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单词 蜜蜂
释义 〔honey〕A sweet yellowish or brownish viscid fluid produced by various bees from the nectar of flowers and used as food.蜂蜜:各种蜜蜂从花蜜酿制而成的甜味黄色或褐色粘性液体,并把它作为食物〔drone〕A male bee, especially a honeybee, that is characteristically stingless, performs no work, and produces no honey. Its only function is to mate with the queen bee.雄蜂:雄性蜂,尤指雄性蜜蜂,其特点是无螫针,不作工,不采蜜。其唯一职能是与蜂后交配〔beeswax〕Commercial wax obtained by processing and purifying the crude wax of the honeybee and used in making candles, crayons, and polishes.黄蜡:由蜜蜂的粗蜂蜡加工和提炼而得到的商业蜡,用于做蜡烛、蜡笔和上光剂〔worker〕A member of a colony of social insects such as ants, bees, wasps, or termites, usually a sterile female but often a sexually immature individual of either sex, that performs specialized work such as building the nest, collecting and storing food, and feeding other members of the colony.工蚁,工蜂:共生昆虫群中的一员,像蚂蚁、蜜蜂、黄蜂或白蚁,通常是不能生育的雌性,但经常也是两性中未成熟的个体,其行使像筑巢、收集和贮存食物等专门的工作,喂养共生群中的其他成员〔sting〕A sharp, piercing organ or part, often ejecting a venomous secretion, as the modified ovipositor of a bee or wasp or the spine of certain fishes.刺螫针:一种利而尖的器官或部分,常射出有毒分泌物,如蜜蜂或蜂发育了的产卵器官或某些鱼的刺〔foulbrood〕A fatal disease of honeybee larvae caused by one of several types of bacteria, includingBacillus alvei. 污仔病,幼虫腐败病:蜜蜂幼虫的致命疾病,由几种细菌中任一种引起,包括芽孢杆菌 〔apio〕perhaps from apis [bee] 可能源自 apis [蜜蜂] 〔apiary〕A place where bees and beehives are kept, especially a place where bees are raised for their honey.养蜂场:放置蜜蜂及蜂窝的场所,尤指为酿蜜而养蜂的场所〔hum〕To emit the continuous droning sound of a bee on the wing; buzz.发嗡嗡声:蜜蜂翅膀发出的持续的嗡嗡声;嗡嗡声〔caprification〕A method of assuring pollination of the Smyrna and other edible figs in which flower clusters of the caprifig are hung from trees of the edible fig, allowing wasps to carry pollen from the flowers of the caprifig to those of the edible varieties.无花果受精,无花果虫媒授粉法:确保花束悬挂在可食用无花果果树上的士麦那无花果和其它可食用无花果授粉,以让蜜蜂将野无花果的花粉带给那些可食用无花果树种上〔apiarian〕Relating to bees or to the keeping and care of bees.蜜蜂的,养蜂的:有关蜜蜂或养蜂的〔beeswax〕The yellow to grayish-brown wax secreted by the honeybee for constructing honeycombs.蜂蜡:蜜蜂分泌的筑蜂巢的黄色到灰褐色物质〔myriad〕the myriads of bees in the hive.蜂房里无数的蜜蜂〔apivorous〕Latin apis [bee] 拉丁语 apis [蜜蜂] 〔apiculture〕Latin apis [bee] 拉丁语 apis [蜜蜂] 〔flock〕 cast, the number of hawks or falcons cast off at one time, usually a pair;cete, a company of badgers; covert, a flock of coots; covey, a family of grouse, partridges, or other game birds; drift, a drove or herd, especially of hogs; exaltation, a flight of larks; fall, a family of woodcock in flight; gam, a school of whales, or a social congregation of whalers, especially at sea; kennel, a number of hounds or dogs housed in one place or under the same ownership; kindle, a brood or litter, especially of kittens; litter, the total number of offspring produced at a single birth by a multiparous mammal; muster, a flock of peacocks; nide, a brood of pheasants; pod, a small herd of seals or whales; pride, a company of lions; rout, a company of people or animals in movement, especially knights or wolves; school, a congregation of fish, or aquatic mammals such as dolphins or porpoises; shrewdness, a company of apes; skein, a flight of wildfowl, especially geese; skulk, a congregation of vermin, especially foxes, or of thieves;sloth, a company of bears; sord, a flight of mallards; sounder, a herd of wild boar; stable, a number of horses housed in one place or under the same ownership; swarm, a colony of insects, such as ants, bees, or wasps, especially when migrating to a new nest or hive;troop, a number of animals, birds, or people, especially when on the move; warren, the inhabitants, such as rabbits, of a warren; watch, a flock of nightingales; andwisp, a flock of birds, especially of snipe. See also Synonyms at crowd cast 指一次所放飞的鹰或隼的数目,通常为一对:cete, 一群; covert 一群大鹋; covey, 一群松鸡、石鸡或其它作猎物的鸟; drift, 一群或一堆,尤指家猪; exaltation, 一群云雀; fall, 一群飞行中的丘鹬; gam, 一群鲸或一伙捕鲸人,尤指在海上的; kennel, 一群住在一起或属同一个人所有的猎狗或狗; kindle, 一窝或一巢,尤指小猫: litter, 一产多胎的哺乳动物一次所生的幼仔的总数; muster, 一群孔雀; nide, 一窝野鸡; pod, 一小群海豹或鲸; pride, 一群狮子; rout, 一群在行进中的人或动物,尤指骑士或狼; school, 一群鱼或水生哺乳动物如海豚或小鲸; shrewdness, 一群猿; skein, 一群猎鸟,尤指鹅; skulk, 一群害兽或坏人, 尤指狐狸或小偷;sloth, 一群熊; sord, 一群野鸭; sounder, 一群野公猪; stable, 住在同一处或属同一个人所有的一群马; swarm, 一群昆虫,如蚂蚁、蜜蜂或黄蜂, 尤指当它们迁往一个新的巢或蜂房时;troop, 一群动物、鸟或人,尤指在行进中时; warren 养兔场的一群动物,如兔子; watch 一群夜莺; wisp 一群鸟,尤指鹬鸟 参见同义词 crowd〔apiarist〕One who keeps bees, specifically one who cares for and raises bees for commercial or agricultural purposes. Also called beekeeper 养蜂人:养蜂的人,特别是为商业或农业目的而养殖蜜蜂的人 也作 beekeeper〔nimble〕"Tom Birch is as brisk as a bee in conversation" (Samuel Johnson).“汤姆·布切在会话中象蜜蜂一样轻快” (塞缪尔·约翰逊)。〔beebread〕A brownish substance consisting of a mixture of pollen and honey and used by bees as food.蜜蜂的花粉食料:蜜蜂用作食物的花粉与蜂蜜所混合的棕色物质〔Frisch〕Austrian-born German zoologist. He shared a 1973 Nobel Prize for his study of the social behavior patterns of bees.弗里施,卡尔·冯:(1886-1982) 生于奥地利的德国动物学家。因研究蜜蜂的群体行为方式获1973年诺贝尔奖〔apian〕From Latin apis [bee] 源自 拉丁语 apis [蜜蜂] 〔exotica〕such gustatory exotica as killer bee honey and fresh catnip sauce.象非洲蜜蜂的蜂蜜和鲜樟脑草酱这样给人带来新奇味觉的事物〔varroa〕A reddish-brown, oval mite(Varroa jacobsoni) that is a parasite of honeybees. 瓦螨,蜂蟹螨:红棕色的椭圆形螨虫(蜂蟹螨) ,是蜜蜂的寄生虫 〔Fabre〕French entomologist noted for his descriptive and behavioral studies of bees and wasps, grasshoppers and crickets, and beetles.法布尔,简·亨利:(1823-1915) 法国昆虫学家,以对蜜蜂、黄蜂、蚱蜢、蟋蟀和甲虫的描述和行为研究而著称〔queen〕Abbr. qu.The fertile, fully developed female in a colony of social bees, ants, or termites.缩写 qu.女王:在群居的蜜蜂、蚂蚁或白蚁群体中,可繁殖并发育完全的雌虫〔beeline〕[From the belief that a bee returns to its hive in a straight course] [源自蜜蜂回蜂窝选择两点间最短路线的说法] 〔trophallaxis〕Mutual exchange of food between adults and larvae of certain social insects such as bees or wasps.交哺现象:某些群居的昆虫(如蜜蜂或黄蜂)的成虫及幼虫之间的互相喂食〔clover〕Any of various herbs of the genusTrifolium in the pea family, having trifoliolate leaves and dense heads of small flowers and including species grown for forage, for erosion control, and as a source of nectar for honeybees. 苜蓿,三叶草:一种豆科三叶草属 的草本植物,长有三小叶,开密簇小花,包括用作饲料的、防止水土流失的及作为蜜蜂蜜源的品种 〔honeycomb〕A structure of hexagonal, thin-walled cells constructed from beeswax by honeybees to hold honey and larvae.蜂窝:蜜蜂用蜂蜡筑成的六角形薄壁蜂房所组成的结构,用于存放蜂蜜和幼虫〔hymenopteran〕An insect of the order Hymenoptera, including the bees, wasps, and ants, often living in complex social groups and characteristically having two pairs of membranous wings.膜翅类昆虫:膜翅类的任何一种昆虫,包括蜜蜂、马蜂、蚂蚁,经常有复杂的社会群体有两对膜翅是这类动物的特点〔propolis〕A resinous substance collected from the buds of certain trees by bees and used as a cement or sealant in the construction of their hives.蜂胶:蜜蜂采自某些树的花的胶状物,在建筑蜂窝时用作加固或密封材料〔dorbeetle〕Obsolete dor [a buzzing bee or beetle] from Middle English dorre from Old English dora 废语 dor [嗡嗡响的蜜蜂或甲虫] 源自 中古英语 dorre 源自 古英语 dora 〔buzz〕To make a low droning or vibrating sound like that of a bee.嗡嗡叫:象蜜蜂一样发出低沉的嗡嗡声或振动音〔Mandeville〕Dutch-born British physician, philosopher, and satirist whose major work,The Fable of the Bees (1714), depicts all activity as being motivated by self-interest. 曼德维尔,伯纳德:(1670?-1733) 荷兰裔英国的医生、哲学家和讽刺作家,其主要著作《蜜蜂寓言》 (1714年),记述了为利己主义所驱动而作出的所有活动 〔mesquite〕Any of several small spiny trees or shrubs of the genusProsopis in the pea family, native to hot, dry regions of the New World and important as plants for bees and forage for cattle, especially: 牡豆树:任一种豆科牡豆树 属的带刺小树或灌木,原产于新大陆的炎热干燥地带,是蜜蜂采蜜的重要树种,也是家畜的重要饲料,尤指 〔apiculture〕The raising and care of bees for commercial or agricultural purposes.养蜂业:为商业或农业目的而养殖照料蜜蜂〔bumblebee〕Any of various large, hairy, social bees of the genusBombus that nest underground. Also called humblebee 熊蜂,大黄蜂:一种体型大的,多毛的,群居的蜜蜂,属于熊蜂 属,在地下筑巢 也作 humblebee〔honeybee〕Any of several social bees of the genusApis that produce honey, especially A. mellifera, widely domesticated as a source of honey and beeswax. 蜜蜂:一种蜜蜂 属的会造蜜的群蜂,尤指被广泛培养作为蜂蜜和蜂蜡的来源的 蜜蜂 〔hive〕A structure for housing bees, especially honeybees.蜂箱:尤指为让蜜蜂居住而筑的结构〔apian〕Of, relating to, or having the characteristics of bees.蜜蜂的:蜜蜂的,有关蜜蜂的或有蜜蜂特性的




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