单词 | 表达法 |
释义 | 〔every〕Every is representative of a large class of English words and expressions that are singular in formbut felt to be plural in sense.The class includes, for example, noun phrases introduced byevery, any, and certain uses of some. These expressions invariably take a singular verb;we say Every car has (not have ) been tested. Anyone is (not are ) liable to fall ill. But when a sentence contains a pronoun whose antecedent is introduced byevery, grammar and sense pull in different directions.The grammar of these expressions requires a singular pronoun, as in Every car must have its brakes tested, but people persist in using the plural pronoun,as in Every car must have their brakes tested. Although the latter pattern is common in the speech of all groups,it is still widely regarded as grammatically incorrect in writing. ·The effort to adhere to the grammatical rule leads to various complications, however.The first is grammatical.When a pronoun refers to a phrase containingevery or any that falls within a different independent clause, the pronoun cannot be singular.Thus it is simply not English to sayEvery man left; he took his raincoat with him. Nor can one sayNo one could be seen, could he? Writers unwilling to use plural forms in these examples must find another way of expressing their meaning,either by rephrasing the sentence so as to get the pronoun into the same clause (as inEvery man left, taking his raincoat with him ) or by substituting another word forevery or any (as in All the men left; they took their raincoats with them. ) · The second complication is political.When a phrase introduced byevery or any refers to a group containing both men and women, what shall be the gender of the singular pronoun?This matter is discussed in the Usage Note athe. See Usage Note at all ,any ,each ,either ,he 1neither ,none Every 是一大类英语单词和短语的代表, 它们在形式上是单数的,但在意义上感觉起来却是复数。例如,这一类词中所包括的由every,any 和某些用法中的 some 所引导的名词短语。 这些短语毫无例外的跟单数动词,我们说每辆车都已 (不是 have ) 被测试过。 每个人都(不是 are ) 会生病 。 但是当一个句子中包括一个由先行词every 引导的代词时, 从句法和意义上就要区分不同的情况了。象每一辆车必须测试它的制动器 这样的表达法在语法上要求使用一单数代词, 但人们总习惯于用复数代词,象Every car must have their brakes tested 这样。 虽然后面这种形式在各种团体的讲话中非常普遍,但它在写作中仍广泛地被认为是语法上的错误。无论如何,坚持语法规则的努力总会导致各种各样的复杂问题。首先是语法上的复杂性。当一个代词指代一个短语,而这个短语中包括every 或 any 属于另一个与此代词所在子句不同的独立子句中时, 这个代词不能用单数形式。因此很容易理解英国人为何不说每个人离开时,都拿着各自的雨衣 , 也不说没有人会被看到,不是吗? 。 不愿意在这些例子中用复数形式的书写者必须找到另外一种表达他们意思的方法,或者可以通过重新改变句子的说法以使代词与其指代的短语同属一个从句中(如Every man left, taking his raincoat with him ), 或者通过以另一个词代替every 或 any 的方法(如 All the man left;they took their raincoats with them )。 第二是政治上的复杂性。当一个被every 或 any 引导的短语指代的一个团体中既有男人又有女人时, 单数代词的词性怎么确定呢?这个问题在单词he的用法说明中将被讨论 参见 all,any,each,either,he1neither,none〔barbarism〕The use of words, forms, or expressions considered incorrect or unacceptable.不合语法:不正确的或不规则的词语、词形和表达法的运用〔classicism〕A Greek or Latin expression or idiom.希腊语或拉丁语的表达法或语言风格〔adder〕The biblical injunction to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves looks somewhat alien in the Middle English guise "Loke ye be prudent as neddris and symple as dowves.”Neddris, which is perhaps the strangest-looking word in this Middle English passage, would beadders in Modern English, with a different meaning and form. Adder, an example of specialization in meaning, no longer refers to just any serpent or snake, as it once did, but now denotes only specific kinds of snakes.Adder also illustrates a process known as false splitting, or juncture loss: the word came from Old Englishnǣdre and kept its n into the Middle English period, but later during that stage of the language people started analyzing the phrasea naddre as an addre —the false splitting that has given us adder. “象蟒蛇一样聪明,象白鸽一样无邪”的圣经训谕与在中古英语中的“象蛇一样智虑,象鸽子一样简单”的表达法看起来颇为不同。Neddris 也许是中古英语的中看起来较奇怪的一个词, 在现代英语中为adders ,意义和形式相差很大。 Adder 作为意义特殊化的一个例子,不再象从前一样表示蟒蛇或蛇, 而只表示蛇的特殊种类。Adder 同时也说明了错误分离或连音遗失的过程: 这个词来源于古英语的needre 并在中古英语中保留 n , 但是在后来的英语发展阶段,人们开始将词组a naddre 分析为 an adder --这种错误的分离给我们提供了 adder 一词 〔same〕The expressionssame and the same are sometimes used in place of pronouns such as it or one, as inWhen you have filled out the form, please remit same to this office. As this example suggests, the usage is associated chiefly with commercial and legal language,and some critics have suggested that it should be reserved for such contexts.But though the usage often does sound stilted,it occurs with some frequency in informal writing, particularly in the phraselack of same, as inIt is a question of money, or lack of same. And blind conformity to the critical injunction would have deprived us of the famously laconic radio message sent by a U.S. Navy officer during World War II: Same 和 the same 这两个表达法有时用作代词以替代 it 或 one, 如句子When you have filled out the form,please remit same to the office(填完表格后请提交给办公室)。 正如这个例子所表示的,这种用法主要出现于商业和法律用语,有些评论家认为应当把这种用法限制于此。尽管这种用法常听起来不太自然,但它有时也会出现在非正式的书面语中,特别是在短语lack of the same 中, 如句子It's a question of money,or lack of same。 并且,如果盲目地遵从评论家的禁令,我们将不会听到二次世界大战期间以简洁著称的美国海军军官的无线电口令: 〔neologism〕A new word, expression, or usage.新词:新的词汇、新表达法或新用法〔barbarism〕A specific word, form, or expression so used.不合语法的表达:不正确或不规则使用的词语、词形或表达法〔irrationality〕An irrational idea, expression, or act.不合理的事物:非理性的想法,表达法,或行为〔cannot〕The idiomatic phrasecannot but has sometimes been criticized as a double negative, perhaps because it has been confused withcan but. Thebut of cannot but, however, means "except,” as it does in phrases such asno one but, while thebut of can but has the sense only, as it does in the sentenceWe had but a single bullet left. Bothcannot but and can but are established as standard expressions. · The constructioncannot help is used with a present participle to roughly the same effect as cannot but in a sentence such as We cannot help admiring his courage. But this construction is generally restricted to contextsin which a person is unable to affect an outcome that would normally be under his or her control.It would be more precise to sayWith all the public interest in the affair, the book cannot but attract the attention of reviewers (or . . . can but gain . . . )than to say the book cannot help attracting the attention of reviewers, which suggests that the book might have had a say in the matter. · The constructioncannot help but probably arose as a blend of cannot help and cannot but; it has the meaning of the first and the syntax of the second: 习语cannot but 有时候被判定为一种双重否定, 这也许是因为它已混淆于can but 。 然而cannot but 中的 but 表示“除了”, 就如用在象no one but 这样的短语中一样, 而can but 中的 but 意思却是 only(只有) , 就如用在我们只剩下了一颗子弹 中那样。 cannot but 和 can but 都已被确定为标准的表达法。 cannot help 结构与现在分词同用的作用和 我们禁不住钦佩他的勇气 一句中的 cannot but 大致相同。 但这一结构通常只限于这种情况,即一个人在该情况下不能实现正常情况下处于他或她控制之下的结果。由于公众对该事件的浓厚兴趣,这本书理所当然地引起了评论家的注意 (或 …can but gain… )的说法比暗示这本书在此事中想必有决定权的 这本书情不自禁地吸引了评论家的注意 说法要更为精确。 cannot help but 也许是来自 cannot help 和 cannet but 的混合; 它具有前者的意思和后者的句法结构: 〔irrationalism〕Irrational thought, expression, or behavior; irrationality.非理性的:不合理性的思想,表达法,或举止;不合理性〔cannot〕The construction has sometimes been criticized as a redundancy,but it is by now an established idiom with reputable precedent on its side. ·The expressioncannot (or can't ) seem to has occasionally been criticized as illogical, and so it is. 这一结构有时被指责是一个赘语,但现在它已是一个有规范实例的习惯用法。另一个表达法cannot (或 can't ) 好象 有时被批评为不符合逻辑, 而它确实也是不合逻辑。 〔poeticism〕A poetic expression that is hackneyed, archaic, or excessively artificial.陈腐的诗语:平庸的、陈旧的或过分矫饰的诗歌表达法〔parallel〕In its mathematical usageparallel is an absolute term— two lines either do or do not intersect—and as such does not admit of qualification as to degree.Some grammarians have arguedthat this restriction should apply as well to nontechnical uses of the word.According to this logic,one may not sayThe two roads have been made more parallel, except perhaps as a loose way of saying what is rendered more precisely by expressions such asmore nearly parallel. Like the analogous objection that has been made to the comparison ofequal, the point betrays a misconception about the relation between mathematical concepts and their ordinary-language equivalents.Applied to objects in the world,parallel can only denote a rough approximation to a geometric ideal. A pair of rails or parked cars cannot be truly parallel in the mathematician's sense of the termbut only more or less so,just as a road or shelf cannot be truly straight in the geometric sensebut nonetheless may be described as very straight or relatively straight.The grammarians' compunctions make even less sense when applied to metaphorical uses ofparallel, as inThe difficulties faced by the Republicans are quite parallel to those that confronted the Democrats four years ago, in which the intended meaning has nothing to do with the possibility of intersectionbut instead suggests the structural correspondence of two distinct situations.In this sense, parallelism is clearly a matter of degreeand the wordparallel can be modified accordingly. See Usage Note at equal ,perfect ,unique 在数学用法中,parallel 是一个绝对的表达法—— 两条线要么相交,要么就不相交——它既没有限定性也没有程度差别。一些语法学家曾提出,这种限制也应该适用于该词在非科技方面的用法,按照这种逻辑,人们不能说这两条路已被修得更加平行了, 除非作为用例如更接近于平行 这样的表达方法更精确地表示的东西的不够精确的说出方法。 象对equal 的比较所做的类似反对一样, 这个观点使数学概念与普通用语中等价词之间的关系引起误解。当运用到世间的实物时,parellel 仅能指与几何理想状态大致接近的状况。 一对铁轨或停放的车辆不可能按数学家对于这个术语的理解来真正地相互并行,而不过是大致平行而已,正如公路和架子不可能是真正几何意义上的笔直,但仍可被描绘成很直的或相对而言的笔直。在用到parallel 的比喻用法时,语法学家的不安就更显得意义不大了, 例如:共和党人所面临的重重困难与四年前民主党人遇到的困难十分相似, 在这句话中,该词的引申意义与相交的可能性毫无关系,然而它暗指了两种不同情况结构上的一致。在此意义上,相似性明显是程度的问题,相应地,parallel 一词也能被其它词限定修饰了。 参见 equal,perfect,unique〔polynomial〕An algebraic expression consisting of one or more summed terms, each term consisting of a constant multiplier and one or more variables raised to integral powers. For example,x 2 - 5 x + 6 and 2 p 3 q + y are polynomials. Also called multinomial 多项式:包含一个或更多总项的代数表达法,每一项都含有一个常乘数和一个或更多整幂的变量。如x 2-5 x +6 和2 p 3 q + y 就是多项式 也作 multinomial |
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