单词 | 自治 |
释义 | 〔Blackburn〕A borough of northwest England north-northwest of Manchester. The city's textile industry dates to the early 17th century. Population, 141,700.布莱克本:英格兰西北部一自治城市,位于曼彻斯特西北偏北。该城市的纺织业从17世纪早期开始。人口141,700〔partition〕Division of a country into separate, autonomous nations.分裂:把一个国家分割成独立的、自治的几个国家〔autonomous〕Independent of the laws of another state or government; self-governing.自治的:与其他国家或政府的法律相独立的;自我管理的〔autonomous〕an autonomous region of a country.一个国家的一个自治地区〔semiautonomous〕Partially self-governing.半自治的:部分地自治的〔Venda〕An internally self-governing Black African homeland in northeast South Africa near the Zimbabwe border. It was granted limited self-government in 1962 and nominal independence in 1979. Thohoyandou is the capital. Population, 374,000.文达:南非东北部的一个内部实行自治的非洲黑人定居区,位于津巴布韦边界附近。它在1962年被授权实行有限自治并于1979年取得名义上的独立。首都是索霍延都。人口374,000〔Castile〕A region and former kingdom of central and northern Spain. Autonomous from the tenth century, it joined with Aragon after the marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand in 1479, thus forming the nucleus of modern Spain.卡斯蒂利亚:西班牙中部和北部一个地区和旧日的王国。从10世纪开始自治,1479年伊莎贝拉和费尔德结婚后该地并入埃瑞根,由此组成了现代西班牙的核心〔Nuneaton〕A municipal borough of central England north of Coventry. It is a textile center in a coal-mining region. Population, 113,200.纽尼顿:英格兰中部的自治城市,位于科文特利以北,是煤矿区的纺织业中心。人口113,200〔Liverpool〕A borough of northwest England on the Mersey River near its mouth on the Irish Sea. First colonized by Norsemen in the late eighth century, Liverpool received a charter from King John in 1207. Today it is highly industrialized and a major port. Population, 518,900.利物浦:英格兰西北部的一个自治城市,位于默西河汇入爱尔兰海的入海口。8世纪后期古代斯堪的纳维亚人首先殖民于此,1207年利物浦从国王约翰那里获取特权。今天它是高度发达的重要港口。人口518,900〔autonomous〕Not controlled by others or by outside forces; independent:自治的:不为他人或外力所控制的;独立的:〔Strasbourg〕A city of northeast France near the German border east of Nancy. Strategically important since ancient times, it became a free imperial city in 1262, was occupied by France in 1681, and passed to Germany in 1871. The city was recovered by France in 1919. Population, 248,712.斯特拉斯堡:法国东北部城市,靠近法德边境,在南锡以东。该城自古以来即为战略要地,于1262年成为自治城市,1681年被法国占领,1871年又归于德国统治之下。法国于1919年收回该城。人口248,712〔city〕A Canadian municipality of high rank, usually determined by population but varying by province.自治区:加拿大的高级自治城市,通常依人口而定,但因省而异〔Redmond〕Irish nationalist politician who succeeded Charles Parnell as the principal advocate of Irish home rule. His support for Britain during World War I and his opposition to Sinn Fein undermined his influence.雷蒙德,约翰·爱德华:(1856-1918) 爱尔兰政治家和民族主义者,他是继查尔斯·帕尔耐之后爱尔兰自治的主要倡导者。在二战期间他支持英国和反对新芬党,这些使他的威望降低〔Chuvashia〕An autonomous republic of western Russia in the Volga River valley. Conquered by the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries, the area came under Russian rule in 1552. It became an autonomous region in 1920 and an autonomous republic in 1925. In 1992 Chuvashia was a signatory to the agreement that created the Russian Federation.楚瓦什共和国:俄罗斯西部的自治共和国,位于伏尔加河谷。13世纪和14世纪该地区被蒙古人征服,1552年划入俄罗斯的势力范围。1920年成为自治区并于1925年成为自治共和国。1992年楚瓦什签署了成立俄罗斯联邦的协议〔Moldavia〕Also Mol.da.vi.an Soviet Socialist Republic [-dāʹvē-ən, -dāvʹyən] A constituent republic of southwest European U.S.S.R. bordering on Romania. Comprised of lands acquired by Russia from the Romanian region of Moldavia in 1791, 1793, and 1812 and (after 1940) part of Bessarabia, it was established as an autonomous republic in 1924 and became a constituent republic in 1940. Kishinev is the capital. Population, 4,111,000. 也作 Mol.da.vi.an Soviet Socialist Republic [-dāʹvē-ən, -dāvʹyən] 摩尔达维亚苏维埃社会主义共和国:苏联欧洲部分西南部的一个有制宪权的共和国,与罗马尼亚接壤。包括俄国于1791年,1995年和1812年从罗马尼压亚夺取的摩尔达维亚地区和(1940年后)一部分比萨拉比亚,1924年建立成为一个自治共和国并于1940年成为一个有制宪权的共和国。基什尼奥夫是首都。人口4,111,000〔Princeton〕A borough of central New Jersey north-northeast of Trenton. Founded by Quakers in 1696, it is the seat of Princeton University (established in 1746 as the College of New Jersey and renamed in 1896). George Washington defeated the British here in January 1777. Population, 12,016.普林斯顿:美国新泽西州中部一自治镇,位于特兰顿东北偏北部。1696年由贵格教派建立,是普林斯顿大学所在地(建于1746年,称新泽西学院,1896年更名)。1777年1月乔治·华盛顿在此地击败英军。人口12,016〔burgh〕A chartered town or borough in Scotland.苏格兰自治城市:苏格兰的一个特许镇或自治乡镇〔Parkville〕An unincorporated community of north-central Maryland, a chiefly residential suburb of Baltimore. Population, 31,617.派克维尔:美国马里兰州中北一自治社区,是巴尔的摩的一个主要住宅区。人口31,617〔Kirkwall〕A burgh of northern Scotland on Mainland Island in the central Orkney Islands. In early times it was important as a trading post on the northern route to Scandinavia. Population, 5,713.柯克沃尔:苏格兰北端一自治城市,位于奥克尼群岛中部梅恩兰岛上。在早期年代它是通往斯堪的纳维亚的北上路线中的一个重要的商业点。人口5,713〔Wheaton〕An unincorporated community of central Maryland, a residential suburb of Washington, D.C. Population, 53,720.惠顿:美国马里兰州中部的末被允许自治的社区,是华盛顿特区的居住郊区。人口53,720〔imperial〕Ruling over extensive territories or over colonies or dependencies:宗主国的:统治广大领土或殖民地、自治地的:〔Gateshead〕A borough of northeast England on the Tyne River opposite Newcastle. Dating probably to Saxon times, it has an iron and steel industry that developed in the 19th century. Population, 214,100.盖茨黑德:英国东北部一自治城市,位于泰恩河上与纽卡斯尔相对,历史可追溯回萨克森时期,在19世纪迅速发展钢铁工业。人口214,100〔partition〕To divide (a country) into separate, autonomous nations.使(国家)分裂:把(一个国家)分割成独立的、自治的几个国家〔Harrogate〕A municipal borough of north-central England north of Leeds. It is a popular health resort with mineral springs used for therapeutic treatment since 1596. Population, 67,000.哈罗门市:英格兰中北部一自治城市,位于利兹以北。自1596年起因其富有治疗功能的矿泉而成为著名的疗养胜地。人口67,000〔Muzorewa〕Zimbabwean clergyman and political leader who advocated a peaceful transition from the white-minority government of Rhodesia to an independently ruled Zimbabwe. He served as Zimbabwe's prime minister (1979-1980).穆佐雷瓦,艾贝尔·腾德凯伊:(生于 1925) 津巴布韦牧师和政治领导人,提倡由罗得西亚的少数白人政府向独立自治的津巴布韦和平移交。曾任津巴布韦总理(1979-1980年)〔Hasselt〕A city of northeast Belgium east of Brussels. Chartered in 1232, it was the site of a Dutch defeat of Belgian nationalists in 1831. Population, 65,437.哈塞尔特:比利时东北部一城市,位于布鲁塞尔东部。1232年被特许自治,它是1831年荷兰人击败比利时民族主义者的地方。人口65,437〔Ossetia〕A region of the central Caucasus in southern European U.S.S.R. The area was annexed by Russia between 1801 and 1806 and is now split into an autonomous republic in the north and an autonomous oblast in the south.奥塞梯:苏联欧洲部分南部、高加索中部一地区。此地区于1801-1806年间被俄国兼并,现已分裂,在北方为一个自治共和国,在南方则为一个自治州〔quango〕An organization or agency that is financed by a government but that acts independently of it.准自治管理机构:由政府提供资金但是自主行使权力的机构或部门〔Cheltenham〕A municipal borough of west-central England south of Birmingham. It has been a popular resort since the discovery of mineral springs in 1716. Population, 86,100.切尔滕纳姆:英格兰中西部自治城市,位于伯明翰市南部。自从1716年发现矿泉之后成为游览胜地。人口86,100〔Rochester〕A municipal borough of southeast England east-southeast of London. It was an important Roman and Saxon settlement. Population, 56,030.罗彻斯特:英国东南部一个自治城市,位于伦敦东南偏东。它曾是罗马人和萨克森人的主要定居点。人口56,030〔Hartlepool〕A borough of northeast England on the North Sea south-southeast of Newcastle. It is a seaport with iron and steel industries. Population, 94,600.哈特尔普尔:英格兰东北部一自治城市,位于纽卡斯尔东南偏南。是北海沿岸钢铁工业发达的港口。人口94,600〔Worthing〕A borough of southeast England on the English Channel south-southwest of London. It is a seaside resort. Population, 92,600.沃信:英格兰东南部一自治城市,位于伦敦西南偏南的英吉利海峡,为海滨旅游胜地。人口92,600〔Stralsund〕A city of northeast Germany on an inlet of the Baltic Sea opposite Rügen Island. Chartered in 1234, it was a leading member of the Hanseatic League and changed hands many times before it passed to Prussia in 1815. Population, 75,335.施特拉尔松德:德国东北部一城市,临波罗的海一港湾与吕根岛对峙该城于1234年或特许自治,为汉萨同盟的领导成员之一,并几度易手,直至1815年归于普鲁士统治之下。人口75,335〔Londonderry〕A borough of northwest Northern Ireland northwest of Belfast. Built on the site of an abbey founded by Saint Columba in 546, it is a port and manufacturing center. Population, 68,000.伦敦德里:北爱尔兰西北部一自治社区,位于贝尔法斯特市西北。建在546年圣哥伦巴所造的一所男修道院的遗址上,为一港口和制造业中心。人口68,000〔Roanoke〕An independent city of southwest Virginia west-southwest of Richmond. It grew with the coming of the railroad in 1882 and is today a tourist and industrial center. Population, 96,397.罗厄诺克:美国弗吉尼亚州西南部一自治城市,位于里士满西南偏西。该市随着1882年铁路的出现而逐渐壮大,如今为一旅游和工业中心。人口96,397〔embryonic〕an embryonic nation, not yet self-governing.一个早期的国家,还没有自治〔Abkhazia〕An autonomous republic of northwest Georgia bordering on Russia and the Black Sea. Georgian troops were forced to withdraw from the region in 1993 after a yearlong war with secessionist rebels.阿伯卡茨共和国:格鲁吉亚西北一自治共和国,临俄罗斯和黑海。与分离主义叛军经过一年交战后,1993年格鲁吉亚军队被迫撤出该地区〔Bophuthatswana〕An autonomous Black homeland within South Africa. It was granted nominal independence in December 1977. Mmabatho is the capital. Population, 1,347,000.博茨瓦纳:位于南非的自治的黑人国家,于1977年12月获得名义上的独立。马巴索是其首都。人口1,347,000〔Hastings〕A borough of southeast England on the English Channel at the entrance to the Strait of Dover. Hastings is near the site of William the Conqueror's victory over the Saxons (October 14, 1066). Population, 75,900.黑斯廷斯:英国东南部一自治城市,位于多佛海峡入口的英吉利海峡上。靠近征服者威廉战胜萨克森人(1066年10月14日)的遗址。人口75,900〔autarchy〕From Greek autarkhos [self-governing, autarch] 源自 希腊语 autarkhos [自治,专制] |
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