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单词 行进
释义 〔sheer〕To swerve or cause to swerve from a course.使偏航:使转向或使在一行进中转向〔flock〕To congregate or travel in a flock or crowd.群集:成群或成堆地聚集或行进〔defile〕A narrow gorge or pass that restricts lateral movement, as of troops.隘路:只能容许军队等的侧面行进的狭窄的关口小径〔flock〕 Drove is used of a herd or flock of cattle, sheep, geese, or the like, that are being moved or driven from one place to another;less often it refers to a crowd of people in movement. Drove 用于指一堆或一群牛、羊、鹅或其它类似的被赶着从一处到另一处的动物;偶尔也指一群行进中的人。〔overshoot〕To shoot or go too far.过头,过分:射击或行进得过远〔procession〕The movement of such a group.行进:这样的群体的运动〔stuff〕The control a player has over a ball, especially to give it spin, english, curve, or speed.控球力:球员对球的控制力,尤指使球快速旋转、曲线行进或加速行进的能力〔jog〕To go or travel at a slow or leisurely pace:缓慢前进:以缓慢或闲适的步伐前进或行进〔monorail〕A single rail serving as a track for wheeled vehicles traveling on it or suspended from it.单轨:使带轮交通工具在上面行进或暂停的单一轨道〔parade〕A line or extended group of moving persons or things:行进中的人:移动的人或物体形成的一行或一群:〔rattle〕To move with such sounds:嘎嘎地行进:一边发出上面的声音一边前进:〔debouchment〕The act or an instance of marching from a narrow, confined area into the open.(军队)前出:从狭隘的地区向开阔地区的行进〔march〕Advancing steadily; progressing:稳定地前进的;行进的:〔drag〕A slow, laborious motion or movement.缓慢费力的行动或行进〔crawl〕To proceed or act servilely.卑躬屈膝,献媚奉承:卑躬地行进或低三下四地做〔marcher〕One that marches, especially for a specific cause:行进者:行进中的人,尤指为了某一特定原因:〔sheer〕A swerving or deviating course.偏离的方向:转向的或偏离的行进〔reach〕To travel as far as:移动:最大限度地行进〔orange〕Oranges imported to China from the United States reflect a journey come full circle,for the orange had worked its way westward for centuries, originating in China,then being introduced to India,and traveling on to the Middle East, into Europe,and finally to the New World.The history of the wordorange keeps step with this journey only part of the way. The word is possibly ultimately of Dravidian origin, that is, it comes from a language or languages in a large non-Indo-European family of languages,including Tamil and Telugu, that are spoken in southern India and northern Sri Lanka.The Dravidian word or words were adopted into the Indo-European language Sanskritwith the formnāraṅgaḥ. As the fruit passed westward,so did the word,as evidenced by Persiannārang and Arabic nāranj. Arabs brought the first oranges to Spain,and the fruit rapidly spread throughout Europe.The important word for the development of our term is Old Italianmelarancio, derived from mela, "fruit,” and arancio, "orange tree,” from Arabicnāranj. Old Italianmelarancio was translated into Old French as pume orenge, theo replacing the a because of the influence of the name of the town of Orange, from which oranges reached the northern part of France.The final stage of the odyssey of the word was its borrowing into English from the Old French formorenge. Our word is first recorded in Middle English in a text probably composed around 1380,a time preceding the arrival of the orange in the New World.从美国进口到中国的桔子恰恰反映出兜圈子似的行进里程,因为原产于中国的桔子几个世纪以来不断向西行进,先是被引入印度,之后传播到中东国家、欧洲,最后引进了新大陆,orange 这个词的发展历史只与桔子的发展历程在一部分时段上是有其同步性的, 它最可能是来源于达罗毗荼,也就是说,它来源于非印一欧语系中的一种或多种语言,包括用于印度南部和斯里兰卡北部的泰米尔语和泰卢固语。达罗毗荼语是以梵文形式引入印欧语系的,形式如narangch。 当这种水果向西传播时,这个单词也同样西传,从以下可得到明证,如波斯语中的narang 和阿拉伯语中的 naranj。 阿拉伯人把第一批桔子带到西班牙后,这种水果又迅速传遍整个欧洲。我们现时所用的这个词的发展期中重要的一词便是古意大利语melarancio ,源于 mela, “水果”及 arancio, “桔树”, 来源于阿拉伯语naranj。 古意大利语melarancio 翻译成古法语为 pume orenge, o 变换为 a 是因为受奥伦奇城名的影响, 桔子即由此地进入法国北部。这一单词长途跋涉的最后一站是它由古法语orenge 进入英语词汇。 我们所用的这一词汇最初载入中世纪英语是在大约1380年左右的一份文本当中,早于桔子进入新大陆的时间〔raid〕The members of an army traveling on a particularroad to carry out a raid probably would not draw a connection between the two words.However,raid and road descend from the same Old English word rād. Theai in raid represents the standard development in the northern dialects of Old English long a, while theoa in road represents the standard development of Old English long a in the rest of the English dialects. Old Englishrād meant "the act of riding" and "the act of riding with a hostile intent; that is, a raid,”senses that no longer exist for our wordroad. It was left to Sir Walter Scott to revive the Scots formraid with the sense "a military expedition on horseback.”The Scots weren't making all the raids, however.Others seem to have returned the favor,for we find these words in the Middle EnglishCoventry Leet Book : "aftur a Rode . . . made uppon the Scottes at thende of this last somer.”The "Rode" was led by the non-Scottish Duke of Gloucester, who was later crowned as Richard III, and Henry Percy, Duke of Northumberland.一支部队的士兵在某条road (路)上行进以发动一场 raid (袭击), 这大概不会使这两个词之间产生什么联系。然而raid 和 road 这两个词源于古英语中的同一个词 rad 。 Raid 中的 ai 代表了古英语中北部发言中长 a 的标准发展, 而road 中的 oa 代表了其它地区古英语方言中长 a 的发展。 古英语中rad 的意思是“骑马的行动和出于敌意而骑马的行动; 也就是说,一次奇袭,”词意中不再有路 这个意思。 沃尔特·斯科特爵士又恢复了raid 这个词的苏格兰语形式, 其意思是“马上的远征”。然而,奇袭并不只是由苏格兰人发动。别人似乎也保留了对这个词的偏好,因为我们在中世纪英语的考文垂史料 中发现了这段话: “在去年夏末对苏格兰发动的奇袭之后…”。该“奇袭”是由后来被冠以查理三世的格洛斯特的非苏格兰公爵和诺森柏兰的亨利·珀西公爵领导的〔procession〕The act of moving along or forward; progression.游行,行进:沿…或向前移动的动作;行进〔galumph〕To move or run clumsily or heavily.昂首阔步,笨拙地走:笨拙地或沉重地行进或奔跑〔mark〕To move the feet alternately in the rhythm of a marching step without advancing.踏步:按行进的节奏交替移动两脚但并不前进〔punt〕An open, flat-bottomed boat with squared ends, propelled by a long pole and used in shallow waters.方头或平底船:一种用于浅水中并用长篙撑船行进的无篷方头平底船〔walk〕To move in a manner suggestive of walking:行走:以一种步行的姿态行进〔schlep〕To move slowly or laboriously:缓慢或费力地行进〔sashay〕To walk or proceed, especially in an easy or casual manner.漫步,步伐轻快:走路或行进,尤指以轻快、随便地步伐〔condition〕had to condition herself to long hours of hard work; conditioned the troops to marches at high altitudes.必须习惯长时间辛苦的工作;使部队能适应在高海拔地区行进〔sidle〕To advance in an unobtrusive, furtive, or coy way:侧身而行:以一种不引人注目的、偷偷摸摸的或羞怯的方式行进〔slosh〕To splash, wade, or flounder in water or another liquid:溅着水行进:在水或另一种液体里激溅、涉水或挣扎:〔steer〕To follow or move in a set course.行进:沿某一路线跟随或移动〔promenade〕A march of all the guests at the opening of a ball.列队前进:在舞会开始时所有宾客的行进〔work〕To proceed or progress slowly and laboriously:缓慢地行进,费力地行进〔walk〕To move over a surface by taking steps with the feet at a pace slower than a run:走,散步:以比跑慢的步伐在某一平面上行进〔march〕To traverse by progressing steadily and rhythmically:行进通过:通过平稳和有节奏地行进走过:〔march〕The act of marching, especially:行进行进的动作,尤指:〔noise〕Can you imagine the racket made by a line of empty trailer trucks rolling along cobblestone streets?你能想象出一队空的拖车卡车在卵石路上行进所发出的噪音吗?〔bucket〕bucketing over the unpaved lane.在没有铺路的小巷子里颠簸行进〔stuff〕The spin, english, curve, or speed imparted to a ball:使球快速旋转、旋转、曲线行进或加速行进〔step〕To shift or move slightly by taking a step or two:轻快地行走:走一两步轻轻向前移动或行进




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