单词 | 节约 |
释义 | 〔lean〕Thrifty in management; economical:节约的:在管理中节俭的;节约的:〔economic〕Financially rewarding; economical:值得的:财政上有益的;经济节约的:〔trade〕bought a new, smaller car, trading the old one down for economy.为了节约,卖掉了旧车买了一辆更小的新汽车〔saving〕Avoidance of excess expenditure; economy.节约:避免过分花销;节约〔economical〕Intended to save money, as by efficient operation or elimination of unnecessary features; economic:节约的,俭省的:通过高效率的运作和削减不必要的性能来节省费用的;节约的:〔retrench〕To curtail expenses; economize.缩减开支,节约〔conserve〕To use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste:节约:谨慎或节省地使用,避免浪费:〔provident〕Frugal; economical.节约的;节俭的〔skimpy〕Inadequate, as in size or fullness, especially through economizing or stinting:缺乏的:不充足的,如在大小或丰富程度上,尤其是通过节约或限制:〔parsimony〕Unusual or excessive frugality; extreme economy or stinginess.过度节俭,吝啬:不寻常的或过度的节俭;极端的节约或吝啬〔economize〕To practice economy, as by avoiding waste or reducing expenditures.节约:节约费用,如避免浪费或压缩开支等〔temporize〕To act evasively in order to gain time, avoid argument, or postpone a decision:敷衍:为了节约时间、避免争吵或拖延决定而含糊行事:〔stint〕To subsist on a meager allowance; be frugal.节省:仅以有限的供给生存;节约的〔economize〕To use or manage with thrift:节约:节约地使用或经营:〔austerity〕Severe and rigid economy:节俭:严格及严厉的节约:〔husbandry〕Careful management or conservation of resources; economy.节约,节俭:小心地经管和保护资源;经济〔save〕To avoid waste or expense; economize.节省:避免浪费或花销;节约〔providence〕Prudent management; economy.节俭:谨慎管理;节约〔parsimonious〕Excessively sparing or frugal.See Synonyms at stingy 过于节约或节俭的 参见 stingy〔appendicitis〕Even though the wordappendicitis was in use in 1885, the year in which theOxford English Dictionary published the section "Anta-Battening" that would have contained the word, the editor, James Murray, omitted this "crack-jaw medical and surgical word" on the advice of Oxford's Regius Professor of Medicine, Sir Henry Wentworth Acland.As K.M. Elisabeth Murray, the granddaughter and biographer of James Murray, points out,"The problem of what scientific words to include was a continuing one, and James Murray was always under pressure—from his advisers . . . who thought the emphasis should be on words from good literature and from those in the [Oxford University] Press who wanted to save cost and time—not to include scientific words of recent origin.”In 1902 no less a person than Edward VII had his appendix removed,and his coronation was postponed because of the operation.Appendicitis hence came into widespread use and has remained so, thereby pointing up the lexicographer's difficult task of selecting the new words that people will look for in their dictionaries.尽管appendicitis 这个词于1885年就已使用, 在这一年出版的牛津英语词典 的“安塔族-增长论”这一分册应包括有这个词, 但在牛津皇家医学院教授亨利·温特华斯·阿克兰的建议下,主编詹姆斯·莫雷删掉了这个“拗口的医学和外科用词”。正如詹姆斯·莫雷的孙女和传记作者K·M·伊莉莎白·莫雷指出的那样, “应包括什么科学用语是一个长期以来的问题,詹姆斯·莫雷经常遇到来自他的顾问的压力…他们认为重点应放到从好文学作品中收来的词汇上,还受到来自出版社的压力,他们为了节约成本和时间而不愿收录新近的科学词汇”。1902年恰恰正是爱德华七世割除了阑尾,他的加冕典礼也因为这次手术而延迟。Appendicitis 一词因此得到了普遍的使用并保持至今, 这也表明了词典编纂者在选择人们要查找的新单词时所面临的艰难任务〔put〕To save for later use:储存…备用:节约以供后来的使用:〔economy〕Careful, thrifty management of resources, such as money, materials, or labor:节约:对资源如金钱、物质或劳动力的精打细算经营:〔economy〕Managing an economy has at least an etymological justification.The wordeconomy can probably be traced back to the Greek word oikonomos, "one who manages a household,” derived fromoikos, "house,” and nemein, "to manage.” Fromoikonomos was derived oikonomia, which had not only the sense "management of a houseold or family" but also senses such as "thrift,” "direction,” "administration,” "arrangement,” and "public revenue of a state.”The first recorded sense of our wordeconomy, found in a work possibly composed in 1440, is "the management of economic affairs,” in this case, of a monastery. Economy is later recorded in other senses shared byoikonomia in Greek, including "thrift" and "administration.”What is probably our most frequently used current sense, "the economic system of a country or an area,” seems not to have developed until the 19th or 20th century.管理经济可以从词源上得到确认。economy 一词的来源很可能追溯到希腊文中的 oikonomos 即“管家”, 这又是从oikos 意为“房子”,以及 nemein 意为“管理”两词演化而来。 从oikonomos 派生出的 oikonomia 意思不仅有“家庭管理”, 而且有“节约”、“指示”、“行政”、“安排”及“国家岁入”等含义。Economy 这个词的意思最早记载在约1440年出版的一篇作品上,意思是僧院的“经济事件管理”。 Economy 在此之后记载下来的意思与希腊语的oikonomia 有相似之处, 包括“节约”和“行政”,直到19世纪或20世纪,今天最常用的意思才开始出现,即“国家或地区的经济体系”〔Spartan〕Simple, frugal, or austere:简朴的、节约的或严格的:〔parsimony〕from parsus [past participle of] parcere [to spare] 源自 parsus parcere的过去分词 [节约] 〔shortcut〕A means of saving time or effort.捷径:一种节约时间或精力的方法〔find〕found the money by economizing.通过节约得到了钱财 |
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