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单词 行驶
释义 〔roll〕To travel or be carried in a vehicle.旅行,载运:乘车行驶或用车运送〔broadside〕were killed when an intoxicated driver broadsided their car.一个醉酒的司机驾车侧着行驶时被撞死了〔tailgate〕To drive so closely behind (another vehicle) that one cannot stop or swerve with ease in an emergency.追尾:紧随(另一辆车)行驶,其车距太小以致驾驶者在出现紧急情况时无法制动或转向〔mileage〕This tire will give very good mileage.这个外轮胎可以行驶许多英里〔brush〕a taxi that shaved the curb;轻轻挨着路缘行驶的出租车;〔kick〕A sandstorm kicked up while we drove through the desert.我们在沙漠里行驶时,沙暴加强了〔kmph〕Kilometers per hour.千米/小时,公里/小时:每小时行驶的千米数〔mileage〕The number of miles traveled by a motor vehicle on a given quantity of fuel.行车里程:在给定的油量内一部机动车所行驶的英里里程〔bus〕A long motor vehicle for carrying passengers, usually along a fixed route.公共汽车:一种载客的长型机动车辆,通常沿指定路线行驶〔sleigh〕A light vehicle mounted on runners and having one or more seats, usually drawn by a horse over snow or ice.有座雪橇:一种装有滑行装置的轻型车辆,有一个或几个座位,通常由马拉着在雪上或冰上行驶〔dime〕a sports car that stops on a dime.跑车在小范围内行驶〔centerline〕A painted line running along the center of a road or highway that divides it into two sections for traffic moving in opposite directions, or, in the case of a divided highway, for lines of traffic moving in the same direction at different speeds.中线:沿马路或公路中间刷的一条线,将公路分为两部分以使车辆双向行驶,或在分速公路上使车辆以相同的方向不同的速度行驶〔fishtail〕I stepped hard on the gas, and the truck fishtailed on the icy road.我使劲踩加速器使卡车在覆冰的路上晃动着车尾行驶〔kmps〕Kilometers per second.千米/秒,公里/秒:每秒行驶的千米数〔speedometer〕An instrument for indicating distance traveled as well as rate of speed.里程计:表明行驶的路及及速率的仪器〔complement〕The full crew of officers and enlisted personnel required to run a ship.船上定员:行驶船舶所要求配备的全体官员和在编士兵〔roadworthy〕Fit to be driven on the open road:适于在开阔的公路上行驶的:〔paddleboat〕A boat, especially a steamship, propelled through the water by paddle wheels on each side or by one paddle wheel astern. Also called paddle wheeler 桨船,明轮船:一船,尤指汽船,通过两边的明轮推动在水里行驶或只通过船尾的一个明轮来推动 也作 paddle wheeler〔toward〕driving toward home.朝着回家的方向行驶〔vroom〕To move noisily at high speed in or as if in a motor vehicle.呜呜地行驶:在或如在摩托车上一样呜呜地高速运动〔sail〕To move across the surface of water, especially by means of a sailing vessel.航行:(尤指乘帆船)在水面上行驶〔scorch〕To go or move at a very fast, often excessively fast rate.疾驰:高速地行驶或移动,常常是以特别快的速度〔run〕To move freely, on or as if on wheels:行驶:在或好象在轮子上自由移动:〔ride〕This car rides well.这辆车平稳地行驶〔tram〕A four-wheeled, open, box-shaped wagon or iron car run on tracks in a coal mine.矿车、煤车:煤矿中在轨道上行驶的四轮、开口、盒状的运货车或铁制车厢〔power〕turbines turned by steam power; a sailing ship driven by wind power.用蒸汽力转动涡轮机;帆船靠风力行驶〔mileage〕Total miles covered or traveled in a given time.里速度:在给定时间内运行或行驶的总英里数〔careen〕To lean to one side, as a ship sailing in the wind.倾侧:偏向一边,如一艘在风中行驶的船〔car〕A vehicle, such as a streetcar, that runs on rails:有轨电车:一种在铁轨上行驶的车辆,如有轨电车:〔good〕The car runs well (not good ). 汽车行驶正常(不是 good )。 〔boot〕To disable (a vehicle) by attaching a Denver boot.锁车:加上一个丹佛锁扣而使交通工具不能行驶〔car〕a railroad car.一辆在轨道上行驶的电车〔glide〕a submarine gliding through the water.See Synonyms at slide 潜艇在水中自由行驶 参见 slide〔bowl〕To move quickly and smoothly, especially by rolling:稳而快地行驶:迅速而平稳地运动,尤指以滚动的方式:〔taximeter〕An instrument installed in a taxicab to measure distance traveled and waiting time and to compute and indicate the fare.自动计费计:安装在出租汽车中测量行驶距离和等待时间以计算和显示车费的仪器〔taxi〕"Taxi" is much easier to yell into the traffic thantaximeter cabriolet, the form from which taxi has ultimately been shortened. Taximeter comes from the French word taximètre, ultimately derived from Medieval Latintaxāre, "to tax,” and the French combining form -metre. Taximètre originally meant, as did its English companion, "a device for measuring distance traveled,” but this device was soon adapted to measure waiting time and compute and indicate the fare as well.Taximeter, first recorded in English in 1898 (an earlier form, taxameter, borrowed through French from German, was recorded in 1894), joined forces withcab, a shortening (1827) of cabriolet, "a two-wheeled, one-horse carriage.” This word, first found in English in 1766,came from Frenchcabriolet, of the same meaning, which in turn was derived fromcabriole, "caper,” because the vehicle moves along with a springing motion.Cab, the shortened form, was applied to other vehicles as well, including eventually public conveyances.Fitted with a taximeter, such a vehicle,first horse-drawn and then motorized,was known as ataxameter cab (1899), a taximeter cab (1907), and a taxicab (1907), among other names, includingtaxi (1907), a shortening of eithertaximeter or taxicab. Interestingly enough,the fullest form possible,taximeter cabriolet, is not recorded until 1959."Taxi"比taximeter cabriolet (最终缩写成 taxi 的形式)更容易在交通中叫出。 Taximeter 来源于法语 taximètre , 它最早来自中世纪拉丁文taxare (“征税”)和法语复合形式 -metre。 Taximètre(与它的英语同伴一样,最初意为“测量行驶距离的设备”), 这一设备很快适合于测量等待时间并计算和显示车费。Taximeter 在英语中首次记载于1898年(更早的形式 taxameter 是从德语通过法语借来的,记载于1894年), 同cabriolet (“一种双轮双马马车”)的缩写形式(1827年) cab 结合。 这一单词最早于1766年在英语中发现,来源于具有同一种意思的法语cabriolet , 它依次来源于cabride (“跳跃”), 因为这种车辆移动时有跳跃的运动;缩写形式cab 还可以适用于其它的车辆, 包括最终的公共运输工具;被安装了自动计费器的车辆,开始是马拉的,后来装上马达,被称作taxameter cab (1899年)、 taximeter cab (1907年)和 taxicab (1901年)。 在其它的名称中包括taxi (1907年), 它是taximeter 或 taxicab 的缩写形式。 非常有趣的是,可能是最全的形式的taximeter cabriolet , 直到1959年才有记载〔headway〕The distance in time or space that separates two vehicles traveling the same route.间隔距离:在同一路线上行驶的车辆之间在时间或空间上的距离〔line〕brought the front wheels into line; a wage agreement in line with current inflation.使前轮成同向行驶;和先行通货膨胀相配合的工资协议〔octet〕"A train of heavy wagons rumbled north on the Winnipeg Trail, drawn by octets of oxen, the drovers walking alongside"(Garrison Keillor)“一排沉重的运货车隆隆地向北行驶在温尼伯山路上,由八头一组的牛拖着,车夫们在一旁走着”(加里森·谢勒)〔rally〕A competition in which automobiles are driven over public roads and under normal traffic regulations but with specified rules as to speed, time, and route.公路车赛:一种汽车赛,比赛中车辆在公路上按照正常的交通规则行驶但对速度、时间和路线有特殊的要求




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