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单词 衍生
释义 〔dicker〕Perhaps a desire to see history repeat itself has been at work in the case of an etymology suggested for the verbdicker, first recorded in 1802with reference to horse trading and the haggling that accompanies it.In a work published in 1848James Fenimore Cooper used the word with reference to frontier trade.This use would support a connection with the noundicker, which denotes a quantity of ten and was a common unit used in trading hides or furs. If the verbdicker originated in the fur trade, a parallel would exist with the noundicker. The noun may have come into the Germanic languages and hence to English by way of trade or tribute in furs between the Germanic peoples and the Roman Empire, with the Germanic word coming from the Latin worddecuria, "a group of ten men,” which in Late Latin was used as a measure of skins. The difficulty with this parallel isthat no existing evidence proves conclusively the derivation of the verbdicker from the noun dicker. 关于对动词dicker 提出的词源问题,也许是想看看历史重演的一种欲望在起作用, 此单词第一次记载是在1802年,同马匹交易和与之伴随的价格争论有关。在1848年出版的一本著作中,詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀根据边境贸易使用了这个词。这种使用将会支持与名词dicker 代表数量“十”并用于皮毛交易的联系。 如果动词dicker 起源于毛皮生意, 那么便会与名词dicker 一起并行存在。 该名词也许是随着来自于拉丁语decuria “十人一组”的日耳曼语单词一起(在拉丁语中它被用作皮革的计量单位),通过日耳曼人和罗马帝国之间毛皮交易或进贡的途径进入日耳曼语中,而从此以后进入英语中。 但是对于这种并行的困难是,没有现成的证据确凿地证明动词dicker 是从名词 dicker 中衍生来的 〔Pekingese〕[pē'kə-nēzʹ, -nēsʹ] Any of a breed of small dog developed in China, having a flat nose, a long-haired coat, short bowed forelegs, and a tail that curls over its back.[pē'kə-nēzʹ, -nēsʹ] 哈巴狗:一种在中国衍生发展长有扁平的鼻子且浑身长毛的小狗,有短小如弓状的前足及卷曲在背上的尾巴〔secondary〕Derived from what is primary or original:间接的:从初始的或最原始的衍生来的:〔benzoyl〕The univalent radical C6H 5ICO -, derived from benzoic acid. 苯甲醯:一种单价基C6H 5ICO -,从苯甲酸衍生而来 〔thromboxane〕Any of several compounds, originally derived from prostaglandin precursors in platelets, that stimulate aggregation of platelets and constriction of blood vessels.凝血氧烷:最初由血小板中前列腺素衍生而来的刺激血小板凝聚和血管收缩的多种化合物〔endoderm〕The innermost of the three primary germ layers of an animal embryo, developing into the gastrointestinal tract, the lungs, and associated structures. Also called hypoblast 内胚层:动物胚胎三个原始胚层的最内层发育成胃肠道、肺及其附属衍生结构 也作 hypoblast〔intertextual〕Relating to or deriving meaning from the interdependent ways in which texts stand in relation to each other.主题交互相关的:与相关主题互相依赖的方式有关或是其衍生〔model〕a model of generative grammar; a model of an atom; an economic model.衍生语法的图解;原子图解;经济模式〔outlaw〕The wordoutlaw brings to mind cattle rustlers and gunslingers of the Wild West, but it comes to us from a much earlier time,when guns were not yet inventedbut cattle stealing was.Outlaw can be traced back to the Old Norse word ūtlagr, "outlawed, banished,” made up ofūt, "out,” and lög, "law.” Anūtlagi (derived from ūtlagr ) was someone outside the protection of the law. The Scandinavians, who invaded and settled in England during the 8th through the 11th century, gave us the Old English wordūtlaga, which designated someone who because of criminal acts must give up his property to the crown and could be killed without recrimination.The legal status of the outlaw became less severe over the course of the Middle Ages.However, the looser use of the word to designate criminals in general, which arose in Middle English, lives on in tales of the Wild West.单词outlaw 使人联想到美国西部的偷牛贼和持枪歹徒, 然而在此之前很早这词就已存在了,那时枪还没有发明出来,但已有偷牛贼了。Outlaw 可溯源到古斯堪的纳维亚语 utlagr, 意为“非法的,被放逐的”, 由ut 意为“在…外”和 log 意为“法律”组成。 Utlagi (从 utlagr 衍生而来)形容不受法律保护的人。 在8世纪到11世纪间侵略并定居于英格兰的斯堪的纳维亚人创造了古英语词utlaga, 指由于犯罪行为而必须把财产献给皇家并且即使被杀死也不能反诉。在中世纪时期被放逐者的法律地位不如以前那么严格了。然而中世纪英语中兴起的命名罪犯总称的这种宽松用法在美国西部的传说中仍然存在〔typhoon〕Perhaps few words better illustrate the polyglot background of English thantyphoon, with its Chinese, Arabic, East Indian, and Greek background. The Greek wordtyphon, both the name of the father of the winds and a common noun meaning "whirlwind, typhoon,” was borrowed into Arabic (as was many a Greek word during the Middle Ages, when Arabic learning both preserved the classical heritage and expanded upon it, passing it on to Europe).Ùūfān, the Arabic version of the Greek word, passed into languages spoken in India,where Arabic-speaking Moslem invaders had settled in the 11th century.Thus the descendant of the Arabic word,passing into English (first recorded in 1588) through an Indian languageand appearing in English in forms such astouffon and tufan, originally referred specifically to a severe storm in India.China, another great empire, gave us yet another word for a storm,in this case the hurricane that occurred in the waters around China.This Chinese word in its Cantonese form,toi fung, was similar to our Arabic borrowing and is first recorded in English guise astuffoon in 1699. The various forms coalesced and finally becametyphoon. 也许很少有单词能像typhoon 一样表明汉语、阿拉伯语、东印度语和希腊语的多国语言背景。 希腊单词typhon 既是风神的姓名又是意为“旋风,台风”的普通名词, 被借入到阿拉伯语(就象在中世纪时许多希腊语单词进入阿拉伯语一样,那时,阿拉伯人的学问保存了古典的风格,同时在把它传向欧洲时又有所扩充)。Tufan ,希腊语的阿拉伯语形式, 传入到了印度人使用的语言,11世纪时讲阿拉伯语的穆斯林入侵者在印度定居下来。这样,阿拉伯语单词的衍生,从印度语言进入英语(最早记载于1588年),并以如touffon 和 tufan 的形式出现于英语中, 最先特指印度的猛烈风暴。中国,另一个大帝国,给了我们风暴的另一个单词,这里指的是在中国附近洋面发生的飓风。汉语单词的广东语形式toi fung 同我们的阿拉伯语借用词相近, 最早以tuffoon 的形式于1699年载入英语。 各种形式合并在一起最后变成了typhoon 〔lightwood〕There are a number of regional equivalents for small pieces of easily ignited wood used to start a fire,what Standard English callskindling. Lightwood, derived from the verbto light (a fire), probably originated in Virginia, according to Craig M. Carver inAmerican Regional Dialects, and is now used throughout the South Midland.Fat pine, fatwood, and rich pine all refer to the resinous pine native to the Gulf States. The resin makes even a small sliver of the wood easily kindled.有很多种对于用来引火的小片易燃木材的地方称呼,用标准的英语称为kindling。 Lightwood 是从动词点(火) 衍生来的, 根据克雷格·M·卡弗尔的美国各地方言 一书,它可能出自弗吉尼亚州, 但现在广泛用于中南部内陆。Fat pine, fatwood 和 rich pine 都是指墨西哥湾沿岸各洲土生的树脂松树。 由于有树脂,即使一小块木片也很容易点燃〔pediment〕A triangular element, similar to or derivative of a Grecian pediment, used widely in architecture and decoration.三角楣饰:广泛用于建筑物和装饰物上的一种类似或衍生于古希腊山形墙的三角形物〔purine〕Any of a group of organic compounds derived from or structurally related to purine, including uric acid, caffeine, and the nucleic acid constituents adenine and guanine.嘌呤衍生物:从嘌呤衍生出来或在结构上与嘌呤有关的一组有机化合物的任一种,包括尿酸、咖啡因及核酸的组成成分腺嘌呤以及乌嘌呤等〔generation〕A class of objects derived from a preceding class:衍生代,衍生物:从先前的一个种类里衍生的一类事物:〔metopon〕A narcotic drug, C18H 21NO 3, derived from morphine and used in the form of its hydrochloride as an analgesic. 麦托朋,甲基二氢吗啡酮:一种麻醉药,C18H 21NO 3,由吗啡衍生而来,以其氢氯化物形式用作镇痛药 〔paradise〕Perhaps the supreme example of the semantic process known as melioration is the wordparadise. In tracing this word from its origins to its present status,we see an elevation, or melioration, of meaning that raises the word to new heights.The history begins with the Avestan (the eastern dialect of Old Iranian) wordpairi-daēza-, "enclosure,” made up ofpairi, "around,” and daēza-, "wall.” The Greek military leader and historian Xenophon, who served with Greek mercenaries in Persia,first used the Greek wordparadeisos adopted from the Avestan wordto refer to the Persian kings' and nobles' parks or pleasure grounds.This Greek word extended to mean "garden" or "orchard" was an obvious choice for translators of the Bible into Greekto use both for the Garden of Eden and the Abode of the Blessed, or heaven.The Greek word was adopted into Late Latin and was used much as we might expect in its biblical senses in ecclesiastical Latin (Late Latinparadīsus ). The Old English wordparadis taken from Latin is found, but our word probably really established itself in Middle English (first recorded before 1200),derived both from Latin and from Old French, which had adopted the word from Latin.paradise. 这个词也许能作为词义进化最典型的例子, 从它的起源到现在的地位,我们可以看到词义的进化或改进把这个词带到了一个新的高度。这个历史过程从意为“领地,圈地”的阿维斯陀语(古伊朗人西部方言)pairi-daeza-, 开始, 由意为“环形的”pairi, 和意为“墙”的 daeza-, 组成。 曾随希腊雇佣军到波斯服役的希腊军事将领和历史学家色诺芬,首先使用了希腊语词paradeisos, , 该词采用了阿维斯陀词,指波斯国王和贵族们的花园或游乐场,这个希腊词衍生到表示“花园”或“果园”,显然是译者在把《圣经》翻译成希腊文时所做出的选择,以用来表明伊甸园和天国或天堂,有这两种含义的希腊词被引入后期的拉丁语中且当它们在教会拉丁文(后期拉丁语paradisus )中意为《圣经》方面的意义时被更广泛地使用, 古英语paradis 一词来自拉丁文, 但我们用的这个词可能在中古英语(首次记录在1200年前)中真正确立了起来,人们发现它源于拉丁文和从拉丁文中采纳了这个词的古法语〔bilirubin〕A reddish-yellow bile pigment, C33H 36N 4O 6, derived from the degradation of heme. 胆红素:一种浅黄红色胆汁色素,C33H 36N 4O 6,由血红素退化衍生而成 〔per〕furnish , veneer , from Old French f(o)urnir , to supply, provide, from Germanic derivative verb *frumjan , to further, from Germanic *frum , forward; furnish , veneer , 源自 古法语 f(o)urnir , 供给, 提供, 源自 日耳曼语 衍生动词 *frumjan , 促进,增进, 源自 日耳曼语 *frum , forward; 〔offshoot〕Something that branches out or derives its existence or origin from a particular source.See Synonyms at branch 衍生物:来源于特别的出处或由一特别的来源分支衍生而来的物体 参见 branch〔ATP〕An adenosine-derived nucleotide, C10H 16N 5O 13P 3, that supplies large amounts of energy to cells for various biochemical processes, including muscle contraction and sugar metabolism, through its hydrolysis to ADP. (缩写)三磷酸腺苷:一种由腺苷衍生的核苷酸C10H 16N 5O 13P 3,通过它的水解作用到二磷酸腺苷可为细胞进行各类生化过程提供大量能量,包括肌肉收缩及糖份释放 〔benzyl〕The univalent radical C6H 5CH 2-, derived from toluene. 苄基,苯甲基:一种单价基C6H 5CH 2-,从甲苯衍生而来 〔ravel〕To say that we will ravel the history ofravel is an ambiguous statement, given that history. Ravel comes from the obsolete Dutch verbravelen, "to tangle, fray out, unweave,” which comes in turn from the nounravel, "a loose thread.” We can see the ambiguity ofravel already in the notion of a loose thread, because threads can be loose when they are tangled or when they are untangling.The Dutch verb has both notions present in it,denoting both tangling and unweaving.In one of its earliest recorded uses in English (before 1585)the verb means "to become entangled or confused,”and in 1598 we find a use in the sense "to entangle.”But in 1611 the word is used with reference to a fabricin the sense "to fray out,”and in 1607 in the sense "to unwind, unweave, or unravel.”In 1582 we already have an author using the word in a figurative way to mean "to take to pieces or disentangle,”while in a work written before 1656 we have a figurative instance of the sense "to entangle or confuse.”Clearly there was a need for the wordunravel, which is first found in 1603, but strangely enoughit did not solve the problem,ravel retaining up to this day both "entangling" and "disentangling" senses. 说我们要解开ravel 这个词的历史, 只要“历史”的意思不变,这种说法本来就是含糊的。 Ravel 这个词来源于意为“纠缠,磨损掉,解开”的废荷兰语动词ravelen, 而这个词又是从意为“一束松线”的名词ravel 衍生而来的。 在这个意思中,我们已经能看到ravel 的双重意思, 因为一团线缠起来或被解开后都有可能松散。荷兰语的这个词两个意思都有,既指缠起来又指松开。 (1585年前)这个词在英语中第一次使用时,它是“变得纠缠在一起、和含混不清”的意思,1598年我们又发现了“使缠在一起”的意思。但1611年当这个词用于指纺织品时,它却是“使散开”的意思,1607年它的意思是“倒转,松开,打开。”1582年有一位作家已经使用这个词的比喻义“散成一片片或分开”,而在一部写于1656年前的著作中,又有“缠紧,弄混”的比喻意义。毫无疑问,出现于1603年的unravel 这个词有必要的存在, 但非常奇怪的是,这并没有解决ravel 这个词直到现在还有“缠紧”和“分开”这两个意思 〔thioridazine〕A white or yellow powder, C21H 26N 2S 2, a derivative of phenothiazine, that is used orally as a tranquilizer to treat various psychotic conditions. 疏组氨酸:一种从酚噻嗪衍生的白色或黄色粉末C21H 26N 2S 2,用作一种口服的镇静剂来治疗各种精神病 〔nitrofuran〕Any of several drugs derived from furan that are used to inhibit bacterial growth.硝基呋喃:一种呋喃衍生药物,用来抑制细菌的生长〔imitative〕Not original; derivative.不是原本的;衍生〔aldrin〕An insecticide containing a naphthalene-derived compound, C12H 8Cl 6. 艾氏剂:含有萘衍生化合物的杀虫剂,C12H 8Cl 6 〔derivation〕The process by which words are formed from existing words or bases by adding affixes, assinger from sing or undo from do, by changing the shape of the word or base, as song from sing, or by adding an affix and changing the pronunciation of the word or base, as electricity from electric. 衍生:通过在已存在的词或词根后加上词缀,例如从sing(唱歌) 到 singer(歌唱家) 或从 do(做) 到 undo(解开,不做) ,或通过改变词或词根的形状,例如从 sing(唱歌) 到 song(歌曲) ,或是通过加一词缀并变化该词或词根的发音,例如从 electric(电子) 到 electricity(电,电力) 〔abiological〕Not associated with or derived from living organisms.非生物的,非生物学的:与生物体不相关的或不是从生物体衍生〔xenogeneic〕Derived or obtained from an organism of a different species:异种发生的:从不同种类的有机体上衍生的或获取的:〔belfry〕The wordsbell and belfry seem obviously related, but in fact thebel- portion of belfry had nothing to do with bells until comparatively recently. Belfry goes back to a compound formed in prehistoric Common Germanic. It is generally agreed that the second part of this compound is the element.frij-, meaning "peace, safety.” The first element is either.bergan, "to protect,” which would yield a compound meaning "a defensive place of shelter,” or.berg-, "a high place,” which would yield a compound meaning "a high place of safety, tower.”Whatever the meaning of the original Germanic source, its Old French descendantberfrei, which first meant "siege tower,” came to mean "watchtower.” Presumably because bells were used in these towers, the word was applied to bell towers as well.The Old North French alterationbelfroi, which reminded English speakers of their native word belle (our bell ), entered Middle English with the sense "bell tower,” first recorded in 1272.bell 和 belfry 这两个词似乎显著相关, 但事实上直到最近,belfry 词里的 bel 部分才同“钟”这个词联系起来。 Belfry 源于史前普通日耳曼语的复合词。 一般认为这个复合词的第二部分是frij-, 意思是“和平、安全”。 它的第一部分或是"bergan", 意为“保护”, 该复合词就当“隐蔽防御之地”讲;或是berg 意为“高处”, 该词就是“安全高处;塔”的意思。无论其日耳曼语来源意思是什么,它衍生成古法语的berfrei, 原意为“围塔”,后意为“望塔”。据推测由于钟被用于这些塔里,所以这个词也开始指钟塔了。belfroi 作为古北法语的变体它使英语使用者想到了自己的母语中 belle 一字(我们写做 bell ), 进入中古英语后意为“钟楼”,首次记载于1272年〔triazine〕A compound derived from one of these isomers.三嗪衍生物:由这几种三嗪衍生而来的化合物〔form〕To make (a word) by derivation or composition.衍生:用派生法或复合法构(词)〔insignia〕From the singular use ofinsignia comes the plural insignias, which is also common in reputable writing.The Latin singularinsigne is rare and may strike some readers as pedantic.从insignia 的单数用法衍生到复数用法 inisiguias , 这种用法在规范的写作中也很常见。拉丁语的单数形式insigue 很罕见, 这可能会使一些读者认为是在卖弄学问〔toady〕A toady is not a pleasant individual,and the origin of the word makes being a toady even less pleasant.Toady is obviously derived from the word toad. The-y suffix can have diminutive force, and the earliest recorded sense (around 1690) oftoady (now obsolete), "a little or young toad,” illustrates this force. The sense we know has nothing to do with baby toadsbut rather with the practice of certain quacks or charlatans who claimed that they could cast out poison.Toads were thought to be poisonous,so these charlatans would have an attendant eat a toad or pretend to eat oneand then remove the poison from the attendant.Such an attendant is obviously a type of person who would do anything,and thustoadeater (first recorded 1629) was the perfect name for a flattering, fawning parasite. Toadeater and the verb derived from it, toadeat, influenced the sense of the noun and verb toad and the noun toady, so that both nouns could mean "sycophant"and the verbtoady could mean "to act like a toady to someone.” 拍马者并不是一个讨人喜欢的人,这个词的来源使做拍马者这种作法更加不令人喜欢。Toady 很显然是从 toad 这个词衍生而来。 后缀-y 可以有一种指小的效力, Toady 这个词最早有记载(1690年左右)的含义“一只小或幼年蟾蜍”(现已废弃)正说明了这种效力。 我们现在知道的含义与年幼的蟾蜍没有什么关系,而与某些宣称能够驱毒的冒牌医生或江湖郎中的某些做法有关。当时人们认为蟾蜍有毒,所以这些江湖朗中会叫一个手下人吃下一只蟾蜍或假装吃下一只蟾蜍,然后把毒物从他的手下人身体中驱除出去。很明显,这样一个帮手是一种什么事都会做的人,这样,用toadeater (最早记载于1629年)这个词来称呼奉承拍马的寄生者是再合适不过了。 Toadeater 和从它衍生而来的动词 toadeat 影响了作为名词或动词的 toad 和作为名词 toady 的含义, 于是二个名词都可以理解为“拍马者”的意思,而动词toady 有“在某人面前象一个拍马者一样行动”的意思 〔per〕Extended zero-grade form*p—ə- . 衍生的零级形式*p—ə- . 〔pyrimidine〕Any of several basic compounds derived from or structurally related to pyrimidine, especially the nucleic acid constituents uracil, cytosine, and thymine.嘧啶类:由嘧啶衍生出来或在结构上与嘧啶有关的一种基本混合物尤指核酸组成的尿嘧啶,胞嘧啶和胸腺嘧啶〔benzoin〕A white or yellowish crystalline compound, C14H 12O 2, derived from benzaldehyde. 二苯乙醇酮:一种白色或淡黄色的晶体化合物,C14H 12O 2,从苯甲醛衍生而来 〔pun〕The origin of the wordpun is lost in obscurity, perhaps deservedly so in the eyes of those who consider the pun the feeblest form of wit. The wordpun is first recorded in a work of 1662 written by John Dryden. In a slightly later passage of 1676we find the wordpun in the company of the words pundigrion and punnet with the same sense. Punnet is probably a diminutive of pun, as are the laterpunlet (used by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1819) and punkin (Henry James, 1866). Butpundigrion, although recorded later, may have been around earlier than pun and might be its source.Pundrigrion in turn might be an alteration of the obsolete Italian word puntiglio, "fine point,” which we have in English aspunctilio. In any case,the wordpun has given birth to some derivatives of its own, including punnigram, modeled onepigram, and punnology. 可能在那些认为双关语是智慧的最虚弱表现形式的人眼里,pun 的本源难以考证是当然的。 1662年在约翰·德莱登的一篇文章中最早出现了pun 这个词。 其后不久1676年的一篇文章中,pun 同 pundigrion 和 punnet 具有相同的意思而列在一起。 Punnet 可能是 pun 的一个词尾, 后来的punlet (1819年萨缪尔·泰勒·柯利芝使用)和 punkin (亨利·詹姆斯于1866年使用)可能也是如此。 但尽管pundigrion 比 pun 的记载晚,却很可能比它略早出现, 且可能是它的来源。Pundrigrion 按顺序来说可能是已废弃的意大利语 puntiglio 的变形,意为“妙处”, 英语中相应的词是punctilio。 不论如何,pun 自身还衍生了一些词,包括 punnigram , 它是模仿epigram 和 punnology 而成的 〔doxycycline〕A broad-spectrum antibiotic, C22H 24N 2O 8, derived from tetracycline. 强力霉素:一种用途广泛的抗生素C22H 24N 2O 8,从四环素衍生而来 〔fat〕Any of various soft, solid, or semisolid organic compounds constituting the esters of glycerol and fatty acids and their associated organic groups.脂肪,油脂:柔软的、固态的或半固态的有机成分,包括甘油酯、脂肪酸以及它们的衍生有机成分




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