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单词 血统
释义 〔Walloon〕One of a French-speaking people of Celtic descent inhabiting southern and southeast Belgium and adjacent regions of France.瓦龙人:居住在比利时南部及东南部和法国边境地区的克尔特血统的讲法语的民族之一〔Hispanic〕There are a number of words denoting persons who trace their origins to a Spanish-speaking country or culture.Hispanic is the broadest of these terms, encompassing all Spanish-speaking peoples in both hemispheresand emphasizing the common denominator of language between communitiesthat sometimes have little else in common.It is widely used in both official and unofficial contextsand is entirely acceptable,although like the termSpanish American, it has occasionally been criticized as unduly emphasizing the role of European influences in shaping ethnic identity to the neglect of indigenous cultures.Latino is also in wide use, but it is somewhat less formal in most contextsand is generally restricted to persons of Latin-American descent.See Usage Note at Chicano 有许多单词表示那些来历或出身可以溯及西班牙语国家或文化的人,Hispanic 是这些词中应用最广泛的, 包括了两个半球所有讲西班牙语的民族,并且强调不同团体的语言上的共同特征,尽管它们在别的方面共同点很少。这个词被广泛地用于官方和非官方的语境中,并且被完全接受,尽管象Spanish American 一样, 偶然会有人批评它过分地强调在形成忽视本土文化的种族特性的欧洲影响。Latimo 应用得很广泛, 但在大多数语境下它不太正式,并且一般只限于有拉丁美洲血统的人 参见 Chicano〔paternity〕Descent on a father's side; paternal descent.父系:父亲血统,男性血源关系〔colony〕A group of people with the same interests or ethnic origin concentrated in a particular area:聚居:有着相同利益或种族血统的一组人,聚集在一个特殊的地区:〔Irishwoman〕A woman of Irish birth or ancestry.爱尔兰妇女:生于爱尔兰或有爱尔兰血统的女性〔natural〕Related by blood:与血统相关的:〔stock〕The type from which a group of animals or plants has descended.血统:一种动物或植物遗传下来的类型〔Hispano〕A native or resident of Spanish descent living in the southwest United States.西班牙裔美国人:居住在美国西南部的,具有西班牙血统的美国人〔race〕A genealogical line; a lineage.家族:家族血统;门第〔bloodline〕Direct line of descent; pedigree.世系:世系;血统〔strain〕The collective descendants of a common ancestor; a race, stock, line, or breed.家系、血统:一个有共同祖先的集体后裔;家系,家谱,世系或血统〔highbred〕Of superior breed or stock:出身高度的或有优良血统的:〔Afrikaner〕An Afrikaans-speaking South African of European ancestry, especially one descended from 17th-century Dutch settlers.南非白人:具有欧洲血统且使用南非荷兰语的南非人,特指17世纪荷兰移民的后代〔Garifuna〕A member of a people of mixed Carib and African ancestry living along the Caribbean coast of Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, and Nicaragua. The Garifuna were deported to the area in the late 18th century after their defeat by the British on the island of St. Vincent, where shipwrecked and escaped African slaves had intermarried with the indigenous Carib population beginning in the early 17th century.卡利福那人:拥有加乐比人与非洲祖先血统的族群,住在加勒比海沿岸的宏都拉斯、危地马拉、贝里斯和尼加拉瓜,危地马拉于十八世纪末叶在圣文生岛被大英帝国击败后,卡利福那人便被逐离该地。早在十七世纪初期,圣文生岛上船难的生还者与逃难的非洲奴隶就与加勒比人联姻〔Caboclo〕A person, especially a Brazilian, whose descent is traced entirely or partially to the Indian peoples inhabiting Brazil:巴西印第安人后裔:尤指巴西人,其血统完全地或部分地属于定居巴西的印第安人:〔descent〕Hereditary derivation; lineage:出身,血统,祖籍:遗传血统;家系:〔line〕A strain, as of livestock or plants, developed and maintained by selective breeding.血统:(牲畜或植物的)血统,利用优生种子发展和保持〔Avenzoar〕Spanish-Arab physician and writer whosePractical Manual of Treatments and Diet showed an advanced understanding of the human body based on science rather than speculation. 阿文祖尔:具有西班牙和阿拉伯血统的医生和作家,他的《实用治疗与饮食手册》 阐明了他对人体基于科学而不是臆测的先进的理解 〔pure〕Of unmixed blood or ancestry.纯种的:具有毫无混杂的血统或祖先的〔mestiza〕A woman of mixed racial ancestry, especially of mixed European and Native American ancestry.女混血儿:具有混合的种族血统的女人,尤指欧洲人与美洲印第安人的女混血儿〔Pole〕A person of Polish descent.波兰人后裔:有波兰血统的人〔house〕Often House A family line including ancestors and descendants, especially a royal or noble family: 常作 House 家系,血统:尤指皇室或贵族家系,包括祖先及后代:〔patrilineal〕Relating to, based on, or tracing ancestral descent through the paternal line.父系的:与父系血统有关的;以父亲血统为基础的,按父方血统追溯的族系的〔filiation〕A line of descent; derivation.血缘鉴定:血统的联系;来历〔Irishry〕The Irish people, especially those of Celtic descent.爱尔兰人:爱尔兰人,特别是那些有凯尔特血统的爱尔兰人〔unilateral〕Tracing the lineage of one parent only:单系的:仅跟随双亲之一的血统的:〔Lipizzan〕Any of a breed of sturdy, compact horses developed from Spanish, Italian, Danish and Arab stock that are born black or dark brown and gradually turn white by the time they are five to eight years of age. They are bred and trained at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna.利皮札马:任何由西班牙、意大利、丹麦及阿拉伯血统繁殖出的健康结实的马种,出生时为黑色或深棕色,五到八岁时逐渐变为白色。这些马都在维也纳的西班牙马术学校被饲养及训练〔race〕from Old Italian razza [race, lineage] 源自 古意大利语 razza [血统,世系] 〔moiety〕Either of two basic units in cultural anthropology that make up a tribe on the basis of unilateral descent.一个分支:在文化人类学中,在单系血统基础上构成一个部落的两个基本的部落分支的任意一个〔European〕A person of European descent.欧洲人后裔:有欧洲血统的人〔criollo〕A Spanish American of European, usually Spanish descent.克里奥罗人:生于西属美洲的欧洲人,尤指西班牙血统的人〔Cajun〕Often Cajan A member of a group living in southern Alabama and southeast Mississippi, of mixed white, Black, and Native American ancestry. 常作 Cajan 阿卡迪亚人:居住在阿拉巴马南部和密西西比东南部的一个民族,混有白人、黑人和印第安人的血统〔pug〕A small sturdy dog of an ancient breed originating in China, having a snub nose, a wrinkled face, a squarish body, short smooth hair, and a curled tail.哈巴狗,狮子狗:中国的一种血统古老、体小而强壮的狗,有短鼻、面部多皱纹、方形身体、毛发短而光滑、尾巴卷曲〔stirps〕A line of descendants of common ancestry; stock.血统:从一个祖先传下来的世系;家系〔tribe〕A political, ethnic, or ancestral division of ancient states and cultures, especially:族,部落:古代国家和文化中的一个政治的、伦理的或血统的分支,尤指〔patrilineage〕The line of descent as traced through the paternal side of a family.父系:按父方血统追溯的族系血缘关系〔Irishman〕A man of Irish birth or ancestry.爱尔兰人:出生于爱尔兰的人,有爱尔兰血统的人〔Latino〕A person of Hispanic, especially Latin-American, descent.See Usage Note at Hispanic 具有拉丁血统的人:西班牙人和葡萄牙人,尤指具有拉丁美洲人的血统的 参见 Hispanic〔flamenco〕The origin of the wordflamenco is to be sought variously in the realms of ornithology and northern Europe. Spanish contains two homographs spelledflamenco, one of which means "Flemish, Andalusian Gypsy,”and the other, "flamingo.” Flamenco in the former sense comes from the Middle Dutch wordVlāming, meaning "Fleming.” Flamenco, "flamingo,” comes ultimately from Latinflamma, "flame,” referring to the fiery red plumage of the bird.Is the dance named for its flamingolike fieriness or its Flemishness?It would seem that some kind of association between Gypsies and people of Flemish extraction explains the use offlamenco, "Fleming, Andalusian Gypsy,” as the name of a dance originally associated with the Andalusian Gypsies.The English wordflamenco, borrowed from Spanish, is first recorded in 1896.Flamenco 一词的词源可以在鸟类学和北欧的领域中大量找到。 西班牙语中有两个拼写为flamenco 的同形异义词, 其中的一个意义为“佛兰芒人,安达鲁西亚吉普赛人,”另一个意义为“红鹤”。 Flamenco 原有的意义来源于中古荷兰语Vlaming, 意思是“佛兰芒人。” Flamenco 作“红鹤”意思讲时,最初是来自拉丁语的flamma, 意为“火焰,” 指这种鸟火红的羽毛。这种舞的命名是由于它象红鹤般的猛烈呢,还是由于它与佛兰芒人有关?吉普赛人与佛兰芒血统的人之间的某种联系似乎解释了flamenco “佛兰芒人,安达鲁西亚吉普赛人”的这种用法, 即作为最初与安达鲁西亚吉普赛人有关的一种舞的名称。源于西班牙语借用而来的英语词flamenco, 最早记载于1896年〔blood〕Descent from a common ancestor; parental lineage.血统,家世,家族:源自于同一祖宗;父母血统




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