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单词 自治权
释义 〔Vaasa〕A city of western Finland on the Gulf of Bothnia northwest of Helsinki. Chartered in 1606, it was rebuilt after a devastating fire in 1852. Population, 54,497.瓦萨:芬兰西部一城市,临近波的尼亚湾,在赫尔辛基的西北。于1606年获得自治权,在1852年在一场灾难性大火之后重建。人口54,497〔Jersey〕The largest of the Channel Islands in the English Channel. It was annexed by the Normans in 933, and French influence has persisted since autonomy was granted in 1204.泽西岛:英吉利海峡上最大的岛屿。933年被诺曼底兼并,自1204年被授予自治权以来一直为法国所属〔Kosovo〕A province of southern Yugoslavia in the Serbian republic. Settled by Slavs in the seventh century, the area was under Turkish rule from 1389 to 1913 and became part of Yugoslavia after World War I. An autonomous region within Serbia after World War II, Kosovo was stripped of its autonomy in 1990 by Serbia, which led to armed conflict with Kosovo's ethnic Albanian majority.科索沃:南斯拉夫南部省份,位于塞尔维亚共和国。斯拉夫人7世纪起在此居住,1389年至1913年该地区被土耳其人统治,第一次世界大战后成为南斯拉夫的一部分。第二次世界大战后科索沃是塞尔维亚的自治区,1990年塞尔维亚剥夺了科索沃的自治权,并由此引发了与以阿尔巴尼亚民族为主的科索沃地区的武装冲突〔autonomy〕granted autonomy to a national minority.对少数民族授予自治权〔Lancaster〕A municipal borough of northwest England north of Liverpool. Chartered in 1193, it was built on the site of a Roman frontier station. Population, 47,900.兰开斯特:英格兰西北部的一个自治领城市,位于利物浦北部。1193年获得自治权,它建在罗马边境的要塞上。人口47,900〔autonomy〕Self-government with respect to local or internal affairs:自治权:对于地方或内部事务的自我管理:〔Hoyerswerda〕A city of east-central Germany north-northeast of Dresden. It was chartered in 1371 and today has a major glassmaking industry. Population, 70,698.霍耶斯违达:德国中东部的城市,位于德罗斯顿东北偏北。它于1371年取得自治权,现在它是一个主要的玻璃制造工业中心。人口70,698〔borough〕A town having a municipal corporation and certain rights, such as self-government.自治城镇:拥有市自治体或一定权利,如自治权的城镇〔Manhattan〕A borough of New York City in southeast New York, mainly onManhattan Island at the north end of New York Bay. Peter Minuit of the Dutch West Indies Company bought the island in 1626 from the Manhattan Indians, supposedly for some $24 worth of merchandise. The settlement of New Amsterdam, renamed New York when the English assumed control in 1664, quickly spread from the southern tip of the island, eventually becoming the financial, commercial, and cultural center of the United States. Population, 1,487,536. 曼哈顿区:美国纽约州东南部纽约市里的一个拥有自治权的区,主要位于曼哈顿岛 上,即纽约湾的北头。据说荷兰西印度公司一名叫彼得·米纽伊特的职工在1626年用仅值约24美元的货物从居住于曼哈顿的印第安人手中购得此岛。始建时名为新阿姆斯特丹,1664年英国人接管时改称纽约。这儿的定居点迅速发展到了该岛的南头,最终成为了美国的金融、商业和文化中心。人口1,487,536 〔state〕One of the more or less internally autonomous territorial and political units composing a federation under a sovereign government:州:主权国家中组成联邦的,拥有不同内部自治权的区域和政治单位:〔Manhattan〕After Manhattan 1[a borough of New York City] 源自 Manhattan1[纽约市的一个拥有自治权的区] 〔Stuttgart〕A city of southwest Germany on the Neckar River south-southeast of Heidelberg. Chartered in the 13th century, it developed as an industrial center in the 19th and early 20th centuries and was heavily bombed during World War II. Population, 561,567.斯图加特:德国西南部城市,位于耐卡尔河沿岸,海德堡的东南偏南处,于13世纪取得自治权,19世纪及20世纪早期作为工业中心而得到发展,在第二次世界大战中遭到猛烈的轰炸。人口561,567〔Hull〕Also King.ston-up.on-Hull [kĭngʹstən-ə-pŏn-hŭlʹ, -pôn-] A borough of northeast-central England on the northern shore of the Humber estuary at the influx of theHull River. Chartered in 1299, the city has been a major seaport since the late 1700's. Population, 272,500. 也作 King.ston-up.on-Hull [kĭngʹstən-ə-pŏn-hŭlʹ, -pôn-] 赫尔:英格兰中部偏东北的自治城市,位于寺尔河 哈姆伯三角洲的北岸。1299年获自治权,18世纪末开始成为重要海港。人口272,500 〔Pori〕A city of southwest Finland on an inlet of the Gulf of Bothnia northwest of Helsinki. Chartered in 1564, it was initially dominated by the Hanseatic League. Population, 78,933.波里:芬兰西南部城市,位于波的尼亚湾的一入口处,在赫尔辛基的西北,该市于1564年取得自治权,最初为汉萨同盟的统治。人口78,933〔Paradise〕An unincorporated community of north-central California in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada north of Sacramento. Population, 25,408.帕拉代斯:美国加利福尼亚中北部一个未取得自治权的社区,位于萨克拉门托以北的内华达山脉的山脚。人口25,408〔Wallonia〕A French-speaking region of southern Belgium. It was granted limited autonomy in 1980.瓦龙:比利时南部的一个法语区。1980年被赋予有限的自治权〔Poole〕A municipal borough of southern England west-southwest of Southhampton onPoole Bay, an inlet of the English Channel. Chartered in 1248, Poole is a port and shipbuilding center with varied industries. Population, 120,000. 普尔:英格兰东部的一个自治市,位于南汉普顿的西南偏西处,临近普尔湾 ,是英吉利海峡的入口。该市于1248年获得自治权,现在普尔是一个港口及造船中心,并拥有多种工业。人口120,000 〔semiautonomous〕Having the powers of self-government within a larger organization or structure.在较大的机构或团体中拥有自治权〔republic〕An autonomous or partially autonomous political and territorial unit belonging to a sovereign federation.加盟共和国:一个属于某一最高联邦政府的且在政治上和领土上具有自治权或部分自治权的单位〔Portsmouth〕A borough of southern England on the English Channel opposite the Isle of Wight. Chartered in 1194, it is a major naval base. Population, 187,900.朴次茅斯:英格兰南部的自治市,邻英吉利海峡,与怀特岛相对相望。该市于1194年取得自治权,是主要的海军基地。人口187,900




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