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单词 蒸馏
释义 〔distill〕To separate (a distillate) by distillation.蒸馏出:用蒸馏分离(馏出物)〔circulate〕From Middle English circulat [continuously distilled] 源自 中古英语 circulat [继续蒸馏] 〔bitumen〕Any of various flammable mixtures of hydrocarbons and other substances, occurring naturally or obtained by distillation from coal or petroleum, that are a component of asphalt and tar and are used for surfacing roads and for waterproofing.沥青,柏油:一种碳氢化合物和其他物质的易燃混合物,自然产生或通过蒸馏煤或石油而获得,是沥青和焦油的混合物,用于铺路和防水〔benzine〕A colorless, flammable, liquid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained in distilling petroleum, used in cleaning and dyeing and as a motor fuel.轻油精,石油醚:一种无色、易燃的碳氢液体混合物,从石油蒸馏而得,用在清洗和染色中并用作发动机燃料〔vinasse〕The residue left in a still after the process of distillation.蒸馏残液:蒸馏过程之后留下的残液〔mescal〕A Mexican liquor distilled from the fermented juice of certain species of agave.龙舌兰酒:一种墨西哥烈酒,用蒸馏某种龙舌兰的发酵液汁制成〔vodka〕An alcoholic liquor originally distilled from fermented wheat mash but now also made from a mash of rye, corn, or potatoes.伏特加:一种酒精饮料,最早由发酵的小麦糊蒸馏而得,现在也由裸麦、玉米或马铃薯糊制得〔hooch〕from Hoochinoo [a Tlingit village where illegal liquor was distilled] 源自 Hoochinoo [一个蒸馏违禁酒的特里吉特村庄] 〔spirituous〕Distilled. Used of an alcoholic beverage.蒸馏的。用来指含酒精的饮料〔distillate〕A liquid condensed from vapor in distillation.蒸馏液;馏出物:在蒸馏中,从蒸汽浓缩的液体〔phenanthrene〕A colorless crystalline hydrocarbon, C14H 10, obtained by fractional distillation of coal-tar oils and used in dyes, drugs, and explosives. 菲:一种无色的晶体碳氢化合物,C14H 10,通过蒸馏煤焦油而少量地获得,用于染料、药品和炸药 〔poteen〕Unlawfully distilled Irish whiskey.私酿的经蒸馏的爱尔兰威士忌酒〔cucurbit〕A gourd-shaped flask forming the body of an alembic, formerly used in distillation.葫芦形蒸馏瓶:一种葫芦状的烧瓶,构成蒸馏器的主体,正式使用于蒸馏过程中〔guaiacol〕A yellowish, oily, aromatic substance, C7H 8O 2, derived from guaiacum or wood creosote and used chiefly as an expectorant, a local anesthetic, and an antiseptic. 愈创木酚:一种黄色、油状的芳香物质C7H 8O 2,由蒸馏愈创树脂或木焦杂酚汕提炼而成,通常用做去痰剂、局部麻醉药或防腐剂 〔gin〕A strong, colorless alcoholic beverage made by distilling or redistilling rye or other grain spirits and adding juniper berries or aromatics such as anise, caraway seeds, or angelica root as flavoring.姜酒,金酒,琴酒:一种无色的烈性酒,由蒸馏的或再蒸馏的裸麦或其它粮谷加入杜松子或香料制成的,如大茴香、芷茴香子或白芷根作佐料〔linalool〕A colorless, fragrant liquid, (CH3) 2CCH(CH 2) 2CCH 3OCOCH 3CHCH 2, distilled from the oils of rosewood, bergamot, and other plants and trees and used in perfume manufacture. 里那醇:一种无色芳香液体,(CH3) 2CCH(CH 2) 2CCH 3OCOCH 3CHCH 2,从花梨树、佛手柑和其他植物油中蒸馏得到,用于香水工业 〔ether〕A volatile, highly flammable liquid, C2H 5OC 2H 5, derived from the distillation of ethyl alcohol with sulfuric acid and widely used as a reagent, a solvent, and an anesthetic. Also called diethyl ether ,ethyl ether 乙烯:一种易挥发的,极易燃烧的液体C2H 5OC 2H 5,由乙醇与硫酸一起蒸馏获得,广泛用作试剂、溶剂和麻醉剂 也作 diethyl ether,ethyl ether〔aquavit〕from Medieval Latin aqua vītae [highly distilled spirits] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 aqua vītae [高度蒸馏的酒] 〔alcohol〕Theal- in alcohol may alert some readers to the fact that this is a word of Arabic descent, as is the case withalgebra and alkali—al being the Arabic definite article corresponding to the in English. The origin of-cohol is less obvious, however. Its Arabic ancestor waskuḥl, a fine powder most often made from antimony and used by women to darken their eyelids;in fact,kuḥl has given us the word kohl for such a preparation. Arabic chemists came to useal-kuḥl to mean "any fine powder produced in a number of ways, including the process of heating a substance to a gaseous state and then recooling it.” The English wordalcohol, derived through Medieval Latin from Arabic, is first recorded in 1543 in this sense. Arabic chemists also usedal-kuḥl to refer to other substances such as essences that were obtained by distillation, a sense first found for Englishalcohol in 1672. One of these distilled essences, known as "alcohol of wine,” is the constituent of fermented liquors that causes intoxication.This essence took over the termalcohol for itself, whence it has come to refer to the liquor that contains this essence as well as to a class of chemical compounds such as 包含于 alcohol 中的用法可能会使读者注意到这个词来源于阿拉伯语, 就如同algerbra 和 alkali--al 作为与英语中 the 相对应的阿拉伯语定冠词。 不过-cohol 的词源就不那么明显了。 它在阿拉伯语中写作kuhl, 是一种通常用锑精研而成的粉末,妇女们用它来涂黑眼睑;实际上我们由kuhl 这个词已可以得出作为备用的 kohl 一词。 阿拉伯的化学家们开始把al-kuhl 一词用来指“通过一系列方法而得到的细粉末, 这些方法包括将一种物质加热至气化状态再使之冷却的过程。”英语中的alcohol 这个词,是由该阿拉伯词汇入中世纪拉丁语之后发展而来的,用作这个意义的记录最早出现于1543年。 阿拉伯化学家也用al-kuhl 这个词指如通过蒸馏而得到的精华的其它物质, 英语词汇alcohol 的这一含义最早出现于1672年。 其中有一种被称为“酒精”的蒸馏产物是可以醉人的发酵液体的组成部分。alchohol 成了专指这一物质的词汇, 从此以后它也指包含该物质的液体及甲醇等化合物〔boil〕To separate by evaporation in the process of boiling:在沸水中分开:通过加沸过程中的蒸馏加以分离:〔residue〕Matter remaining after completion of an abstractive chemical or physical process, such as evaporation, combustion, distillation, or filtration; residuum.残渣:在诸如蒸发、燃烧、蒸馏或过滤等抽象的化学或物理变化过程结束后留下来的物质或残渣;残油〔applejack〕Brandy distilled from hard cider.苹果白兰地:由发酵的苹果汁蒸馏制取的白兰地〔distill〕To undergo or be produced by distillation.蒸馏;精炼;浓缩:进行蒸馏或用蒸馏生产〔still〕From Middle English stillen [to distill] 源自 中古英语 stillen [蒸馏] 〔heptane〕A volatile, colorless, highly flammable liquid hydrocarbon, C7H 16, obtained in the fractional distillation of petroleum and used as a standard in determining octane ratings, as an anesthetic, and as a solvent. 庚烷:一种易挥发、无色、非常易燃烧的液状碳氢化合物,C7H 16,由石油的分级蒸馏而来,用作辛烷分级的标准,亦可作麻醉剂和溶剂 〔accelerant〕A substance, such as a petroleum distillate, that is used as a catalyst, as in the spreading of an intentionally set fire.催化剂,促媒:一种可用作催化剂的东西,如石油蒸馏剂,可使纵火得以蔓延〔retort〕A closed laboratory vessel with an outlet tube, used for distillation, sublimation, or decomposition by heat.蒸馏瓶:具有流出口管的实验室封闭器皿,用于加热蒸馏、升华或分解〔fractionate〕To separate (a chemical compound) into components, as by distillation or crystallization.分馏:把(化学化合物)分离成各种成份,如通过蒸馏或结晶作用〔distillery〕An establishment for distilling, especially for distilling alcoholic liquors.蒸馏室;酿酒厂:用于蒸馏的装置,特别是指酒精蒸馏〔raki〕A brandy of Turkey and the Balkans, distilled from grapes or plums and flavored with anise.土耳其白兰地:土耳其和巴尔干半岛产的一种白兰地,用葡萄或李子蒸馏制得,并用大茴香调味〔liquor〕An alcoholic beverage made by distillation rather than by fermentation.蒸馏酒:通过蒸馏而不是发酵制成的酒精饮料〔wash〕Fermented liquid from which liquor is distilled.供蒸馏的已发酵的液体〔azeotrope〕A liquid mixture of two or more substances that retains the same composition in the vapor state as in the liquid state when distilled or partially evaporated under a certain pressure.共沸混合物:两种或多种物质组成的液体混合物,当在某种压力下被蒸馏或局部汽化时,在气体状态下和在液体状态下保留相同的物质的成分〔grappa〕An Italian brandy distilled from the pomace of grapes used in winemaking.葡萄酒渣白兰地:一种意大利白兰地,由用于酿酒的葡萄的残渣蒸馏而来〔distill〕To subject (a substance) to distillation.蒸馏:使(某物质)蒸馏〔extract〕To obtain from a substance by chemical or mechanical action, as by pressure, distillation, or evaporation.榨出,提取,蒸馏:通过化学作用或机械作用从某物质中获得,如通过压榨、蒸馏或蒸发〔distill〕To increase the concentration of, separate, or purify by or as if by distillation.精炼:用蒸馏法或好象用蒸馏法增加浓度、分离或净化〔malt〕Grain, usually barley, that has been allowed to sprout, used chiefly in brewing and distilling.麦芽:能够发芽生长的各类谷物,常指大麦,主要用于酿酒和蒸馏造酒〔slop〕Often slops Mash remaining after alcohol distillation. 常作 slops 蒸馏物:酒精蒸馏后剩下的糊状物〔cognac〕A brandy distilled from white wine and produced in the vicinity of Cognac.法国白兰地酒:由白葡萄酒蒸馏获得的一种白兰地酒,产于科涅克附近




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