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单词 被吸收
释义 〔rem〕A unit for measuring absorbed doses of radiation, equivalent to one roentgen of x-rays or gamma rays.雷姆:度量被吸收的辐射数量单位,相当于一伦琴的X光射线或伽码射线〔merge〕To cause to be absorbed, especially in gradual stages.使…被吸收,尤指逐步地被吸收〔absorption〕The act or process of absorbing or the condition of being absorbed.吸收:吸收的行为或过程或被吸收的状况〔ticket〕The resemblance in form between the wordsticket and etiquette is not accidental. Both words have the same ultimate source, Old Frenchestiquet, but each was borrowed into English at a different time and with a different meaning.Old Frenchestiquet meant "a note, label.” Having been changed in form toetiquet in French, the word was adopted into English in the 16th century (first recorded in 1528)in a form,tiket, without the initiale. The earliest uses of the word in English were in the senses "a short written notice,” "a notice posted in a public place,” and "a written certification.”The word is first recorded with reference to something like a ticket of admission in 1673.In French, meanwhile, the word (in the formetiquette in the 18th century) came to mean "ceremonial"; court ceremonies were noted down or labeled in a book known asl'étiquette. The French word was borrowed again into English, this time in its French form, which is first recorded in 1750.ticket 与 etiquette 这两个词在形式上相似并非偶然。 它们从根本讲都源于古法语中的estiquet 这个词, 但它们被借用到英语中的时间不同且意思也不一样。古法语中的estiquet 的意思是“注解,标签”, 它在法语中变成了etiquet , 16世纪时它被吸收到了英语中(最早的文字记载是在1528年),形式是tiket, , 没有了字首的e. 。 这个词在早期英语中的意思是“写得很短的通知”、“贴在公共场所的通告”和“文字证明”。这个词最早的文字记载意为1673年时使用的一种类似入场券的东西。同时在法语中,这个词(18世纪时的形式是etiquette )的意思是“仪式的”; 在一本叫I'etiqutte 的书里被记载为宫廷仪式。 最早的文字记载在1750年,这个法语词再一次被借用于英语,这次使用了它的法语形式〔olestra〕A calorie-free fat substitute synthesized from sucrose and vegetable oil for use in snacks such as potato chips, and capable of passing through the body without being digested.零卡油,人造脂肪:由蔗糖与蔬菜油提炼的零卡替代油,被使用在炸洋芋片等零食的制造上,能通过人体而不被吸收〔Ruth〕American baseball player. A pitcher for the Boston Red Sox (1915-1919) and outfielder for the New York Yankees (1920-1935), he hit 714 home runs, played in 10 World Series, and held 54 major-league records. Known as "the Sultan of Swat,” he was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1936.鲁思,乔治·赫尔曼:(1895-1948) 美国棒球运动员。作为波士顿红袜队的投球手(1915-1919年)和纽约的美国佬队的外野手(1920-1935年),他一共打击全垒打714次、参加了十次世界级比赛并保持54个主要联盟记录。被人称为“全垒打王”,1936年被吸收为荣誉棒球会的会员〔steatolysis〕Digestive emulsification of fats before absorption and assimilation.脂肪分解:脂肪被吸收同化前的消化乳化作用〔reradiate〕To emit (absorbed radiation) anew:再辐射:再次发射(被吸收的射线):




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