单词 | 表达出来 |
释义 | 〔think〕To speak one's thoughts audibly.把某人的想法有声地表达出来〔inarticulate〕Uttered without the use of normal words or syllables; incomprehensible as speech or language:听不懂的:不是用正常的单词或音节表达出来的;无法听懂的话或语言的:〔register〕To be shown or expressed, as on the face.流露感情,面露:被流露或表达出来,如在脸上表达出来〔object〕 Protest suggests strong opposition,usually forthrightly expressed: Protest 指强烈的反对,通常是直接了当地被表达出来: 〔so〕To the amount or degree expressed or understood; to such an extent:如此:达到表达出来的或被理解的程度或数量;到如此程度:〔tongue〕On the verge of being recalled or expressed.差点说出某事:在被回忆出或表达出来的边缘〔proposition〕Something that is expressed in a statement, as opposed to the way it is expressed.(命题中)相反的论述:在陈述中被表达出来的某事,如与被表达的方式相对的某事〔so〕In the condition or manner expressed or indicated; thus:这样:以表达出来的或显示的条件或方式;这样:〔trashed〕Expressions for intoxication are among those that best showcase the creativity of slang. The boundless inventiveness in expressing the ordinary in not-so-ordinary ways led Walt Whitman to describe slang as"an attempt of common humanity to escape from bald literalism, and express itself illimitably.” Colloquial and slang expressions meaning "intoxicated" can fill several pages in slang thesauruses. Most fall into a few general groups. Common are expressions that originally meant "damaged, badly affected by something,” such as trashed, smashed, crocked, blitzed, hammered, wasted, messed up, and blasted. Cooking terms are also common, such as baked, fried, and boiled (said to have been coined at Princeton University in the 1920s). Terms relating to liquids or being filled are a natural source of metaphors for filling oneself up with drink or drugs: sloshed, oiled, tanked, and loaded are but a few. Some terms are not easily classified or have origins that are not fully clear, such as tight (first appearing in the 1830s), plastered (first appearing around 1912), blotto (perhaps from blot, first appearing in 1917), and stoned (apparently taken from such expressions as stone-drunk, stone-cold, and first appearing as stone in 1945). Most current terms for "intoxicated" are not very old, as one expects of slang terms generally; of those in the lists above, blotto, crocked, fried, loaded, plastered, tanked, tight, and oiled are recorded in the first half of the 20th century, and of these only tight and oiled are known to have existed before then. 表示喝醉的词语充分体现了俚语的创造性。用非同寻常的方式创造极为寻常的俚语,其间蕴藏了无限创造空间,华尔特·惠特曼将俚语描述为“让平常心从文字束缚中逃离,并随性表达出来” 。表示“喝醉的,酒醉的”的口语以及俚语的表达方式,可以填满俚语同义词的数页空间。大多数俚语可归入几个分类。许多常见俚语的原意为“被破坏的,受某物负面影响”,如 trashed、smashed、crocked、blitzed、hammered、wasted、messed up 以及 blasted 。烹饪词汇也很普遍,如 baked、fried 和 boiled (据说由普林斯顿大学于20世纪20年代创造)。与液体或注入有关的词语是隐喻表示过多饮酒或吸毒而形成的自然来源: sloshed、oiled、tanked 和 loaded 只是其中少数例子。有些词语不易界定其类别或其原意较不清楚,如 tight (首次出现于19世纪30年代)、 plastered (首次出现于1912年)、 blotto (可能源自 blot ,首次出现于1917年)以及 stoned (显然来自词语 stone-drunk和stone-cold ,并于1945年首次以 stone 的形式出现)。正如大家对俚语的普遍看法,大多数表示“喝醉的,酒醉的”的现行词语都较新;在如上所列词汇中, blotto、crocked、fried、loaded、plastered、tanked、tight 和 oiled 首次见载于19世纪中叶,只有 tight 和 oiled 是所知早于那个时期 〔all〕The constructionall that is used informally in questions and negative sentences to mean "to the degree expected,” as inI know it won an Oscar, but the film is not all that exciting. In an earlier survey, the Usage Panel rejected the use of this construction in formal writing. · Sentences of the formAll X's are not Y may be ambiguous. All of the departments did not file a report may mean that some departments did not file, or that none did. If the first meaning is intended,it can be unambiguously expressed by the sentenceNot all of the departments filed a report. If the second meaning is intended, a paraphrase such asNone of the departments filed a report or All of the departments failed to file a report can be used. Note that the same problem can arise with other universal terms likeevery in negated sentences, as in the ambiguousEvery department did not file a report. See Usage Note at every all that 这种句法作为非正式用语用于问句和否定句中,意思为“达到所期望的程度地”, 如我知道这部影片获了奥斯卡奖,但它并不那么激动人心 一句中。 在早先的一次调查中,用法使用小组不同意在正式书面语中用这一短语。All X's are not Y 类型的句子可能会造成歧义。 All of the departrnents did not file a report 可以指一些部门没有提出,也可以指没有一个部门提出。 如果指的是第一个意思,它可以通过以下这句话明确地表达出来,Not all of the departments file a report。 如果指的是第二个意思,如None of the departments file a report 或者 All of the departments failed to file a report 都可以把意思表达清楚。 注意这种情况在其他整体词如every 用在否定句时也会碰到, 如下面这个有歧义的句子Every department did not file a report 参见 every〔soldier〕Why do soldiers fight?One answer is hidden away in the wordsoldier itself. Its first recorded occurrence is found in a work composed around 1300,the word having come into Middle English (assoudier ) from Old French soudoior and Anglo-Norman soudeour. The Old French word,first recorded in the 12th century,is derived fromsol or soud, Old French forms of Modern French sou. There is no longer a French coin namedsou, but the meaning of the wordsou alerts us to the fact that money is involved. Indeed, Old Frenchsol referred to a coin and also meant "pay,”and asoudoior was a man who fought for pay. This was a concept worth expressing in an era when many men were not paid for fighting but did it in service to a feudal superior.Thussoldier is parallel to the word mercenary, which goes back to Latinmercēnnārius, derived frommerces, "pay,” and meaning "working for pay.”The word could also be used as a noun,one of whose senses was "a soldier of fortune.”士兵们为什么而打仗?其中一个答案就隐藏在soldier 这个单词里面。 在大约1300年的一本著作中发现了这个词的最早记载。这个词由古法语的soudoior 和盎格鲁诺曼底语中的 soudeour 进入中古英语(形式为 soudier )。 古法语中的这个单词,最早记录于12世纪,是由sol 或 soud ,现代法语单词 sou 的古法语形式衍变而来的。 已经没有叫做sou 的法国硬币了, 但是单词sou 的意思使我们意识到这和钱有关。 实际上,古法语中的sol 指的是一枚硬币, 也意味着“报酬”,而soudoior 是一个为了报酬而打仗的人。 在许多人打仗并没有得到报酬而是给封建王服役的时代里,这种概念是值得表达出来的。这样,士兵(soldier) 类似于 雇佣兵(mercenary) , 可以追溯到拉丁文mercennarius , 由merces “报酬”衍变而来, 意思是“为报酬而工作”。这个词也能当名词使用,其中的一个意思是“雇佣兵”〔silent〕Not voiced or expressed; unspoken:未说出的:没有口头说出的或没有表达出来的;没有说出来的:〔may〕expressing ideas so that the average person may understand.把你的意思用一般人能听明白的话表达出来〔unvoiced〕Not expressed or uttered:未说出的:没有表达出来或说出来的:〔relevant〕The thought may have been apropos, but I suppressed its expression out of consideration of their feelings. irrelevant 这个想法可能是中肯的,但是我考虑到他们的感受而压制住没有把它给表达出来 irrelevant〔state〕To set forth in words; declare.宣称:用话语表达出来;宣称〔impact〕Each generation of critics seems to select one particular usage to stand as the emblem of what they view as linguistic crassness.Thirty years ago it was the use ofcontact as a verb, but opposition to that form has more or less disappeared,and attention now focuses on the verbal use ofimpact meaning "have an effect, affect.” Eighty-four percent of the Usage Panel disapproves of the constructionto impact on, as in the phrasesocial pathologies, common to the inner city, that impact heavily on such a community; and fully 95 percent disapproves of the use ofimpact as a transitive verb in the sentence Companies have used disposable techniques that have a potential for impacting our health. But even these figures do not reflect the degree of distaste with which critics view the usage:in their comments some Panelists labeled the usage as "bureaucratic,” "pretentious,” "vile,” and "a vulgarism.” ·It may be that the particular pretentiousness associated with the verbal use ofimpact is caused by its derivation from an already questionable metaphoric use of the noun impact, as in phrases such asthe political impact of the decision or the impact of the program on the community, in which no more is usually meant than might have been expressed by effects or consequences. But thoughimpact may have begun life a generation ago as an inflated substitute for "affect significantly,” it has by now become so common in corporate and institutional contexts that younger speakers appear to regard it as wholly standard and straightforward usage.Within a few years, accordingly,the usage is likely to be no more objectionable thancontact is now, since it will no longer betray any particular pretentiousness on the part of those who use it.See Usage Note at contact 每一代的批评家好象都挑了一个特别的用法作为他们认为的语言上的愚蠢行为的象征。三十年以前是contact 作为动词的用法, 但是对这种形式的反对或多或少已经消失了,注意力现在集中到了impact 意思为“有不好的影响、影响”的动词用法上。 用法专题小组成员中百分之八十四不同意to impact on 的结构, 如在短语对内城区来说很普通的社会病理学,对这样一个社区产生了很大影响的 当中; 百分之九十五的成员完全不同意impact 在句子 公司已经使用了可能会对我们的健康产生不良影响的易处理技术 中当作及物动词来使用。 但是即使是这些数字也没有反映出批评家们对这种用法厌恶的程度:在他们的评论当中有些成员把这种用法说成是“官僚主义的”、“装腔作势的”,“可耻的”,还说这是“粗鄙的语言。”也许和impact 的动词用法有关联的虚饰成份是由于它是从名词 impact 的一个早有争议的比喻用法衍变而来造成的。 如在短语这个决定在政治上的影响 或者 这个计划对公众的影响 中它的意思并没有比用 effects 或者 consequences 表达出来的意思要多。 尽管impact 作为“明显地影响”的夸大了的替代可能在一代人之前开始产生, 但是现在的年轻一代使用者看上去把它当成了完全标准的、直接的用法,这在共同的和惯例的文章中已经很普遍了。相应地在几年内,这种用法很有可能不比今天的contact 更引起反对, 因为对于那些使用它的人来说这不会再显得有点矫揉造作了 参见 contact〔examine〕A student who is being examined might prefer at times to deal with a swarm of bees rather than be weighed in the balance once again.The history of the wordexamine involves both phenomena. Examine, first recorded in English in a work composed before 1338,goes back to the Latin wordexāmināre, which in turn is derived fromexāmen, meaning both "a swarm of bees" and "the apparatus or process of weighing, balance.” Exāmen has these senses because it is formed from the prefixex-, "out of,” and the root .ag-, "to drive, force.” The semantic possibilities of this combination are shown by the senses of the related verbexigere, which meant "to drive out,” "to exact payment,” "to demand,” and "to inquire after or into.”The verbexāmināre derived from exāmen has the sense "to swarm" as well as the senses "to weigh, balance,” and "to consider critically.”一个正在考试的学生有时宁愿去对付一群蜜蜂也不愿再一次参加考试。examine 这个词的历史涉及到以上两种现象。 Examine 在英文最早的记录是出现于1338年以前的一本书中,回溯到拉丁文中的examinare, 其源自examen, 意思不但包括“蜂群”,还包括“衡量和平衡的程序或装置”。 Examen 具有这些含义是因为它由前缀ex-, 意为“超出”,和词根 ag-, 意为“驱使,强迫”组成的。 这个组合在语义上包含的几种可能被相关动词exigere 的意义表达出来, 它的含义有“赶出”、“要求支付”、“需要”和“问候或调查”。examinare 这个动词源自 examen, 含有“云集”的意思, 同时也有“衡量、平衡”和“吹毛求疵地考虑”等含义〔praise〕 Acclaim usually implies hearty approbation warmly and publicly expressed: Acclaim 常表示公开且热情地表达出来的衷心赞美: 〔altogether〕Altogether should be used only when the sense could be expressed by entirely or completely. Altogether只有在其语义可以用 entirely 或 completely表达出来时才可以被使用。 〔vote〕A means by which such a preference is made known, such as a raised hand or a marked ballot.投票,表决:这种赞同被表达出来的方式,如举手或有记号的选票〔speak〕To express aloud; tell:表达出来;告诉: |
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