个词被用来指由教师和学生所构成的新联合体,比如在萨勒诺、巴黎和牛津出现的这种联合体, 而这类联合体即是我们今天的大学的最初形式。我们今天的university 这个词可以上溯到拉丁词, 它首次被记录下来是在大约1300年,当时就是用来指这种联合体〔ribbing〕Ribs considered as a group.肋材:被视为集合的肋状物〔street〕Street A district, such as Wall Street in New York City, that is identified with a specific profession. Often used withthe. Street 某一大街:被视为与某一特殊职业等同的地区;如纽约市的华尔街,通常与the 连用 〔culture〕These patterns, traits, and products considered as the expression of a particular period, class, community, or population:特种文化:被视为表现某一特定阶段、阶级、社会或种族的这些方式、特点和产物:〔overweight〕Weighing more than is normal, necessary, or allowed, especially having more body weight than is considered normal or healthy for one's age or build.超重的:重量超过正常、必要或被允许的限度的,尤指体重超过了对人的年龄或体格来说被视为正常或健康的限度的〔hardly〕The use ofhardly with a negative is avoided in Standard English. Some critics have been puzzled that adverbs such ashardly, rarely, and scarcely should be treated as negatives in the traditional strictures against double negation, which tars sentences likeI couldn't hardly see him with the same brush as I didn't get none. After all, they argue, the sentenceMary hardly laughed entails that Mary did laugh, not that she didn't,and therefore does not express a negative proposition.Buthardly and scarcely occur with other negative expressions in a number of ways. For one thing, they combine with items such asany and at all, which are characteristically associated with negative contexts: we sayI hardly saw him at all or I never saw him at all but notI occasionally saw him at all; we sayI hardly had any time or I didn't have any time but notI had any time, and so on. Like other negative adverbs,hardly triggers inversion of the subject and auxiliary when it begins a sentence. Thus we sayHardly had I arrived when she left, on the pattern of Never have I read such a book or At no time has he condemned the movement. Such inversion is not used with other adverbs:we would not sayOccasionally has he addressed this question or To a slight degree have they changed their position. The fact is that adverbs such ashardly are semantically negative in that they qualify a state or an event relative to the limiting case of nonoccurrence.Thus the meaning ofhardly is, roughly, "almost not at all"; the meaning ofrarely is "practically never"; and so forth. These adverbs are felt to have a negative component in their meaning,and it should not be surprising that grammarians have reacted to combinations ofhardly with negatives in the same way that they have reacted to combinations of pairs of negatives such as not and none. See Usage Note at double negative ,rarely ,scarcely Hardly 和一个否定词在一起的用法在标准英语中应尽量避免, 一些批评学家一直怀疑象hardly,rarely 和 scarcely 这样的副词在传统的双重否定的句中应被视为否定词, 这样的词使句子象I couldn't hardly see him 和 I didn't get none 一样被弄糟了, 他们争论说,毕竟句子Mary hardly laughed 的意思是玛丽的确笑了, 而不是她没笑,所以不表示否定的建议。但是hardly 和 scarcely 和其他的否定表示一起在许多方面出现, 举例说,他们和象any 和 at all 这样独特的和否定上下文联系的条目组合在一起, 我们说I hardly saw him at all 或 I never saw him at all , 但并不是I occasionally saw him at all; 我们说I hardly had any time 或 I didn't have any time 但不是I had any time 等。 象其它否定副词,hardly 在句子开头时引起主语和助动词的倒装, 于是我们说Hardly had I arrived when she left, 和 Never have I read such a book 或 At no time has he condemned the movement. 等同样的句型。 别的副词并不用这样的倒装:我们不能说Occasionally has he addressed this question 或 To a slight degree have they changed their position 。 事实是象hardly 这样的副词语义上是否定的, 他们限定修饰了与不发生有关的状态或事件。于是hardly 的意思大概是“几乎根本不”; rarely 的意思大概是“实际上没有”;等等。 这些副词在他们的意思里留有否定的成分,语法学家们对hardly 和否定词组合的反应和对一对否定词如 not 和 none组合的反应一样是不足为奇的 参见 double negative,rarely,scarcely〔deuteron〕The nucleus of a deuterium atom, consisting of a proton and a neutron, regarded as a subatomic particle with unit positive charge.氘核:氘原子的原子核,由一个质子和一个中子组成,被视为带单位正电荷的亚原子〔demiurge〕Demiurge A deity in Gnosticism, Manicheeism, and other religions who creates the material world and is sometimes viewed as the originator of evil. Demiurge 造物主:在诺斯替教,摩尼教和其他宗教中创造了物质世界,有时也被视为罪恶的创造者的神〔moron〕A person regarded as very stupid.白痴:一个被视为很愚蠢的人〔overclass〕The upper social stratum of society, composed of wealthy and professional people, especially when viewed as controlling society's economic power.上流社会:由富人与专业技术人员组成的上层社会阶级,尤被视为掌握社会经济力的〔Podunk〕A small isolated town, region, or place that is regarded as unimportant.无名小镇,偏僻小镇:一个被视为不重要的孤立的小镇、小地区或小地方〔magot〕from Magog, Magos [Magog, name of biblical land (Ezekiel 38-39) and tribe (Revelation 20:8-9), used as an emblem of ugliness in medieval romances] 源自 Magog, Magos [玛各,圣经上土地的名称(见以西结书38-39)和部落的名称(见启示录20:8-9),在中世纪浪漫骑士的故事中被视为丑陋的象征] 〔union〕Union The United States of America regarded as a national unit, especially during the Civil War. Union 联邦政府:被视为国家联合的美国,尤指内战过程中〔handsel〕The first money or barter taken in, as by a new business or on the opening day of business, especially when considered a token of good luck.利市:新生意或生意开张的第一天所赚的第一笔钱或第一位顾客,尤其当这被视为好运的兆头时〔statuary〕Statues considered as a group.组雕:被视为一组的雕塑〔universe〕All matter and energy, including Earth, the galaxies and all therein, and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole.宇宙:一切物质和能量,包括被视为一个整体的地球,各星系及其所包容的星体,和星系间空间电的物质〔vessel〕A person seen as the agent or embodiment, as of a quality:…的化身:被视为某种品质或者精神的化身的人:〔vermin〕Such people considered as a group.歹徒:被视为一个团伙的该类人〔Richardson〕English writer whose epistolary novels includePamela (1740), often considered the first modern English novel, and Clarissa Harlowe (1747-1748). 理查森,塞缪尔:(1689-1761) 英国作家,其书信体小说包括《帕梅勒》 (1740年),它通常被视为第一部现代英语小说,及 《克拉丽莎》 (1747-1748年) 〔inheritance〕Something regarded as a heritage:遗产:被视为遗产的东西:〔nincompoop〕A person regarded as silly, foolish, or stupid.傻子:被视为愚蠢的人〔dust〕Earth, especially when regarded as the substance of the grave:坟土:土地,尤指被视为坟墓时的土:〔poetry〕Poems regarded as forming a division of literature.诗歌:被视为一个文学分支的诗篇〔moonstone〕A variety of feldspar valued as a gem for its pearly translucence.月长石:一种因为具有珍珠半透明的光泽而被视为宝石的长石〔scut〕Routine or tedious work often viewed as menial.枯燥的粗活:通常被视为卑贱的日常工作或乏味劳动〔Gaboriau〕French writer who is considered a founder of the detective novel. His works includeMonsieur Lecoq (1868) and L'Argent des Autres (1874). 加博里欧,埃米尔:(1832?-1873) 法国作家,被视为侦探小说的鼻祖。作品包括《勒科克先生》 (1868年)和 《他人之财》 (1874年) 〔disease〕A pathological condition of a part, an organ, or a system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms.病,疾病:有机体的某一部位、某一器官或系统处于病理状态,由各种因素引起,如传染、遗传缺陷或环境紧张,而且以被视为相同的一组表象或症状为特征〔unmanly〕Regarded as unbecoming to a man.不象男子汉的被视为和一个男人不相称的〔Cush〕An ancient region of northeast Africa where the biblical descendants of Cush settled. It is often identified with Ethiopia.库施:非洲东北部的一个古代地区,《圣经》中库施的后代曾在此定居。它通常被视为等同于埃塞俄比亚〔anchorage〕The Bank of England is often regarded as the anchorage of the European financial community.英格兰银行被视为欧洲金融共同体的稳定支柱〔Saaremaa〕An island of northwest European U.S.S.R. in the Baltic Sea at the mouth of the Gulf of Riga. Long strategically important, it has been controlled by the Teutonic Knights and by Denmark, Sweden, Livonia, Estonia, and Russia.萨拉岛:苏联欧洲部分西北部一岛屿,位于波罗的海的里加湾湾口处。长期以来被视为战略要地,曾先后被条顿人骑士团、丹麦、瑞典、爱沙尼亚和俄罗斯控制〔cult〕A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.异教,邪教:一般被视为走极端或伪造的宗教或宗教派别,其追随者们通常在一个独裁的、极有性格魅力的领袖领导下过着不循惯例的生活〔democracy〕The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.民众:被视为政治力量的主要源泉的人民大众〔plus〕This observation has suggested to some thatplus should be regarded as a preposition in these uses, on the model of expressions such astogether with or in addition to. But the phrases introduced byplus do not behave like prepositional phrases in other respects. They cannot be moved to the beginning of the sentence, for example.We do not sayPlus the bad weather, the construction slowdown has made for a weak market (contrast the acceptable sentence beginning withTogether with the bad weather ). What is more,subjects containing two noun phrases connected byplus are usually singular even when the first noun phrase is plural: 对有些人来说上面这句话会暗示plus 在这类用法中应被视为一个介词, 如在together with 或 in addition to 这样的表达模式中。 但由plus 引导的短语在其它方面并不象介词性短语。 例如它们不能放到句首。我们并不说加之糟糕的天气,施工的减少会导致市场不景气 (试比较用Together with the bad weather 开头的可被接受的句子)。 此外,即使由plus 联结的两个名词性短语中第一个名词性短语为复数,主语通常仍为单数: |
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