单词 | 英尺 |
释义 | 〔run〕a five-foot run of tubing.一段五英尺长的管道〔make〕I make the height 20 feet.我估计有20英尺高〔Palomar〕A peak, 1,868.4 m (6,126 ft) high, of southern California northeast of San Diego. It is the site of an observatory with one of the world's largest reflecting telescopes.帕洛马山:美国加利福尼亚南部圣迭弋东北的山峰,高1,868.4米(6,126英尺)。它是世界上最大的反射望远镜的观测台所在地〔Gasherbrum〕A series of four peaks in the Karakoram Range of the Himalaya Mountains in northern Kashmir.Gasherbrum I is the highest, at 8,073.4 m (26,470 ft), although Gasherbrum IV, 7,930 m (26,000 ft), has been called more difficult than Everest for mountain climbers. The other two peaks are 8,039.8 m (26,360 ft) and 7,957.5 m (26,090 ft) high. 加歇布鲁山:位于喀什米尔北部喜马拉雅山的克拉库姆地区的四个山峰。加歇布鲁山 I 最高,有8,073.4米(26,470英尺)高,但是 加歇布鲁山IV 高7,930米(26,000英尺)被认为对爬山者来说更难攀登。另外两座山峰分别高8,039.8米(26,360英尺)和7,957.5米(26,090英尺) 〔Pennines〕A range of hills extending about 257 km (160 mi) southward from the Cheviot Hills on the Scottish border to central England. Sometimes called "the backbone of England,” it rises to 893.7 m (2,930 ft) at Cross Fell.奔宁山脉:一条从苏格兰边界的切维厄特丘陵向南延伸257公里(160英里)至英格兰中部的山脉,有时被称为“英格兰的脊梁”,最高峰为海拔893.7米(2,930英尺)的克劳斯菲尔山〔Piccard〕Swiss physicist and aeronaut known for his experiments at extreme altitudes and depths. He designed a balloon that in 1932 carried him to 16,946.7 meters (55,563 feet) and invented a bathyscaphe that in 1953 reached a depth of 3,151.3 meters (10,332 feet).皮卡尔,奥古斯特:(1884-1962) 瑞士物理学家和热气球驾驶员,因其在极高海拔和极深层的实验而闻名。1932年他乘自己设计的气球到达海拔16,946.7米(55,563英尺)的高空,他还发明了一种深海探测潜水艇,1953年这只艇到达海底3,151.3米(10,332英尺)的深处〔heave〕a heave of 63 feet.六十三英尺的一掷〔Katahdin〕A mountain, 1,606.7 m (5,268 ft) high, of north-central Maine. It is the highest elevation in the state and the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail.卡塔丁山:美国缅因州中北部的一座山,海拔1,606.7米(5,268英尺),是缅因州最高峰和阿帕拉契山脉的最北端〔Kunlun〕A mountain system of western China extending from the Karakoram Range eastward along the northern edge of the Xizang (Tibet) plateau. Its highest point is 7,729 m (25,341 ft).昆仑山脉:中国西部的一系列山脉,从喀喇昆仑山脉向东沿着西藏高原北部边缘延伸。它的最高峰高7,729米(25,341英尺)〔Fairweather〕A peak, 4,666.5 m (15,300 ft) high, on the border between southeast Alaska and western British Columbia, Canada.费尔韦瑟山:位于加拿大的大不列颠哥伦比亚西部与美国阿拉斯加东南部的交界线上的一山峰,海拔4,666.5米(15,300英尺)〔Carmel〕A limestone ridge of northwest Israel extending about 24 km (15 mi) from the Plain of Esdraelon northwest to the Mediterranean Sea. It rises to approximately 546 m (1,790 ft).加尔默多山:以色列西北部一石灰岩山脉,从埃斯德赖隆平原向西北延伸24公里(15英里)至地中海。海拔约546米(1,790英尺)〔scenario〕"In the scenario posed by many climatologists, decades of continued global warming would raise sea levels anywhere from 20 inches to more than 11 feet as the polar ice caps melt and the ocean's upper layers expand"(San Francisco Chronicle)“在许多气候学家提出的设想中,随着南北两极冰层顶部的融化和海洋表层的扩大,几十年来全球不断地变暖,将使每个地方的海平面上升20英寸到11英尺多”(旧金山记事)〔Paricutin〕A volcano, 2,272.3 m (7,450 ft) high, of west-central Mexico west of Mexico City. It erupted from a cornfield in February 1943 and grew more than 458 m (1,500 ft) in that year alone.帕里库汀火山:墨西哥中西部一座海拔2,272.3米(7,450英尺)的火山,位于墨西哥城以西。1943年2月从一块玉米地喷发,并仅那一年就升高了458米(1,500英尺)〔oarfish〕A widely distributed marine fish(Regalecus glesne) having a slender, silvery body up to 11 meters (36 feet) in length, a bright red dorsal fin along its entire length, and an undulating motion in swimming resembling that of a snake. 皇带鱼:一种广为分布的海鱼,(皇带鱼 皇带鱼属) 有银色的纤细身体,不超过11米(36英尺)长,亮红色的背鳍和整个身体一样长,其游水起伏的动作象蛇一样 〔Pilatus〕A peak, 2,121.3 m (6,955 ft) high, in the Alps of central Switzerland south-southwest of Lucerne. According to medieval folklore, the body of Pontius Pilate was thrown into a small lake on the mountain.皮拉图斯山:瑞士中部一山峰,位于阿尔卑斯山中、卢塞思州西南偏南,高2,121.3米(6,955英尺)。根据中世纪民间传说,旁图斯·彼拉多的尸体被抛入这座山的一个小湖里〔Sherman〕A peak, 4,281 m (14,036 ft) high, in the Park Range of the Rocky Mountains in central Colorado.谢尔曼山:科罗拉多中部一山峰,高4,281米(14,036英尺),在落基山脉中的派克山脉〔Izalco〕An active volcano, about 2,388 m (7,828 ft) high and still increasing in height, of western El Salvador. It is sometimes called "the Lighthouse of the Pacific.”伊萨尔科火山:一座活火山,约2,388米(7,828英尺)高,而且高度仍不断增长,位于萨尔瓦多西部。有时被称为“太平洋的灯塔”〔Ida〕A peak, 2,457.7 m (8,058 ft) high, of central Crete. It is the highest elevation on the island and in ancient times was closely associated with the worship of Zeus.艾达峰:克里特岛中部一山峰,海拔2,457.7m(8,058英尺)。它是该岛的最高点,在古代它与人们对宙斯的崇拜有密切的相联〔Elbrus〕A peak, 5,645.6 m (18,510 ft) high, in the Caucasus Mountains of southeast European U.S.S.R. It is the highest elevation in the range.厄尔布鲁士山:山峰,高5,645.6米(18,510英尺),高加索山脉的最高峰, 位于原苏联欧洲部分的东南部〔Waddington〕A peak, 3,996.7 m (13,104 ft) high, in southwest British Columbia, Canada. It is the highest elevation in the Coast Mountains.沃丁顿山:位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省西南的一座山峰,海拔3,996.7米(13,104英尺)。是海岸山脉的最高峰〔condor〕Either of two New World vultures,Vultur gryphus of the Andes or Gymnogyps californianus, a nearly extinct vulture of the mountains of California, having a bare head and neck and dull black plumage containing variable amounts of white. With a wingspan of about three meters (ten feet), they are the largest birds in the Western Hemisphere. 神鹰,秃鹫,兀鹫:西半球的两种兀鹫之一,即安第斯山区的康多兀鹫 或加利福尼亚山区濒于灭绝的 加州兀鹫 ,其头部与颈部无毛,羽毛呈暗黑色并带有些许白色,双翅展开长约3米(10英尺),它们是西半球最大的鸟类 〔python〕Any of various nonvenomous snakes of the family Pythonidae, found chiefly in Asia, Africa, and Australia, that coil around and suffocate their prey. Pythons often attain lengths of 6 meters (20 feet) or more.巨蟒:一种巨蟒类无毒蛇,主要分布在亚洲,非洲和澳大利亚地区捕食方式是缠住猎物并使其窒息而死巨蟒通常体长达6米或更多(20英尺)〔Viso〕A peak, 3,843.6 m (12,602 ft) high, of northwest Italy in the Cottian Alps near the French border. It is the highest elevation in the range.维素山:位于意大利西北的一座山峰,靠近法国边境的科蒂安山,高达3,843.6米(12,602英尺)。它是该山脉的最高海拔〔Tyndall〕A mountain, 4,275.8 m (14,019 ft) high, in the Sierra Nevada of south-central California.廷德尔山:美国加利福尼亚州中南部的内华达山脉中的一座山,海拔4,275.8米(14,019英尺)〔Illampu〕A peak, 6,366.3 m (20,873 ft) high, in the Andes of western Bolivia northwest of La Paz.伊延普峰:玻利维亚西部安第斯山脉中的山峰,海拔6,366.3米(20,873英尺),在拉巴斯省西北部〔Kazbek〕An extinct volcano, 5,042.3 m (16,532 ft) high, of southern European U.S.S.R. in the central Caucasus. Towering above a nearby pass, it is the subject of many legends.卡兹别克山:苏联欧洲部分南部的一座死火山,海拔5,042.3米(合16,532英尺),位于高加索中部。高耸于附近一条通道之上,因此而成为许多传奇故事的主题〔pike〕A freshwater game and food fish(Esox lucius) of the Northern Hemisphere that has a long snout and attains a length of over 1.2 meters (4 feet). Also called northern pike 狗鱼,北美狗鱼:北半球的一种淡水猎物和食用鱼(白斑狗鱼 狗鱼科) ,有长长的鼻子,可达1.2米多(4英尺) 也作 northern pike〔accent〕A mark or one of several marks used as a superscript to indicate a unit, such as feet (′) and inches (") in linear measurement.长度符号:用来表明单位的置于右上角的符号,如在长度中的英尺(′)和英寸(")〔high〕a cabinet ten feet high.十英尺高的贮藏柜〔javelin〕A metal or metal-tipped spear, about 2.5 meters (8¼ feet) in length, used in contests of distance throwing.标枪:一种用于投掷距离的比赛的金属的或带金属尖端的长矛,长约2.5米(8¼英尺)〔sink〕The water in the lake sank several feet during the long, dry summer.经过漫长而干燥的夏季,湖水的水位下落了数英尺〔place〕placed the distance at 100 feet.估计有100英尺远〔clearance〕an underpass with a 13-foot clearance.有13英尺净空的高架桥下通道〔Katmai〕An active volcano, about 2,048 m (6,715 ft) high, in the Aleutian Range of southern Alaska at the eastern end of the Alaska Peninsula. It is located in a national monument that includes the Valley of the Ten Thousand Smokes.卡特迈火山:阿拉斯加半岛东端阿拉斯加州北部,阿留申山区的一座活火山,海拔约2,048米(合6,715英尺),位于包括万烟山谷的国家保护区内〔Llullaillaco〕A volcano, 6,727.4 m (22,057 ft) high, in the Andes of northern Chile near the Argentine border.尤耶拉科火山:靠近阿根廷边境,位于智利北部安第斯山脉中的一座火山,海拔6,727.4米(22,057英尺)〔Everest〕A mountain, 8,853.5 m (29,028 ft) high, of the central Himalaya Mountains on the border of Tibet and Nepal. The highest elevation in the world, it was first scaled in 1953 by members of an expedition including Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay.埃佛勒斯峰(即珠穆朗玛峰):一座高8,853.5米(29,028英尺)的山,位于喜马拉雅山中段,西藏与尼泊尔的交界处,是世界上海拔最高的地方,1953年包括有埃得蒙·希拉里爵士和坦金·诺基爵士的探险队的队员首次登上此峰〔Apo〕The highest mountain, 2,956.1 m (9,692 ft), of the Philippines, an active volcano on southeast Mindanao.阿波火山:菲律宾最高的山,海拔2,956.1米(9,692英尺),是棉兰老岛东南部的一座活火山〔Snowdon〕A massif of northwest Wales. Rising to 1,085.8 m (3,560 ft), it is the highest elevation in Wales.斯诺登峰:威尔士西北部的一座山,海拔1,085.8米(3,560英尺),是威尔士的最高山峰〔Alps〕A mountain system of south-central Europe, about 805 km (500 mi) long and 161 km (100 mi) wide, curving in an arc from the Riviera on the Mediterranean Sea through northern Italy and southeast France, Switzerland, southern Germany, and Austria and into northwest Yugoslavia. The highest peak is Mont Blanc, 4,810.2 m (15,771 ft), on the French-Italian border.阿尔卑斯山脉:欧洲中南部一山系,绵延约805公里(500英里)长,161公里(100英里)宽,从地中海岸边的里维埃拉呈弧状通过意大利北部、法国东南部、瑞士、德国南部和奥地利,进入南斯拉夫西北部。最高峰是勃朗峰,4,810.2米(15,771英尺),位于法意边界〔horsepower〕A unit of power in the U.S. Customary System, equal to 745.7 watts or 33,000 foot-pounds per minute.马力:美国习惯体系中的功率单位,相当于745.7瓦特或33,000英尺-磅/分 |
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