单词 | 药品 |
释义 | 〔patent〕Of, relating to, or being a nonprescription drug or other medical preparation that is often protected by a trademark.非医生处方的:关于、属于或作为一种非医生处方但常受商标保护的药品或其他药剂〔benzophenone〕A white crystalline compound, C6H 5COC 6H 6, used in perfumery and in medicine. Also called diphenylketone 二苯甲酮,安息油:一种白色晶体化合物,C6H 5COC 6H 6,用在香料和药品中 也作 diphenylketone〔caffeine〕A bitter white alkaloid, C8H 10N 4O 2, often derived from tea or coffee and used in medicine chiefly as a mild stimulant and to treat certain kinds of headache. 咖啡因:一种苦味的白色生物碱, C8H 10N 4O 2,通常得自咖啡或茶,在药品中主要作为温和兴奋剂及治疗特定的头痛病 〔guanethidine〕A drug, C10H 22N 4, used in the form of its sulfate salt in the treatment of hypertension. 胍乙啶:一种药品,化学式为C10H 22N 4,其硫酸盐形式用于治疗高血压 〔alleviate〕a drug that alleviates cold symptoms.See Synonyms at relieve 一种减轻感冒症状的药品 参见 relieve〔iron〕A tonic, pill, or other medication containing iron and taken as a dietary supplement.铁质;含铁质补药:含铁的药水、药片或其它药品,作为一种膳食补充来服用〔laboratory〕A place where drugs and chemicals are manufactured.药厂:用于生产药品和化学物质的地方〔psychoactive〕Affecting the mind or mental processes. Used of a drug.作用于心灵的,影响精神的:作用于心灵或精神过程的。用于形容药品〔prescription〕A written order, especially by a physician, for the preparation and administration of a medicine or other treatment.处方,药方:指由医生开出的主要关于药品或疗法的书面指示〔powder〕Any of various preparations in the form of powder, as certain cosmetics and medicines.散剂:各种以粉末形式存在的配制品,如某些化妆品及药品〔tolerance〕The capacity to absorb a drug continuously or in large doses without adverse effect; diminution in the response to a drug after prolonged use.耐药量:连续或大量吞服药物后不发生任何副作用的能力;长时间服药后对药品反应的减弱〔depressant〕An agent, especially a drug, that decreases the rate of vital physiological activities.抑制剂:一种降低重要生理活动速度的物质(尤指药品)〔chemotherapy〕The treatment of cancer using specific chemical agents or drugs that are selectively destructive to malignant cells and tissues.化学疗法:用对癌变细胞和组织相对具有破坏性的某种试剂或药品来治疗癌症的方法〔chemotherapy〕The treatment of disease using chemical agents or drugs that are selectively toxic to the causative agent of the disease, such as a virus, bacterium, or other microorganism.化学疗法:使用对导致疾病的因素如病毒、细菌或其它微生物具有危害性的化学试剂或药品来治疗疾病的方法〔resolvent〕A resolvent substance, especially a medicine that reduces inflammation or swelling.消散药:有消散能力的物质,尤指消减炎症或肿胀的药品〔injectable〕That can be injected. Used of a drug.可注射的:可以被注射的。用于药品〔ethical〕An ethical drug.凭医师处方出售的药品〔snuff〕A powdery substance, such as a medicine, taken by inhaling.鼻吸药:用鼻吸入的粉状物质,如药品〔pharmacopoeia〕A collection or stock of drugs.一批储存药品,一批备用药物〔ploy〕"A typical ploy is to feign illness, procure medicine, then sell it on the black market"(Jill Smolowe)“一种典型手段是先装病,借此弄到药品,然后在黑市上将其卖出”(吉尔·斯摩罗维)〔pharmacy〕from pharmakon [drug] * see pharmaco- 源自 pharmakon [药品,药物] * 参见 pharmaco-〔simple〕A medicinal plant or the medicine obtained from it.药草,草药制剂:一种医用植物或从这种植物中提炼出来的药品〔safflower〕A thistlelike Eurasian plant(Carthamus tinctorius) of the composite family, having heads of orange flowers that yield a dyestuff and produce seeds containing an oil used in cooking, cosmetics, paints, and medicine. 红花:菊科一种类似蓟的旧大陆植物(红花 红蓝花属) ,有桔黄色花冠,花可作染料且其种子含一种可用做烹调、香料、油漆和药品的油 〔injectable〕A drug or medicine that can be injected.可注射的药:一种能被注射的毒品或药品〔bougie〕A slender, flexible, cylindrical instrument that is inserted into a bodily canal, such as the urethra, to dilate, examine, or medicate.探条:一种插入身体管道,如尿道,以便扩张、检查或加入药品的一根细长、可弯曲的圆柱形工具〔methemoglobin〕A brownish-red crystalline organic compound formed in the blood when hemoglobin is oxidated either by decomposition of the blood or by the action of various oxidizing drugs or toxic agents. It contains iron in the ferric state and cannot function as an oxygen carrier.高铁血红蛋白:一种红褐色的结晶有机化合物,当血红蛋白被血的分解或被各种氧化药品或有毒物质氧化时,在血中形成,它包含处于正铁状态的铁,不能起到氧的传送者的作用〔gang〕various agencies ganging up to combat the use of illicit drugs.不同的机构联合起来对抗非法药品的使用〔HMO〕A corporation financed by insurance premiums whose member physicians and professional staff provide curative and preventive medicine within certain financial, geographic, and professional limits to enrolled volunteer members and their families.维护健康组织:一个由保险费提供基金的公司,对于在一定经济、地理和职业范围内自愿参加的人及其家庭成员,由公司医生及职业人员提供治疗的和预防性的药品〔biological〕A preparation, such as a drug, a vaccine, or an antitoxin, that is synthesized from living organisms or their products and used medically as a diagnostic, preventive, or therapeutic agent.生物制剂:一种制剂,如药品、疫苗或抗毒素物质由生物或生物产物合成,医学上作诊断、预防或治疗性的药剂〔armamentarium〕The complete equipment of a physician or medical institution, including books, supplies, and instruments.全套设备:一个医生或医疗机构的全套配备,包括图书,药品和器械〔psychotropic〕Having an altering effect on perception or behavior. Used especially of a drug.作用于神经的:对感觉或行为产生变化性效果的用于药品〔Elion〕American drug researcher. She shared a 1988 Nobel Prize for developing drugs to treat leukemia and gout.埃利翁,格特鲁德·贝尔:(生于 1918) 美国药品研究者。她因研究出治疗白血病和痛风的药物而获1988年诺贝尔奖〔benzoin〕A balsamic resin obtained from certain tropical Asian trees of the genusStyrax and used in perfumery and medicine. Also called benjamin ,gum benjamin ,gum benzoin 安息香:从某些安息香 属亚洲热带树木中提取的香脂,用在香料和药品中 也作 benjamin,gum benjamin,gum benzoin〔cola〕Either of two tropical African evergreen plants(Cola acuminata or C. nitida) having reddish, fragrant, nutlike seeds yielding an extract that contains caffeine and theobromine and is used in carbonated beverages and pharmaceuticals. 可乐树:一种赤道非洲的常绿植物(苏丹可乐果 或 光亮可乐果) ,有红色、带香味、坚果状种子,内含咖啡因和可可碱的萃取物,并用于制造碳酸饮料和药品 〔dispensary〕An office in a hospital, school, or other institution from which medical supplies, preparations, and treatments are dispensed.医务室:在医院、学校或其他机关里,提供药品、处方和治疗的工作间〔drugstore〕A store where prescriptions are filled and drugs and other articles are sold.杂货店:照药方配药,出售药品和其它杂货的商店〔remedy〕Something, such as medicine or therapy, that relieves pain, cures disease, or corrects a disorder.药物;治疗:减轻痛苦,治疗疾病或者排除混乱的东西,诸如药品或者治疗〔absorbefacient〕A medicine or an agent that induces absorption.吸收剂:导致吸收的药品或药剂〔broadcast〕The agency broadcast an urgent appeal for medical supplies.代理商通过电台紧急呼吁要求药品供应〔naloxone〕A drug, C19H 21NO 4, used as an antagonist to narcotic drugs, such as morphine. 纳洛酮:一种药品,C19H 21NO 4,用作一种麻醉性药物的对抗剂,如吗啡 |
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