单词 | 自动 |
释义 | 〔presoak〕A cycle on an automatic washing machine for presoaking laundry.预浸:在自动洗衣机中为预浸衣物而设的一环〔commissary〕A supermarket for military personnel and their dependents, usually located on a military installation.补给库;为军人服务的自动售货店:军人及其受赡养者的超级市场,通常位于军事设施〔pyrostat〕An automatic sensing device that activates an alarm or extinguisher in case of fire.火灾自动警报或灭火器:在火灾时激活警报或灭火器的自动测向装置〔spindle〕A pin or rod holding a bobbin or spool on which thread is wound on an automated spinning machine.纺纱轴:自动纺纱机中用来固定绕线的筒管或线轴的杆或针〔episome〕A genetic particle of certain cells, especially bacterial cells, that can exist either autonomously in the cytoplasm or as part of a chromosome.附加体,游离体:某些细胞的遗传粒子,尤其是细菌细胞, 能够自动存在于胞质中或成为染色体的一部分〔keycard〕A usually plastic card with a magnetically coded strip that is scanned in order to operate a mechanism such as a door or an automated teller machine.钥匙卡片:一种通常是塑料的卡片,有磁化的密码条,可以用来操纵某种机械,如门、自动出纳器〔cheerlead〕To express or promote automatic or servile praise:自动或卑下地表示称赞或夸大别人:〔railroad〕A road composed of parallel steel rails supported by ties and providing a track for locomotive-drawn trains or other wheeled vehicles.铁路:一种由枕木所支撑的平行的钢轨构成的路,为自动牵引火车或其它有轮车辆提供轨道〔automobile〕Greek auto- [auto-] 希腊语 auto- [前缀,表示“自动”] 〔falter〕The automobile engine faltered.自动引擎运转不正常〔taximeter〕An instrument installed in a taxicab to measure distance traveled and waiting time and to compute and indicate the fare.自动计费计:安装在出租汽车中测量行驶距离和等待时间以计算和显示车费的仪器〔tape〕A continuous narrow, flexible strip of cloth, metal, paper, or plastic, such as adhesive tape, magnetic tape, or ticker tape.胶带,磁带:一种由布、金属、纸或塑料做成的连续狭窄的柔韧带子,如胶带、磁带或自动电报机用的纸带〔airway〕A covered, self-propelled passageway used for airline passenger and crew embarkation and debarkation at airport terminal gates.空桥,航路:在机场终端处供乘客和乘务人员上下飞机使用的能够自动驱动的有顶通道〔autoradiograph〕An image recorded on a photographic film or plate produced by the radiation emitted from a specimen, such as a section of tissue, that has been treated or injected with a radioactively labeled isotope or that has absorbed or ingested such an isotope. Also called autoradiogram 自动射线照相:通过一个标本发出辐射而产生于照相胶卷上或底片上的影象,比如组织的一部分,经过处理或用放射性标记的同位素注射或吸收或吞入这样一种同位素 也作 autoradiogram〔tracing〕A graphic record made by a recording instrument, such as a cardiograph or seismograph.自动仪表描记图象:由记录仪器,如心电图仪或地震仪得出的图表记录〔wedged〕couldn't remove the wedged quarter from the vending machine.无法从自动贩卖机上退出卡住的25分硬币〔contrived〕Obviously planned or calculated; not spontaneous; labored:精心设计的:显然是计划好的或精心设计的;非自动而发的;矫揉造作的:〔speedometer〕An odometer.里程表,自动计程仪〔automatic〕A transmission or a motor vehicle with an automatic gear-shifting mechanism.自动传动装置:一种带有可自动换档机制的传动器或汽车〔power〕a vehicle that runs under its own power.自动操控的汽车〔access〕The verbaccess is well established in its computational sense "to obtain access to (data or processes),” as inThis program makes it considerably easier to access files on another disk. In recent years it has come to be used in nontechnical contexts with the more general sense of "to obtain access to (goods or information), usually by technological means,”as inYou can access your cash at any of 300 automatic tellers throughout the area. This example was judged unacceptable by 82 percent of the Usage Panel.动词access 的计算机意义上“存取(数据或程序)”已被人们广为接受, 如这个程序使从另一磁盘上获得文件大为简便了。 近几年它已被运用于非技术领域,从而有更广泛的意义“通常是通过科技手段来取得(货物或信息),”如你可以通过使用整个地区的300个自动取款机中任何一个取得现金。 但这种用法被百分之八十二的用法使用小组成员认为是不可取的〔flasher〕A device that automatically switches an electric lamp off and on, as in a commercial display sign.闪光装置:如广告宣传告示上的一种自动点燃或熄灭电灯的装置〔thermostat〕A device, as in a home heating system, a refrigerator, or an air conditioner, that automatically responds to temperature changes and activates switches controlling the equipment.恒温器:一种能自动对温度变化产生反应并自动控制设备开关的装置,如家用暖气系统、电冰箱或空气调节器等〔heliostat〕An instrument in which a mirror is automatically moved so that it reflects sunlight in a constant direction. It is used with a pyrheliometer to make continuous measurements of solar radiation.定日镜:一种仪器,装有一面会自动调控的镜子,以便不断朝某一恒定方向反射日光。与太阳热量计同时使用,以保持对太阳辐射的不间断测量〔automatic〕an automatic light switch; a budget deficit that caused automatic spending cuts.自动电源开关;预算赤字导致了自动的缩减开支〔Laundromat〕A service mark used for a commercial establishment equipped with washing machines and dryers, usually coin-operated and self-service. This service mark often occurs in print in lowercase:自动洗衣店的招牌:一种服务设施标记,用来指配有洗衣机和干衣机的商业性机构,通常是以投币和自助方式运作,这一服务性标记常被印作小写字母:〔Jacquard〕French inventor of the jacquard loom (1801), the first automatic loom able to weave complex patterns.雅卡尔,约瑟夫·玛丽:(1752-1834) 法国提花机的发明者(1801年),第一台能织出复杂图案的自动织布机〔have〕a car that has an automatic transmission.有自动传动系统的汽车〔autopiler〕A specific automatic compiler.自动编译器:一种特定的自动化编译〔miner〕A machine for the automatic extraction of minerals, especially of coal.采矿机:自动采掘矿藏,尤指煤的机器〔servomechanism〕"We do not need to know in detail how the minute chemical servomechanisms of the muscles operate in order to move our arms"(Harper's)“我们不必详细地知道在移动我们的手臂时肌肉的化学自动伺服机制的运作细节”(哈珀)〔biofeedback〕The technique of using monitoring devices to furnish information regarding an autonomic bodily function, such as heart rate or blood pressure, in an attempt to gain some voluntary control over that function. It may be used clinically to treat certain conditions, such as hypertension and migraine headache.生物反馈:使用监测设备提供有关如心律或血压等肉体上的自动动能的信息的技术,以谋求获取对该功能的某种有意识的控制。用于临床上治疗某些症状,如高血压和偏头痛〔Styrofoam〕"throw-away plates, utensils and styrofoam trays"(Washington Post)"selfpropelled boats from styrofoam"(New York Times)“扔掉盘子,炊具及泡沫塑料盘”(华盛顿邮报)“泡沫塑料制成的自动驱动船”(纽约时报)〔seat〕seat an ammunition clip in an automatic rifle.把子弹夹装在自动来福枪上〔taxi〕"Taxi" is much easier to yell into the traffic thantaximeter cabriolet, the form from which taxi has ultimately been shortened. Taximeter comes from the French word taximètre, ultimately derived from Medieval Latintaxāre, "to tax,” and the French combining form -metre. Taximètre originally meant, as did its English companion, "a device for measuring distance traveled,” but this device was soon adapted to measure waiting time and compute and indicate the fare as well.Taximeter, first recorded in English in 1898 (an earlier form, taxameter, borrowed through French from German, was recorded in 1894), joined forces withcab, a shortening (1827) of cabriolet, "a two-wheeled, one-horse carriage.” This word, first found in English in 1766,came from Frenchcabriolet, of the same meaning, which in turn was derived fromcabriole, "caper,” because the vehicle moves along with a springing motion.Cab, the shortened form, was applied to other vehicles as well, including eventually public conveyances.Fitted with a taximeter, such a vehicle,first horse-drawn and then motorized,was known as ataxameter cab (1899), a taximeter cab (1907), and a taxicab (1907), among other names, includingtaxi (1907), a shortening of eithertaximeter or taxicab. Interestingly enough,the fullest form possible,taximeter cabriolet, is not recorded until 1959."Taxi"比taximeter cabriolet (最终缩写成 taxi 的形式)更容易在交通中叫出。 Taximeter 来源于法语 taximètre , 它最早来自中世纪拉丁文taxare (“征税”)和法语复合形式 -metre。 Taximètre(与它的英语同伴一样,最初意为“测量行驶距离的设备”), 这一设备很快适合于测量等待时间并计算和显示车费。Taximeter 在英语中首次记载于1898年(更早的形式 taxameter 是从德语通过法语借来的,记载于1894年), 同cabriolet (“一种双轮双马马车”)的缩写形式(1827年) cab 结合。 这一单词最早于1766年在英语中发现,来源于具有同一种意思的法语cabriolet , 它依次来源于cabride (“跳跃”), 因为这种车辆移动时有跳跃的运动;缩写形式cab 还可以适用于其它的车辆, 包括最终的公共运输工具;被安装了自动计费器的车辆,开始是马拉的,后来装上马达,被称作taxameter cab (1899年)、 taximeter cab (1907年)和 taxicab (1901年)。 在其它的名称中包括taxi (1907年), 它是taximeter 或 taxicab 的缩写形式。 非常有趣的是,可能是最全的形式的taximeter cabriolet , 直到1959年才有记载〔seismograph〕An instrument for automatically detecting and recording the intensity, direction, and duration of a movement of the ground, especially of an earthquake.地震仪:用以自动测定和记录地面运动的强度、方向和持续时间的仪器,尤指地震〔reflexive〕Elicited automatically; spontaneous:自发的:自动引发的;自发的:〔telemeter〕To measure, transmit, and receive (data) automatically from a distant source, as from a spacecraft or an electric power grid.用遥测发射器传送:自动测量、发送和接收来自远方源的(数据),如来自宇宙飞船或电源网,〔selsyn〕A device by which angular movement or position in a generator is transmitted to a motor.自动同步机:一种用来将发生器中的角运动或角位传递到发动机的装置〔retrofire〕To become ignited or fired. Used of a retrorocket.点火发动自动发动机:成为点燃的。用于制动火箭中 |
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